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6291458 No.6291458 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any good books about the nature of women?

Or in general, books that focus on or analyze women and their psychology?

>> No.6291461

my twisted world

>> No.6291464

A biology book

>> No.6291469

the feminine mystique

>> No.6291470

Schopenhauer's "On Women" is widely believed to be the authority on the subject.

>> No.6291471

Came here to post this

>> No.6291472

Man, didn't some anon post parts of that book in a thread a couple months ago and the reality of what he said was like super uncanny?

>> No.6291478

If you are looking for fictional or philosophical, I don't know. But I suggest reading "Sperm Wars" by Robin Baker.

>> No.6291483

Isn't that more of an extended essay as opposed to a book ?

>> No.6291487

*Of women

>> No.6291492

WS Burroughs, Cities of the Red Night

>> No.6291576
File: 17 KB, 228x346, Yup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Written by a woman.

>> No.6291607

As a grill, I'd like to say just treat us like normal humans - the same way you treat guys - and not like some other species or like some sex object. Don't expect us to be perfect and don't put us on a pedestal or look down on us.

But I'm a giant weirdo and no one likes me, men or women, so what do I know.

>> No.6291614

Are you a troll? My bait radar is so out of whack these days. You're troll right?

>> No.6291616


>> No.6291630

shut up bitch

>> No.6291637

this is a good one, it doesn't even make sense that someone would write this as bait and it's confusing

>> No.6291647

Sex&Character by Weininger.

>> No.6291648

No. Stuff like this makes me want to killself.

>> No.6291661

don't do it bby. what makes you a weirdo? i suppose you're on 4chan so

>> No.6291688

The Second Sex

>> No.6291690

Why would women want to be treated like men? Men are far more likely to get die and they can't behave om socially unacceptable fashion without getting knocked out. I've seen women do deplorable shit and get away with it and have 20 white knights protecting them out of nowhere. I think this is why the subreddit "pussy pass denied" is so popular.

be a women is easy mode

>> No.6291694

>As a grill
This is such a confusing post.

>> No.6291705

>giant weirdo

What, like really tall?

>> No.6291712

>I'd like to say just treat us like normal humans

As a man I'd like to say, you prefer being treated like dogs or cats, itchy ferrets or Tamagotchi.

>> No.6291713

Hi grill
Let me flip your meat.

>> No.6291719

>/lit/ meets a girl
might as well be on /r9k/ sometimes

>> No.6291720

In Praise Of Older Women by Stephen Vizinczey

most "mature" novel on relationships, women, etc.

>> No.6291724

I'm reading Memoirs of a Revolutionary by Victor Serge and really enjoyed this passage:

>A couple lived behind the partition. They adored one another, and the man used to beat his wife savagely before taking her. I could hear her muttering through her sobs, "Hit me again, again." I found inadequate the studies of working-class women I had read hitherto. Would it after all take centuries to transform this world and these human beings? Yet each of us has only one life in front of him. What was to be done?

>> No.6291725

the nature of containment boards has broken - /pol/tards and /r9k/-bots are flooding this place

>> No.6291727

hey man...I slay cunt.

>> No.6291728

I find it the opposite. I think my life would be much, much easier as a man. There is a pressure that comes with being female and being expected to be everything all at once that is indescribable for me.

>> No.6291734

>confusing fetishes with working class struggles
what a virgin

>> No.6291738
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You have to read the entire bibliography of Robert Greene.

Once you've completed that, become an MGTOW, and started nofap, you're on your way to becoming an alpha male like me.

>> No.6291741

All I'm interested in doing is getting that grill hot, putting my sausage on top, and then cutting it in half, covering it in tomato sauce, and eating it.

The same thing that any red blooded man would do: bbq the shit out of crap.

>> No.6291748

I hate myself when I use 4chan lingo, yet I still do it.

When in rome

>> No.6291752

>what is 4chan

>> No.6291753

Brown bread eating middle class vegetarians don't like sex. Sadly Serge was one of them.

>> No.6291760

This isn't 4chan's lingo community. This is /lit/. We have an entirely different lingo. Hate yourself to death.

>> No.6292344

>hello guys,I'm a girl
>I'd like to be treated as a normal human being

/lit/, come on

>> No.6292363

Claiming female identity in an anonymous space is a well known disruption tactic and should be shat down.

>> No.6292369

No, they're all polemical.

>> No.6292372

>a female identity
>not the part of a bbq


>> No.6292381


This one, although it is more about communication than nature.


>> No.6292387
File: 49 KB, 339x500, De Beauvoir - The Second Sex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There ya go, OP.

Aww. I like you. ;_;

>> No.6292389

"women ain't shit but hoes."
"these hoes ain't loyal"

That's really all you need honestly.

>> No.6292391

Do you even stove?

>> No.6292393

existentialist trash

>> No.6292397


>> No.6292403

Christian trash

>> No.6292404

You have no idea how guys treat their guy friends. Don't ask for something you don't understand. It'd be like me asking for the ability to become pregnant. Or even to just menstruate.

>> No.6292407

Google Norah Vincent and her book Self Made Man.

>> No.6292441

That's interesting. I should have clarified that if a girl is good looking and normal, their life is probably incredibly easy. For girls who are weird and homely, however....

I think men tend to judge life based on how easy it is to find a sexual partner. If that's your criteria, then yes, my life is probably easier than a homely, weird guy,

>> No.6292442

>everyone on 4chan is male
>everyone who says otherwise is lying or an attention whore
>this is why feminists hate us

>> No.6292460

That's not it. Men feel pressured all the time. That's why men lead figures in suicide, overall hours worked and worksite fatalities. It's just that society doesn't have many releases for the pressures that we face (given that they're most easily released via testosterone boosting activities, aka violent activities which aren't conducive to society) it's exacerbated. Women do have it easier than men, taking into account a wide variety of things. Men just either aren't aware enough or (in my case) don't feel entitled to an easy life so we grit our teeth and suffer through it.

> if a girl is good looking and normal, their life is probably incredibly easy. For girls who are weird and homely
Nice job reducing women's future prospects to a function of their looks, Miss...

>> No.6292465

Well, its simple, if girls just want to be one of the guys you brutalise them, sexually humiliate them, subject them to dominance games and then bash them. Just like male:male interactions.

>is male
Are you a biological essentialist?

They're not male, they're men and boys.

>everyone who says otherwise is lying or an attention whore

You forgot the illustrative function of traps, but go on

>this is why feminists hate us

Feminists lap me up, largely because I don't try to woman-wash patriarchy.

With the exception of secret women's business areas like the seagulls, anonymous spaces are spaces predominantly of boys, but occasionally of men.

>> No.6292472
File: 16 KB, 291x300, perfectly serene.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God I love it when someone who doesn't truly understand fraternal relationships criticizes them and reduces them to exertions of power.

>> No.6292474

It's probably just a case of the grass is always greener. Masculinity no doubt has its own set of pressures.

It's not me reducing women to their looks. Society does that. I can't tell you how many times I've been made to feel, or even explicitly told, that I was worthless because I wasn't pretty. At first you dismiss it and tell yourself there's more to life, but it sinks in after awhile.

>> No.6292475

Nothing you stupid bitch never post here again

>> No.6292491

Given that there is a woman who voluntarily checked herself into a mental health facility in fear of her own mental health after living as a man for several months, I'd feel confident saying men have it worse. Not to belittle your troubles, just that men do bear the vast brunt of troubles.

>It's not me reducing women to their looks. Society does that.
Don't do that. Don't push off the shitty thing you just did onto society. YOU just made the post reducing women to their looks. You made the judgment and observation as your own. Don't put up a front to protect yourself from mistake and criticism, it makes you look like a child. (Which is not a desirable comparison given the way some misogynists have written on women)

> I can't tell you how many times I've been made to feel, or even explicitly told, that I was worthless because I wasn't pretty.
Then why did you just offhandedly do that to virtually all other women in your post? I could make similar claims about the fuckups on 4chan, particularly /r9k/ but I know that I'm just a man, no worse than any other man. It's not my position to judge or act higher than anyone else. But the worst thing to do is to kick someone while they're down. You've got this crabs in a bucket mentality where you feel like you've been kicked down so you've gotta drag others down so that you can kick them down even further than you. That's a toxic way of building self esteem.

>At first you dismiss it and tell yourself there's more to life, but it sinks in after awhile.
Only if you let it.

>> No.6292501

I'm not talking about fraternal relationships, I'm talking about interactions between men unknown to each other.

Also where you live the code of men is almost certainly subtly different to the code of men where I live. This would be because men of your culture or province are weak willed enough that the breed with women and can't take the big hits because they were raised by and born from women.

>> No.6292504

Huh. I've voluntarily checked myself into a psychiatric hospital and I have been arrested and involuntarily placed in a psychiatric hospital. While I doubt it was solely because of my gender, I don't doubt that it played a role, as it definitely plays a role in my self hatred and feelings of worthlessness.

I'm not exactly sure why you are claiming I'm reducing women to their looks. I admitted good looking, normal women probably have it easier than most. I did not realize this was a controversial stance, I would say the same for men. Obviously, not every pretty girl has an easy life. It was just a generalization.

>> No.6292508
File: 143 KB, 1280x716, ye.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>between men
>unknown to each other
How exactly can someone interact with someone unknown to them?

>> No.6292511

Every time people start ranting of bout women and society my brain shuts off

"Women" and "Society" are both made-up spooks; ideological replacement of actually people with completely made up impressions of reality. It's all stupid bullshit.

>> No.6292514

Also I'm not sure where you're getting that I feel superior to other women. I feel inferior to most anyone, but particularly to the "good looking, normal" women I mentioned.

>> No.6292516

I'm claiming it because you did it. I find it funny that you say you're not sure why I'm claiming something before going on to admit that and paint it as a generally accepted position. No I do not accept that prettier people have it easier in life. A good number of successful people are actually very odd and not exactly attractive. People just find success itself attractive so you rationalize it after the fact that they're attractive because they're famous. There are a lot of qualities that engender someone as successful, but if I were to start listing them your brain would shut off because they've already been drilled into your head and you'd think I'm just some saturday morning cartoon.

Then there's idiots like this who're so wrapped up in their ideological blanket that they deny that they're even failing because they refuse to recognize that they're playing the game.

>> No.6292519

Read using cues. If you have literacy problems with context, try a remedial reading course.

>> No.6292524

There are numerous studies that side with me.

>> No.6292526 [DELETED] 
File: 411 KB, 320x240, tumblr_m7gvslVxYT1rqdpydo1_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know that niggas can't read