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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 61 KB, 500x676, mh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6298097 No.6298097 [Reply] [Original]

Besides reading, what else do you guys do for fun?

>> No.6298112

smoke copious amounts of marijuana

listen to pop radio

>> No.6298116


>> No.6298121

zizek and stirner shitposting

>> No.6298127

Argue with kids on a stupid Chinese cartoon website :\

We all need to get out more.

>> No.6298136

I get dubs

>> No.6298146


>> No.6298149
File: 59 KB, 555x450, sartre-beauvoir-vian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Smoke e-cigs, take a tremendous amount of speed pills, and converse with young ladies around my table. Have fun getting bit by mosquitoes and picking red-bugs off your sweaty balls, Martin.

>> No.6298150
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pic related

>> No.6298154

where was this taken friend

>> No.6298158

Seeing this picture made me mildly sad that I will never share a drink with Vian who I worship.

>> No.6298165

northeast washington

>> No.6298168


>> No.6298171
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absolutely beautiful

>> No.6298175

he looks eerily similar to james woods

>> No.6298198

If we get him into talks with Steve Buscemi, we might have a movie. Who do we get to play Beauvoir?

>> No.6298199

a job in retail and a job as a TA in a kindergarten classroom
two classes a week
a very very clingy gf
i need a solitary vacation

>> No.6298219

why do the french have some things so figured out yet at the same time insist on being intolerable cunts?

>> No.6298221

visiting the library
and the occasional party and alcohol

anyone else here paint?

>> No.6298253

i cry

>> No.6298265

write, listen to music. Work out, go for a walk.
rarely i go out with friends.

>> No.6298270

i get out just enough as it is, don't project your social life across the board

>> No.6298273


procrastinating on studies and on picking up drawing

>> No.6298275

>some things so figured out
like what
>being intolerable cunts

>> No.6298288
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>collect teaware and drink tea
>collect and shoot firearms
>play board games
>brew and drink beer
>sew stuff
>forage and grow mushrooms
>collect fountain pens and write with them

>> No.6298294


I puked

>> No.6298301

It's okay anon. That's most people's reaction.

>> No.6298304

greasy mountain elf core

>> No.6298316

better than the most cliche hobbies here

>> No.6298321

Appropriate, since rock climbing is one of the hobbies I like to do really rarely.

>> No.6298333

how did he not drown in pussy?

>> No.6298339


>> No.6298340

I make art in Garry's Mod & when I have a lot of free time, I edge for hours in furry ERP. Then I come accidentally and leave the chat

>> No.6298408
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listen to classical music
play world of tanks
walk/sit outside

>> No.6298421

no sense of humor

>> No.6298425


>> No.6298430


he did not lift
he had no social network
he was a manlet

>> No.6298760

Lifting, weebshit (anime, manga, video games, VNs...), writing, programming, soccer...

>> No.6298788

Shitpost on /mu/ and /tv/.

>> No.6298797


Anime, Manga, Jazz, Cooking.

>> No.6298809

Welcome to 4chan, here is your free anime hug pillow and here is your noose.

>> No.6299042

what kind of dancing

>> No.6299076

>taiwanese image board

>> No.6299096

Edit my friend's podcast
edit video
Masturbate to Japanese adult videos.

>> No.6299264
File: 209 KB, 888x555, Parker_Falcon_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit you are me.

Favorite fountain pen? mine is pic related

>> No.6299351

Notes towards my first post-college theoretical work.
Trying to get back into photography. First picked it up with my ex but haven't really done it regularly for about 8 months. Lost a lot of courage in my approach in that time.

All the other gun stuff I do is just a form of consumption.

>> No.6299359

*fun stuff*

But picking up a gun wouldn't be a bad new hobby.

>> No.6299383
File: 23 KB, 385x385, froog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am collecting pictures of frogs, here is one of my favourites. It reflects how doing this and pretending to have an interest in reading makes me feel.

>> No.6299395

neet here

making veneer-cut flowers and painting things around my room in the dark, resting in my closet to think and enjoy the quiet, writing when i want to, the daily venture outside collecting the mail, filling bottles with piss, growing plants, masturbating

>> No.6299633

My one class at uni (calc2 can be fun at times, honestly)
I listen to a looot of music
Sometimes I exercise
Sometimes I fantasize about being a writer/musician
I'm also learning German, albeit slowly

I can't complain, but holy shit, it gets draining doing the same shit every day
tfw no friends to talk pseudo philosophy and do stuff with

>> No.6299637

Used to drink a LOT but have been sober for years.
Restoring tractors/cars.
Home improvement
Talking to insane people

>> No.6299653

4chan is now so deep in your brain that you don't know what is good an what is not.
Do you browse /k/, /ck/ and /sp/?

>> No.6299656

I don't have any friends anymore so I only do solitary things like reading and going the gym, and I really hate it, but I don't know what to do about my situation.

>> No.6299662

Shitpost on /lit/
Have actual discussions on /lit/
Play with autistic people of 4chan
Kung-fu so I can beat motherfuckers (sadly, I'm so tired that I can't shitpost on /asp/. I heard they hate Kung-Fu)

>> No.6299668

>You will never establish a life-long romantic/platonic relationship with a leading female intellectual with whom you share a deep indescribable bond of kinship.

I'm jelly of Satre.

I assume he's referring to the culture of coffee and cafes in France as vibrant public meeting places perhaps.

>> No.6299673
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Not a fuck of a lot. I try to lift every day. I just get swamped by schoolwork and spend my free time on the internet or reading. I'm also depressed so this might be part of the reason my days disappear. I used to enjoy: vidya, drawing, movies.

>> No.6299674
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>> No.6299685
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>tfw doing the pseudo philosophy talk once a month with some friends and absolutely can't stomach more than that until next bloody time.

>> No.6299689

Drink...a lot.
Smoke...a lot.
Go out to places to smoke and drink...a lot.
Have damaging sex with my ex. We hate each other, but we fuck only to hurt one another. Emotionally that is. She almost killed herself after it once. She usually calls crying, then I cry, and we bawl over the phone about how awful we are to one another and that usually ends up with 4 in the morning Waffle House...and then sweet sex and I might stay the night or if she is at my place then she'll stay. We either wake up and fuck again, then fight, or we fuck and one of us makes breakfast and then we don't talk to each other for a week or two then it happens all over again. The worst part is we are both in relationships and no one knows what we do. My girlfriend was hinting at wanting to move in with me...so I doubt I'll be in a relationship much longer because she'll probably dump me when I say no. The real dilemma is my roommate is leaving after the contract is up so I really do need another body to pay rent.

Hang out and fuck my girlfriend, although we usually just get high or drunk and do drugs and go to parties we find and just stand in the corner fucked up and laugh at people.

Go to college. It's pretty lame. Stupid institution full of stupid people getting stupid degrees for stupid jobs that don't exist or are over-saturated that laugh at you when you are using your full ride to go to college for something you are actually interested in, and not for a future unpaid internship just to not get the job and move back in with the parents.

Get on /lit/.

>> No.6299694

I don't read for fun, what the fucking hell are you on to?

>> No.6299717

It's awful when the guy you talk philosophy with actually has an MA in philosophy and insists about talking about concepts or aspects in whatever you're reading that you don't care about at all.

Philosophical dialogue (as in not a literary device) is awful for anyone who isn't a dilettante.

>> No.6299747

Some of you NEETs with low self-esteem have really let your minds become poisoned by some of 4chan's strange ideas. I'm a scrawny manlet, half of my friends are scrawny manlets, and we're all by your standards "drowning in pussy." If you dress well, have good hygiene, and act confident, you can easily make up for your shortcomings.

>> No.6299753


Well, see, I'm not intelligent or educated enough for actual, high-concept philosophy, so I settle for the fun bullshit about morality and the free will.

>> No.6299787


You have low competition, if you were in a high competition enviroment as us, you would be fucked up.

My friend that works outside of the city in some slum gets thousands of slum pussy because he hasn't any competition

>> No.6299803

Mostly drink a lot, with friends or out, hoping to pick up girls. I like to eat and drink coffee with friends. Go on internet dates. Try to keep up to date on current affairs and be a social activist. Try to learn languages and other cool skills and stuff. I like to cook. I try to make things out of wood/electronics or programming projects. I like to go to techno music clubs and other cultural activities like movies, art, plays and shit. I like to dabble in psychedelics sometimes. I like to travel but I can't do it that often.

>> No.6299806
File: 131 KB, 640x640, 05f1070399fdd2c42116c79774fda782.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>play chess against my computer
>listen to a lot of music, mostly world music and jazz
>write short stories and poetry
>make short films with my brother and his friends
>play videogames, mostly old arcade games
>play guitar, didgeridoo and trumpet
>post in 3 different imageboards, mostly in the /lit/, /mu/ and /co/ boards

>> No.6299811

rarely. i listen to music, go to shows, watch movies, party, drink, photography, play instruments, dab in denture repairs and preps, landscaping, heavy lifting (strongman), jerk off, and even more small shit that nobody will care about. i want to travel more tho.

>> No.6299819
File: 73 KB, 500x333, 033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I browse /ck/ very rarely, because their tea threads frustrate me. It's mostly /lit/. And I've helped shape a lot of what /lit/ likes.

I think we've talked before, anon. Mine's the TWSBI 580.

>> No.6299820

play my guitar
browse 4chan (and occasionally post)
listen to music
watch Netflix every once in a while

sometimes drunk during these activities but I guess that's it really. Kinda lonely tbh which somehow makes me feel both comfortable and anxious at the same time if that makes any sense

>> No.6299825

>because their tea threads frustrate me

>> No.6299850

I know they have them too. I don't really need any 4chan outlet to discuss tea though. Same for fountain pens and mushrooms. There are better, hobby-specific forums for most stuff.

>> No.6299859

i watch vaporwave skatevideos


>> No.6299861

This fucking thread is as off topic as it gets

Go away

>> No.6299867

Coffee shops (I've quit alcohol cold turkey)
Write poetry
Listen to classical music
Go to museums
Browse various bookstores for hours on end
Watch obscure films, the slower the better
Very long walks

>> No.6299884

apart from the fountain pen thing that's awesome

i would like to forage for mushrooms and live on a mountain that sounds like a life to live.

>> No.6299927
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Go to bookstores
Classic films
Exploring all types of music

However I haven't had fun in close to 5 months. I got diagnosed with a few conditions late last year and now I spend most of my time fighting thoughts of impending death due to disease. Also my friends live pretty far away now and my family has been rapidly dieing off this past year so I'm very lonely.

>> No.6299962

Haha, I'm not really a greasy mountain elf. I live on a farm though--plenty of mushrooms around, as long as the dogs don't get to them first.

>> No.6299970
File: 88 KB, 637x920, 87929425855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you also awkwardly go around in bookstores and check the shelves for hours? I feel so terrible doing that. I can almost count each wave of new customers that come by everytime.

>> No.6299999

Yeah mate, your short comings with the ladies couldn't possibly be your own fault.

>> No.6300005

Draw/paint, work on graphic novel, research stuff, watch films and animu, go look for more books to buy online.

>> No.6300030

Any of your graphic novel up on the net? Would be interested to see it.

>> No.6300034
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those quints are glorious

>> No.6300050

Drinking, Biking, Fencing, listening to copious amounts of music, hanging out and going adventures with the few friends that still enjoy my company for some reason.

Between that reading, writing, learning German, and work, I don't really have time for anything else.

>> No.6300054
File: 50 KB, 608x780, 1420672721081.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, I'm not published or even done yet.
Still working on character designs/story/research for setting. I hope to be drawing it up by summer though.

>> No.6300059

Cool man. Be sure to post about it again on /lit/ when you want feedback

>> No.6300063

My chaps,
I'm slowly trying to adopt this lifestyle
though I'm intimidated by coffee shops and some bouts of lonliness now and then
couple that with my embarrassing lack of will power,passion and drive to cut back on computer use and put that time to writing and the like

>> No.6300065

I take long walks.

>> No.6300074

Keeping up with good music
Going to the movies
Going to concerts
Learning languages (learning Spanish now)
Video games
3D Animation

>> No.6300351
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Checking repeating digits.

>> No.6300516

I play piano, guitar, sometimes and video games
That's about it

>> No.6300533

Piss myself in public.

>> No.6300537

I like going to antique stores and buying small things.

>> No.6300696

what i do:
-weird art
-watch an interesting movie ~1.5 times per week
-browse wikipedia
-research Buddhism, presentism, solipsism, asceticism
-make music charts about shoegaze, vaporwave, dream-pop, synth-pop, 70's glam and prog, and new wave
-play guitar sometimes
-make mumblecore-like movies

what i want to do:
-all of the above to heightened degrees
-'urban exploring' (smoking marijuana at cozy, -abandoned/isolated industrial locations)

what i used to do:
-collect records
-ride bike
-listen to music while walking and sweating
-sit on the deck, smoke grass, listen to music at sunrise

>> No.6300718

No shit Narcissus

>> No.6301338

i get trips

>> No.6301356

Where in northeastern Washington! I live in northwestern Washington and would like to visit.

>> No.6301357


>> No.6302565

too overly dedicated

>> No.6303319
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Shoot ducks.. Lots of ducks.

>> No.6304309 [DELETED] 

movies and drugs

i havent played videogames for years but dark souls deus ex and doom are fun games

>> No.6304325

I dont' remember exactly. I was on a bike tour, somewhere between nelson B.C. and spokane

>> No.6304980

Check out rpgcodex
and /b/
Go walking in some woods or other cool places
Sometimes this turns into solo hiking
Scribble in notebook
Drink like Dionysus himself, once in a blue moon
Smoke weed at least once a week
Follow two podcasts
Oh yeah but mostly I watch movies. I'd be on /tv/ except obvious reasons

Most of all I mentate

>> No.6304987

Literally this new? Or am I missing this new furchin meta joke?

>> No.6304991

>a very very clingy gf

I feel you.

>> No.6304994


>anyone else here paint?

I spray rap letters around my city, and pretty much everywhere I am.

I also enjoy watercolors.

>> No.6305079

Play video games
Go to local bars in college town and listeen to 4 cord bands.
Talk to homeless people then give them 20 bucks.
Go to cons
Hang with gf

Why do i sound so normal all the sudden? Just 2 months ago i was videogames, school, jack off, and repeat everyday.

>> No.6305088

hiking, video games, drugs, camping, gardening

>> No.6305128
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PC & PS3 games (darkest hour europe, vanquish, verdun and good retro games)
smoke weed, eat cacao, coffee
run, lift, draw, write, cook salmon, steak, grapefruit and greens, jerk fat loads
pet my fat kitty (after ive washed my hands)

>> No.6305523


You win

>> No.6305528
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>> No.6305545
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essay/poetry writing
writing/performing music
any hallucinogenics I can get my hands on
urban exploration

>> No.6305561

Euphoria achieved

>not being ironic

>> No.6305577
File: 31 KB, 500x500, Ornette Coleman The-shape-of-jazz-to-come.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Write poetry and short stories
>Go for early-morning jogs
>Go to the theater, usually alone
>Listen to a lot music
>Shitpost on /lit/

Favorite jazz record?

>> No.6305578

watching movies, acting classes, video games, listening to music

>> No.6305580

>acting classes

I went to drama school (a very prestigious one) for a year before dropping out.
They are the biggest waste of time and money I've ever encountered. Even worse than creative writing classes.

The only reason I could conceive of taking one after my experience is to seduce the girls in the class.

>> No.6305584

>Argue with kids on a stupid Chinese cartoon website :\
>We all need to get out more.
do not forget seeking attention, like you do regularly

>> No.6305633

>Having hobbies

>> No.6305754

I like to make little videos made up of a bunch of image stills put together set to narration and music

>> No.6306145

Does anyone know how many times a year Heidegehr took a bath out there in nowhereland? I live in similar surrounding, and I feel guilty for this.

>> No.6307885


>> No.6307942
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>Listen to free jazz, classical, and world music
>Read/Listen to poetry
>Smoke a lot of pot
>Have half-heartedly flirt women in order to boost my self esteem
>Study mathematics
>Discuss philosophy/theoretical physics with the few non-pleb friends I have
>Work out or practice martial arts, pretty much my favorite thing to do
>Read the news/literary magazines and try to educate myself about the world
>Watch old films in french to practice the language
>Do various volunteer jobs I use to keep myself entertained and delude myself into thinking I'm important, recently been getting involved in politics
>Wallow in anxiety
>Wallow in father issues
>Smoke cigarettes and sigh nonchalantly while looking out at the ocean

im a cliche pseudo-intelectual cliche, kill me

>> No.6308036

>>Smoke cigarettes and sigh nonchalantly while looking out at the ocean

>> No.6308097

Not much.Youtube,x-box, sleep,eat.

>> No.6308106
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Travelling when i have money
Running in the forest near my home

>inb4 normfag

>> No.6308140

I've been getting into Astronomy lately

>> No.6308182

sounds like a good life

nice gaiwan btw

>> No.6308209

r u me?

>> No.6308250
File: 192 KB, 600x561, 5vAyajM-600x561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>drink alcohol
>philosophical conversation with one friend
>collect mangas
>play classical guitar
>learn new languages

>> No.6308316
File: 98 KB, 894x902, 6._1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

filling notebooks with notes
traveling the world on google earth street view
moonlit walks
growing sunflowers
being in the woods
being on the beach
being next to fire

>> No.6308320

making book lists on amazon
stealing books from aforementioned lists in the nearest bookstore
reading or bookmarking wikipedia articles
browsing the net for aesthetic pictures
inspiring myself for my next big painting

>> No.6308325

where u been

>> No.6308330

>filling notebooks with notes
notes of what?

>> No.6308356
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sneak peak


>> No.6308363
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here's miami beach

>> No.6308366

are you American?

>> No.6308367
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i meant peek
here's another pic of miami beach

>> No.6308369
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>traveling the world on google earth street view

>> No.6308387
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doppelganger detected

stop writing like me

>> No.6308404


>> No.6308405

music festivals, drugs, bars, go to the beach in the summer, IRC/shitposting, play with cats

>> No.6308417
File: 265 KB, 938x951, 1423448263511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did you post this picture?

>> No.6308419

yap, why

yap, why

>> No.6308424

Eating breakfast
Eating lunch
Eating dinner
Eating in restaurants
Eating in cafes
Drinking in public bars
Drinking in the streets
Drinking on the beach
Going on walks through nature
Collecting flowers and putting them around my bedroom
Being in the company of girls

>> No.6308427

i saved it, like that time you thought i threw the condom away

>rubs little twiggy in my belly

>> No.6308429

>enjoy a healthy diet
>in the morning if my face is a little puffy I'll put on an ice pack while doing stomach crunches. I can do 1000 now. After I remove the ice pack I use a deep pore cleanser lotion. In the shower I use a water activated gel cleanser, then a honey almond body scrub, and on the face an exfoliating gel scrub. Then I apply an herb-mint facial mask which I leave on for 10 minutes while I prepare the rest of my routine. I always use an after shave lotion with little or no alcohol, because alcohol dries your face out and makes you look older. Then moisturizer, then an anti-aging eye balm followed by a final moisturizing protective lotion.
>go through reclusive phases where I socially isolate myself live like a troglodyte and shitpost Korean self curating dada image sites to promote social decay

>> No.6308432


>> No.6308449

>he's American


>> No.6308455

you're spooking me out

>> No.6308462

to redeem yourself

name your favourite fiction writers
name your favourite nonfiction writers

>> No.6308513

I play videogames and I garden

>> No.6308541

Listen to music, watch a lot of YouTube, make people laugh, self-loath, play video games, and think.

>> No.6308548

>>You will never establish a life-long romantic/platonic relationship with a leading female intellectual with whom you share a deep indescribable bond of kinship.
>I'm jelly of Satre.
We all are anon, we all are.

>> No.6308551

A festival

>> No.6308555

>Talk to homeless people then give them 20 bucks.
This sounds pretty cool actually. What do you talk to them about? I've always wanted to hear a homeless man tell how he got to that position, but I feel they may be too pained to talk about it

>> No.6308562

I masturbate

>> No.6308578


>> No.6308585

No. This is /lit/

>> No.6309134

>write in journal
>listen to music while doing something
>listen to podcasts while walking
>going to the gym
>trying to learn math though books and shit

>> No.6309152


>> No.6309677

Nah that's just typical dharma bum lifestyle

>> No.6309691

i look qt and talk to grils

>> No.6309694

>sometimes all three at the same time

>> No.6309700

I pick up heavy things and put them down again

>> No.6309702

Study Chinese
Wander the streets in the evening while drinking a beer

>> No.6309837

chop wood and carry water

>> No.6309904

mah nigga