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6289203 No.6289203 [Reply] [Original]


>dead 200 years and still getting rekt

>> No.6289207

More like transcendental unity of CRAPperception

>> No.6289280

Is kunt seriously any one worth looking up to? pre-existing categories in our mind that our senses then impress ideas upon and therefore our understanding is somewhat pre-shaped yet highly synonymous with the universe (since you know life has navigated the universe for billions of years you'd think it would speed up some things where it can).

It's profoundly great the first time around but just think... no one knows who invented the keyboard, no one really cares that we all interact with it everyday. It's what can be built with it and on top of it that is far and away more impressive.

>> No.6289284

If you care about philosophy since the year 1800 he's worth looking into

>> No.6289288

You should read him to better understand Hegel, the last prophet of the one god.

>> No.6289303

You should only read Hegel to better understand Kierkegaard, the last prophet of the one true God.

>> No.6289316

>Not reading Hegel to better undsrstand Jesus Christ, God's only Son
>Implying fedeism isn't heresy

>> No.6289332

>reading philosophy that isn't the Greeks (for the foundation and terminology)

>existential philosophy

>reading philosophy after St.Augustine and before Foucault

>> No.6289350

>implying Jesus wasn't just another prophet
>demanding more than prophets from god or you won't believe in it

I won't debate Kierkegaard's holy understanding of the things that be. I'd put them both in my book.

>(for the foundation and terminology)
>wanting to know terminology used by people he won't read.

>> No.6289364

>wanting to know terminology used by people he won't read.
No, it is to rek the people who do with their own poison.

>> No.6289389

>>implying Jesus wasn't just another prophet
Ahmed pls

>> No.6289393


>> No.6289448

I actually had a tour guide named Ahmed in Cairo. He loved enunciating his name instead of I in each sentence, even when speaking a language that doesn't require you to do that.

>> No.6289454


>> No.6289457

My bad, misread as "don't care".

>> No.6289516

>implying the hypostatic union isn't one of the most beautiful things about Christianity

>> No.6289520

Remember this?

>you will never have a friend who cares this much about philosophy or any other intellectual pursuit for that matter

>> No.6289524

I'm openly recognizing that it isn't.

>> No.6289571

To be fair nobody cares this much about other philosophers. I can't remember anyone getting this weird about Hegel or Leibniz.

>> No.6289574

What about Popper, Schopenhauer, and Newton? They respecctively got pretty miffed over Hegel and Leibniz.

>> No.6289575

Kant is taught in many highschools while other philosophers demand a higher education. By the time you reach them you already lost a lot of those teen angry hormones.

>> No.6289585

Damn where articles always this memey?
>"Indeed, a critic of Kant's ideas might feel a categorical imperative to take such direct action."
>"Attacker now faces ten years' incarceration to contemplate the ethics of his actions"
I'm having a rightful giggle reading this shit m80s

>> No.6289589


>I've seen some really nice 'vandalism' on some otherwise really ugly walls.
>Something can be both illegal and moral. Including pictures.

linking morality to beauty, how greek is this guy ?

>> No.6289612


Yeah, especially not Marx.

>> No.6289641

>reading Foucault without reading Nietzsche

u fuking wut bruv

>> No.6289644
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I know that feel you are feeling.

>> No.6289663

>Reading Foucault

>> No.6289666
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>not reading Foucault

>> No.6289672

Kinda important to understand modern deontological ethics.

>> No.6289678

>thinks fiery passion comes from hormones

delusional sedated beta detected