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/lit/ - Literature

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6287519 No.6287519[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What are some good books which destroy the crazy delusion known as "socialism"? I was thinking of reading the book by Von Mises, but I was wondering if you guys had any other recommendations.

>> No.6287528

ayn rand

>> No.6287530

What all have you read on socialism?

>> No.6287534

If you need a book to "destroy" something "crazy," you probably don't know enough about it to actually call it crazy. You're just looking for something to back up your poorly supported point of view.

>> No.6287550


this and that

the literature on socialism is incredibly vast. It's an impossible task to read all of it, let alone give a precise definition of "socialism".

I'm looking for a book which refutes the action of simply THINKING in a leftist fashion. Kind of like Ed Said's orientalism refutes the action of trying to describe eastern civilizations from a western standpoint.

>> No.6287562


I don't understand you. It's one thing to subconsciously seek out literature that verifies what one already believes but you're being so open about it that I'm literally astounded. What is the friggin point of carrying on like this? Would you will others (especially those you disagree with) act this way?

>> No.6287573

Let's just say that I'm currently undergoing a huge paradigm shift (and I'm drunk)

>> No.6287582

If you think it's something ridiculous, you don't need any more argument to refute it. In fact, you need the very opposite.

>> No.6287585


You sound like a fucking idiot.

Go back to whatever shit board you came from.

>> No.6287590 [SPOILER] 
File: 101 KB, 814x1000, 1426726003201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm looking for a book which refutes the action of simply THINKING in a leftist fashion

Damn, son. I know just what you need.

>> No.6287594

has anybody ever told you your fucking stupid

>> No.6287598

>currently undergoing a huge paradigm shift

>I just discovered /pol/! LOL! Redpill redpill redpill! JEEWWWWS. I'm racially superior! = ^ ]

>> No.6287602

/lit/'s full of lefties, you dun fucked.

>> No.6287603

/lit/ is Marxist central, they won't let you off until you've read 20 volumes of critical theory and everything Marx and Engels wrote. Ignore all the advice these people give you.

>> No.6287607

does anybody have the original image that OPs picture is based on? I remember seeing it in a history text book a few years ago. It was a Russian political cartoon if i remember right.

>> No.6287613


the level of knowledge on Marxism is usually so low among its critics that I would be pleasantly surprised if OP has even heard of the book "Grundrisse" and I would be amazed if he's read the entire Wikipedia article on Marxism.

>> No.6287614

Cultural Marxism exists
Critical theory is part of the Sabbatean-Frankist plot
Get out while you can

>> No.6287621

Why should he bother to learn more about it if he wants to get away from it?

>> No.6287622
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It's a popular illustration. I know of this one produced by the Wobblies.

>> No.6287630


This is probably the most sever instance of faux scholarship ever. It is literally based on the NAME of a school of thought and is totally unaware of ANY of its content. Par Buchanan gtfo.

>> No.6287638

>this is what /pol/-mongrels actually believe

You should try reading the Frankfurt School.

>> No.6287647

Just dug up the book and found it, that wasn't it but thanks for trying.

>> No.6287652

No, I'm looking for something which proves it's ridiculous.

no, u

Glenn beck is pleb tier. I'm not even american btw.

nice strawman faggot

Yeah I guess. Still, it was worth a shot making this thread. Any suggestions?

Haven't heard of gundrisse, probably read the wikipedia article on marxism ten years ago or something.

That's the thing, I want to learn the opposition. Please don't tell me "hurr durr you should read more marxism :DDD"

>> No.6287654


Where was yours published and what was the date? I Always thought the one I posted was cool since its American.

>> No.6287657

Road to Serfdom

>> No.6287658
File: 17 KB, 286x400, 1f1mn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried reading her once. A bit too intellectual for me, I don't know why she's so popular. Everyone knows socialism is the only way to have a truly fair society.

>> No.6287663


or just watch this:


>> No.6287667

>No, I'm looking for something which proves it's ridiculous.
Whatcha gonna do if you find something that proves it is not ridiculous?