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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 37 KB, 546x265, lit_goes_to_the_bookshop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6289695 No.6289695[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Where do you go to meet bookish girls /lit/?

>> No.6289704

Home to my gf, that's where.

Also, here's how you do this: aquire slightly less awkward friends with similar interests, prey on their female aquaintances. Preferably in a non-creepy way.

>> No.6289708

>bashing her only fanbase
I knew she was stupid but good god.

>> No.6289712


>implying that actually happened

>> No.6289714

I can't read "good god" without switching the d's to Slavoj-esque t's

>> No.6289717

This guy's got it.
Been using my socially normal friends and their girlfriends acquaintances as my in2 women for years.

>> No.6289721

>look guys, I was in a nerdy shop!
>I'm such a nerd! xD
>All the guys there wanted to date me because I am a female AND a nerd!
>I totally didn't go there to meet guys because I was only looking for *nerdy object*
>But I do like flirting, as I AM a girl!
>I just think it is important to mention, that not only am I a girl, but I am also a nerd because I do *insert nerdy activitity*
>Don't tease me, silly boyz

>> No.6289722

>implying comic book nerds know numbers exist for reasons other than issue and edition

>> No.6289728

>bookish girls

Isn't a normal girl enough for you? And why do you have to date a person with the same hobbies as you anyway?

>> No.6289734
File: 26 KB, 492x190, laurie2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You think Ms Penny would lie for attention?

>> No.6289739


I like to think most people can tell what she's doing here

>> No.6289742

Unfortunately spot on.

>> No.6289747

isnt this the girl that got rekt by /pol/?

>> No.6289749

She got rekt by Starkey better than anything /pol/ could conjure

>> No.6289751


>> No.6289753

She got rekt on /lit/ actually. She came here after some anon tweeted her saying she was queen of /lit/ and then found a thread bashing her and tried to defend her shitty journalism and general shitty persona.

>> No.6289755
File: 83 KB, 640x360, gty_princeton_university_nt_130611_wmain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Princeton, I drive down from New Haven every month to watch them stroll around campus, drifting from lecture to lecture in their summer dresses, clasping paperbacks of Virgil and Baudelaire under their arms.

>> No.6289760
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I love that video
>pic related

>> No.6289769

OP said to meet, not to creepily fantasize about

>> No.6289788

>hard to find
It is literally one of the most critically acclaimed and published comics running right now, and comic shops are practically putting it right in front of the entrance. This shouldn't be hard to find. What namedropping saga even accomplish?

>> No.6289794


underrated post

>> No.6289797

>bookish girls

I can't even find normal girls.

>> No.6289804

>implying thar her entire career isn't built upon her venting steam on twitter as nerdy people hits on her so that other nerdy people can affirm that she is indeed correct and that they would never do it themselves at the same time as they fantasize about sexual relationships with Penny Laurie

>> No.6289807

Anyone who doesn't read as a hobby is scum as far as I am concerned. There are plenty of girls who read out there so why settle for less?

>> No.6289817

>Laurie Penny reads shitty children's comics

doesn't surprise me

>> No.6289821

>read as a hobby
Appreciating literature is not akin to playing Dungeons & Dragons or building birdbaths out of paddlepop sticks, sir. Are you sure you belong here?

>> No.6289822

I just stalk them on Facebook from receipts they leave in library books.

>> No.6289829

lol that guy sure was desperate

>> No.6289833

You''ve spent too much time watching his videos on youtube.

>> No.6289838

Hmm. That sounds more discrete than following them around shopping malls wearing a Hitchens or Camus-style overcoat and pretending to hold a newspaper in front of my face.

>> No.6289839

Not everybody reads to look smart. Well, a reasonably large portion of /lit/ does, but not eveyrbody.

>> No.6289844
File: 12 KB, 180x180, 174858_170946806356343_19846592_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And this is how that poor autistic faggot became a new meme.

>> No.6289849

No screen shots?>>6289753

>> No.6289858

Nobody actually gives a fuck about her, so no.

>> No.6289900
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>> No.6289917

To be fair, nobody's particularly getting rekd here.

>> No.6289958

>I get personally attacked! this is what these debates come down to!
>you called him a racist

Also, I'd never actually heard her speak, she sounds annoying as hell. I was expecting a deeper, dare I say, more manly voice. Thanks, dickhead, now I get this shit stuck in my head everytime I have to read one of her tweets on /lit/..

>> No.6289977

Laurie penny, get out

>> No.6290052

i dont understand how anyone that actually reads literature can hate other people for not reading it. do you despise everyone in the novels that you read? do you think the only people worth knowing are ones who read the same image board approved books you do? just go meet a woman, spend time with her, ask her about her life, dont be so scared of other people you wont let them in until they pass a "test" of "worthiness" that entirely consists of you projecting your own self image(most of the people asking "where do i find girlz guyz" on the internet almost assuredly hate themselves as well) until you can find someone you think matches perfectly. live your lives, jesus, there are many beautiful people in the world who dont read literature all day. learn to talk to other people

>> No.6290067


>> No.6290074


>> No.6290101
File: 60 KB, 693x471, CanonwithacapitalC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you guys just jelly that Laurie is publishing god-tier lit and you aren't?

>> No.6290105

Is this what people actually think "getting rekt" looks like? That video hurt to watch.

Yeah she discredited herself by taking immature shots at him, then nervously changing her story a bunch of times. But Starkey showed absolutely no class either. Pointing in her face and calling her a public schoolgirl is no better than punching someone in the face after they call your mum fat.

They're both inept, insufferable people, so if I'm going to have to side with either of them I'll at least pick the one that's kinda cute.

>> No.6290110

She's clearly annoyed. Do you really think complaining about attention means people enjoy it? Yes, mentioning she's female is relevant because men generally don't get this treatment.

>> No.6290118

>writing for the plot

>> No.6290120

>literally write whatever you want
>they publish it anyway
>because semi-famous feminism
>criticism can easily be rewritten as misogyny
>tweet about angry white men trying protect their echo chamber
>post video from Kendrick Lamars latest album
>laugh all the way to the bank
>muh pennies

>> No.6290127

>post video from Kendrick Lamars latest album

Oh come on man don't shit on Kendrick

>> No.6290129

>horrible murders

Straight from some 15yo leddit edgy user's diary. I don't know who that retard is but it sure looks like we are about to reach the golden age of literature thanks to her.

>> No.6290136

Gee, none of those things have ever been written about before.

Don't bring K-dot into this you motherfucker.

>> No.6290140
File: 46 KB, 592x352, queen of lit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will she try to pressure Amazon into deleting negative reviews for that book, too?

>> No.6290157
File: 35 KB, 502x364, putin-botox2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I have been busy writing a ton of fiction this year

>> No.6290166

Post ITT if you would RAPE Laurie Penny

>> No.6290170
File: 20 KB, 580x193, 0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>don't gangbang me silly boys~

>> No.6290171

Fifth column plz go

>> No.6290177

The moment they just think so highly of themselves like pic related they become instant trash

>> No.6290183


/lit/ BTFO

>> No.6290188

Don't worry, anon. She is an ageing chubby dyke whose entire persona revolves around being a flash in the pan twitter feminist. She will come crashing back down to earth soon enough.

>> No.6290192

>I wouldn't trust any 4Chan thread link, the culture on that site is really nasty.

Rude tbh

>> No.6290196

I guarantee Laurie posted this

>> No.6290230

Calling her a public school girl is a political critique

>> No.6290248

That's how feminists make money now.
>say stupid shit online
>"hey that's stupid"
>whaaaaaat?! Y r u harassing me! Heeeeelp! Give me money if u love wimin!

I never cared who Laurie Penny was, then I saw an article she wrote about the time she got drunk at a party, followed a guy (who she was attracted to) home, got in his bed, and then got "raped." It's baffling how little women have to account for their actions.

>> No.6290270
File: 120 KB, 542x753, 1409388557111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6290275

Laurie if you're still reading this thread I want you to know they'll be a special place in the gulag for liberal swine like you after the revolution.

>> No.6290276

Lol link? That is some amazingly stupid shit, how far can you go with shifting away the responsibility for your actions?

>> No.6290288

She's displaying her attractiveness by saying she is annoyed by the attention of these guys. This signals two things to the reader:

1. She is attractive enough to get attention
2. She is so attractive, that being adored by average men is annoying to her(something that average women would love). In other words, she deserves better than these guys.

Why would a woman want to use messages to display attractiveness on a social network? If you can't figure that one out, I'd say you are a lost cause.

>> No.6290291
File: 39 KB, 615x409, blair-image-3-813062157.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The people who respond to a feminist writing fiction with rapey threads are the same people who cry 'censorship' at the least disagreement.
>News flash: the ENTIRE HISTORY of science fiction and fantasy is the history of marginalised people and outsiders inventing new worlds.

She thinks we like genre fiction

>> No.6290294

Good question, I've been polishing the first two pages of my screenplay in a Barnes & Noble Starbucks for the past seven weeks without success.

>> No.6290323
File: 39 KB, 601x262, fascinating.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Penny-senpai noticed us!

>> No.6290326

>that constipated faced, try hard lesbian chic looking girl

Watch the video to the end. The girl is spluttering and backtracking in an attempt to save face, while the crowd supports (for once in the history of the world) the old british white male. That is reckage incarnate

>> No.6290335

rape rape rape

i'm raping you on the internet, laurie

>> No.6290337

Pls yes link article

>> No.6290340

Still, if he'd waved his finger in my face like that I'd throw him off the stage. They're both wankers.

>> No.6290341

This is the kind of neo-leftist that crowds around a UKIP office to stop them from speaking, while un-ironically holding up a sign that says "No to fascism"

>> No.6290349

My penis in Laurie Penny's vagina. Non-consensually.

>> No.6290350

>Star Trek reference

How can someone this pleb be queen of /lit/?

>> No.6290355

>Pointing in her face and calling her a public schoolgirl is no better than punching someone in the face after they call your mum fat.
lol anon never got over his fagging year in eton

>> No.6290362

Red Pennys from vaginal penetration during menstruation for the sole purpose of pleasure for both willing parties


>> No.6290369


i bet you were bullied very hard and i'm sorry for that

>> No.6290374

It seems like all we do is rape. Maybe we're all just so desensitized to the terrible things we type out on here we start slipping in our rape fantasies without even noticing.

>> No.6290380

I would have vanilla consensual sex with Laurie Penny

>> No.6290383
File: 44 KB, 585x312, rape.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You posted right into Queen Laurie's hands

>> No.6290384

>rape fantasies
Shhhh, don't let her know the board's female or she'll never come visit us for attention again.

>> No.6290385


All he does is point a finger.

You're the one threatening to physically assault an elder.

>> No.6290400

It is exactly the same, vain masturbation that we use to fill the time before dying.

>> No.6290404

It's not 4channers who go around raping people, it's the niggers.

>> No.6290415

seriously, whats the difference between adverse and averse?

>> No.6290422

Laurie Penny is AVERSE to betas hitting on her

Laurie Penny is having an ADVERSE effect on my boner when she posts about Leonard Nimoy while I'm trying to fantasize about raping her

>> No.6290423


I don't see why so many people are so infatuated with Starkey here. They frankly both mad complete and utter fools of themselves, and I respect neither of them. Starkey here looks like a belligerent, supremely arrogant racist (if you see the context, he did indeed make some pretty racist comments by any reasonable standards - also, calling someone a "public schoolgirl" is about as stereotypical in its British arrogance as an insult could possibly be), and Penny looks like a hypocrite and an oversensitive, vapid asswipe. Overall, shamefur dispray by both parties.

>> No.6290426

Aversion vs. Adversary

>> No.6290430

>calling someone a "public schoolgirl" is about as stereotypical in its British arrogance as an insult could possibly be

What do you mean?

>> No.6290432

Not to mention he's a big gay homo.

>> No.6290434
File: 16 KB, 250x309, Schopenhauer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we don't love them hoes

>> No.6290437


Bogusly claiming that you were raped seems to have become some weird badge of honour

>look at me I'm sexually desired! But I'm also deserving of victimhood privileges!

Lena Dunham got caught out doing the same thing no?

>> No.6290440

Laurie Penny is appointed Grand High Justicar of the UK by the Womyn's Rights Tribunal of Trans-Europe. She has total and absolute authority over all patriarkin (formerly 'men'), as their chaotic, unpredictable, and downright evil behaviour has been deemed deserving of extreme security measures. On the merest suggestion that you even know what the word 'rape' means, she can have you incinerated by an ion cannon in low orbit (specifically designed not to resemble a phallus, to even the slightest degree).

One day she catches you, hard at menial labour as is fit for dim-witted patriarkin, fondling a distinctly phallic piece of fruit you just retrieved from your lunchbox. For fear that you are attempting to spark a revolution against your female overseers by reminding your fellows that they have dicks, she has you sequestered in a small office for questioning. She enters, locks the door, and seats her glorious thick post-feminist ass on the wooden desk before you. After unbuttoning her jacket and reclining on her palms to get comfortable, she spreads her meaty, nyloned thighs in front of you, and places the heel of her knee-high boot on your seated leg. She tells you that you are to be summarily executed for your crimes - ripped to pieces by roid-raging trannies. That is, she says, unless you service her, over and over, for hours on end, until she feels you have paid your dues to society.

What do?

>> No.6290446


If you don't see how insulting someone because they are not part of a certain private-school-going elite isn't arrogant, I'm not sure how much further I can explain myself. As for the Britishness of it, you will NEVER find even the most arrogantly wealthy American insult someone because they are a public-school-going commoner - at least not in public. I mean that, to me, is basically arrogance incarnate, and it is based on a certain idea of socioeconomic propriety that is pretty much unique to Britain.

>> No.6290451

As someone who was actually raped I find it offensive and even "triggering" when these people trivialise rape like that.

>> No.6290459

m8 public school means private school in the UK


he's insulting her for being part of a "certain private-school-going elite"

>> No.6290461
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>> No.6290464


Yet she proves his prejudice and arrogance right.

>> No.6290466

>Laurie Penny is appointed Grand High Justicar of the UK by the Womyn's Rights Tribunal of Trans-Europe

She barely gets 200 retweets for any of her bullshit posts, and co-edits a newspaper that people only read for Slavoj Zizek's contributions.

Statistically, we should never have heard of her. So why have we?