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6301173 No.6301173 [Reply] [Original]

How to read in public without looking like a pleb?

>> No.6301186

seriously what

>> No.6301203

Squint your eyes up. Every time you read something you don't like, mutter or possibly spit on the floor. If there's a good passage (which there won't be) nod and look into the distance. If something amusing happens (which it won't) DO NOT LAUGH. Laughing is specifically plebeian. Merely make a note of it in the margins or in a notebook you carry with you (you do, don't you? everyone does for this purpose)

If by any chance you should be moved to an emotion, don't allow it to influence your face AT ALL. Simply whisper said emotion under your breath.

Once you finish a book, make sure you look as displeased as possible, especially if it's a classic. You might want to throw it in the bin if there's one to hand. or give it to one of the higher plebs and say; "here, this looks like your kind of book" and derisively sneer.

addendum: make sure your wpm is no less than 500, your ppm no less than 3, and once you finish a chapter record these stats as well as time taken, number of people that looked at you reading absurdly fast, and number of times you muttered and spat during that section. This will help you keep track and ultimately ascend higher up the patrician ranks.

>> No.6301210
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>You might want to throw it in the bin if there's one to hand

>> No.6301339

1. open book.
2. read.

>> No.6301344

Read good books.

>> No.6301351

carry a well-worn copy of finnegans wake

>> No.6301364


>Simply whisper said emotion under your breath


>> No.6301370

don't do it near me. i will sit in any given place with a pile of obscure texts near me that i haven't even looked at once, but will laugh at you for trying to give reading a go

>> No.6301378

I read on the train into uni


I live in Sydney btw

>> No.6301419

>reading in public
>looking like a pleb

pick one

assuming you aren't reading YA

>> No.6301474

>How to read in public without looking like a pleb?
Concentrate on what you're reading and it won't matter.

>> No.6301477
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>> No.6301490


>> No.6301494

lol no

>Not living in the hills district

>> No.6301535


>> No.6301541

>If there's a good passage (which there won't be) nod and look into the distance

>> No.6301543

Your post makes no sense.....

>> No.6301554


>> No.6301595

>I read on the train into uni

Doesn't literally everyone do that?

>> No.6301832

"Patricians" don't read in the public's eye.

But reading at home wont make you anymore "patric"

>> No.6302519

I love you butters

>> No.6302527

best laugh 10/0+

>> No.6302543
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>> No.6302545

carry a pen to take notes and make highlights

>> No.6302564

"patricians" aren't ugly dykes with something to prove and blatant mental issues

sorry bae, try again

>> No.6302569

read while walking

>> No.6302590

I sometimes read while driving

>> No.6302692

This is gold

>> No.6302731

I often read while asleep.

>> No.6302756
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When shit threads have good things

>> No.6302768

Not looking like a pleb is a big reason I bought a Kindle. They can't judge me if they don't know what I'm reading.

>> No.6302783


Kekman Crothers/5

>> No.6302832
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>> No.6302977

Thread was fucking over and done with at this point, we're just keeping it alive for others to see it in all its glory.
Toppest of keks.

>> No.6303057

Yes, that's why I don't see why it's such a big deal like op is making it out to be

>> No.6303502
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>> No.6303529

Fucking this


>> No.6303595

Don't read ASOIAF

>> No.6303730

I do this at home alone tbh

>> No.6304177

When have I ever claimed to be patrician?
I'm just a dumb prole.
So have you drunk your way into a lumpen-prole yet?
(This is my rude way of showing concern and asking, how ya doin'?)

Hi. Are you the one that made the birthday thread?

>> No.6304189

>When have I ever claimed to be patrician?
>I'm just a dumb prole.
definitely dumb tho

>> No.6304274

I know what I'm saying, dimwit.

Since historical "patricians" don't exist, there are only new-money, "haute-bourgeoisie" "petit bourgeoisie" etc., pretenders to the patricians of antiquities. But that's all the same to me because it's all just wealth and pompous hauteur; as lampooned in this fine post >>6301203
I'll often say, 'we are all plebs,' not because I want people to feel bad about themselves, keep acting stupid or uncultured. I say it because I know most people have the same potentials to be something greater. This is the power I attribute to books, learning, intellect. Why I should find here so many elitists snobs with so little faith in these things I don't think I'll ever understand.

Making any sense yet?

>> No.6304284

>someone has a hard on for butters

>> No.6304320

don't we all?

>> No.6304345


I read at work all the time. Fortunately nobody can see what book I'm reading at any given time so if anyone asks I generally give a one sentence plot description that deliberately makes the book sound superficial and like a waste of time.

>> No.6304366

>Why I should find here so many elitists snobs with so little faith in these things I don't think I'll ever understand.
don't you work some shitty 9-5 office job? how can you have faith when the world is clearly this fucked and people don't seem to change much in the grand scheme of things as of the last 6k or so years of recorded history

also is there a way to revert to character captchas i'm sick of identifying cake

>> No.6304575

I loved doing those cakes and things. Easy clicks.
Donno why I don't get them anymore. Flash update?

>> No.6304611

p sure what captcha you get is determined serverside. i think it gives you text captchas when you post a lot and go through them too quickly. they don't have so many picture captchas. soup, bread, beer, cake, coffee, wine. i think that's it

are you evading my question

>> No.6304743

Change never occurs in "The grand scheme of things"
With such a limited number of logical possibilities(even when accounting for illogical possibilities this still remains true) reality as a whole must work in repetition

>> No.6304803

Does this >>6304743 sound right to you?

I see that most "grand scheme of things" haven't changed, but some *has*
This leads me to believe that more "grand schemes" very well *could.*
It's not unfounded optimism. I read between the lines. I believe it *could have* all gone better, but, unfortunately huge amounts of group-think have made our premature doom a self fulfilling prophecy.

>> No.6304809


I hate you so fucking much.

>> No.6304851


What in particular set your off, might I ask?

>> No.6304853

idk, seems biased

>> No.6304869

Hopes the only thing keeping anyone going these days although its not the lack of individuality that is killing us but placement of rule in the hands of an individual(or small group) which will of course lead to corruption down the line

to hide such corruption the only obvious solution would be to make it possible for the masses to function with no real conscious thought and no want for one

>> No.6305107

I think you've got it backwards, friend.

>> I don't want the people around me to feel stupid. How do I read without looking like a patrician.

>> No.6305567

>It has been: 0 Days since a funposted thread hasn't been parasited by a tripfaggot

>> No.6305658

I grinned and snorted 8/6

>> No.6305939

Anonymous ruins everything

>> No.6306262

Grade A post.

>> No.6306272

How to read in public without looking patrician and intimidating? I'm bored of people interrupting me to ask for guidance in their lives.

>> No.6306285

>give it to one of the higher plebs and say; "here, this looks like your kind of book" and derisively sneer.
>get a free book from some weirdo
>he's condescending about giving me a gift
>go home and touch myself thinking about him

>> No.6306390

Read good books