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/lit/ - Literature

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6290257 No.6290257[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hi /sci/ here.
>in grad school
>literally haven't read a novel since high school
I don't really understand why reading books is considered a field worth of study. Sure if you like to read in your pass time that's nice but how the fuck are there some many greasy suckers in the academia doing nothing but circle-jerking about some old writers. Genuinely puzzled by this.

>> No.6290286

literature is a great instrument of a man to describe its thoughts, it's considered to be the best medium of wisdom and experience communication through centuries

basically you can find any information or any feel better in a book rather than any other art/medium because it's made by only one person and it's really simple to create something huge from just a book, that's why literature is important

those old writers were wise men, once you read/know enough shit you will adore them and suck dem metaphysical cocks

ill tell ya this kiddo, once you read enough you can easily predict any animu story and once you read enough you can truly see dem references of history/culture in different animus, one piece is a good example of this, Oda uses shitload of famous adventure settings to make his world, if you read some famous adventure books your will understand why X world has X shit going on

sorry for spelling, grammar, commas, w/e, I'm tired as fuck and wanted to bite the bait.

>> No.6290295

because cultural marxism

>> No.6290300
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Yeah but will your books get you cash and ladies? I think not.

Honestly, all you have to do is go on wikipedia/sparknotes and read the plot synopsis and bam, you know all you need to know.

>> No.6290315

Studying literature is an excellent pursuit... in your free time. Studying it at university is not only time and money wasted on navel-gazing, but these days actively harmful to your appreciation of literature itself.

>> No.6290320
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>audience pussy

>> No.6290330

Cash, maybe not. Though I did graduate with a degree in literature and I now live comfortably. But I can't even tell you how much tumblr pussy I've gotten from talking about books with girls, or with friends at a party and a girl happens to overhear and sticks around to listen, etc. Tumblr bitches may be some of the worst, intellectually only a short step up from the "PCB spring break yeah fuck me Chad" type, but goddamn, if those messy-haired, perky-tit-tight-ass, glasses-wearing, sloppily-yet-consciously dressed girls don't get me off...

>> No.6290343
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>Honestly, all you have to do is go on wikipedia/sparknotes and read the plot synopsis and bam, you know all you need to know.

>> No.6290345

Hi Op, I'm an English Major and I don't get it either. Class discussions are full of bullshit and the professors are fucking quacks.

>> No.6290388

Ezra Pound described literature as simply language charged with a deeper/astounding meaning.

Language is the main means of communication among human beings.
Put two and two together.

There's a correlation, I believe, between strong countries and literature. You'll notice that the majority of the world's powers also have produced the world's canon with a few obvious exceptions, China for example.
You can put the rest together on your own.

Honestly if you don't see the importance of literature than perhaps it's not for you. Coming to our board to shitpost about it with a homeboard attached to attempt to stir up le ebin trolle shitposts is hardly appropriate

>> No.6290409


>quoting Ezra pound and then downplaying Chinese literature

kek how does it feel to be a fraud

>> No.6290414


Because science isn't very good at revealing the world, only dissecting it.

If you disagree you're probably an elitist

If you're an elitist you probably agree that there needs to be better understanding of the world

How we understand the world is through language.

Do I need to go on?

>> No.6290438

>Because science isn't very good at revealing the world, only dissecting it.
Nice try, but no.

By dissecting the world, something previously unknown is revealed.

>> No.6290443

Because math and science is boring uninteresting shit for autists

>> No.6290458
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>Yeah but will your books get you cash and ladies?
Books are better though
Why would I want to waste my time with money and girls when I can tangibly improve my life by working part time as a janitor and owning a gym membership/library card?

>mon visage when yuppie girls with short-skirts and suit jackets

>> No.6290650

>Hi /lit/ here.
>>in grad school
>>literally haven't replicated a basic 19th century experiment since high school
>I don't really understand why titration is considered a field worth of study. Sure if you like to watch liquids in your spare time that's nice but how the fuck are there some many greasy suckers in academia doing nothing but circle-jerking about liquid measures, balls, genus or r. Genuinely puzzled by this.

The problem isn't the discursive disciplines mate.

>> No.6290722

stop trolling I'm serious.

mathematicians make mathematics
chemists make chemistry
even historians make "history"

literature scholars make literally nothing

>> No.6290729

lol, are you serious?

>> No.6290734

What would you rather study, child?

Nature - or the nature of nature?

>> No.6290752

literary critics make critiques

>> No.6290755


I have had a look at the curriculum of a lit course. they literally study Kafka for 6 months. They guy wrote 4 books for fucks sake!

>> No.6290759


Hello. We'd like to enlighten you.

If you consider mathematics the language of the universe, you can consider the word as the language of God, of soul; science makes us flesh; the word makes us human. The word allows us to communicate the human experience to one another; as the scientific method allows us to communicate universal principles into practical applications, the word allows us to apply our subjective experience to universal principles and thusly synthesize the human experience into practical applications. Where does the word begin? Why, in the subjective experience. It allows us to share the experience -without it your science would not exist.

Grammar allows us to fortify the experience into complex, comprehendible and communicable algorithms so that we may rise our consciousness through the muck of materialism. This 'journey of the soul' is best observed in the narrative of novels.

Aside from that, reading books helps you to expand your thought-space. Read Tolstoy's extended and flowing sentences as he relives history, and tell me that to be able to comprehend a thought within a thought, within an observation inside another thought isn't beneficial to the human brain.

>> No.6290797
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>> No.6291074
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>Historians make "history"

>> No.6291109

>They guy wrote 4 books for fucks sake!

and we still haven't understood any of them

>> No.6291241

I think he meant understanding the world.
Unless you're an actual scientist, not some STEM little shit, science doesn't really make you understand the world where it's important.