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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 46 KB, 300x191, schop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6276603 No.6276603 [Reply] [Original]

>visit college library
>borrow several books
>world as will and representation is one of these
>at home, flicking through them
>world as will still has a receipt in it from a year ago
>some girl borrowed this book and a few others almost that exact day a year ago
>look her up on facebook (very uncommon name, wasnt hard to find her)
>message her asking 'hey hope you enjoyed world as will seeing as you left your receipt in there when you borrowed it last year haha'
>get a message back 'who the fuck are you?'
>10 messages of insults later she blocks me
>few hours later i am being bombarded by death threats from her friends calling me a stalker

>> No.6276606

M8 you had it coming

>> No.6276610
File: 62 KB, 500x499, sdfrg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope this is real. You retarded creep, what where you thinking?

>> No.6276614

it was a funny coincidence, and had potential for interesting conversation. how does that make me a 'retarded creep' exactly?

>> No.6276615

>going after a girl

Well will'd my friend

>> No.6276628


Because girls don't think that way usually.

>> No.6276632

how 'do' girls act then, oh enlightened one? sorry i didn't realize that 'coincidence' and 'common interests' were strictly male experience

>> No.6276633

She is obviously a pleb chad lover anyway.

>> No.6276634

>book came with an experience akin to those which must have formed Schopenhauer's view of women


>> No.6276638

They don't think.

>> No.6276639

>it was a funny coincidence
That someone read a book?
>and had potential for interesting conversation.
Not really.
>how does that make me a 'retarded creep' exactly?
Well, you are retarded because you don't know how human interaction works, and a creep because what you did was geniunely creepy, approaching a stranger after collecting intel on them.

>> No.6276645

Dude, what you did was kind of insane and stalkery. Ufukdup

>> No.6276647
File: 31 KB, 300x358, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That wasn't even a coincidence, idiot. You deserv worse than what you got.

>> No.6276652

>message her asking 'hey hope you enjoyed world as will seeing as you left your receipt in there when you borrowed it last year haha'
did you really have that little "haha" at the end of your actual message?

>> No.6276655
File: 83 KB, 422x594, schopenhauer 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i had no idea /lit/ was this socially stunted, jesus christ. you do realize it's normal for people to converse about things they have shared interest in, right? not all of us are introverted little shits that carry around an annotated copy of infinite jest and dont talk to anybody

>> No.6276657
File: 68 KB, 699x699, tmp_10529-1425560495905-1753895852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stalks a girl to talk schopi
>calls others socially stunted

>> No.6276659

OP stop samefagging to justify your social ineptitude

>> No.6276661 [DELETED] 

err there's a difference between talking to someone in person and messaging someone on a social media website out of the blue.

>> No.6276666

No, see the difference is that normal people don't backtrace a girl from a year-old library rental and expect it to go any way other than her getting freaked the fuck out

>> No.6276667

hey hope you enjoyed this thread seeing as you left your comment in there when you looked at it this year haha

>> No.6276669

Wow what a topic starter, gj anon

>> No.6276671

I dunno satan. I kind of gotta throw in with the other guy. This looks like something that would happen in some faggot shit romantic comedy movie.

>> No.6276672

how do i flag a thread for deletion

>> No.6276675

it's a bit strange OP

I wouldnt insult you for doing it but i wouldn't reply either

>> No.6276676

delete first post assuming you are the OP, in which case lol.

>> No.6276678

Tell her you can do what you will but you cannot will what you will.

>> No.6276682

You should have started massage like
>hi, umm, maybe it's stupid but...
She would still think that you're a creep but you would have a better chance to start a conversation. What you wrote sounds really creepy.

>> No.6276689

how do i delete first post??

>> No.6276693

Since you can't reach her, one note to one of the friends. Apologize and explain it was an innocent goof, you're not a stalker, and she will never hear from you again. Ask them to pass the word on to her.

>> No.6276700

tick your post now go down to the bottom and beside where you can change the forum style there's a "delete" button.

>> No.6276709

it says the post is too old. is there a work around?

>> No.6276710
File: 418 KB, 400x300, Macarena.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god op what are you even doing with your life, now you can't manage to delete it, thank you for this, i love you.

>> No.6276712

hope the thread gets reported? you'll have to cop a ban then too. maybe a kind moderator will clean up. they probably won't though. sorry.

>> No.6276713

dont even start dude this thread has really affected me and im hoping an administrator will come soon and remove it at my request

>> No.6276714
File: 135 KB, 803x688, 1425074433999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6276716

Are you triggered?

>> No.6276719

Think before you greentext next time anon.

>> No.6276721
File: 33 KB, 120x144, Screen Shot 2015-02-01 at 3.03.25 am.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>visit college cafeteria
>buy a chicken wrap
>put receipt under napkin tin
>one year later get a facebook message
>"hope you enjoyed that chicken wrap haha"

>> No.6276722

Just relax, you fucked up, we told you, now move on with your life and hope the thread will be gone by tomorrow.

>> No.6276726

oh yeah real fucking funny i bet you are a comedian

>> No.6276728

does she browse /lit/?

>> No.6276732

Dude, that's what you sound like. What made you think she wouldn't be creeped out?

>> No.6276733

Ahhh at least stop bumping it, you know theres the option to sage, jesus fucking christ i sort of feel bad for you now but this is way too funny.

>> No.6276734
File: 373 KB, 655x540, l.php.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't listen to the hate posts OP. What you did wasn't strange or creepy in any way. I would have probably done something similar in that situation. However I think the problem was the text message you sent her. You could have worked more on that so as not to shock her (and it seems it did exactly that).

Also you could have done some more research into her personality if such information was available on her profile, as to determine if she's the kind of person who would appreciate what you did and wont freak out about it.

>> No.6276735

there is a distinction between food and a book you fucking turd

>> No.6276738

Yeah but the connection was just as tenuous, seriously, how could you even expect anything different t to happen?

>> No.6276744
File: 137 KB, 500x282, thatguy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, ok, stop right there, are you gonna ruin his life completely by giving him advice on how to creep better.

>> No.6276750
File: 143 KB, 2048x1365, 1425274228552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The difference between what women find creepy and romantic is the specific approach, and also the person who does the action. You can bet your ass she'd wet herself if he worked better on his approach and was a decent looking guy

>> No.6276761

Not from the facebook generation here so I don't get what all yall are jumping about. Sounded fairly reasonable save for the dumb message.

>> No.6276769


>> No.6276771

so you go around calling women who you have looked up in the telephone book based on receipts you found in your local library gramps?

>> No.6276779

No man, there is no way this could ever be considered romantic.

>> No.6276780

I don't get you people. Dude sent one message and backed off when the girl showed her disinterest. Then she and her friends went commando on him. Who's delusional here?

>> No.6276781

Facebook isn't provate or intimate at all, its for all to see.

>> No.6276783

and? same applies to the phone book.

>> No.6276784

Not necessarily, I have mine set so that only friends can see it. It also isn't normal to do what OP did, it's basically stalking via the Net.

>> No.6276786

Facebook being public and all, it sounds closer to leaving a note on someone's desk that they're free to ignore.

(except in OP's case the message would've maybe had some shit smeared on it)

>> No.6276792

>no way
What if Ryan Gosling did it?

>> No.6276794

Stranger things have happened. Look at popular media - for example the movie 500 Days of Summer which is considered romantic. Its about a guy that falls in love with a girl because she accidentally overhears him listening to The Smiths while traveling in an elevator together. Women eat that shit right up when its presented in a proper way.


>> No.6276795

true. he then decided to make a greentext post on an anonymous wapanese imageboard oblivious to why his actions could be seen as stalker like and then get called out for it.

>> No.6276796

He is delusional. He shouldn't have done that, and since he did, he should have realized his mistake, and apologized. He came here thinking his behaviour was ok, when it clearly wasn't. So, by telling him, we enable him to stop the harrasment with a heartfelt apology, which is the only chance he has right now.

>> No.6276799

>He bases his expectations of real life off of romantic comedies

>> No.6276800

>le fourchin army of great le justice has arrived!1

>> No.6276803

Ryan Gosling is not a random, attractive stranger, but a person everyone knows. So, the situation is quite different in that regard. And yeah attractive stalkers are stalkers, too. We don't even know anything about OP's looks, why are you assuming he's ugly?

>> No.6276807

I have my own personal experiences irl which confirm my opinion but even if got into detail about them you'd dismiss em. The usual cliche remains true - if you're good looking and have decent social skills you can get away with a lot of shit that would be considered creepy if some beta male did it

>> No.6276808

That's a movie. People liking stuff in movies tells us fuck all about what they'd like in real life. For example, I really enjoyed von Trier's AntiChrist, but that doesn't mean I would enjoy any of that happening to me.

>> No.6276809

500 Days is a movie that lampoons the premise of romantic comedies, and of actions such as those of OP. The object lesson is that people SHOULDN'T fall in love just because of chance coincidence like this. It's also pretty good, you should watch it.

>> No.6276810

Your perception of a private number is different to a Facebook account for most, especially women.
Stalking via net is kinda a norm for Facebook. And anyway the thing is OP isn't attractive or well spoken. If he was it would have been flattering.

>> No.6276813
File: 238 KB, 1225x1035, socialgenius.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>connoisseur of all dank memes on /lit/
>feels good knowing sluts will fall for that sweet, sweet literary knowledge
>move into a new home, old one couldn't hold my 1337 book library
>Took two hours to pack all my copies of Infinite Jest
>Arrive at new house, all seems well and good
>Spotted by the neighbours and offer a complementary tip
>Begin unpacking my books
>Running out of room when I open a new cupboard
>There's an urn inside
>Read the inscription, it's a girls name
>Send letter to neighbours to get context
>Turns out it was the grandmother of old house owner
>Track down her location and send her a letter
>'hey hope you enjoyed your grandmother's death seeing as you left her urn when you left last year haha'
>10 weeks of police interviews later she arrives
>few hours later my tip is ignored as the m'lady leaves

>> No.6276815

Yeah, we are legion, we do not forgive, expect us to tell you to reconsider your life choices and correct your mistakes.

>> No.6276816

I have similar experiences but in this situation I don't see how it could have turned out to be anything but creepy.
>if you're good looking and have decent social skills you can get away with a lot of shit that would be considered creepy if some beta male did it
What's your point? Are you a resentful beta or are you just stating a fact that most people come to terms with by the time they're old enough to browse this site?

>> No.6276817

Women do that actually, so do men.

>> No.6276819

well meme'd

must be the right thing to do if everyone else does it right? :^)

>> No.6276821

They. Don't. Do you even know any actual people?

>> No.6276822

>we are legion, we do not forgive, expect us to tell you to reconsider your life choices and correct your mistakes.
Oh, how things have changed since 2008

>> No.6276823

kek'd hard

>> No.6276825

Not to the degree you seem to think they do.
You understand how fantasies work, right?

>> No.6276828
File: 2.08 MB, 1132x1696, Laughing-women.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you implying that women dont actually want you to rape them?

>> No.6276829

>No Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.6276839

If this is OP your autism is killing me

>> No.6276844

No, I am a mind out of context who has truly free will.

>> No.6276848

I'm a mind IN context with truly free will, just like all minds :^)

>> No.6276893

>why are you assuming he's ugly?
Because she didn't like him speaking to her, of course. If he was very handsome her first impression would not be 'omg a stalker' but 'wow this is just like one of my romantic comedies'.

>> No.6276922

Being a 'creep' just means she found you unattractive physically. If Chad did that she would have been in his bed that night, she'd call it 'spontaneous' and 'romantic'.

>> No.6276927
File: 28 KB, 542x398, sollysnake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is just like one of my japanese animes

>> No.6276929

Right, because girls who read Schopenhauer expect life to be like a romantic comedy, instead of being spiteful misanthropes.

>> No.6276932

Go back to your cuckboard, /r9k/.

>> No.6276934

>implying she actually read it

>> No.6276939

Sorry, Ace. You either didn't have a picture up in the correspondence you sent her, or you're just ugly. I take it back, you must be ugly. A good lookin' dude doesn't think to meet people this way. Cuz trust, if some Bradd Pitt lookin' dude popped up in the window she would've been down with meeting for "discussion."

You're lucky she doesn't go to campus security and start chirping. Remember, she can say just about anything and you have to figure out how to defend that. Best of luck.

>> No.6276940

Fuck off Chad

>> No.6276944

That's not Chad, that's Tom. He's a beta orbiter who thinks women are to be worshipped and, because of his prowess with women, so is Chad.

>> No.6276945
File: 144 KB, 600x450, 1426505573113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Leave my receipts in books for years
>No one has sent me anything

>> No.6276948
File: 1.26 MB, 355x355, 1426090655475.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

calls me introverted shit
is the introverted little shit
mfw i still reply to this thread

>> No.6276951

What are you doing here, /r9k/, everybody knows you don't read.
Also, riddle me this: if goodlooking guys get away with anything, how come all of the people thrown out of uni on dubious rape charges are frat jocks?

>> No.6276953

Because women are spiteful bitches. He probably refused to buy her something or she just got bored with him and felt like a good hit of sympathy from the other Stacys. Besides, us betas aren't going to get close enough to a Stacy.

>> No.6276956

"dubious rape charges" are revenge for getting pumped and dumped.

the vast majority of rape charges are false accusations.

>> No.6276969

It resulted in being pretty funny, so good job

>> No.6276972


In a movie.

Not real life.

With real women.

Who don't want to get raped by the type of weirdo who thinks contacting a girl who's name he found on a library receipt will go well

>> No.6276973

>be woman
>have sex with someone
>feel regret afterwards
>decide retrospectively that you didn't want it

You are now a rape victim.

>> No.6276979

pulling romcom shit on women works just fine if you do it right.

>> No.6276982

>yfw /op/ expected a hugbox and got triggered

this is the real world niggUH, as real as it gets

>> No.6276983

>pulling romcom shit on women works just fine if you are attractive

>> No.6276985

If a woman doesnt want sex before, during or after the act then it is rape. Plain and simple.

If you disagree then you're a rape enabler and apart of the patriarchy.

Stop blaming the victim.

>> No.6276991

Don't be racist.

>> No.6276998

Even if that was so, you have just described a woman ruining chad's life, so your grand theory of chad is falsified.

>> No.6277001


Message her saying you were drunk and found the receipt, and apologize

It's the only way

>> No.6277003

Yeah, if the girl knows you or has at least expressed some interest in you in anyway

Not from some rando on FB

that's neither romantic or sane

>> No.6277010

There are plenty of Chads for her, she probably didn't like that one.
He got blocked.

>> No.6277014

>There are plenty of Chads for her, she probably didn't like that one
Ad hoc rationalization, first sign of a theory in trouble.

>> No.6277016

op here. dont even know what to say other than im sorry, this really affected me and i havent been able to do any study tonight. not sure where the administrators are but im hoping within the next hour my thread might be deleted. please stop this arguing i really didnt meant to hurt anyone

>> No.6277018


You cannot retroactively withdraw consent for an action. The only victim there is the guy whose life is ruined because of an amoral bitch who decided to be spiteful.

>> No.6277019

There are too many variables. He could have been poor, had strange hobbies/opinions, not been popular enough. The list goes on. She could have even found a new, better Chad. Or a Tyrone.

>> No.6277031

Also the names made me kek.
I like this thread we can all pretend we are r9k.

Also retroactive rape legally makes no sense, you cannot withdraw your consent if you don't like the results.

>> No.6277037

>after the act
My flatmate had a girl try and do this to him, and one of the other girls living in my flat go so riled up she was ready to smack that bitch. the random chick told all her friends it wasn't consensual despite the texts between her and my flatmate suggesting otherwise

srs if you're a girl, the worst thing you can do is in hindsight write off casual sex as rape simply because you now don't want it. Desire is constantly in flux, what you wanted then might not be what you wanted now, fucking live with your bad choices instead of condemning people to suffer

>> No.6277041
File: 14 KB, 385x261, nerdreading.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ewww, don't you dare talk to me you weirdo. I'm going to call the police

>> No.6277043
File: 21 KB, 500x363, hotguyreading.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oh hi there :) that's actually my favorite book! Do you want to meet up sometime to talk about books :D ?

>> No.6277045

It's okay, just stop paying attention to the bitter fucks ITT and instead when they harass you again, just tell them you realize your mistake and apologize. It will be alright.

>> No.6277046


Oh, damn, you're autistic?

>> No.6277047

what i dont understand is that if she had borrowed schopenhauer, she mustnt exactly be 'normal', so it's not like she is some kind of precious sunflower inexperienced with these types of retards

>> No.6277050

>He could have been poor, had strange hobbies/opinions, not been popular enough
Oh, so good looks aren't all that matters after all. Chad theory debunked.

>> No.6277053

it rimes

>> No.6277055

After she has sex with him she has to consider what she can get out of him, looks just matter for first impressions.

>> No.6277056

you must not be pretty enough, friend.

>> No.6277057


You searched a girl's name based on a receipt you found in a library book and then hit up her facebook just to tell her you know what she read last year. Come on, man, that's not "socializing". That's what borderline retards think is socializing and "normal" and they never stop to question why it never works out for them. Hint: maybe because it's not normal, you autistic fuck.

>> No.6277058

message her friends saying that you were drunk and found the receipt

>> No.6277061

chads get their life ruined all the time. prisons are full of them.

>> No.6277062

and make sure for gods sake you say you were drunk from a party or beers with the boys if asked

>> No.6277067

sorry guys but i dont feel very comfortable weaving this kind of web of unnecessary lies, whats done is done and i will just have to live with it

>> No.6277074


>have sex with beautiful womyn
>breathalyze beforehand to be safe
>hand the breathalyzer to notary to witness
>ask for consent between thrusts in case she suddenly starts to feel unsafe
>"is this still good?"
>"would you like my lawyer to come back into the room?"
>"I'll tear up the consent contract whenever you please"
>"hey, just checking. are we still good?"
>she answers yes each time and we're good for an amazing consensual ejaculation
>"I'm about to ejaculate, are you willing to sign for this parcel?"
>she yells yes and I deliver on her face
>we thank each other
>I go out into the living room and thank my lawyer and the notary who agreed to help make this a beautiful evening
>one year later I'm driving through a suburb on my way to a friend's party
>It's dark and before I know it I run over a black cat
>A hysterical woman comes running out
>it's my sex partner from a year ago and she's really angry
>I apologize profusely and agree to pay her damages (both for the cat and emotional damages)
>she says the cat was irreplaceable
>don't know what to do
>a week later a man dressed as a plumber hands me a summons to appear in court for rape
>she tells the judge she revoked her consent
>judge rips up my carefully preserved proof of consent
>nothing I can do about it because I'm a disgusting cis male oppressor
>judge sentences me to 10 years in prison
>get raped every week in the shower
>they never even ask for consent

>> No.6277075

>doesn't feel comfortable lying

You're going to have a hard time in this world, friend.

>> No.6277076

>tfw I also leave my receipts in the books I borrow
It's actually quite fun. It's like leaving an intellectual legacy. I noticed that a few other people do the same thing we're all guys though

>> No.6277078
File: 90 KB, 900x573, schopenmeme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6277090

She could have borrowed it for a class she didn't care about.

>> No.6277094

the only feasible subject would be philosophy, and so the point still stands that she'd be experienced with these kinds of autists

>> No.6277095

So? That doesn't mean she has to not be creeped out by them. If I were a girl I'd want nothing to do with most of the creeps in my philosophy classes.

>> No.6277116


i believe some high profile celebrities and such do really record a verbal consent on videotape before fucking bitches though

>> No.6277127


>> No.6277128

Fuck that mate, you're a silly kid, and you did something stupid, but yor heart was in the right place, and you don't deserve to be harassed by self righteous cunts

>> No.6277132

If you're attractive*

>> No.6277136

oh yes please, do regale us with your tales of picking up perfect strangers with romcom bullshit

>> No.6277138

Throw her down a flight of stairs

>> No.6277139

op sounds like a pussy faggot

>> No.6277144

cant believe it took nearly 140 replies for this joke to be made

>> No.6277150

send a copy of On Women to her house with a rose

>> No.6277157

Is it the same /r9k/ moron pointing this out throughout the whole thread?
Get over your inferiority complex.

>> No.6277163

*nods respectfully* m'lady

>> No.6277189

Friend-zoned again, nice guys like us always finish last |:^(

>> No.6277203
File: 100 KB, 300x250, le philosophist face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6277211


>> No.6277221

I once picked up an edition of Rilke's poems that had been left in a hostel and it had a little greeting on the inside of the cover and a phone number. I didn't message her though.

>> No.6277227

good choice, sounds like she was a bit nutter butters

>> No.6277250

Uh, because for some reason beyond their control the university couldn't conceal the blemish on their record and shame the victim into silence. If you didn't know, you need to go to college to realize that asses in seats = $. I know for a fact schools back off the moment they can't put their spin on a situation. The cases you hear about are the ones they absolutely could not restrain due to pro-active parents, or someone who cared is possibly connected to the upper strata.

Remember, in the Steubenville incident the only reason the authorities took action was because they got tricked into believing they couldn't brush it off. They punished the anon 25 times over what the rapists got. Now you get the picture of what is important to a school.

Also, statistically speaking, women are attracted to the good genes guys at this age. An ugly dude studying for his engineering degree would have to grab a girl out of the bushes walking past. Frat party, booze, girl dressed like hooker hears Parker Farnsworth III's dad owns Nabisco, things happen. Not excusing, just posting the facts, Ma'am.

Also, the dudes you reference usually come from a rich family that have allowed him to get away with murder up until that point. He gets confused by the entitlement and figures this too can be overlooked, and may never even fathom the gravity of his actions. And then, like I said, things have gone too far for the prospective CEO of <insert name of dad's company here> to count on cover, yet again.

Study hard, kids. College has never been a bigger joke. Nobody has any better ideas for you because they saw it work for their mom in the 70's, when it may have been something distinguished.

>> No.6277254

>All that ressentiment in one post

>> No.6277269

Was her FB full of dumb shit OP? Maybe she borrowed it since it was necessary for class, rather than out of enjoyment.

>> No.6277272

Only sensible reply ITT.

>> No.6277278


>being this stupid

>> No.6277285


They do, you may only know pomo sluts from your uni/college containment institution, but every latina/nigger/poor slut is actually pretty moved by cliches and lame lines

>> No.6277291

loling on the toilet at work right now

>> No.6277293


>pulling romcom shit on women works just fine if they are stupid and naive


>> No.6277306

Nah bro, if you're attractive enough you can pull any fucking shit you want and it will be fine.

>> No.6277309

>implying there are non-naive females

women lack the talent for cynicism.

>> No.6277314

You could of just sent her a message that seemed professional and didn't have a little autistic "haha" at the end
Fuck for someone who goes on /lit/ you have absolutely no idea how to compose a short well-written message to a stranger

>> No.6277323

>thinking girls in college read books out of interest

She checked out those books because they were most likely on some philosophy intro course' reading list and she was desperate for an A.

>> No.6277335

>good looking people don't get away with more than plain or ugly looking people

stop being naive, miss

>> No.6277341

I'm not saying that, I'm say I getting mad about it is immature. That's the way the world works.

>> No.6277350

>tfw no hot guy in underwear to read books with

>> No.6277363

>for someone who goes on /lit/ you have absolutely no idea how to compose a short well-written message to a stranger
>Implying /lit/ knows how to talk to strangers or write well

>> No.6277376

>getting mad about the way the world works is immature

What else would you get mad about? Indians who are mad about all the gang rape going on over there are also mad about the way the world works, but that doesn't mean that they don't have a point.

>> No.6277385


It's entirely justified that someone will get mad if that thing goes against their interests

>> No.6277386

Getting mad about that aspect of the way things are is a sure sign of immaturity. Indians getting mad about rape makes sense and is a sign of maturity among the angry. You getting mad that attractive people have sex also makes sense, but it's also a sign of immaturity on your part. There are social problems and there's natural selection.

>> No.6277390

Not my criticism. I said it was immature, not unjustified.

>> No.6277417

I think you're confusing cynicism with maturity.

>> No.6277425

Why is it acceptable to be mad at every other kind of social inequality except the sexual hierarchy?

>> No.6277439

Getting mad about /r9k/-style whining here is immature. That's the way 4chan works.

>> No.6277463

>OP being a retard who bothered to message that girl
>Her friends are beta orbiters who protect their lady on FB

Top kek

>> No.6277471

No, not really. I don't think you know what maturity is. Why would I be cynical about these things when I'm one of the people that manages to get laid?
Because the 'sexual hierarchy' is something pasty dweebs who think they're entitled to sex invented to explain away their ressentiment.
I sometimes forget how much this board has in common with the rest of the site.

>> No.6277491

>Because the 'sexual hierarchy' is something pasty dweebs who think they're entitled to sex invented to explain away their ressentiment.

Are you seriously denying that attractive people are socially privileged in just the same way as wealthy people are materially privileged? Monogamy is the sexual equivalent of socialism, so why are we as a society moving one way economically and the opposite way sexually? It's logically inconsistent.

>> No.6277500

Sounds like a cunt. Tough luck, OP. Better luck next time. Ignore all the autists ITT. Though you could've had a bit of a better thing to open with. I'd at least start with how you even know she exists (i.e. the receipt) and then ask/say something stupid about the book. Most normal people shouldn't lob insults at you, they'll make it clear whether they're interested in you or not by either engaging in conversation or not.

>> No.6277507

Nice blog, friend.

Damn, this board gets shittier every day.

>> No.6277522

>discrimination based on race is wrong
>discrimination based on sex is wrong
>discrimination based on looks is natural lol deal with it nerd

>> No.6277534

>racism is something filthy niggers who think they're entitled to rights invented to explain away their ressentiment.

That's how you sound, lad.

>> No.6277537


>> No.6277547

>Why would I be cynical about these things [sex] when I'm one of the people that manages to get laid?

>Why would I be cynical about these things [class] when I'm one of the people that manages to get money?

>Because the 'sexual hierarchy' is something pasty dweebs who think they're entitled to sex invented to explain away their ressentiment.

>Because the 'social inequality' is something stupid proles who think they're entitled to money invented to explain away their ressentiment.

>> No.6277554

Thank you Pinecone.
I know you are nothing like your fanbase

>> No.6277559

this is autistic as fuck but the girl is a cunt for spazzing out about it

i think all reasonable people can agree on that summary

>> No.6277561

>being an autist

>> No.6277568

Different anon here, are you actually implying that you can demand sex, the same way the poor can demand not being left to starve?

>> No.6277579

That's a shit comparison and the fact that you made it only shows how pathetic you are. Your being unattractive is a fine reason for someone to refuse to have sex with you.
Again, terrible comparison. You aren't entitled to sex. You won't die if you do t get laid, whereas you WILL die if you don't eat.

>> No.6277583

Why are girls today so hysterically afraid of men they don't know? I'm pretty sure there was a time not long ago when women were taught to respect men regardless of their station.

Here after all is someone who can kill you with his bare hands, but who is giving no signs of untoward behavior. Perhaps you'd like to remember your manners.

>> No.6277597

>the poor can demand not being left to starve

That's a complete misrepresentation of Marxism and socialist politics in general. Functional capitalism already ensures that the working class are afforded basic sustenance so that they can work and reproduce. Marx posits that they are dehumanised by their estrangement from the products of their work; in other words, they are entitled not to mere sustenance but to a basic standard of humanity, rather than being marginalised as a condition of the elevation of others. I posit that sex, affection, love, etc., are basic properties of humanity too.

>> No.6277604

wow watch that false dichotomy here

>> No.6277612

>You won't die if you do t get laid, whereas you WILL die if you don't eat.

So I take it you feel that the poor are only entitled to the minimum amount of sustenance required to not die, then?

>> No.6277617

So, you believe that in a socialist revolution, sex will be socialized along with the means of production, resulting in revolutionary mass rape. While I strongly disagree with that interpretation, I think you should rally for that idea by promoting it on uni campuses.

>> No.6277623


Daily reminder that any feminist will tell you that women are entitled to a healthy sex life but men are not.

>> No.6277625

No, I feel like the comparison isn't valid, let alone sound. Sex isn't nearly as basic a need as food.

>> No.6277626
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Every man who debunks a woman of her intelligence just because they're a woman, clearly hasn't been in many places

>> No.6277632

>any feminist will tell you that women are entitled to a healthy sex life
They certainly don't say women are entitled to getting sex from anybody.

>> No.6277633

No, I don't advocate reducing women/sex to commodities; I only advocate a return to universal monogamy. I think that would solve this burgeoning problem with a minimal amount of collateral oppression.

>> No.6277641


Lel try asking one and see what she says.

Ask he if a woman has the right to leave her husband/boyfriend if he isn't satisfying her in bed. Then ask if the husband/boyfriend has the same right.

>> No.6277644

Bourgeois as fuck. Marxists believe in the free association of free individuals, this includes sexual freedom.

>> No.6277648

>Sex isn't nearly as basic a need as food.

I never likened the two. The point is that working-class people are entitled to MORE than just enough food to survive; they are entitled to experience the fullness of humanity. And so are those who are sexually dispossessed in the current social system.

>> No.6277652


I don't think /lit/ grills would be that harsh, unless they've become hardcore red pill. There is no in between.

>> No.6277653

>good looking
>girls hit up on me
>can't not have a discussion with them
>can't come out as not some self-indulged boring guy

Time to leave girls altogether; I am only good when girls have a fetish for "intellectual" words or are hippies for which simple thoughts I hardly manage to express in a live conversation are special and relevant. Past that point, I don't know what to do but to ask questions and constantly say HA HA and smile to affirm safety.

fuck fuck fuck

>> No.6277655

they dont need to because women already can. women are blind to their privilege.

>> No.6277656
File: 331 KB, 680x684, tfw Lenin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>in high school
>find lots of worksheets from some dude named john and a poem in the textbook under the desk titled "punk rock love"
>searching for sweet honeys in the aol member directory
>find a girl whose has punk rock love as her name on her profile
>"sup girl did you write this poem that i found"
>"omg yeah that's so weird"
>talk to her for about a month
>walking by the tv and news report about a girl being ran over in a movie theater parking by a jealous girlfriend
>it's her
>she never logs onto aol again
>john's girlfriend killed punk rock love for talking to john

>> No.6277660

The problem is that only a select portion of society experience sexual freedom in practice, just like how only one class truly benefits from capitalist 'freedom'.

>> No.6277664

I have never in my life heard of a feminist who wouldn't have answered yes on both counts.
As a general rule, leaving because there is no sex is fine, pressuring someone into having sex by threatening to leave is abuse, regardless of gender.

>> No.6277666

I find it offensive that you equate the sturggle of the working class with your failure to get laid. 'Sexual dispossession' has nothing in common with wage slavery.

>> No.6277667

>or are hippies for which simple thoughts I hardly manage to express in a live conversation are special and relevant

I love women like that. For a while, anyway.

>> No.6277670

Well, sex is a capacity of individuals, it belongs to them. The wealth lf production is a collective effort, it belongs to everybody. See how this works?

>> No.6277671


Nigger you have never spoken to an actual feminist

>> No.6277672

I find your inability to comprehend my point offensive. I'm not drawing parallels between the materially dispossessed and the sexually dispossessed, I am merely taking the dispossessed as a whole.

>> No.6277679

>leaving because there is no sex is fine, pressuring someone into having sex by threatening to leave is abuse, regardless of gender.
That sounds suspiciously like you're advocating for people not to ever communicate regarding their sex needs and just up and disappear if they aren't magically met
Probably unhealthy, that

>> No.6277680

Anyone has the right to break up with their significant other if they want to, especially a premarital relationship with nothing legally, morally, or ethically binding attached to it. Anyone who denies this doesn't understand basic social dynamics.

>> No.6277681

I have, retard, give me an example of what you mean or shut up.
Also, no true scotsman.

>> No.6277689

I see your point and I don't think it's valid. Tell a labor activist about your complaints and see how seriously they take you. Sexual dispossession isn't even a real thing.

>> No.6277690

>Your being unattractive is a fine reason for someone to refuse to have sex with you.
>implying looks only determine whether people have sex with you
>implying they don't influence your whole life in every way

>> No.6277698

It's one thing to say, let's fuck or I'm gone, or to say, I'm unsatisfied with the amount of sex we're having. Relationships are complicated and invariably involve at least one side being vulnerable, so you have to be careful not to take advantage of that. Actually, not that difficult in theory, right?

>> No.6277700

cynicism is just what naive people call realism

>> No.6277704

Any reason is a fine reason. Looms influencing your life is just one of many facts of life that most people get used to after a while.
I have no sympathy for your plight at all and I think anyone who does is probably insane. There, I said it.

>> No.6277706

ITT: People who have never been in relationships inadvertently show why no one has wanted to be in a relationship with them

>> No.6277708
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>> No.6277710

why wouldn't you have *sympathy* for someone whose life is considerably worse than others' just because of how he looks?

wouldn't you have sympathy for a black person who has trouble getting a job just because he's black? maybe you wouldn't support laws forcing people to hire him but you should have *sympathy* for him.

>> No.6277711

Yep, that's what /r9k/ is, I just wonder why so many of those fuckers come here anytime someone mentions girls.

>> No.6277712

>Tell a labor activist about your complaints and see how seriously they take you.

Just like a capitalist wouldn't take seriously the complaints of a prole.

>Sexual dispossession isn't even a real thing.

You would agree that sex - despite not being a physical condition of life - is in fact essential to 'the human experience', no? There is ample science demonstrating the importance of physical intimacy in the psychological well-being of mammals. If a section of the population are excluded from this experience, they are dispossessed. For now it mostly manifests as individual maladjustment/malcontent, but as the chasm between the haves and have-nots continues to widen I predict that it will lead to significant social problems.

>> No.6277714

The internet has made me a fat pervert with a shitty attention span and no social skills.

I want my life back.

>> No.6277715

>I just wonder why so many of those fuckers come here anytime someone mentions girls.

We're always here you idiot. You are probably agreeing with us in other threads simultaneously.

>> No.6277717
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>> No.6277718

>You would agree that sex - despite not being a physical condition of life - is in fact essential to 'the human experience', no?
No, celibacy is a viable life choice.
>There is ample science demonstrating the importance of physical intimacy in the psychological well-being of mammals
Yes, but that doesn't entitle you to a vagina.
>For now it mostly manifests as individual maladjustment/malcontent, but as the chasm between the haves and have-nots continues to widen I predict that it will lead to significant social problems.
We'll see about that. I'm not convinced. Your speculation doesn't mean much to me.

>> No.6277719

You never had one, were never entitled to one

>> No.6277721

>if you don't get a job because you're black it's wrong
>if you don't get a job because you're ugly it's okay

>> No.6277722

because they're unattractive?

>> No.6277723
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>> No.6277726

Jobs =/= sex. This is a very bad comparison.
The socioeconomic factors that cause the oppression of black people have nothing in common with the bad genes that turn women off when you walk in the room.

>> No.6277728

>You would agree that sex - despite not being a physical condition of life - is in fact essential to 'the human experience', no?
Different anon here, do you even understand what dispossesion is? In case of the poor, they're mebers of a society that denies them acfess to what this society produces, thus they are dispossessed of that which is by rights theirs.
Sex is not part of the socially produced wealth, it is legitmite private property, as it is part of the biological makeup of the individual. Nobody has a right to interfere with that, for reasons quite similar to no one having the right to deny people access to societal wealth.

>> No.6277729

Why should he apologize to random people sending him death threats? Why shouldn't he just block them as nd forget the whole thing.

You must be the biggest cuck to actually apologize to people you don't know attacking you over a random innocent mishap.

>> No.6277731

It wasn't random or innocent, it was weird and did more damage to her than she has to him.

>> No.6277732

Gross. And you are so bad at making your case, I have a hard time believing I ever agreed with any of you.

>> No.6277733

If you read my former post you would have realised I'm not talking about sex. I said being attractive influences your whole life, not just your sex life. Attractive people get treated better, have more opportunities and have access to things plain or ugly people don't.

If someones attractiveness determines whether he gets a certain job or not, then that's just as serious as his race determining it.

>> No.6277735

>talking to someone in a weird way does more damage than harassment and death threats

>> No.6277740

for fuck's sake, as soon as you realized you spooked her you should've just said

"hey sorry, I just thought it'd be kind of funny to find the person who had the book checked out before me. I see I shouldn't have done that now and I'll stop contacting you. My apologies."

ez pz

>> No.6277741

Boo how. Like I've said all along, that's a fact of life. It can be overcome with things like confidence, money, political power, and fame, any of which can and have been acquired by ugly people.
It does seem like you're talking about sex, though, and again, the genetic lottery isn't an oppressive socioeconomic force. It's an aspect of evolution.

>> No.6277752

Considering op had no ill intentions and was just a but socially awkward yes it was innocent.

And those people have no right to send death threats and invade his Facebook just because they're her friends.

>> No.6277766


>Boo how. Like I've said all along, that's a fact of life. Black People can overcome race with things like confidence, money, political power, and fame (barack obama ? ), any of which can and have been acquired by black people (or women). It does seem like you're talking about jobs, though, and again, the race lottery isn't an oppressive socioeconomic force. It's an aspect of evolution. (which you mean, that beauty genes come from a line of beautiful ancestors, and ugly genes come from a line of ugly ancestors. I could say that black people also come from a line of slave ancestors and are more cappable of doing hard working jobs... so it's just evolution baby)

>> No.6277771

As I've said many times ITT, I don't see how that's a valid comparison.

>> No.6277779

>muh lookism is oppression, too

>> No.6277790


This course of action is a consequence of the liberal mindset. Things will be compared just as I posted in that message until everything looks *equally* and *free* of discrimination guilt. In 80 years i'm pretty sure veganism will be a thing as the same thing i explained there

>> No.6277794

What does veganism have to do with anything at all?
You're getting less coherent by the post.

>> No.6277799
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>mfw she borrowed the book because she need it for a subject in her university
>mfw she is not into reading
>mfw she is a total pleb
>mfw you though that the chances of she being a reader were higher than she being a shit

top kek

>> No.6277800

>Boo how. Like I've said all along, that's a fact of life.
So is genocide and baby rape. Anything people dislike is a fact of life until it is no longer so. Dying of the plague was a fact of life. The plague being a fact of life is no argument against taking measures against the plague. Literally everything is a fact of life until it isn't.

>It can be overcome with things like confidence, money, political power, and fame, any of which can and have been acquired by ugly people.
So because something can be overcome with great effort, it is legitimised? I guess racism doesn't matter since Obama is president.

>It does seem like you're talking about sex, though, and again, the genetic lottery isn't an oppressive socioeconomic force. It's an aspect of evolution.
Everything is an aspect of evolution, including oppressive socioeconomic force. There is no division where you can call certain things 'a fact of life' and 'aspect of evolution' and other things not.

Your argument is nothing more than saying "it is what it is" with things that don't bother you.

>> No.6277806

wow a totally original post

>> No.6277811

>getting paid less because you're a woman is wrong
>getting paid more because you're a pretty woman is fine

>> No.6277815

Good grief, your victim complex surpasses anything I've ever seen on tumblr. We get it, not getting laid is a real holocaust for you. Nah, make that two holocausts and half a rwandan genocide.

>> No.6277816

>speaking to a woman is harrasment
>speaking to a woman on facebook is harassment

In a world run by feminists, only high value- high status men would deign talk to women and everyone else would just be chemically castrated

>> No.6277817

ITT: can't into Althusser
>He uses this analysis to defend Marx's historical materialism against the charge that it crudely posits a base (economic level) and superstructure (culture/politics) "rising upon it" and then attempts to explain all aspects of the superstructure by appealing to features of the (economic) base (the well known architectural metaphor).
read it faggots

>> No.6277822

Your problems aren't on par with even one of those issues. You're clearly delusional.
Maybe if you'd lift or socialize instead of complaining about the 'Chads' who do you'd realize that.

>> No.6277823

I don't know if you're being ironic, and I was trying to sound funny and witty, but I actually think that it is naive to believe that there's more people actually interested in philosophy that philosophy's degree students.

>> No.6277827

just lost 2% participation mark in my English class bursting out laughing and 'disrupting the peace'

>> No.6277828

Are there statistics on that? (I doubt it, because it would require women to self-report as ugly)

Also, note how you switched from the lost cause of mandatory sex for you, to workplace equality. Note how you're talking to a bunch of commies, we don't believe in wages to begin with.

>> No.6277836

>but yor heart was in the right place
"h-h-hi, I n-n-noticed we have the same taste in /lit/, can I f-fuck you?"

>> No.6277842

OP don't give a shit about what people say, this is just pure trolling, nothing serious.

If you had pulled this off we would all go full resentment on you and shit, you did well on trying, some girls would have talked to you all chill, others would have feeling attacked such as the one you got, it's just chances.

>> No.6277852

Here's an article.

I don't care about the sex issue. I just think it's bullshit to be egalitarian in some areas and deny that inequality even exists in others or trivialising it.

>Note how you're talking to a bunch of commies, we don't believe in wages to begin with.
I'm not very fond of them myself, but we live in a society that has them and they're a good example of how attractive people receive better treatment than others.

>> No.6277861

>Hey, I'm Anon :). This is kinda weird, I don't usually message strangers on facebook. I found a receipt in a book with your name on it and your name is so unique I had to look you up (sorry, kinda weird I know, but I'm very curious :) ). I'm always glad to see atrractive girls reading philosophy :D. Ok this was random lol

There. Now if you could write it like you cared less its even better. You are needy as fuck and need something impotant in your life bro, and I dont mean gf

protip: you dont need to be attractive, just care about your looks

>> No.6277864

>Yep, that's what /r9k/ is, I just wonder why so many of those fuckers come here anytime someone mentions girls.
Idiotic self-hug logic. It's a comforting thought that only r9k people are the only sexually frustrated/highly bitter people in the population

spoiler: it's most men

>> No.6277865

>talking like a faggot to get girls

>> No.6277874

That's what it takes, tbh. I didn't even mention Kant until the 4th date with the girl I'm seeing now.

>> No.6277883
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>> No.6277898
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Autism Speaks.

>hey I just happened to be going through your receipts from last year even though we don't know each other at all and then I looked for you on facebook and how did you like that book you checked out of the library on March 15th 2014? Just checking.

>"guys why did this girl think I was a stalker lol"

>> No.6277902

This faggot is getting his dick wet with different grills every week :^)

>> No.6277905

>That's what it takes, tbh.
For you.

>> No.6277907

>it's most men
Stop being misandric you cunt. I have a fair share of male friends who are single, but none of them is a /r9k/ level retard. Some had phases like that, but they eventually realized how much this contributed to making them completely undateable, and they eventually recovered.

>> No.6277912

>bad genes

That is basically my definition of black people.

>> No.6277923

probably because you're attractive. you'd probably do better not sounding like a faggot, women are attracted to masculinity.

>> No.6277926

/r9k/ has the highest population of women on 4chan boards, second to /cgl/.

>> No.6277935

Makes sense, doesn't it? I'd also wager /pol/ has the most jews.

Like in that old jewish joke where that one guy reads the Stürmer because it says he secretly rules the world.

>> No.6277951

This guy knows it.

>> No.6277957

Good catch. A good proportion of the "hurr durr jews run the world it's a jewspiracy!!" posts and images are actually just jokes made by Jewish guys looking for a laugh. They've been pretty open about it too, one of the guys who made a lot of the Ben Garrison edits is Jewish.

>> No.6277969

You guys are so unbelievably out of touch. I have no idea whether you're kidding or not.

>going through somebody's receipts from a year ago
>"this is perfectly normal"
>"it's only the fact that I am not more handsome that prevents me from seducing the intelligent woman of my dreams"
>"what I am doing would be seen as spontaneous and romantic, if only I were a more handsome man!"
>continues rifling through strangers garbage and contacting them about it

>> No.6277978

being attractive helps, true
smileys and being polite is necessary when you literally stalk and message a random girl or shell get creeped out
im pretty masculine in person. but i still wouldnt agree on that. some women like feminine confident men too

>> No.6277982

That's a shit definition of black people, then

>> No.6277992

>You guys are so unbelievably out of touch
>stop having a different opinion than me! I'm riiiightttt!!

make sure to genuflect to your feminist overlords

>> No.6277996

Are you actively involved in gamergate or a men's rights association?

>> No.6277999
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>> No.6278002

Dat hover hand

>> No.6278003


Romance is dead.

>> No.6278004

>feminist overlords
Wouldn't that be, overladies?
Also, pfffffft.

>> No.6278006
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>> No.6278009


This is nothing like my Japanese anime (Whisper of the Heart) which had a similar 'oh we checked out the same library book' type plotline in it.

>> No.6278014

>m'lady I found your name written on a piece of garbage and couldn't help but look for you

>> No.6278015

again, self-hug logic. It only seems reasonabe that I'm a gamergate neckbeard because it's contrary to your deeply-rooted beliefs. Would it feel weird if I'm tall, attractive and have a variety choice of the girls I hook up with? the most widely visited pua/game blogs are the most brazenly misogynistic websites on the web, and the authors have banged more hot women than most men could dream of

>> No.6278022
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>> No.6278023
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>> No.6278024
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>transcending the boundaries of bait and time, he uses a bait reaction image as bait
Ok, I'm impressed.

>> No.6278026

lel I clicked some random posts

>> No.6278027

AAAAnd this is why I don't take books written by autists seriously. There's nothing more annoying than reading badly written dialogue or socializing. You can just tell that the author is an autist.

>> No.6278028

>and the authors have banged more hot women than most men could dream of
OR that's what they tell you, because their job is making money off gullible retards.

>> No.6278038

Thank God this thread is nearing the bump limit

>> No.6278044

Answer the question
You didn't answer the question

>> No.6278046

Yeah, that's how you got caught.

>> No.6278049

>OR that's what they tell you, because their job is making money off gullible retards.
most blogs don't make any money.
see heartiste

>> No.6278055

Does anyone remember when Ryan gosling saved that 'penny red' feminist girl from being run over in new York and she wrote an article fucking him over for it? Google it, shits pretty funnie

>> No.6278057

No, I am not involved in any social activism of any kind

>> No.6278058

If this issue matters so much to you, shouldn't you get involved?

>> No.6278094

No, it's obviously for fedora-tippers and neckbeards.

>> No.6278100

But you've got so much I'm common with them. You want the same things, you use the same irrational arguments, you're equally delusional, and I bet you have a neckbeard.
You equate your problems with the problems of oppressed groups, but you don't feel strongly enough to be an activist?

>> No.6278132

Funny how you'd pick that guy, as he's probably the paradigm example of a complete sexual ignoramus with a cult following.

>> No.6278202


>> No.6278272

>implying you have ever met an intelligent girl.

>> No.6278289


he wasn't even implying that you faggot, learn to read

>> No.6278342

There is nothing the OP did wrong, besides the "haha"

>> No.6278501

This thread has become one big shithole, fucking delete it already

>> No.6278521

>girls who read Schopenhauer expect life to be like a romantic comedy, instead of being spiteful misanthropes.

Whether a woman is the prime minister of Russia, or a broke crackhead on the streets, they all like to feel appreciated and loved

>> No.6278539

>[le satire] girls who read Schopenhauer expect life to be like a romantic comedy, instead of being spiteful misanthropes.
Jokes on you, Schopenhauer was a romantic like Wagner. See: Nietzsche.

>> No.6278585
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>Why are girls today so hysterically afraid of men they don't know?

Is.. is this guy serious?

>> No.6278625

Call him romantic all you want, but he still views all women as less intelligent/capable than men