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File: 256 KB, 900x1597, cartoon10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6263328 No.6263328[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Let's have a serious discussion about christianity and masculinity

>> No.6263331

Christianity promotes traditional gender roles. There isn't much more to say.

>> No.6263356

Let's have a serious discussion about literature.

>> No.6263380
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>> No.6263716

This comic is an excellent demonstration of how a pagan misunderstands Christianity.
For a pagan morality doesn't exist, in the sense that his soul is either aligned with good or evil and this has supreme importance. For a pagan, morality is just some law that is arbitrarily imposed from above by the powerful, and is just something that one has to submit to if one wants to get through life without too much hassle.
The man in this comic is not a Christian, in that he does not have the Christian consciousness of God or of sin. All he is is a weak pagan, as contrasted with strong pagan who levers at his wife in the last panel. If he were a Christian the idea that his wife might be cheating on him wouldn't make him worry for his sake, but for his wife's sake. See, if a pagan's wife cheats on him then the harm is done to him, because he brings shame/humiliation upon him, undermines his pride. But if a Christian's wife cheats on him she does more harm to herself than to her husband, because she's defiled her soul. So for the pagan a cheating wife is an opportunity for spite and revenge, but for a Christian it's an opportunity for repentance and forgiveness.
A pagan's masculinity is made up of brute strength and power over others, and so whosoever undermines his power emasculates him. But a Christian gets his masculinity through humility and submission to the will of God, and so the emasculating thing is to give into temptation like the pagan does by giving into lust in the comic.

>> No.6263718


>> No.6263733

So his emasculation is not in his wife cuckolding him, but in his double-mindedness, his refusal to give everything to God. If he gives his pride up to God then he can't be harmed by being cuckolded. This does not mean that he will consent to.being cuckold, not at all..It is still unjust to cuckold your husband and therefore doing so demands either mercy or retribution, but his unwillingness to consent to being cuckolded is more based on above of his wife's soul which would be harmed. y the sin than by a fear that his pride would be belittled by it.

>> No.6263736


>> No.6263752

I came into this thread expecting a bunch of idiots throwing their shit at each other. But this is actually a really well thought out and well-presented arguement. It can be used for more religions than Christianity though. Christianity isn't the only religion that expects someone to give everything to their god, so using the term "pagan" is a bit silly. You'd be better off using a different term.

And not that it matters, but I'm a godless heathen. I just enjoy a well put together statement.

>> No.6263757

Why would one even make such a comic? To prove what?

>> No.6263770


>why do people create art?

>> No.6263781
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>> No.6263791

What I have said above relates to the essential fact about the life of the unbeliever: it's unhappy.
To a pagan for whom this world is everything happiness is impossible. No matter how powerful you become in this world, your power will wane. No matter how happy, your happiness will wane. Beauty, glory, strength, intelligence, the remembrance of you after you are gone -all will fade revealing the essential nothingness of this world. And it's this realisation that leads to the pagan proverb par excellence which is: drink now, for tomorrow we die; or, carpe diem; or, live life to the fullest; or, YOLO. Knowing that in the final analysis his life will leave no mark, even if he was emperor of the entire world for 100 years, he despairs and flees into "the moment" where he can escape from all reflection upon his life which would reveal its vanity / meaninglessness. This fleeing to the moment however is the essence of immorality and lawlessness, because in the moment the thought of right or wrong does not occur, there is only your immediate instinct which can go either one way or the other. So in trying to escape his despair a man would have to reduce himself to thoughtlessness and practical bestiality, which most people only achieve on nights with the help of alcohol - hence the worldly obsession for festival where one can forget oneself (if one were happy one wouldn't need to forget oneself).
A Christian slave is more joyful than a pagan emperor. Life as a Christian slave is indeed more dignified and a higher appointment than life as a pagan emperor. The only thing that differs between a pagan slave and a pagan emperor 's that the emperor has more toys to play with before he disappears into oblivion.

>> No.6263814

>I heard you like spooks so I put some spooks in your spooks so you can spook while you spook

>> No.6263822


pure ideology

>> No.6263824

You have to type a lot to convince people don't you. Wonder if you'll ever convince yourself.

The cartoon is shit, and you are giving it far too much significance by arguing foolishly and worthlessly against it.

>> No.6263830

>The only thing that differs between a pagan slave and a pagan emperor 's that the emperor has more toys to play with before he disappears into oblivion.

Whereas the Christian is given the life of a man where his actions do have lasting consequences. The pagan is an eternal child, he never grows up, he never realises that he has a responsibility before God and that doing evil to others is not something that shall be forgotten in the oblivion of death, but that shall be remembered for eternity.

Christian's have hope, pagans have nostalgia. For Christians this moment is a solidified thing that will stand forever in perfect remembrance in God's eye. For pagans this moment is an always fleeting thing that can never be reclaimed, hence the nostalgia. Hence the pagan desire for eternal youth; the youth who has not yet realized his mortality and who looks back with nostalgia.

>> No.6263831

I'm not arguing against it. I'm just using it as a starting point to begin a speech.
I'm done now anyway.

>> No.6263844

Christianity is masculine as fuck. Liberal atheists are the ones that let their wives tell them what to do.

>> No.6263858

being submissive is a traditional gender role? Are traditional gender roles objectively better?

>> No.6263870

Christianity has a long tradition of combating spooks.

>But Christianity is full of spooks

God is no spook. Sterner's ego and its demands are spooks. Read the short On Cleaving to God .prof on the internet by St. Alberta's Magnus for a quick anti-spook treatise

>> No.6263877

this is the dorkiest thread all month

>> No.6263880

Yes and yes

>> No.6263901

Yes and no.

>> No.6263917

>God is no spook
Not even a Stirner fan, but god is the paradigmatic example of a spook.

>> No.6263923

What a load of thoroughly unfalsifiable nonsense

>> No.6263924

In Striners opinion

>> No.6263927

Yeah right, Stirner was the lnly atheist, ever.

>> No.6263929
File: 83 KB, 569x720, Eve.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you honestly believe that Christianity endorses men taking a submissive role in relationships or are you just trolling?

>> No.6263931

>domination and submission are the only modes of human interaction
Pagan as fuck.

>> No.6263935

His words not mine:


>> No.6263950

are you a catholic ?

>> No.6263961

>A pagan's masculinity is made up of brute strength and power over others, and so whosoever undermines his power emasculates him.
>Time itself emasculates the pagan
>pagans BTFO

>> No.6263964

>meme religion

>> No.6263966
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>> No.6263967

yeah like that

>> No.6263968
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>> No.6263975
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>> No.6263976

last time I went to [s4s] I tried to start a redpill thread but everyone just posted pictures of medication
fcking libral cuck fags

>> No.6263988
File: 250 KB, 1920x1080, crusader.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw you would all be the playthings of modern day socrateses without christianity

>> No.6263994

Are you impying that would be a bad thing?

>> No.6264007

Forgiveness is the Christian thing to do.

Enabling cuckoldry and carrying around an adulteresses bags is not.

According to OT law her life is now forfeit to the guy, and rightly so.

>> No.6264013

Good point. I didn't think of it like that.

>> No.6264046

>it was rampant pedohilia that enabled the greatness of the hellenic world

Astounding logic. Also, it was the philosophers of the ancient world who laid the foundation of ridding the homosexual practices.

>> No.6264072

Ever heard of Orgons?
Also, concerning their plans for gay extermination, it doesn't seem to have worked.

>> No.6264073

I'm the guy you replied to and I agree. I hope you don't think that I condone adultery or think that someone should have to put up with it.

>> No.6264085


>> No.6264095


>But if a Christian's wife cheats on him she does more harm to herself than to her husband, because she's defiled her soul. So for the pagan a cheating wife is an opportunity for spite and revenge, but for a Christian it's an opportunity for repentance and forgiveness.

>b-but muh christian is not cuckold i swear!

Good lord I expected /lit/ could read better between lines, you just literally said that if she were ashamed of his cheating you would forgive her, because for yourself that is a opportunity for forgiveness and being *moral*, are you so naive to be able to manipulate yourself so easily?

I side with the pagans side here, at least when you get shame/humilliation for you you don't fail again in the same trap, and you can make things happen here not in the soul realm.

Anyway in the end of the day christians would still go and take revenge by their hands lel, it always happen

>> No.6264098
File: 243 KB, 881x1600, 1425823433348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone got more of these?

>> No.6264101

Fuck off, your sort ain't welcome here.

>> No.6264102
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>> No.6264106
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>> No.6264112
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>> No.6264114

Does this guy make any comics that aren't about cuckolding?

>> No.6264117
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>> No.6264119


>> No.6264123
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>> No.6264127

Christianity is basically a beta revolt by all standards.
So Chad would be everything Nietzsche would hail.

Traditional society, pre-Enlightenment, literally believed that unrestrained women would seek escapades to engage in orgies with goat-headed demons. In a way, they were right. Not literally, of course, but in the meaning that unrestrained women will congregate at the harems of a few evil, psychopathic men, or "demons".

Pretty much what beta's on /r9k/ also fear.

>> No.6264129

I'm fucked up if those comics piss me off?

>> No.6264131
File: 227 KB, 781x1600, 1425817728375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And that's it, If you have more please post!

>> No.6264136

I wish someone would show these comics to zizek.

that would be a fucking laugh

>> No.6264137


You need to stop going to r9k if you think the issue is related only to sluts, chads, etc.

>> No.6264138

Great /r9k/ thread, guys.

>> No.6264140

Now i finally understand what Nietzsche meant when he said Christianity is 'slave morality'

Please don't
Cuckpostinf and christposting together will just invite /pol/fags to this board

>> No.6264141

I mean I'm Catholic, but your weaboo Christian pictures are fucking annoying.

>> No.6264144

Piss you of at women, or at the people who made them?

>> No.6264147
File: 29 KB, 481x273, alpha male harem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Did I say that?
It's merely to prove there's little inherently 'masculine', as we traditionally understand masculinity to be, about Christianity when it's a huge white knight/beta set of ideas.

>> No.6264148


I didn't know they were from /r9k/, found these stupid comics on this board. I find them hilarious.

ok will stop

>> No.6264153


Women doesn't piss me off, but the situation in general does

I have seen this shit happen and how delusioned men can be sometimes, that pisses me off

>> No.6264158

I have a question for you:

Who are these Christians you speak of?

I've never met one. Over 90% of the Christians in the world seem to be "Pagan" in the deepest spiritual sense. The only people who really resemble the Christians you speak of are Orthodox Jews, but they don't worship Christ.

Evangelicals, Southern Baptists, traditionalist catholics and all the others strike me as just as "worldly" in how they live as open Pagans and Atheists, they just pay lip service to the other world. There's not a single Christian movement I've ever seen that actually resembles its supposed standards. The more I think about these matters the more I'm convinced that Judaism is the only real abrahamic faith.

>> No.6264159
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>> No.6264172
File: 62 KB, 1352x440, 1426024779829.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/lit/ is such a white knight shithole.
You guys have no clue about the world.

>> No.6264177

>Over 90% of the Christians in the world
citation needed

>> No.6264180

>lets kill and rape innocent people on the other side of the world
>oh no! my wife was fucking some other guy! woe is me

>> No.6264181
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>> No.6264185
File: 217 KB, 539x795, jenniferconnellycocaine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I find it hard to believe that someone would actually be delusional enough to make these comics without any irony. However, since Elliot Rodger I've realised that these guys -- r9k, pol, redpill mra shit, whatever -- are actually dead serious. I'd feel bad for them, but many have such malignant intentions and desires that I'd rather have them all kill themselves; that way they will suffer no more and the rest of the world is safe from their menace.

>> No.6264191


What is deluded about depicting, in comic form, an experience someone had?

your post is full rhetoric.

>> No.6264193


>being unironically a pacifist in this world

>> No.6264194

Oh come the fuck on man. Have you ever interacted with any Christians before outside of your Jesuit seminary? They're just as prone to getting tattoos, Jewelry, having sex before marriage, listening to rock music, brown nosing and pursuing power and influence as anyone else. Christians are Pagan as fuck, except maybe the clergy.

>> No.6264197

>he watches MSNBC

>> No.6264198

>joining military service
>expecting not to get screwed over

>> No.6264199

That reminds me, the first thing that happens in American Sniper was Chris literally being cucked.

>> No.6264200

Autismo detector over 9000

>> No.6264201


>I can't imagine someone has a set of ideas which imo are pure horse shit and uses it to create something

That's how I feel about you commie assholes.

>> No.6264202

>not getting killed in the name of fuck all means you're a liberal sissy pacifist

>> No.6264204

Oh shit that comic is pure misandry, asit portrays guys as shallow and only interested in female attention. Isn't that also the le redpill stereotype of women? Are redpill people just opposed to human being existing in general?

>> No.6264206


>doing this job implies your wife will cheat on you

>> No.6264207

Creed, Yellowcard, and Thousand Foot Krutch aren't exactly rock musicians. And tattoos of crosses and Jesus's face aren't really tattoos. And cross necklaces and earrings aren't really jewelry.

>> No.6264208

Not that anon, but by pagan you simply mean the irreligious?

>> No.6264209

>having a wife at the average age of enlisting
literally asking for it

>> No.6264210


I think if people are going to be Christian they should actually take it seriously instead of just brandishing the faith as some kind of flag. I can't imagine how shallow someone would have to be to not get that.

>> No.6264211


>people join the military and the police because they're evil and don't want me to smoke dank

It's funny how far class solidarity goes unless the working class picks the wrong side, right hu, undergrads?

>> No.6264215

I sure do love literature.

>> No.6264216


>agreeing with me that most women are scum in their young age

You've just fried your own ass and agreed with these comics.

>> No.6264217

>i'm so tough, look at me bitches
>i'm so nice, look at me ladies
>i'm rich, please go out with me
>i'm the smartest, can we fuck
>no, actually, i'm a feminist, this'll make the ladies like me

Does /r9k/ really see it this way? Do they go through the antire attention-seeking show-off pretend fandango every time they're trying to befriend a male as well?

>> No.6264219

You think Christians shouldn't lisen to rock and get tatoos which is dumb to be honest.

>> No.6264220

Not that anon, but i am pretty sure he was mocking soldiers in general

>> No.6264222

>class solidarity
you think I'm some kind of commie?

when was i disagreeing with them? wrong guy m8

>> No.6264227


In most general sense a Pagan is just someone who lives for this world. So the difference between a Pagan and a Judeo-Christian-Muslim type is actually one of psychology or 'mindset' rather than professed faith. If you live for pleasure or self-advancement or sex or something like that, you're Pagan; if you pursue some kind of higher standard that you believe to be objectively binding on humanity, you're abrahamic, even if you consciously reject all abrahamic religions. Take myself for instance. I totally reject all abrahamic theologies and yet on the deepest levels I'm more Christian than most practising Christians, because I attach no special significance to wealth and power and live mostly for my principles.

>> No.6264228


Wow, you actually didn't get the point?

It always amazes me this board can't into reading comics. And this is even of the /pol/ tier kind.

Of course they don't see it that way. Because the ideal type of the Chad got the girl without any of these prerequisites.
They know that the real reason women won't date them or fuck them is because the men who are on the polar opposite ( not normies like you and me ) has everything to do with their crippling insecurities, shitty genetic lottery ticket and sperg.

>> No.6264233


compared to the men who are on the polar opposite*

>> No.6264235


Tattoos are specifically B& in the bible.

There's nothing specifically heretical about rock music as a form, but most rock musicians in practice are thoroughly Pagan. The whole attitude of sex drugs and rock and roll is absolutely Pagan as hell and if you think it isn't you just don't understand what the abrahamic mindset represents in any way.

>> No.6264250

they have no male friends

It's something easy -- or simply just more logical -- to forget that a lot of 4chan users are in social states that are difficult to comprehend even exist for most people. Some anons have literally never had friends and have never talked to a woman, aside from maybe a few short, formal conversations with their mother (their social awkwardness often also leads to bad relationships with their parents). These anons complete worldview comes from 4chan, as does all their social interaction.

These neckbeards (perhaps not truly neckbeards, but I think you understand what I mean, and that I used this term for iconic purposes) practically speak another language. The words and grammar are the same, but what is conveyed through their sentences is something completely alien to people that are not like them, due to the completely different social conditioning that they have experienced. However, the more normal social experiences that most people have are still what these neckbeards are talking about (since these experiences are what they see on television, mainstream internet sites, what their parents perhaps sometimes tell them about etc.), giving their thoughts a very odd tinge for those that are from "above ground" (in reference to Dostoyevsky's Underground Man, a character that perhaps did not whack off to little girls in chinese cartoons, but did share a lot of other, more inherent and universal, qualities with the neckbeards).

I think it's probably best to ignore these men from the underground. They are harmless as long as they don't go on killing sprees. It is unfortunate that many have flocked to /lit/ in the past few months.

>> No.6264253

Abrahamic monotheism is the worst thing to happen to the world in a long time.

>> No.6264264

>These neckbeards (perhaps not truly neckbeards, but I think you understand what I mean, and that I used this term for iconic purposes) practically speak another language.

Spelling out obvious things like that is bad prose.

Very good post though otherwise. You expressed something that I had on the tip of my tongue for ages, the idea that these Elliot Rodger types seem to live in an almost different world from the rest of humanity, they say things that seem almost impossible to believe, like they're several steps out of beat with the rhythm of humanity.

>> No.6264271


anon i don't know what is your point

Are you speaking that the comics represent something false? I then get that you are the neckbeard here, because i can't count how many times i had to do the daddy psychological partner in parties with this type of guy that looks TOTALLY normal but inside he is desperately seeking a way to attract a female.

It's always weird as fuck, they go saying "but, i have this biological need and i don't know what to do!" while holding that fucked up face. And the funny thing is that you see them the next day speaking with people as there was nothing going on (and even you see them with woman too!, and even with girlfriends!)

This happens to normal people more than you want to believe, today people is too ironic to show their real intentions, almost everybody is a lier, a professional one i must add

>> No.6264273

>Spelling out obvious things like that is bad prose.
Very true. I did this because I hoped to prevent any replies of anons that would like to point out that not all underground men adhere to the true neckbeard stereotype.

>> No.6264276


This sounds absurdly jewish.

>> No.6264279


Yeah, this too of course.
Stop trying to invert nature, it's a neurosis of yours and it has been ruining the world for ages.

>> No.6264280


>> No.6264283

That is some beta ass shit right there

>> No.6264288


I'm leaning to possibly agreeing with you here.

Well, maybe. I dunno. I think it makes a lot of sense for the Jews to be monotheistic given the social situation they find themselves in--tiny minority, outnumbered by a mass of humanity whose outlook and values are completely different from their own. I can see why such a community would have a need for very stringent, exacting morality.

But I dislike these projects to generalize Judaism outwards onto the entire world; the Christianities and Islams of history. It always seems to degenerate into hypocritical moralizing, book burning, and widespread persecution of Pagan "heretics" (which in addition to being cruel and fascist is also stupid because the Christians and Muslims themselves are often little more than deeply repressed Pagans anyway).

I also object to the abrahamic characterization of Paganism as being somehow un-spiritual or lacking any conception of "higher" values. Yeah, I'm sure Plato, the Buddha, Zoroaster and Confucius were all little more than child-like animals in human bodies chasing after carnal pleasures and running around naked. I'd even argue that the more stereotypically Pagan philosophies, the overt idol worship, have more going on and represent a certain reverence for higher principles, than abrahamics are willing to realize. It's just that abrahamic types are autistic and tone-deaf and they can't see anything more going on in Pagan festivals than what's on the surface. Oh and about nudity, why are Abrahamics such fucking prudes? Is a naked body really that fucking threatening to you, Jesus Christ?

>> No.6264290


>All before bedtime.=)

>> No.6264291

I would really like to give you an answer, but I can't, since I don't understand some parts of your post.

From the large amounts of spelling and grammatical errors you display I gather that you are not a native English speaker. Is this true? This is not an ad hominem; I just geniunely not understand what exactly you are saying.

>> No.6264306


Yes I'm not a native English speaker

My point is that this happens to normal people. I had experiences in parties where I had to give advice to 20-30 years old people. Those people always were speaking about how much they needed a female partner and how difficult it was for them to have a stable relationship.

Those guys looked insanely disgusted with their emotional lives. It was the alcohol that made them speak in the first place anyway.

Then you would see them speaking with normal people like nothing happened, feeling happy and everything at the next day. People don't tend to say their real problems, I have this kind of reliable person reputation, so I had a lot of experiences of people telling me their emotional problems regarding relationships

My point is that it's difficult to see the real intentions of people with all the facade of ironic behaviour

>> No.6264316


You seem like a good bro. And yeah people are repressed as fuck. Wonder why.

>> No.6264318

Diametric opposites

"Meek shall inherent the earth" my ass

>> No.6264324


>Wonder why

Appearance matters most. Social media sites are successful for that reason.

>> No.6264325

I got to agree with you here.

I'll just say it outright that I'm a pleb tier Alan Watts/Joseph Campbell fanboy and monotheism does to the spiritual body of a culture what a tyrannical government does to its physical body.

>> No.6264328

No it doesn't.

>> No.6264330


Dude I've been married and now divorced.
I've had gf's before that and had some ONS's down the road. I agree with most of what robots claim, but I didn't arrive to these conclusions because I've never had any pussy.

I'm sure being an undergrad it all looks so bright on your end ( it did for me too, boy these pubescent emo dorks and their depressing outlook ). The world is a depraved shitfest and you haven't even scratched the surface yet, boy.

The whole "u have to be a permavirgin to swallow this redpill bullshit" is getting so so so old.

>> No.6264333

>implying aesthetics isn't the only reality

>> No.6264337


It really isn't, which is why when we pretend it is, everything goes to shit for the general population.

>> No.6264338

I never would have guessed that a website so rampant with >tfwnogf bullshit would become so obsessed with 'cuck' and cuckolding.

The cart is perpetually before the horse, on 4chan.

>> No.6264341


The point is that the redpill thingy is resentment made reality. They see women and chads as "evil" and beta men as "good" when in reality it's just personal interests and shit.

I have no problems on the "redpill" community showing some realities about the relationships around society, about how impossible this platonic love is and how everything is just interests. But when they get into the moral framework it's absolutely moronic

>> No.6264344

It does. Man is supposed to provide for his family and a woman is supposed to lisen and take care of the children. All within reason.

>> No.6264346

tfw the only gurl I've ever had sex with is my qt3.14 Asian gf

partially because I'm ugly and assburgers, but also partially because I grew up in all Asian town

weird world, I don't think she'll ever cheat on me though

>> No.6264348


I'm not that guy but you don't know what you're talking about.
Redpill communities think betas are really, really bad.

>> No.6264357

>monotheism does to the spiritual body of a culture what a tyrannical government does to its physical body

do Alan Watts and Joseph Campbell make enormous leaps of logic like this too?

>> No.6264358


No, they're even worse.

>> No.6264362


Beta men are their own evil.
They realize fully well they suck and hate themselves more than the alpha males and females who go for it.
They wish they could go full-on immoral and just
Sometimes they try to rationalize it by saying "well I guess being a manlet/dicklet/thin/fat is the reason I'm not getting laid", but that's not the "redpill" ( god how I hate that term ).

These people have social and approach anxiety because they think everything that implies social activity is important, not the opposite.
That's why they screw up.
That's why they become so jaded to see no one actually gives as much of a flying fuck about human interaction as they do.

>> No.6264371


I didn't mean bad in the quality sense

I mean beta men see themselves as highly moral, highly *good* in the moral sense

They see the endeavours of chad and woman as evil, because they are the other side of the spectrum, so they must be the "evil" ones, the extramoral ones.

It's ironic that you can apply the same reasoning from Nietzsche and Christianity in this regard about morality

(i'm speaking about r9k btw)

>> No.6264373


Yeah, that's how beta men see themselves but that's not how redpill communities see them.
Go to le plebbit theredpill, they hate them.

>> No.6264375

would you care to give your opinions on the matter?

>> No.6264391

Haha, I great LITERATURE discussion, guys!

>> No.6264396


Alan Watts, christianity or monotheism vs paganism?

>> No.6264406

I already know Alan Watts and Campbell are pleb tier introductions to alternative and comparative spirituality, so I don't need an opinion on that. I genuinely like a lot of their ideas and find them very agreeable, sue me.

But I would like a nice little discourse christianity, abrahamic vs dharmic faith, the role of religion in society, monotheism vs pantheism vs nontheism.

>> No.6264419

Your post has a point only if the author of the comic intended to convey the message that one should not tolerate one's cheating wife.

But did he?

The fact is, the comic is ambiguous. Either he's making fun of Christians (the cheating husband in this case), or he's trying to imply that women, no matter how principled or religious, are what they are. Perhaps both. Perhaps not. Perhaps there is a third alternative.

>> No.6264440
File: 8 KB, 193x192, jerkcity49_cropped.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow great thread

>> No.6264441

>boo hoo in the end nothing really matters because a bajillion years later you're forgotten
this is some /v/-tier philosophy

>> No.6264446

>A christian value.

If anything, this comic is a graphic illustration of why a christian man should never date a non-christian woman.

>> No.6264447


lmao tiny dick alert

>> No.6264452
File: 17 KB, 327x382, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Private Kuk

>> No.6264465

No, because he's incredibly insecure.

>> No.6264471

top lel

>> No.6264482


This made me laugh so hard I almost cried.

>> No.6264483
File: 882 KB, 2514x1067, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I forget which country it is (I believe I heard it ascribed to India) which believes in wifely and husbandly virtue existing entirely separately. If you are a good spouse and you're married to a bad spouse... Take joy in your virtue and not in their failings. This is called sanctification under God in Christian terminology.

>> No.6264493


>> No.6264515

The Bible and the Quran?

>> No.6264519

>And tattoos of crosses and Jesus's face aren't really tattoos

no, modern tattoos aren't really tattoos

if you can't lose your job for the tattoo you have its not a real tattoo.

>> No.6264524

report and move on

>> No.6264529

so if im skinny and have one night stands are they flukes?

>> No.6264531

>The whole "u have to be a permavirgin to swallow this redpill bullshit" is getting so so so old.
At no point does the guy say that. He just explains that a lot of people that make claims about 'true society' on 4chan and other internet shit are often people that have no actual connection to society and are socially retarded.

Also, if you are above 30 and you still believe generalizations are a good thing you are a fucking idiot.

>> No.6264540


>Why do naked bodies offend them so much

They believe in blaming anything other than themselves for their sins. Literally against the teachings of Jesus and a completely infantile way for lazy people to justify their own inadequacies.

>> No.6264542

just delusional fever dreams
typecal cuck

>> No.6264560

>A Christian slave is more joyful than a pagan emperor

Well that's convenient for the emperors, isn't it? Besides proving literally nothing besides delusion will make you happy, which everyone who has done drugs already knew