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6297069 No.6297069 [Reply] [Original]

How do I live free of pseudo-intellectual agenda? How do I rewire my psyche?

>> No.6297089

nobody cares about or remembers your lies to yourself and they never will

>> No.6297495

> How do I rewire my psyche?
read Prometheus Rising by RAW and Liber Null by Lewis Carroll

>> No.6297521

Listen to Jenny Death on a loop nonstop for two weeks.
Then you will see.

>> No.6297528


>> No.6297573

fuck yourself, choke yourself

>> No.6297578



>> No.6297583
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Become Smug.

>> No.6297585

Dismiss this life and worship death, OP.

no really, this is the key. put aside your notions of self and being and embrace the great becoming. love flux and not stasis.

>> No.6297590

that is pretty bad advice if you don't want to go retarded and develop mental illness

>> No.6297597

Learning to look down on life doesn't make you go insane, anon. It keeps you from going insane.

>> No.6297600

Let go of everything.

>> No.6297608

constantly thinking about suicide and being addicted to alcohol and painkillers isn't indicative of insanity? that seems to be where >>6297583 's life philosophy led him

>> No.6297621

No, his breakdown led him there, his philosophy is the cure.

It's not really relevant though, the advice is not the autobiographical details but the attitude he describes in the cinema/septic tank metaphors.

>> No.6297627

by always staying true to your heart and following your dreams

>> No.6298387


>> No.6298409

stop caring about things that don't or even do affect you

>> No.6298428


"Thinking" is how I've spent my life for the past decade or so. Do I just need something to occupy myself with?

I'm afraid I'll lose myself by losing what has made me me.

>> No.6298456
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i call this the Frank Reynolds way of life

>> No.6298462



>> No.6298507
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>by Lewis Carroll

>> No.6298527

Explore Psychedelic drugs, aiming to think introspectively. They are amazing for this and have helped me to properly identify certain aspect of my mind.

>> No.6298528

"you" only exist in the present, and "you" are reliant on shittonnes of variables (eg the bacteria in your gut which you probably don't even know about unless you're a biochemist). If you were put in a room with the 10, 15 or 20 yr old self there would be disagreements and maybe even a fight because those versions of you either don't exist yet or are already dead. It's a normal thing to believe that "you" exist forever (or until you die completely) but that's not true. This is also why love doesn't work, because people change a lot.

>> No.6298536

High school senior here

Does it become easier to be an intellectual once you're free from social pressures? Part of my agenda throughout highschool was reading to cope or to be better than the rest, and that is inherently pseudo-intellectual.

>> No.6298547
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>Do I just need something to occupy myself with
yeah, everyone needs something to do

you're not likely to spontaneously become someone different, and its not really something to fear anyway

reading prometheus rising might actually be pretty good advice

>> No.6298694

it gets easier to be an intellectual when you don't tell everyone you're underage on 4chan

also, that depends on your personality type. If you bend to social pressures then some isolation could be handy.

>> No.6298710

>im arguing with 15 year olds


>> No.6298726
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>> No.6298807

that chest hair looks like a herd of melanoma gathering between his nipples

>> No.6298847

The fact that your asking is telling. You're arrogant. Accept that there will always be someone more knowledgeable than you are, and you'll be set free.

>> No.6298848



>> No.6298856

you have to realize that taste is superior to knowledge
art of selection
not piling up useless knowledge

>> No.6298869

Now this is irony.

>> No.6298886

All caps projecting.

>> No.6298986

That's just the retarded rambling of some depressed druggie mess, why do people keep praising this post so much?

>> No.6299015

Well written, insightful, humorous, nice imagery.

>> No.6299033

Someone should make a novel full of /r9k/ posts.

>> No.6299133

fuck i meant Peter Carroll lol

>> No.6299144

A coffee table book full of greentexts would be the shit

>> No.6300195


>> No.6300245

It's already been done. Elliot Rodger's manifesto.

>> No.6300247

I liked Gravity

>> No.6300255
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>once you're free from social pressures


>> No.6300263


No, it's not, this is the retarded rambling of some depressed druggie mess.

>I take drugs. I've taken most all drugs which are popularly available and a few which are not. Here is an extemporaneous chronology of my drug experience: Marijuana, Alcohol, Dextromethorphan, Nitrous Oxide, (a particular peak experience which I am noting separately for its profundity that was engendered by simultaneous Dextromethorphan, Marijuana, and Nitrous Oxide - for a long moment, suspended over the abyss, I looked for my name and found nothing), Cocaine, Hydrocodone, PCP, Ketamine, Amphetamine, LSD, Mushrooms, (another notable combination at this point being simultaneous LSD and dextromethorphan - the waves at the edge of the lake I sat by concealed and revealed very distinct faces - anyone who is disappointed by the poverty of the visual component of the LSD experience relative to its cultural portrayals needs to try washing a tab down with a bottle of Tussin), MDMA, (notable combo No. 3: Ketamine and Ecstasy was a straight shot to a supersonic low-Earth orbit with the simultaneous graceful speed and appearance of stillness which we observe in documentation of space walks), 5-meo-DMT, DMT, Heroin, (IV Heroin eventually.. whoops there went two years of my life), opium (one of the loveliest scents in the world is the floral blossom of vaporizing hop), oxycodone, tramadol, demerol, morphine, hydromorphone, oxymorphone, suboxone, lorazepam, alprazolam, diazepam (could keep going with the benzos and opiates for a bit but trying to remember them all seems somewhat counter-intuitive - forgetfulness was the aim and I'm not particular interested in undoing the achievement of that goal), 2c-i, 25c-nbome, methylone, MDPV (way before these became known as 'bath salts', I realized it was time to flush the shit after a 3-day bender ended with my normally sweet, even-tempered self raising my hand with violent intentions towards my equally mild, female roommate)...

>> No.6300266


>'crack' (a combination of this and a handful of vicodin led to my first sexual encounter with another man; a blowjob in an alley on the Williamsburg waterfront from a 40-something Puerto Rican, Carlos was the name I seem to recall - he claimed he was an FBI agent and that if I were to slip on the proffered condom and fuck him in the ass he would have given me more crack and thrown in some ecstasy too... sorry for slipping into the night Carlos but we had fun, didn't we?), and... what else... I don't know, I'm thinking that's near the end of my list. Most recent peak experience/combo was a tab of LSD, a milligram or two of 25c-nbome, and 3 big ol' CCs of ketamine straight to the shoulder-flesh - ohh my I flew that night...the second shot of K put me in a compulsive accelerating pacing around my dinner table which climaxed in my collapse to the carpet and a subsequent long and bemused glance at a ceiling which appeared to have recently acquired multiple diaphanous and scintillating layers of scales. Cocaine and ketamine and dancing has also recently taken me to an ecstatic place. Questions? and yes, if you were wondering, I am high right now.. my regular dose of opium and a couple hydrocodone for good measure.. yeah I used to be addicted to heroin, yeah I still use opiates, yeah I can keep it under control pretty well, no I am no longer interested in doing heroin again... give me the more durable and bodily pleasure of straight opium any fuckin day

>> No.6301189

It's simple, really.

First, you must invest in these two books in pic related.

Then, you throw away your computer, phone, and television. If you can't do that, delete all your social media accounts, and avoid everyone that uses irony or improperly uses the word "logic."

Then, read and re-read the two aforementioned books until at last, you truly see.

>> No.6301195
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I've been too immersed in anti-Ideology and forgot the pic.

Unless that's how it was meant to be.

>> No.6301502

In a tranquil tone: are you serious anon? Finnegans wake is the hardest book in the world and you're telling us it's okay to jump right off that bat with that?

>> No.6301505

welp obviously meant to quote

>> No.6301509

Yeah, that's pretty funny dude. Haha

>> No.6301517

NEed to learn latin to read either.

>> No.6301632

Go to Classic Greeks and Latins

>> No.6301743

>Finnegans Wake
>not undermined completely by establishing the narrative in a cyclical unity where the last line feeds into the first
>not realising this cyclical unity is a discursive practise invoked by the Master

Don't be a root-tree anon, be a rhizome.

>> No.6301748

w h a t

So is FW for a first reading fine?

>> No.6301798

>So is FW for a first reading fine?

It is neither a first reading, nor a last, but a mere thread in the interconnected rhizomatic web of textuality. As a text its fragmentary nature draws itself closer to the Great Work than most, but modernism's insistence on focusing truth through fragments is distinct from Post-modernism's approach to truth as lines ('fragmented' implies the fragments were once part of a constituted whole; relevant for the trail of destruction left by WWI, not so much for the intertextual, alienated formation of the self.).

>> No.6301810


>> No.6301812

fuck that shit
i need that shit
bound to be the death of me

>> No.6301979

Fuck buying it I'm taking it, and sharing it with nobody

>> No.6301995


>> No.6302051
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Follow those steps:
1) Close your eyes and seize it
2) Clench your fists and beat it
3) Light your torch and burn it
4) Become the beast you worship

>> No.6302284


You'll never be free from social pressures. You'll almost definitely never 'live the intellectual life'. Or you won't feel like you are, anyway.

Just pursue being genuine and don't waste your time sneering about what other people do. Don't be like recreationally bitter.

Be careful about what you bring into your own sphere based on an honest appraisal of what is best in life and what is best for you, but don't waste your time and spirit on spite for other people.

That's about the best you can do in terms of an intellectual life I think. For most people.

>> No.6302311

>How do I live free of pseudo-intellectual agenda?
By not browsing /lit/.

>> No.6302393

Yes, I am. Finnegan's Wake is a dark, foreboding environment, where you, the reader-traveller, must struggle to survive. Books are not just plots and literary devices, but the phenomenological representations of entire worlds, and Finnegan's Wake is one of the most hellish of them all. Difficult, sure, but that difficulty can be overcome in a triumphant spectacle.

>> No.6302426

Thanks. Getting it.

>> No.6302477


>> No.6302678

Stop listening to pretentious meme music like Death Grips.

>> No.6302851
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Holy shit.

I hope this is bait.

>> No.6302915


>> No.6302923

>this post


>> No.6303137

Is finnegan's wake the dark souls of /lit/

>> No.6303155

This is actually good advice.

>> No.6303157

get off /lit/ and stop reading books while you still have a chance. drink beer and do drugs.

>> No.6303189

You need to vibrate higher

>> No.6303233

>become uber degenerate
Good luck with that ebin lifestyle when you're wearing rags on the street vomiting with collapsed veins.

>> No.6303249

You need to want it, to need it, to make you feel heated

>> No.6303275


Speaking of Dark Souls, has the Bloodborne shitposting calmed down over on /v/ at all? I'm not actually emotionally invested in how it turns out either way, but it was getting so bad I had to leave. Or was this the game that finally broke the board?

>> No.6303276

underrated post for anyone that as actually beaten this game and realized therein the difference between difficulty and frustration-inducing obstacles (applies to Finnegan too)