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6296446 No.6296446 [Reply] [Original]

What has analytic philosophy actually done for us?

This is not meant to be a bait thread, I'm just genuinely curious.

>> No.6296453

Uhhhh p-zombies iunno ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

>> No.6296530


>> No.6297337

Principia Mathematica, etc. (foundations for a lot of logic, math, and computer science)
Theory of Justice (extremely influential statement of a foundations of liberal democratic theory)
Anarchy, State, and Utopia (extremely influential statement of libertarianism)
Kripke's semantics for modal logic (important for stuff in logic, math, computer science, linguistics)
Lewis's Convention (game theoretic analysis of conventions)
Montague's intensional logic and analysis of quantification in English (starting point for modern formal semantics, now mostly done in linguistics depts)
Stalnaker and Lewis on counterfactuals (beginning of modern understanding of counterfactuals, important for linguistics, among other things)
Parfit's Reasons & Persons (practically single-handedly invented population ethics, discovered repugnant conclusion, mere addition paradox, non-identity problem)

>> No.6297349


Don't worry though, it will go over your unchallenged STEM head anyway.

>> No.6297352

So basically, there's no reason for someone not invovled in science/computers/math or shitty politics to care about anayltic philisophy? Cool, thanks. I'll go back to reading my "unfalsifiable nonsense" hahahahah

>> No.6297357

What has philosophy actually done for us?
This is meant to be a bait thread, but you probably are curious.

>> No.6297373


>> No.6297375

lmao get a real degree like in applied sience you NOOB

>> No.6297397

In philosophy of mind, analytic philosophers introduced identity theory, functionalism, and property dualism. In epistemology there was Gettier's refutation of the justified true belief analysis, Quine's holism, and lots of recent work on justification, evidence, and epistemic logic. In metaphysics, besides the stuff on counterfactuals and metaphysical modality more generally, there's been lots of good work on the nature of time, laws of nature, personal identity, free will, and the nature of properties.

If you don't care about science, math, logic, language, politics, ethics, metaphysics, epistemology, or mind, then yeah, don't bother with analytic philosophy.

>> No.6297409

it has told us that free will doesn't exist

that we're all robot drones dictated by our chemical and genetic make up

it's a very enlightening fact

>> No.6297441

Anything you could recommend about laws of nature or time? Or concerning chaos (refutation or otherwise).

>> No.6297473


Sure. Marc Lange's Laws and Lawmakers is a good book on laws of nature. For an opposed, reductionist stance, there's a lot of good and relevant stuff in Lewis's Philosophical Papers, Vol. II.

Sider's Four-dimensionalism for time, from a more metaphysicsy perspective, maybe Maudlin's Philosophy of Physics vol 1: Space and Time, from a more physicsy one.

On chaos, Earman's A Primer on Determinism.

Also, search through http://plato.stanford.edu/.. There are pages, sometimes multiple ones, for each of those topics.

>> No.6297474

Any of you understand that our duty is not to split knowledges but to synthesize them? Any of you understand that nowadays if you want to make a step forward you will not be continental or analytic? That if you are contintental or analytic you will not develop anything but to work in some field of some another guy? That the fucking point is on SYNTHESIZE? THE FUCKING POINT.

Fuck I give up. The analytic-lovers are just STEM graduates who want to despise the people who graduate in some humanistic degree because they think they are fucking and doing nothing all day. The continental-lovers are resentful because their problems with maths and will despise everything involve with them.

Fuck, guys, I don't know if everyone interested in philosophy here are just around 20 years old, and the older ones have refused to talk any more about phil because it: because your opinions are fucking undergrad under everything.

>> No.6297525

>not involved in science/computers/math
>the year of our lord two-thousand ten-five

>> No.6297534


Nietzsche more or less ended philosophy, Wittgenstein definitively ended it.

And as far as the pointless academic philosophy that continues today, analytic is by far the worst. At least continentals usually pursue ethical and political projects that are meaningful on some level, analytics literally just masturbate over logical notation.

>> No.6297549


Incorrect. Philosophy has in no way ended. Human society is structured around it, just as much now as it was 2000 years ago. Modern Man thinks it knows everything, that we have reached the pinnicle of enlightenment in the Western world with democratic materialism and science. But even democractic materialism can and will be toppled some day. I this because the ideology is so fragile it was ripped to shreds by Stirner in its infancy. If he did it 175 years ago, it will almost certianly happen again.

Philosophy is always going to be needed, and it is always going to happen, because virtually every thought or statement we make is a philosophy. The only time philosophy will end is when we can no longer attatch meaning to things.

>> No.6297553

Thanks for explaining that Anon. There are people out there who I don't know in what the fuck are they thinking.

>> No.6297558

Human society is structured around religion. Socratic rationalistic human societies are structured around philosophy.

Socratism ist tot

>> No.6297565

Du hast keine Ahnung. Du bist ein Kinder.

>> No.6297567

Funny thing is most people are happy to call their hobby a hobby and leave it at that, without even the need to pretend it has an effect on the wider world - and then some others, and only those, insist that theirs is bloody fucking essential to humanity

>> No.6297570

Dumbed down the Frankfurt School to SJW faggotry?

>> No.6297615
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