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File: 271 KB, 1000x1548, book.oil.sinclair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6297775 No.6297775 [Reply] [Original]

So I just finished reading "Oil!" by Upton Sinclair and damn I didn't expect it to end that grim. I mean the ending is more depressing than the ending of "There will be blood". I think most of the later middle part got me bored and I didn't expect it to turn that way. I mean the novel was pretty good all way through but there were some parts that were just boring to read. Anyway I really admire how the author stays pretty neutral all way through. What were your opinions on "Oil!"?

>> No.6297791

Enjoy your socialist propaganda

>> No.6297801

Wow you sound like a character coming out of the book.

>> No.6297804

He already did, evidently.

>> No.6297818

Which parts exactly you consider to be propaganda? It's not like he lied about capitalism. It's not a secret that people are willing to slit each others throats for some cash. He didn't glorify Socialism either. At least I didn't catch any glorifying vibes.

>> No.6297826

Upton Sinclair was an active socialist.

>> No.6297829

I tried to force myself through it and I just couldnt do it.

>> No.6297835

Yeah I am aware of that. But still, it's not propaganda if what he has to say about capitalism is true. Or would you disagree?

I know what you mean, but trust me the hits you. It hit me pretty hard.

>> No.6297843

Even if it's true, it can still be propaganda. Russia Today reports facts, but it's still Putinist propaganda.

>> No.6297852

Yeah but that shouldn't be a reason against liking a novel. If he would bullshit the read all way through by telling lies, than you could say the propaganda makes the novel bad.

*the end hits you

>> No.6297855


>> No.6297857

I haven't read it so I can like it or not like it.

>> No.6297867

Why are you even in this thread then? You haven't read it and you don't seem to plan to.

>> No.6297875
File: 268 KB, 126x126, 1421061180408.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't you know that no one here reads anything? If people only commented on boons they've actually read this board wouldn't move at all.

>> No.6297880

how close is it to TWBB

>> No.6297882

Oh okay. It's like people on /tv/ don't actually know what good movies are but still will rip you in pieces for your opinion on films. Well to be honest I'm pretty new on /lit/.

>> No.6297891

It's pretty close to the movie in the first 150 pages, it turns in a complete different direction after that.

>> No.6297903

would you recommend it solely based off an admiration for the film?

>> No.6297917

Absolutly. That's what made me read it. But as I stated before it can't get pretty boring because the author tends to describe everything in greatest detail and some parts are just boring in nature. But as I said it's worth to read till the end, cause the novel manages to create an even more grim ending than the movie.

>> No.6297924

*can get pretty boring

>> No.6297935
File: 72 KB, 500x500, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dude definitely peaked with There Will Be Blood

I fear we won't see any more masterworks from him, just celebrity ensemble pieces

>> No.6297940

I haven't watched inherent vice yet. Is it any good? /tv/ can't deliver a proper answer on this question, as always.

>> No.6297945

the master was good and inherent vice was great
his style has involved in a very interesting direction

he's got at least one more real good one in him, maybe nothing surpassing there will be blood, though

>> No.6297951


jesus christ I'm feeling stupid this morning

>> No.6297959

It's PTA's worst film.

>> No.6297962


I thought it was okay, you can tell PTA had never read much pynchon before making the movie, it's predictable but good

almost the entire movie is told in VoiceOver by Joanna newsom narrating, which is fucking annoying, and the Doc of the books is way more interesting that Joaquin Phoenix is able to pull off, but other than that it was a fun little detective story with some humorous moments

definitely not as good as the master or there will be blood, but it's probably not his worst movie (that would be hard eight)

>> No.6298280

Sooo... Has someone else actually read the novel?

>> No.6298378

Sinclair's socialist leanings are more obvious in The Jungle

>> No.6298405
File: 128 KB, 228x344, Screen Shot 2015-03-21 at 20.05.24.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're interested in reading about the history of oil throughout human culture then I'd suggest pic related. Going through it just now and it's a great read.

>> No.6298491

I thought Oil! was FAR inferior to There Will Be Blood.
Well that's not fair, let's say TWWB was an improvement.
The socialist propoganda (which is never a joke or 'shitpost' regarding Sinclair) was too heavy handed; the same shortcomings of The Jungle, which is remembered for everything BUT the socialist tones. I thought the nature of greed suited the novel far better than unionization etc, and TWWB was that, as well as an excellent character piece.
TWWB is the book Oil! should have been.

>> No.6298589

I think you are going a bit to far right there. There will be blood was great but the story was actually kinda boring. What makes TWBB so great is the acting which is fantastic. When it comes to the actual topic of oil, the book did a far better job.

>> No.6298648

Well that's just a difference in focus for you and me. I don't think of TWWB as a movie about Oil, I think of it as a movie about the character. The oil and the setting are secondary to the character's internal clockwork and could have been completely different.

If you're concerned with the actual oil bureaucratic process then yes, I suppose Oil! was much more detailed, as you would expect a book to be.

>> No.6298667

That's kinda the same what I said. When it come to oil the book did it better. That's what I was saying.