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6275055 No.6275055 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: quality children's lit

>> No.6275064
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Top three books as a kid

>> No.6275072

calvin and hobbes

>> No.6275089

This is actually still my favourite book.

>> No.6275108
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I really enjoyed the His Dark Materials series as a kid. Along with anything by Dahl. Dont h8.

>> No.6275111
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The first three in this series are absolutely fantastic, though the fourth is a bit of a downer.

>> No.6275118


Little prince?

>> No.6275125
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>not reading your children Grimm's original fairy tales
>not helping them develop through their subconscious


>> No.6275127

i don't want my children to become german nationalists though

>> No.6275128
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I started with the Greeks

>> No.6275130

Holy shit this

>> No.6275134


>> No.6275135
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>> No.6275136
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Read this series as an adult (~21) and I was surprised by how good it was.

Also, the 6th Harry Potter book isn't too bad.

And pic related of course

>> No.6275142

Yeah, Pullman's alright,

Also, they turned this into a puppet show recently. Touring Australia or something. W-would it be bad if i wanted to go see it?

>> No.6275156
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>> No.6275163

Life is short. Do what you want to do.

>> No.6275167
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>> No.6275169

>W-would it be bad if i wanted to go see it?
If you live in Australia, you owe it to yourself to see it.

You probably should smoke some weed or do some drugs though.

>> No.6275187
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me too. same edition, even.

pic related kicks the shit out of Harry Potter

>> No.6275190

I'l coat my arm in kerosine, light it, and fistfuck a goat.

> smoking the herbal jew
Yeah, nah. But yeah, I'm thinking ill drop a tab with my mate and go see it when it comes to my town. Being high in a room full of kids/parents/giant caterpillar puppets, surely nothing could go wrong. Will be entertaining.

Worth checking out at all? As a solo read, not in comparison to Potter

>> No.6275197
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Neverending Story is pretty good too, but pic related is way better.
The Little Nicholas books by Goscinny are excellent as well, and I really like Roald Dahl's stories when I was a kid.

>> No.6275238
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>>Worth checking out at all?

I've been considering re-reading it as an adult. I came to it a bit late, anyhow, I was probably fourteen i.e. older than the protag.

Cooper was highly awarded for this series, there's 3 other books after it, too. can't remember if it was the Caldecot or the Newbury, but yeah. and she got the Welsh non-kids-literature award for one of them, too, since that book was steeped in Welsh culture.

I remember them giving me that heavy feeling of being connected to the universe. maybe that was me being naive, but still, they're good.

>> No.6275242

>I'l coat my arm in kerosine, light it, and fistfuck a goat.
pics plz

>> No.6275248

the bible

>> No.6275249
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My favorite.

>> No.6275269

Exactly one year from now, i'll post pics. Be here. 16/03/2016.

I'll probably checkout my local library, see if they're there. You've piqued my interest. Sometimes I find older childrens books to be better than fiction aimed at adults.

>> No.6275271

isnt half chan a gigantic field of doldrums?

>> No.6275289
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At least. True quality here. Although the repetitive pattern and the black/white caracters eventually bored me in the long run. I think I grew out of childhood when Redwall ceased to entertain me.

Jacques died a few years after :(

>> No.6275297

I will have a box of tissues and a bottle of hand lotion with your name on it, friend.

>> No.6275300

Gonna read this shit to my children. Great book.

>> No.6275316

damn, RIP

>> No.6277182
File: 139 KB, 850x682, to_be_young_again.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aw, shit yeah! That takes me back, anon. Comfy times long gone now.

Also enjoyed pic related.

>> No.6277216

>Half chan

Go back to your MRA circlejerk, fag.

>> No.6277346

that is such a cool cover. i wish this was a part of my childhood

>> No.6277358
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>> No.6277375

Calvin's antics and Hobbes' insight really shaped they way i thought about the would when i was younger. In a good way

>> No.6277379

OK Shylock

>> No.6277769
File: 1.95 MB, 1776x1728, tumblr_static_uwm2adzxx40k0ko0c08go84g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably one of the few childrens book I'd ever pick up and read today.

>> No.6277813

>the BFG
I loved that book has a kid, but now every time I see it now I immediately identify the title as 'The Big Fucking Giant'. Has the internet corrupted my mind?

>> No.6277814
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>> No.6277837

Nah. I thought the same thing in the third grade, and was secretly relieved when the teacher told us that the F stood for Friendly.

>> No.6278063

The Hobbit. The Sirens of Titan.

>> No.6278282

Motherfucker the audiobook of that was delicious.

>Green Eggs and Ham
>Echoes of the Elders

I read all of those frequently and will read them to my children.

>> No.6278332
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Damn right

>> No.6278344

you will never have children

>> No.6278512

This book changed my life more than any other. I still have the copy I bought at the book fair in 2nd grade. Most of my best friends as an adult all have that book in common as well. I think it just really resonates with a certain kind of person and everyone else is not even worth speaking too.

>> No.6278528

I totally discovered the concept of sexuality in one scene in the amber spyglass where the two main character are implied to make love.

I am unashamed to say that that was my first fap, as tears streamed my face

Sensitive as fuck kid

>> No.6278529

I nicked that from my school

>> No.6278636

Riddley Walker, by Russell Hoban
Sophie's World
The Neverending Story and Momo, by Michael Ende
Andersen's fairy tales and the Grimm brothers

>> No.6278675
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>Riddley Walker
>Written in opaque language a step down from Finnegan's Wake
>Contains cannibalism, sex, pedophilia, a nuclear holocaust, torture, slavery and cyclical genocide of the Eusa folk, heads on sticks
>Children's lit

Hoban is usually a children's author, but damn man, did you ever read the book? It's like The Road but with purple prose and more vegetation.

>> No.6278718
File: 630 KB, 898x1200, Bo-Peep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bo-Peep didn't just find her sheep, she killed the ringleader, skinned him, and wore his head and fleece as a grisly warning to the rest of the flock. Valuable life lessons there.

>> No.6279727

Have you tried his mature work? It's pretty good.

>> No.6279738
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>> No.6279767
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No Bellairs yet?

>> No.6279777


>> No.6279784

Would Calvino's Fairytales count? Or are they 2postmo?

>> No.6279823

They are not all postmodern and kids could definitely enjoy them. They also aren't any more edgy than that Brother's Grimm crap

>> No.6279831
File: 13 KB, 300x300, MTE5NDg0MDU0OTM4MDI3NTM1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]