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/lit/ - Literature

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6275067 No.6275067 [Reply] [Original]

I live in the middle on nowhere.
The only things I have is food, roof above head, laptop, internet and unlimited time.
I have no other need and I've decided to retreat from the civilized world in order to read and write and live a simple life.

That being said, I want to start with the greeks. Can /lit/ recommend some sites and pages where I can read the books online?

>> No.6275081

are you NEET? how are you funding it?

>> No.6275088 [DELETED] 

>thinks the intellectual life is a simple life


>> No.6275091

>retreat from civilized life
>to read


>> No.6275103

>not dedicating all your time to literature

>> No.6275129

>implies a simple life is a bad life

By simple life I mean no stress, no demands, no deadlines. I'm living my own life, pure and unadulterated.

I have virtually unlimited resources, enough to live comfortably until I die of old age. won't go into more detail

>> No.6275942

Pic related. I saw Kanye on this tour. Bangin' energy.

>> No.6275952

Can I join you?

>> No.6275980

I don't think the canonical authoritarian Greeks would really be a good fit for the form of life you're undertaking (by this I mean Homer, Plato, Aristotle). They all take as central to life, a political, social component that you seem to be rejecting. They would probably think you were nothing more than an animal and irrationally disposing with what makes you "human."

If you want to look at the classics, I would recommend the "counter-current" of that epoch, the Stoics in particularly, as well as the Pre-Socratics.

Libgen has tons of stuff. http://gen.lib.rus.ec/

>> No.6275981
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Just google em. I'm sure they're all there multiple times and multiple translations.
Sounds real nice.

He's self educating.
But where are you getting food from, OP?

>> No.6276005

It works fine for me. Nobody says you have to read about your surroundings.

>> No.6276022

>I've decided to retreat from the civilized world
>laptop, internet

Not exactly a retreat. You're more or less just making the internet your sole outlet to the world. You're no better than a fat neckbeard on his computer all day in mom's basement.

>> No.6276060

>You're no better
Is this jealousy of his freedom?

Why do 'merrcans hate freedom so much?

>> No.6276302

Neckbeards should read more, they certainly have the time for it.

>> No.6276316

Ween't le Greeks heavily studied in monasteries?

>> No.6276367

I aim to retreat from civilization myself, as soon as I'm a little older and have the money.
Any tips on living the hermit life?