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6302531 No.6302531 [Reply] [Original]

Out of any person alive today, whose work do you think will be remembered in 500 years?

writer, poet, visual artist, musician, inventor, politican, etc

>> No.6302532


>> No.6302534


>> No.6302549

James Franco

>> No.6302550

Werner Herzog
Edward Snowdon
Odd Nerdrum

>> No.6302552


>> No.6302555

nice memeing /b/ro!

Im more of a tao lin man myself ;^)

>> No.6302579

Good question. I'd say some of the composers for film definitely have the musical chops to stand on their own, even if the films themselves may fall to the wayside. People like Zbigniew Preisner (Lacrimosa, Song for the Unification of Europe), John Williams, Hans Zimmer, Jeremy Soule

>> No.6302621

>Jeremy Soule

mah nigga


>> No.6302629

This. And Wes Andersen's movies will be held as an example of what life was like in these days.
Bob Dylan will probably always be studied not just as a revolutionary musician but as a poet.

>> No.6302640

>musical chops
> John Williams, Hans Zimmer

literally >>>/reddit/

>> No.6302648

>Wes Anderson

too gimmicky and contrived. For art to have staying power, it needs to be relevant to all epochs, not simply as an example of an era

Bob Dylan probably will be remembered though

>> No.6302654

The classical station in my city (kdfc in san francisco) plays John Williams all the time

>> No.6302663

yeah I was iffy on that one, but who else alive making movies will be held as an example of our times?

>gimmicky and contrived

thats what makes him stand out though. Sure the spielbergs and coppolas make better movies but are they representative of this era? Cus I think their works are just too timeless.

Martin Scorcese might stand out as a film maker, actually.

>> No.6302676

Preisner's Lacrimosa is the most ridiculous melodramatic shit. He simply rides on the wave of much more interesting polish composers such as Penderecki, Lutosławski, Górecki, Bacewicz etc. His works aren't even memorable now they sound like they were some forgotten 3rd rate stuff from 100 years previously.

>> No.6302680


I'd like to say DFW but I can't be 100% sure, feel like he may be forgotten.

>> No.6302702

No one.
It's a shit era.

>> No.6302706


too gimmicky and contrived. For art to have staying power, it needs to be relevant to all epochs, not simply as an example of an era

>> No.6302748

Yes, it is hard to choose a filmmaker, but I think it is our generation's main artist media, and probably what will be remembered. I dont think it will be spielberg or coppolla. Perhaps Apocalypse Now, as it took Conrad's theme and transplanted it to the Vietnam War, basically proving it is not tied to a certain time period.

Even though Kubrick died fairly recently, I think his work has the most staying power. Scorcese perhaps too, but it could also be a little known director as well, as art sometimes only becomes popular 100 yeard later

>> No.6302758


are you serious? you think shakespeare is tied to his era? they made a move set in the 2000s with his exact words from romeo and juliet and literally all they had to do was call the gun's brand 'sword' or 'dagger'

>> No.6302771

Penderecki a shit. 'interesting' =/= good

Lacrimosa is melodramatic but a lot of western art is 'melodramatic'

I'm not seeing any real criticisms here bud

>> No.6302773

Yeah and Wes Anderson can make movies set half a century ago what's your point?

>> No.6302834

so people 400 years in the future are gonna relate to a quirky kid at boy scout camp who runs away with a girl who listens to vinyl and dances in her underwear?

>> No.6302837

Well wasn't meant to be criticism, just didn't want some embarrassing and bland movie composer eclipsing the actual good quality polish music.

>> No.6302846

People today could relate to it.

Also what's probably his best movie yet is set in pseudo-Nazi Europe.

>> No.6302867

so people 400 years in the future are gonna relate to a narcissistic young monarch who wants to fuck his mom and murders his uncle because a ghost tells him to?

>> No.6302918

well lets base it off the substance

>Sam: I feel I'm in a real family now. Not like yours, but similar to one.

>Suzy: I always wished I was an orphan. Most of my favorite characters are. I think your lives are more special.

>Sam: I love you, but you don't know what you're talking about.

>Suzy: I love you, too.


>But that the dread of something after death,
The undiscovered Country, from whose bourn
No Traveller returns, Puzzles the will,
And makes us rather bear those ills we have,
Than fly to others that we know not of.
Thus Conscience does make Cowards of us all,
And thus the Native hue of Resolution
Is sicklied o'er, with the pale cast of Thought,
And enterprises of great pitch and moment,
With this regard their Currents turn awry,
And lose the name of Action.

>> No.6302925

top quote from moonrise kingdom on imbd vs most well known soliloquy from hamlet for the sake of objective comparison

>> No.6303028


>> No.6303093

In 500 years time Obama will be remembered as the moment when a black man became president through falsified birth records and disputed elections after poisoning ace WWII fighter pilot GW Bush with poison that turned him into a drooling moron. Obama then demolished the WTC to make America atone for slavery and began the process of the country's partition.

>> No.6303158

People thought Shakespeare's writing was shit too in comparison to his contemporaries, that doesn't mean anything.

>> No.6303163
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The truth will always persevere

>> No.6303172

But Cheney demolished the WTC

>> No.6303182

>tfw I really like the aesthetic of art deco and objectivist shit but hate the message

>> No.6303197

bring in neo-art deco then faggot.

>> No.6303198
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John Williams is valid.

Hans Zimmer though, pic related

>> No.6303212

Gene Wolfe

>> No.6303228
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Sorabji. Someday I won't be the only one to recognize his brilliance!

>> No.6303232

His music is too solipsistic for that to ever happen, imo. Fantaisie Espagnole and Gulistan are his only enjoyable pieces, the rest are just too dense.

>> No.6303400


>> No.6303406

Alexandre Desplat
Hirokazu Koreeda
Thomas Pynchon

>> No.6303411

börek obama

>> No.6303412

Jesus, there're at least two other people on planet earth who know about this guy. He's been a favorite of mine for years and even though he'll never be mainstream, I really hope he'll get a proper revival like Alkan and Brian did.

>> No.6303428

you obviously don't understand the whole point of film being it's own media type. Comparing ANY movie to shakespeare is about as apples and oranges as can be.

>> No.6303442

Alan Moore, most likely

>> No.6303452

I hope his YouTube videos are remembered. Why is it people who legitimately believe themselves to be magical are more intriguing than the standard self-absorbed ego case?

>> No.6303479
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>Penderecki a shit. 'interesting' =/= good

Penderecki = more interesting than you.

>> No.6303483

Ahh but all his pieces are enjoyable to me! I have spent countless hours listening to them though... Solipsistic, I've never thought about considering his music that way. I suppose I'd agree.

YES! In Europe, especially the Netherlands, his music is played much more often than probably anywhere else, to my knowledge. But that's still less than it should be, I think. I was lucky enough to hear Sequentia Cyclica performed in its entirety, pretty much a private listening since there were only about 5 others besides myself, in Colorado last November, which was amazing. All 7 or so glorious hours.

>> No.6303500

>Sequentia Cyclica
You can listen to it here http://www.concertzender.nl/programmagids/?date=2013-05-07&month=-18&detail=63373

>> No.6303506


>> No.6303518

Yes that's correct. Symphony 6 is also on their website.

>> No.6303709
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Stephen King

not even trolling

>> No.6303727

what a stupid question

also very thinly-veiled as a /lit/ topic

off yourself OP

>> No.6303835

Jerry Seinfeld

>> No.6303857

>are you serious? you think shakespeare is tied to his era?

No. I think Shakespeare was above and beyond his era, that's why his plays had to be translated from futurespeak to Shakespearean English and why his contemporaries reported seeing fly to the Glode Theater in jetpack.

>> No.6303874

Osama bin laden

>> No.6303875

I thought it was the Mossad. Damn Jewish NWO, never conspiring when you expect them to.

>> No.6303883 [DELETED] 

me after my novella hits the mainstream

>> No.6304442

I agree

>Alexandre Desplat

hadnt thought of him, I'd say thats a fair answer

>> No.6304457

More likely Jon Stewart, I can see him being in history books

>> No.6304476

There are movies I have thought I liked, only to later realize that it was only Desplat's music that allowed me to enjoy these movies.

>> No.6304487

I bet you like the films of Wes Anderson

>> No.6304533

Cormac McCarthy
Thomas Pynchon
Laszlo Krasznahorkai
Hou Hsiao-Hsien
Tsai Ming-liang
Edward Snowden
Bob Dylan
Marilynne Robinson
Toni Morrison
Hirokazu Koreeda
Lee Chang-Dong
Apichatpong Weerasethakul
Hong Sang Soo
Werewere Liking
Isao Takahata
Wong Kar-wai

Richard Estes

>> No.6304601

Today I watched (online) the start of the re-interment of King Richard III who died in battle 530 years ago. Thousands of people turned out to see the coffin with his bones in it be driven past the Bosworth and around Leicester. Then it was transferred to a gun carriage pulled by four horses and preceded by two mounted knights (in shining armor). He will lie in state until Thursday when he will be interred in a tomb in the Cathedral. Yes, it is a Protestant Cathedral and yes, it should have been in York, not Leicester, but still, it was quite a remembrance. Her Majesty will not attend and was ignoring it all, but she has relented and is sending a representative (Sophie, Countess of Wessex) for Thursday's final services.

People were crying, throwing white roses on the coffin, and generally presenting a dignified front for the final journey of one of the most despised monarchs ever.

I guess my point is that history is fickle.

>> No.6304637

Anons ;_;

>> No.6304642

>Lazlo Krasnahorkai
>Hou Hsiao-Hsien
>Tsai Ming-liang
excellent choices

>> No.6305026

Not really. He's a media pioneer, which means like Defoe he will be ill remembered as "the first," by undergraduates pursuing reading programmes.

Not really. He's a fad, like Althusser, but even less substantial.

Probably not, while well loved like Dickens, Kings novels are pap.

To be honest, ages of culture overfull of ironisation and self-importance are misremembered, like Restoration theatre, by specialists only. Nobody now living is worth remembering. We are in an age of mediocrity, defined largely by our complacence.

>> No.6305054

the military guys who made Spacewar!, the first video game

>> No.6305056

JRR Tolkien
Gene Wolfe
Robert E. Howard

Don't laugh.

>> No.6305060

Kevin Barnes, duh.

>> No.6305061

Arvo pärt and Steve Reich without a doubt

>> No.6305062

>what life was like in these days.

For disillusioned people who live in quirky dollhouses

>> No.6305083

OP along with his gay porn viewing habits on record at the grand data archive.

>> No.6305090

Oh, fuck, never mind, didn't see "alive today."

Just Wolfe, then.

>> No.6305092

No, I think your point is that Bongs are massive cucks for anyone who decides to put a crown on their head and call themselves royalty.

>> No.6305098

>implying society will last another 500 years

>> No.6305199

Kanye West
Pope Francis
Barack Obama
Oprah Winfrey
David Lynch
Stephen Hawking
the "fuck her right in the pussy guy"
Meryl Streep
Queen Elizabeth
Michael Jackson
Vladimir Putin
Kim Jong Un
Edward Witten
Saul Kripke
JK Rowling
Charles Manson
Jaron Lanier
Matt Stone and Trey Parker
Stephen Colbert
Bill Gates
Cameron Carpenter
Mark Zuckerberg
Jacob Barnet
Tim Heideker and Eric Wareheim
Miley Cyrus
Buzz Aldrin
Noam Chomsky
Richard Dawkins
Gabriel Garcia Marquez
David Shrigley
Michael Phelps
Mario Llargas Vosas
Elon Musk
Henry Kissinger
Roman Polanski
Martin Scorcese
Floyd Mayweather
holy chese

>> No.6305419

>one of the most despised monarchs ever
they despise a myth, Richard III wasn't as cruel as Shakespeare depicted him

>> No.6305739

>Gabriel Garcia Marquez
>Mario Vargas Llosa

I know your list is sarcastic, but both of these will be remembered as instrumental to the development of Spanish literature and as representative of the Latin-American boom.

>> No.6305811


That big guy Bane. That is if he doesn't crash this society with no survivors - For you.

>> No.6305821

This. Haven't you people noticed the current obsession with gender identity and sexuality? It's one of the most obvious signs that our society is decaying and nearing its collapse.

>> No.6305826


>> No.6305842

You laugh! But look at all of the ancient civilizations. Common among them was a deviation from regular relationships between men and women whereby sex was performed mainly for offspring and occasionally for pleasure, but not frivolously with strangers and members of the same sex. The end is near! I'll be joining one of those utopian libertarian man-made islands created by Peter Thiel and his ilk so as to avoid the devastation caused by the eventual collapse.

>> No.6305846

Common among them immediately before their collapse, I should add.

>> No.6305870

>Peter Thiel
He helped push the great social media platform before we were ready to cope with it, that is what brought about the collapse - all so he could buy his island.

When the SHTF he should be hanged from the most life-like strap-on attached to the biggest Amazonian woman statue in the city.

>> No.6305888

It's interesting that you mention this. In Islam, deviation from regular relationships and its tolerance and prevalence is said to be a sign of the end of days.

>> No.6305902
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>> No.6305907
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The art style is actually isnpired from Constructivism, which, ironically, was a prevaling form of avant-guarde art during the early periods of the Soviet Union.

>> No.6305936

whoa whoa i like paglia but why are you sucking peter thiel's cock all of a sudden

>> No.6305987

I've heard that he isn't very well known in academia because he doesn't push a liberal agenda like feminism or communism and is too religious. I was told by Marc Armini, he did videos on YouTube on Wolfe and is a college assistant.

>> No.6306022
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Purging that tripe was one of Joe's greatest achievements.

>> No.6306027
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>liberal agenda
chose one

>> No.6306099

If we're mentioning film makers then Godard is still alive.

>> No.6306162

I did say that people pushing ideology understand it. Nor did I indicate that they aren't morons.

>> No.6306441


>not liking Constructivism

>> No.6306446


It would have been better to just say Marxism. Marxism is the philosophy while Communism is the movement.

>> No.6306453

literally Kanye

>> No.6306478

Tucker Max

>> No.6306487

john green

>> No.6306513

Paul McCarthy

>> No.6306526

You must really love butt plugs

>> No.6306548

Bob Dylan
Basic Channel
John Lydon

>> No.6307113

Based James Cameron

>> No.6307156
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Not well known now, but I think he will be in the future, particularly once he's dead.

In particular I think Book of the New Sun will last a long time, precisely because I think has the quality of transcending its era that we've been talking about in this thread. It's not really dated by the era it was written in at all, and it deals with a future so remote and surreal it might as well be an alternate existence. It may not even take place in our universe.

>> No.6307205

Paul McCartney

George Lucas

Bob Dylan

Steven Spielberg

Harper Lee

Cormac McCarthy

Francis Ford Coppola

Bill Gates (don't know if he counts for any of your listed categories).

George W. Bush (he'll be remembered as a Nero figure without a doubt)

Maybe Martin Scorsese (he seems like one of those people who will stand the test of time in some ways, but I'm not sure, I think guys like him and Woody Allen who are prolific throughout their whole lives often seem more 'timeless' than they are because they acquire this 'grandfatherly' aura).

Maybe Woody Allen (see above).

>> No.6307946

>book of the new sun

ill check it out now anon

I'm trusting you

>> No.6308001

Supervert with be the Marquis de Sade of the 21st century, not having invented perversity, but having pushed it all the nearer to the logical conclusion.

Elon Musk will be remembered as the Henry Ford of his generation, and credited with not only the electric car, the establishment of a Mars colony, and inter-planetary Internet, but also for revolutionizing the treatment of his workforce.

>> No.6308339
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