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/lit/ - Literature

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6275829 No.6275829[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why do girls pretend to read books?

>> No.6275835

Is it that hard for you to believe a porn star read one book?

>> No.6275836


my gf reads books though

>> No.6275839


She also wrote a book

>> No.6275844

she just pretends to anon. she reads a summary on sparknotes after in case you ask any questions

>> No.6275848


but I lay in bed with her and watch her read

>> No.6275852


She is just pretending to read while she fantasizes about Chad

>> No.6275927

r9k plz go

>> No.6275935

I'm a girl and in my experience men tend to pretend to read books far more than we do. A woman talks about books she's actually read, men talk about books they pretend to have read. My ex pretending to have read every single fucking work of literature and philosophy I ever brought up with him in conversation, and I know he didn't because when I talked with him about Kant, first thing he says is, "Oh, yes. He thought lying was always immoral, even when a murderer is asking where your friend is." I mean, that's true, but you have to qualify that with he said just refuse to tell the murderer, and that's what everyone who hasn't read Kant brings up. Yet the guy pretending to have read every single thing by Kant I mentioned, and when I started correcting all of his bullshit, he said, "Oh, yes, forgot, well it's been a while since I've read him."

>> No.6275939

Why do boys pretend to read?

>> No.6275940


>> No.6275943

Why do /lit/izens pretend to read books?

>> No.6275947
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womeme deteceted GET OUT NORMIES (ree)

>> No.6276122


>> No.6276156

To be fair, a lot of Kant's points are either murky or super forgettable.

He wasn't the most eloquent of folks.

>> No.6276195
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Nerdy boy, he's so slow, tuesday we started Foucault, he's still stuck on the intro? He's a no go.

>> No.6276218

Did YOU read Kant? Because it sounds like you haven't either.

>> No.6276233


>> No.6276265

The same reason /lit/ pretends to: for image.

>> No.6276270

Made me laugh at least.

>> No.6276273
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>reading continental bullshit

>> No.6276277

>actually able to reference something from Kant
>he's just lying
I haven't read much of Kant myself but what I did read I felt like I needed a flow chart to follow. So I wouldn't be surprised if your ex forgot stuff or had a differing interpretation.

>> No.6276284

The truth is that women read much more than men. In young people, boys don't really read at all where as girls read a lot.

/lit/ is in denial

>> No.6276293

>[Citation Needed]

>> No.6276294

I would probably allow myself to be tortured for a few weeks in exchange for a gf with good taste in lit and music. I'm at a top 10 university too, and everybody is a fucking dreadful philistine. Intellectuals are a myth. Just by virtue of browsing this board, we're probably in the 99th percentile of most intellectual humans in the western world. Isn't that sad and pathetic?

>> No.6276296

same reason guys do

>> No.6276299

The content of what they're reading matters as well, but I definitely agree.
While I'm not going to argue whether men or women read more "intellectual" literature, women are definitely the entire industry's main consumer.
Even reading YA or those bargain bin romance novels is better than nothing at all.
I wouldn't give /lit/ so much credit.

>> No.6276301

you sound like you have read kant

>> No.6276304

>I wouldn't give /lit/ so much credit.
That's the thing, I'm not really giving /lit/ any credit. /lit/ is only intellectual relative to western culture at large because people are so ignorant and shitty on average.

>> No.6276307

this. every time I bring it up with friends and get "I don't read" back I die a little inside. I get that people have different opinions but neglecting a whole medium that's arguably as old as human language just seems so shallow.

>> No.6276319

So you don't talk to them, duh. Also, because Chad and feminism and jews and cultural marxism. It's a conspiracy. A conspiracy to keep you from reproducing.

>> No.6276521

Everyone pretends to read books, anon.

>> No.6276547


Yes, she's multi-talented.

>I’m bent over the coffee table and Jack’s fucking me from behind again. Not doggy style, but froggy style, resting on his haunches, with his hands pressing against my lower back to support himself, fucking me deep and hard. And it feels as if his cock is going to bore through my pussy, right into the table, like a human drilldo. And we’ll be stuck there. Screwing and screwed to the table.
>We’re fucking on the kitchen counter. My knees are hooked over Jack’s shoulders. And he’s standing on tiptoes now so he can get just the right angle. I’m sliding back and forth on the counter as he thrusts into me and I’m afraid I’m going to fall off. I sweep my hands behind me for something to grab onto. My hands find the wall, they find the spice rack attached to it, and I think, that’ll do. But it cracks off almost immediately and comes away in my hands and the spices spill all over the counter. Jack’s fucking me and my ass is being rubbed in cumin, ginger, garlic, salt and pepper. I’m marinating in my own juices and my ass is ready to be cooked, but I come multiple times before he’s ready to leave his yeast in my oven. And as I come, my asshole puckers and snorts a pinch of chili. The pain is excruciating. My asshole is burning and my pussy’s on fire. And the flames consume my body and lick at my brain. We’re both burning up in the heat of our love.

>> No.6276555

To be honest, that's pretty damn funny.

>> No.6276556
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I haven't read a book in nearly 7 years.

I lurk here only to get neckbeards angry, or to see how far into a conversation I can get without knowing a goddamn thing about the topics.

Been here 3 years now. :^)

>> No.6276564

>Not doggy style, but froggy style
Hahaha, good one.

>> No.6276703

I have a degree in English Literature, I think I read one book over those 4 years. (It was in the Skin of a Lion).

>> No.6276705

I couldn't even fap to this

>> No.6276717

>my asshole puckers and snorts a pinch of chili
Wat? Either this is serious anatomy fail or she needs to visit a proctologist ASAP. (Probably the latter.)

>> No.6276740

personally i'm not guilty of this but some of my friends are so i'll give you that

>> No.6276746


This is a bait?

>> No.6276760 [SPOILER] 
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If Spanish incase i would explain your deep autism, You're lucky that ignores many terms that would need to use.



If your boyfriend is an idiot does not prevent you what you are.

>> No.6276776

You live in a shit country and you university rankings are worthless, and/or you're in a field where nobody reads literature. Change university, change country, change major, or change reincarnation.

>> No.6276811
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>Jack’s fucking me and my ass is being rubbed in cumin, ginger, garlic, salt and pepper. I’m marinating in my own juices and my ass is ready to be cooked, but I come multiple times before he’s ready to leave his yeast in my oven. And as I come, my asshole puckers and snorts a pinch of chili. The pain is excruciating. My asshole is burning and my pussy’s on fire. And the flames consume my body and lick at my brain. We’re both burning up in the heat of our love.

I will save this for future use.

>> No.6276882
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>tfw someone posts a pic of Sasha in the OP and you end up fapping to furry porn despite yourself

>> No.6276889

Her eyebrows aren't that big.

>> No.6276903


Nah she was fucking some bloke in a bear suit. I came buckets. What's wring with me.

I do wish she'd shut her fucking gob a bit though. I'm all in favour of dirty talking slags, but Sasha just screams mindless profane gibberish most of the time.

>> No.6277477
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>I’m marinating in my own juices and my ass is ready to be cooked,

>> No.6277489

He probably did what that pornstar did; skim through an intro to philosophy book
If someone is over 18 and reading an intro to philosophy book run, don't walk

>> No.6277502

For you
Pour tu

>> No.6277540

my experience of regular readers:

>heterosexual men read non-fiction
>heterosexual women read fiction
>gay men and closet fags read fiction

>> No.6277543

heterosexual men don't read, they're retards.

>> No.6277555

>I'm a girl and in my experience men tend to pretend to read books far more than we do.
1. Nobody giives a fuck about your sex.
2. You obviously lack of experience. Instead of wasting time writing a long post to a troll I will state the obvious: you're retarded.

>> No.6277565

tumblr please go

>> No.6277566
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>casually reading, when all of a sudden

>> No.6277570

She made a fair point while you lacked the intellectual sense to critique the content of her words. Have your read Kant? It doesn't seem like it because to calling her retarded is a lie.

>> No.6277572

>be sort of ''dating'' girl (we weren't really into eachother, but whatever, we hung out a few times)
>said she likes to read when I met her
>see her bookshelf
>pretty much empty, she says she hasn't really read any of thouroughly, except for one, there was one book that she absolutely loved and finished
>pulls out a translation of The Fault in Our Stars
>Instantly think less of her, can't get over it.
Stopped seeing her later, happy for it.

Just now on train
>chatting with uni mate
>really cute girl gets on the train
>pulls out book
>scan the cover, read ''Will Grayson''
>''never heard of him, I wonder if it's any good''
>see rest of the cover
>John Green
Instantly lose respect for her, can't really give a shit about her anymore, despite her being really good looking

I'm not even doing it purposely, it just ruins everything for me. I suppose reading is rare enough to see that anyone who at least reads is glorified, but it's like praising someone for watching Fox News because ''at least they're watching the news''

>> No.6277575
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>I don't think I'm going to enact the labor of explaining to you

>> No.6277578

>Nobody giives a fuck about your sex
In a thread about differences between the sexes, that's a maximally retarded statement.

>> No.6277588

why do lonely men pretend to be contented misogynists?

>> No.6277593

Sour grapes man, sour grapes.

>> No.6277598

On a board where people read and discuss /lit/, using an adverb like "maximally" is retarded.

>> No.6277600

> not wanting chianti and fava beans

>> No.6277602

People seem to care, after all she got the most replies, even more than when I check this 7.

>> No.6277607

Critique thread plz go