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/lit/ - Literature

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6263599 No.6263599 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Literary Talentless Hacks

This man would be considered mentally ill if he were not born into aristocracy.

>> No.6263641

Sure, all the thousands upon thousands of poems and essays directly inspired by his work were written by gullible morons who were taken in by a fraud. What do Frank Kermode and Harold Bloom know about literature, compared to you?

>> No.6263647

Did you want to talk about your crippling insecurities and jealousy anon? It's ok we are all friends here. If you don't want to talk about that's fine of course, but would you do us one favour? Could you look up the words "talentless" and "hack". Would you do that for us anon? Thanks you're a sweetie, have a smiley ;o)

>> No.6263662

>born into aristocracy

>> No.6263700

pls be troll

>> No.6264001


... What?

Mencken, a hack?

You have to explain that a bit more. His prose is quite good and his insights are often deep. I particularly think his exposition of the difference between masculinity and femininity rings true, if being a bit excessively flattering toward women. It changed my outlook on gender relations quite fundamentally. I never used to think anything interesting was going on when women whispered under their breaths about people and situations; now I realize this it's actually a very intelligent form of politics.

>> No.6264006
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>> No.6264015

That's T. S. Eliot, Anonymous.

>> No.6264028

His criticism is amazing. I bet you've only read a couple of poems selected out.

>> No.6264039
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Gotta start with the biggest

>> No.6264099


Just because you're too much of a pleb faggot to understand his poetry doesn't make him a hack. It just makes you a jelly monster.

>> No.6264246
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>> No.6264252

is this ayn rand? why does everyone on here hate her? is it because of bioshock?

>> No.6264258
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>> No.6264262


because she's right wing I guess

At some point I want to read the Fountainhead because I hear it's not shit like Atlas, and is a good summary for her works

>> No.6264266

It's not just because she's right wing. It's because her philosophy is garbage, and her writing is god aweful.

>> No.6264270

She's such a horrible writer that even her plots are biased.

>> No.6264299

I read some of The Fountainhead too, thinking "can't be that bad, want to give her a chance". The Fountainhead is not a novel. It's a 600 page sledgehammer to the face of Rand's personal philosophy, some of which I can agree with when it comes to art. But outside artistic spheres, Rand's stuff is just too selfish and spiteful for me.

>> No.6264343

nig are you serious? for real?

>> No.6264370


well then thank you for helping me conserve my time. I'll read something like Tolstoy in her stead.

>> No.6264656

The educated negro of today is a failure, not because he meets insuperable difficulties in life, but because he is a negro. He is, in brief, a low-caste man, to the manner born, and he will remain inert and inefficient until fifty generations of him have lived in civilization. And even then, the superior white race will be fifty generations ahead of him."

He was right about race?

>> No.6264686


Clearly not since the US has a black fucking president.

>> No.6264740

How much of being voted in by an increasingly liberal society is a personal achievement? The reduction of one thing - for example, the standards of voters - is not to be equated with the increase of the opposite - i.e. the standards of the-voted-for.

>> No.6264824

a halfback president, find a black president thats competent, Obama is neither nor anyone else.

Its evolution

>> No.6265190

because of white libtards, spics and niggers

>> No.6265195

and women, women are the biggest voters for liberal bullshit

>> No.6265245

Literally what kind of bait is this?

>> No.6265267

the best kind of bait

>> No.6265271

She's the right equivalent of a complete idiot like Sartre + Green. Its the Margret Thatcher/Ronald Reagan effect. The left cannot get over any figure that had some amount of influence over society that wasn't either perfect or progressive.

>> No.6265305
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>> No.6265312


>> No.6265315
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>> No.6265331


>> No.6265346

Then why did you moan his name? You wanna feel his 'tache bristles brush against your taint, don't you, Anon? Don't lie, you pervert.

>> No.6266709

T.S. Eliot was born into aristocracy?

pls be unretarded

>> No.6266712

>why does everyone on here hate her? is it because of bioshock?

you can stop reposting this pasta now, child

>> No.6266714

>because of white libtards, spics and niggers

Republicans put him over the top and the record turnout in 2008 proves it. Your friends will lie to you and say they voted for McCain, but in the end they looked at Sarah Palin, they looked at McCain's age, and they pressed the button on the screen that said 'nigger.'

>> No.6266736
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It would be a stretch to call him literary but the second two describe hime to a T

>> No.6266758

T.S. Elliot really was born in America. Of course, you chose not to look up that information. You chose to shitpost.

>> No.6266760

I believe the implication was Americans can not be born into aristocracy

>> No.6266784

Ok, I'm here to listen, not talk.

Seems to me Ezra > Eliot.

I read Prufrock and the Wasteland and I thought they were fucking garbage.

What am I missing?

>> No.6266803

Ezra himself thought Eliot was the greater writer. Eliot is the greater writer, though Ezra had a greater variety of creative work. Pound's later Cantos are especially clever, though his translation work kind of sucks. Read his Ripostes, or BLAST (the magazine he worked on, though it only saw two issues until the War halted paper production).

Eliot, though, had a greater scholarly awareness that really impacted his writing. He also wasn't guilty of being a staunch fascist, like Pound, and so his writing isn't plagued by hysterical anti-semitism and Italian patriotism.

For best Eliot, I recommend The Four Quartets, though I can't see what so turned you off from the Waste Land. Mind elaborating?

>> No.6267106
File: 29 KB, 395x696, La Figlia che Piange.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've always liked this poem of Eliot's

>> No.6267160

e e cummings much better

>> No.6267444

Probably the context, allusions, how radical such verse was, and everything else. OP's premise is literally too stupid to bother debating against.