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/lit/ - Literature

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6294759 No.6294759 [Reply] [Original]

I'm scared of writing, /lit.

It terrifies me, but I am so fucking good at it.

Anyone else have this problem?
How do you overcome it?

>> No.6294772

> I'm really good at something I have no idea how to do.
> I feel stupid about this, but I've accepted it.
> Does anyone else feel as stupid as I do?
> Please talk to me?

>> No.6295134


>> No.6295567

You fucking do it. You're not getting any better at writing by sitting around thinking about how good your book is going to be.

>> No.6295585

> but I am so fucking good at it

Prove it by posting some of your stuff OP. We will make sure to help you out by reminding you that your writing is in fact shit so you can stop altogether and not have to worry about it anymore.

>> No.6295612

Sometimes I feel an immense pressure on myself because I know my name and carefully projected personal relations persona will one day find themselves permanently inscribed in the western canon of classic literature. It can be paralysing to the extent that it induces some sort of depressive variant of writer's block, but then I remember the two or three cheap easy reading novels I'll easily produce after my postmodern behemoths take the world by storm, the ones which can actually be adapted to films, and it is through their royalties that I shall make my millions.

So I suppose I can relate with and have surpassed your feel, OP.

>> No.6295645

All right, I will, anon:

The weather beaten trail wound ahead into the dust racked climes of the baren land which dominates large portions of the Norgolian empire. Age worn hoof prints smothered by the sifting sands of time shone dully against the dust splattered crust of earth. The tireless sun cast its parching rays of incandescense from overhead, half way through its daily revolution. Small rodents scampered about, occupying themselves in the daily accomplishments of their dismal lives. Dust sprayed over three heaving mounts in blinding clouds, while they bore the burdonsome cargoes of their struggling overseers.

"Prepare to embrace your creators in the stygian haunts of hell, barbarian", gasped the first soldier.

"Only after you have kissed the fleeting stead of death, wretch!" returned Grignr.

A sweeping blade of flashing steel riveted from the massive barbarians hide enameled shield as his rippling right arm thrust forth, sending a steel shod blade to the hilt into the soldiers vital organs. The disemboweled mercenary crumpled from his saddle and sank to the clouded sward, sprinkling the parched dust with crimson droplets of escaping life fluid.

>> No.6295659

easy on the adjectives.

>> No.6295666
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>but I am so fucking good at it.
Fuckin subbed.

>> No.6295667

hey i read the first line only, you spell barren with two n's.

predictable/ derivative/ cheap impression of Mccarthy.

okay I read the whole thing. dunno if you're op, but if you are, that's jokes.

>> No.6295669

I think this is satire.
>life fluid

>> No.6295671

Sounds like genre fiction.

>> No.6295680

Lurk more you homos.

>> No.6295683


yea OP it seems you should be less afraid of writing, you need to get some fucking practice in for sure, this is just purple prose for the point of purple prose. it's not good

>> No.6295686

Devise, revise, or go back to fucking bed.

Whatever you choose I ain't byein' yer bullshit tonight Stephen.

>> No.6295687

>the Norgolian empire


>> No.6295688
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Do you not understand post-post-modern meta trolling where you respond to pasta?

>> No.6295689

>The tireless sun cast its parching rays of incandescense from overhead,


>> No.6295691
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shitpost more

>> No.6295695

>shone dully


>> No.6295697

>Age worn hoof prints


>> No.6295700
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>> No.6295703

It's copy pasta, but why is it the curse of bad writers to over use adjectives?

I had a friend give me some of his writing, and it read exactly like this

>> No.6295707
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>> No.6295761

Okay, so we be meeming. Are you guys ready? I'm about to meem. Is everybody ready? here goes:

something something greeks

>> No.6295772

>I am scared of writing
>but I am so fucking good at it

That means you aren't good at writing. You misspell a hundred percent of the words you don't write you beta faggot.

>> No.6295785

It's "something, something, geeks", you twat.

>> No.6295789

Well, I got good news for you.

You're not good at it, so you have no need to be afraid anymore.

>> No.6295809

For fuck's sake it's like pouring a tub of hot chocolate over a scoop of icecream, just stop overcompensating with all that prose nigga.

>> No.6296507

Damn, that picture.
>just fuck my shit up

>> No.6296516

1. >>>/reddit/

2. He was losing his hair due to his esophagus cancer.

>> No.6298757
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>so fucking good at it
I'm guessing one stupid asshole told you this and it went to your head?

>> No.6298823
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Please, PLEASE post more.

>> No.6298837


>> No.6298873

>tfw your writing is actually amazing (unlike op's trash)
>tfw you've won several short story awards
>tfw you're trying to write a novella, but it's going to take another few months to be up to your standards
>tfw you desperately want to publish a literary novel with a proper publishing house before 25 (three and a half years time)


>> No.6298965


literally fanfic tier.

>> No.6299347

>Write fantasy creatively for fun
>Think "I'm getting kinda good."
>OP's stuff is better than mine
>Everyone is destroying it

Aw geeze

>> No.6299408

WAYYY overwritten

>> No.6299436

>weather beaten
>baren land
>sands of time
>sun cast
>daily revolution
>into the dust racked
>the dust splattered
>Dust sprayed over
>parched dust with
>its daily revolution
>daily accomplishments

i hope your book is called DUSTY DEEDS

>> No.6299460
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le purple prose man

>> No.6299472

>weather beaten trail

that's all I needed to read to know that you were lying/deluded

>> No.6300566


>> No.6300669

My main influences are Nabakov.

thank you for noticing!

>> No.6300672

>>>/8th grade/

>> No.6301914

Writing anxiety is a genuine experience which, for me at least, comes from the instability of attempting to write outside of established hegemonic discursive practises. However, I think in your case it might just be that you're simply a poor writer

>> No.6303077



>> No.6303388

Oh shit I love books about dust (and other earths)

>> No.6304066
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>All these people falling for b8


>> No.6304123


tfw they also fell for it in this other thread:


>> No.6304831

It looks better because its overwritten. It looks pretty, but deep down it's a stripper. No depth and once you talk to the bitch for five minutes you want to vomit.

>> No.6304847

*holds you* It's ok kid we'll get through this
*teleports behind you*
*unsheathes katana and decapitates you in one swift movement*
nothin personal kid

>> No.6304884

>However, I think in your case it might just be that you're simply a poor writer

But not in yours, right? Why don't you post a little sample of your groundbreaking work?

>> No.6304915


You know what, asshole? I will.

Consciousness returned to Grignr in stygmatic pools as his mind gradually cleared of the cobwebs cluttering its inner recesses, yet the stygian cloud of charcoal ebony remained. An incompatible shield of blackness, enhanced by the bleak abscense of sound.

Grignr's muddled brain reeled from the shock of the blow he had recieved to the base of his skull. The events leading to his predicament were slow to filter back to him. He dickered with the notion that he was dead and had descended or sunk, however it may be, to the shadowed land beyond the the aperature of the grave, but rejected this hypothesis when his memory sifted back within his grips. This was not the land of the dead, it was something infinitely more precarious than anything the grave could offer. Death promised an infinity of peace, not the finite misery of an inactive life of confined torture, forever concealed from the life bearing shafts of the beloved rising sun. The orb that had been before taken for granted, yet now cherished above all else. To be forever refused further glimpses of the snow capped summits of the land of his birth, never again to witness the thrill of plundering unexplored lands beyond the crest of a bleeding horizon, and perhaps worst of all the denial to ever again encompass the lustful excitement of caressing the naked curves of the body of a trim yound wench.

>> No.6304926

Its not going to work twice in one thread, come on.

>> No.6304955
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