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6273900 No.6273900 [Reply] [Original]

Daily reminder that nihilism is just philosophical laziness.

>> No.6273908

Daily reminder that the Jews did 9/11

>> No.6273939
File: 10 KB, 250x197, Hoax.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6273944

Daily reminder that "laziness" is just a societal construct and that a time in which to be a slacker doesn't even exist.

>> No.6273949

Nihilism is the /lit/ of philosophy.

>> No.6273984


>> No.6273989


>> No.6273999

nihilism is the logical conclusion to all previous philosophies.

>> No.6274017

I get daily reminded of so many things on this board I can hardly keep track of them all.

>> No.6274023

did you get reminded today that jet fuel can't burn through steel girders?

>> No.6274040

>Daily reminder that nihilism is just philosophical laziness
"Laziness" as a word has too many proto deterministic connotations. Just avoid any "free will" connotations at all since the topic is controversial.

Nihilism is more like a "taste" or school. Like decadence. Nihilism is obviously a term with many uses, that makes it unspecific, but nevertheless you know its going to mean something like Nine Inch Nails or Rebecca Black rather than Mozart or Coltrane. That's using a music example, the former being nihilistic music, the latter being classicist.

>> No.6274070
File: 35 KB, 640x640, 1425282647646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're so horrible, aren't they?

>> No.6274080
File: 70 KB, 640x351, Facts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about that for fun?

Homework time, kids. Start Googling.

>> No.6274095

people who claim that nihilism is lazy are cowards.
nihilism doesnt end at making the realization that life is meainingless. that's the first step.
the next is rebeling and finding a meaining for life. constructing your own.
that shit is far from lazy.
its exploration. experimentation. thought. work. blood. sweat. tears.

>> No.6274103

>the next is rebeling and finding a meaining for life. constructing your own.

>> No.6274107

Er, are you implying everything schools teach about this time period is mostly bupkis? What about everything else they were talking about? Surely they stop BSing about things when you get to college.

>> No.6274109


There's nothing inherently wrong with spooks as long as you realize they are spooks.

>> No.6274120

if the holocaust really happened they wouldn't have to make it a crime to expose the truth

>> No.6274160
File: 182 KB, 1464x546, existentialism absurdism nihilism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>finding a meaning. constructing your own

that's existentialism. nihilism is saying "fuck it, can't be done, never mind"

>> No.6274357

Do you mean Stirner spooks, or the antiquated farm equipment kind of spook? Cuz there is something wrong with one of these. Very wrong.

>> No.6274502

no. there's like 6 different types of nihilism that i can remember.
existential, political, ethical, moral, epistemological, and ontological.
the one you just said is epistemological nihilism.

>> No.6274541

>the next is rebeling and finding a meaining for life. constructing your own.
I feel like I've read this before