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File: 137 KB, 970x546, sam_hyde.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6257189 No.6257189[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

ITT: intellectuals of our generation

>> No.6257205

sam hyde's skillset hasn't actually caught up to his gimmick yet but i get how hard it is for a young kid to give up a good namedrop these days

>> No.6257208

I would consider him a comedian. Admittedly, he is the best comedian working today.

>> No.6257228

Uh no that's Chris Morris you fuckin pleb

>> No.6257266

sam hyde is fearless and pretty funny but it's the MDE collective that made him what he is, nick and charls are hilarious and great writers.

>> No.6257368

sam hyde should have played dfw in that movie

>> No.6258361

If it wasn't for Sam's talks nobody would know who or what the fuck MDE is.

>> No.6258586

>tfw your close friend edits for sam hyde

it's a good feel

>> No.6258600
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>> No.6258611
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>> No.6258629

my god, what a missed opportunity

>> No.6258646

you know trapped?

also this is now an MDE thread




>> No.6258656

Sam Hyde is pretty awesome

>> No.6258677
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>> No.6258694

Surveillance man is way better

>> No.6258697

Is he this generation's Bob Dylan?

>> No.6258699

He's not a kike, so no.

>> No.6258709
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>> No.6258720

Wasn't DFW all about being against irony? MDE and Sam Hyde are pure irony

>> No.6258737

Eric Orwoll

>> No.6258755

He is the funniest man in the world to me

>> No.6258771


Orwoll really got bad over the years
Also, has he eaten in the last 6 months? He looks like a concentration camp survivor.

>> No.6258797

He is a funny troll (I liked the one where he was clowning on hipsters in Williamsburg) but I don't see what makes him an 'intellectual'?

>> No.6258805
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>implying trolling isn't the pinnacle of intellectual pursuits

If you don't believe me, ask Zizek

>> No.6258865

His classic (and most well known) stunt with the TedX Talk was definitely intellectually charged. Also if you watch some of his more ironic sociopolitical videos you'll notice that he's actually well aware of his worldly surroundings (with him being from the lower-class east-side this is impressive imo).

>> No.6258896

He's about as politically aware as the average 4channer, which is not saying much.

>> No.6258916

He's more about making fun of all political ideologies, and yes he is similar to 4chan

>> No.6258946

I doubt Zizek agrees. Trolling would be the pinnacle of unconscious ideology.

>> No.6258968


Starting about 7 minutes in this video is funny to me, he's clearly making fun of the idea that smart phones are useful or primarily about economic productivity, when in reality it's mostly about consumerism and vapidity

>> No.6259041

Nah dude, they are post ironic.

>> No.6259049

No, they are not. Learn what that term means, idiot.

>> No.6259072

DFW is post-irony
Sam is post-post-irony

>> No.6259082

Alot of his humor involves lambasting mainstream millennial culture and yuppie arm chair activists. Check out his TEDtalk, college cunts, kickstarter tv, ideas man, officer maggot, his Mike Brown and Privileged White person triggers stand-up, and the voice-mail he left to that one ad agency. Even that Williamsburg bid you brought up in highly critical of millennial lefties/new age yuppies.

But MDE also has the dumb shit. Sam's vertical videos are largely just funny nonsense. They also have several videos making fun of weird subcultures like the Whypz video and the Dark Skyes furry prank.

>> No.6259098

>not a serial plagiarist

>> No.6259123

Or Socrates

>> No.6259282

Uhh, no, that would be, admittedly, Louis C(uc)K

>> No.6259307

If you think that is "intellectual", you are a retard.

>> No.6259318

but he's doing it post-post-ironically ;^)

>> No.6259325
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>intellectual detected

>> No.6259529


it's as intellectual as comedic youtube videos can get. calm down.

>> No.6261241

MDE gets pwned by /mlp/, and then they pwn Brianna Wu.

What a beautiful conga line.

>> No.6261252

The only thing getting pwned by /mlp/ is a fluttershy fleshlite.

>> No.6261281

How is this faggot so unfunny over such a long period of time?

Like most people are funny by accident sometimes.

Is he trying to become a comedian by creating some character?

>> No.6261316

Which isn't intellectual at all. He browses 4chan, that is the height of his education shown thus far. I love MDE but they are not intellectuals and I think the attitude that would lead to calling them intellectuals is what they make fun of to begin with.

>> No.6261334
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Whether you think Sam is funny or not, the fact that he is able to consistently provoke responses like this: >>6261281 make him worthwhile in my book.

>> No.6261344

my exact same response is provoked everytime i see the front page of youtube before i log in.

Take that as you will.

>> No.6261354

We're just GONNA KILL EM *slam dunk*
So we look at the data

>> No.6261358

cool dude

>> No.6261370
File: 2.23 MB, 480x270, Bothered.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's it like being perpetually frustrated?

>> No.6261385
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We looked at the data and what we found surprised us.

>> No.6261390

I'd say disappointed as opposed to frustrated.

ask your dad.

>> No.6261396
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>implying I know my dad

>> No.6261455

Why stop there?
>implying your mother knows your dad

>> No.6261510
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The only thing my mother needs to know is how to make tendies.

>> No.6261561

She probably sucks dick on a McDonalds parking lot in order to afford purchasing tendies which she then passes off as her own.

>> No.6261572

If he is the 99%, society has failed

>> No.6261585

I thought this one was pretty good. /v/ would approve:


>> No.6261625

>Okay, I'm with the CEO of a Fortune 500 company and I'm making an international deal with China. First off I need to use the wonder camer app.

That's great.

>> No.6261627

Holy shit this guy is good. First time seeing this gentleman, and he's great

>> No.6261632
File: 1.97 MB, 256x192, Deal with it.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What mumsy does with her free time is no concern of mine, so long as I get my tendies.

>> No.6261796

more HYDE




>> No.6261998

/tv/ here, sorry one of us shat in your board. That's your prerogative.

>> No.6262074

I'm all about surveillance man.

>> No.6263008

So /lit/ likes /pol/'s hero. the guy who did this shit?


>> No.6263021

Yeah, he's funny

>> No.6263041

>Sam's vertical videos are largely just funny nonsense.

I agree, but they are really funny.


>> No.6263042

this guy is a moron

>> No.6263055


>Oh, you're gay? That's cool
>Where are you giving to live from now on?
>Cause it's not gonna be here

>> No.6263093

I think it was a joke. I found it funny.

I like how at first the crowd are a bit confused but are interested and going along with him, then he gets that big piece of paper out of his pocket.

>*Ahem* Homosexual behavior is anti-social and not at all linked to sexual desire

>> No.6263131

god that was funny

>> No.6263150

>joke falls flat
>repeats it verbatim

>> No.6263170

>tfw Prodigal Stunna will never get the respect it derserves


>> No.6263197

Lmao I don't fucking think so.

>> No.6263203

Of course the fag who keeps autistically repeating the cuck meme like it didn't stop being funny 8 years ago thinks Louis CK is the pinnacle of comedy rofl

>> No.6263219
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>"you are the worst of the internet personified, kill yourself"

Those people in the first video are unbelievable. They have a human being talk in front of them and yet they're still arguing with an imaginary villain they've created in their head.

>> No.6263329


he's obviously just repeating common homophobic rhetoric in order to provoke a response, you can tell he doesn't believe it since he didn't even bother writing any jokes like usual

>> No.6263407

>I think it was a joke

Of course at one level it was a joke. He trolled the shit out of those hipsters. But it would seem to strain credulity to suggest he is in fact all for homosexuality. and took on the appearance of a rampant homophobe. Of course I have no problem with it, I'm a /pol/ regular but I wouldn't expect the Hydemania to have spread to /lit/ of all places. I'll be floored if anyone can verify that /co/ likes him.

>> No.6263411

>Ctrl+F 'Chomsky'
>0 results

maybe he isn't 'our' generation which is why no one here has accepted him as the greatest thinker of the 20th and 21st centuries.

>> No.6263459

who cares what the board about comic books thinks about anything

>> No.6263468

/co/ is only worth going to for Heathcliff threads

>> No.6263484

"It's called the knockout game, and white people are gonna get tired of playing it"

this made me laugh the hardest.

>> No.6263672


>> No.6263673

If he did believe it, would that make it less funny to you?

>> No.6263694


if i can't project my views onto an internet celebrity i can't be a fan.

>> No.6263774

Modern Male reporting in

>> No.6263972

The most important Millennial Intellectuals so far are probably...

- San Hyde.
- Roosh V.
- Icycalm/The Overman.
- The Amazing Atheist.
- Laci Green.
- PewDiePie.
- That guy who goes around grabbing womens' asses on youtube.

>> No.6263984

At least you're honest.

>> No.6264022

That's extremely unfair to pewdiepie

>> No.6264054

Clearly the most valuable intellectuals of our generation are a handful of schmoes with ephemeral e-fame whom I find offensive and politically wrong

>> No.6264093

This is Painful.

>> No.6264113

I don't understand how you can stand watching these 20 minutes long videos. They somehow remind me of the movie "Warum läuft Herr R. Amok?".

>> No.6264187


>> No.6264335
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>hating on Sam
>shoehorning a reference to an obscure foreign film into your post

>modern male detected

>> No.6264401

I meant the structure of his videos. Making it painfully boring to watch to make a point.
Also it's not foreign in my case.

>> No.6264409
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This is an American website, Dieter. That is a foreign film.

>> No.6264684

That first video. Holy shit I fucking hurt from laughing.

>> No.6264691

so i'm a little confused about mde... hopefully you can understand why, at least. his work seems to be ironic in a unique way that i think i'm not really grasping

do you think these videos are reflecting some sort of personal opinions of mde or do you think he's really just fucking around? i'm not judging his "arguments", i'm just wondering if we should take him as any kind of political commentator or is he honestly just taking the piss?

>> No.6264708

He mainly seems to be making a point about dogmatism in politics and shallow thinking in general. While fucking around.

>> No.6264710

He's awesome because it's hard to tell if he's being ironic about irony

Like, the video where he goes to the twitter thing to rant about gays, I don't think he did it to really be anti gay, but he is raising a real point about how glee an the office portray gay men and some of the hidden realities of gay men.

>> No.6264788

To be fair, they didn't stop him talking and what he said pissed them off so yeah, they yelled at him and left.

We all get it, he's trying to say that liberals aren't as tolerant as they think, but you know what? No one punched him, no one attacked him physically, they just responded in kind by voicing their opinions.

I don't know, it seems like a pretty shallow message. He can keep doing the routine if he wants, I won't stop him but just imagine if he did the opposite, went down to the south and started talking about how great gay sex is near a gun store or liquor store in Mississippi. He's going to get beaten up there a lot quicker than saying things about gays on a street corner in midtown Manhattan.

>> No.6264887

I think you might be giving him too much credit. The process of doing this is pretty easy, and takes almost no skill. I could go over to /pol/ copy down a thread about "chimping out" and read it aloud at a comedy club. Does that really make me a genius? Saying hate speech ironically to piss people off is overall a pretty stupid way to entertain yourself.

>> No.6264894
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>> No.6264918

Responses like these are why Sam is necessary.

>> No.6264919

>tfw he confesses that he hit his hot wife and the two of them have cam sex for a living

links anyone?

>> No.6264924


>> No.6264928

they seems pretty level headed, m8

>> No.6264933

>No Tissue box


>> No.6264937
File: 86 KB, 1024x1024, Shibe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's a dog whistle m80s. If you have to ask you'll never know.

>> No.6264951

He's saying that these people are criticizing him because they don't like that he uses controversial methods to get across his points. That they are just a bigoted as the characters that he makes up.

>> No.6264981

I'm missing the joke. What's funny about this?

>> No.6264991

It's Andy Kaufman funny except that Andy Kaufman is more talented.


>> No.6264993

So he's immune to any criticism?

>> No.6265021

Even in their intolerance they have the moral high ground.

Just remember that you'll get lynched in the South!

>> No.6265050

Well it is a convenient position for him. He can claim that any criticism just isn't "getting it" which really shields him from confronting actual criticism and stating any concrete opinion, but there is a large portion of people that actually don't get it so he's somewhat justified.

I personally don't think he does anything special though. >>6264991 is me.

>> No.6265060

It's not that untrue though. I'd rather make fun of a liberal to their face than a southern conservative. Liberals are a lot less confrontational than most conservatives in the flyovers.

>> No.6265251

The video of him reading homophobic stuff was done at a "Weird Twitter" stand up thing that "Weird Twitter" held for themselves which Sam thought was really fucking lame, stupid, and self-congratulatory, they're the kind of internet humor that he hates, so he went and did that set because he doesn't care at all. There's no social commentary behind it unless that commentary is "ironic twitter humor is fucking awful".

>> No.6265530
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That first video is just.. wow.
I'm still dying

>> No.6265970


a) that's one of the only MDE videos I don't find that funny (because no jokes)
b) if he's generally homophobic then I wouldn't care, but if he actually thinks some of the things he says are legitimate justifications for homophobia then he's an idiot.

>> No.6265988


the point is that his onions are ambiguous. you'd have to point out a specific video if you really wanted to know where he's leaning.

he seems to be libertarian who hates the right and the left

>> No.6266213

So let's comapre Sam Hyde's riff on TED

To the Onion's

Clearly the Onion's is more directed, better presented and more substantive. I just don't know what you guys see in this clown.

>> No.6266224


Here you go

>> No.6266270

yeah the onion's always been patrician as fuck


>> No.6266431
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I'm a little frightened by the thought of the US in 2070.

>> No.6266475
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>> No.6266483

>fedora tipping video game reviewer

>> No.6266486
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>> No.6266528
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that onion bit was barely humor
>It's getting to the point where even I have a problem with it. And it shouldn't be that way.
this is funny but not patrician

>> No.6266650

He looks like Yahtzee Crowshaw

>> No.6266661

i know right? uncanny

>> No.6266811

DFW was right in that ionic post-ironic irony just becomes a muddle. It's funny sometimes but no progress in understanding is made, it's just idle posturing of bitchy emotions and attitudes. Irony is a form of self-defense - if you're confident enough in your reasoning just say what you fucking mean.

>> No.6266816

>>joke falls flat
Motherfucker, that shit killed me.

>> No.6266882

What are you, stupid? The difference is onion one is fake

>> No.6266946

yeah but the audience didn't laugh

>> No.6266949

>if you're confident enough in your reasoning just say what you fucking mean.

this is really stupid thing to say about something like comedy where the message is only half of the enjoyment.

mimicking a certain personality archetype and being able to do to a T will provoke laughter, is that hard to see?

>> No.6266950

I think another thing he was going for was the sloppy use of statistics that many radicals use to back up their arguments. He spent a lot of the time just listing off stats about homosexuals and homosexual culture, as well as cherry picking offensive quotes said by gay people in order to present them in an extremely negative way. It's a strategy both sides employ, and he was in a big way pointing out how ineffective it is as a foundation for a belief.

But then there's also the stuff afterwards. I think someone told him to go jump off a bridge and die. Yeah, they didn't attack him, but he still showed that they are pretty bigoted as well.

>> No.6266957

They weren't supposed to.

>> No.6266971
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Sam Hyde is GOAT

>> No.6266982



>> No.6266999


they make me laugh harder than anything else

>> No.6267001

I actually don't get this one

>> No.6267002

he's transcended the ironic/unironic dichotomy. in the mushy space without clear lines telling you what's unironic or ironic, you can laugh at a lot more..

maybe that's just nonsense tho, and he's just really good at irony

>> No.6267006

he was trolling them

>> No.6267017

>one is at an actual TEDx talk
>the other isn't

the onion's is really dull, too. Sam's is way funnier because it's borderline incoherent. If parody has a direct point, it sucks, the point of parody isn't to replace a spook with another spook

>> No.6267077

>I think David Attenborough is better than Picasso.

>> No.6267104

This dude is so fucking lame. The only reason anyone would think he's funny is because they think they're "in" on the joke and nobody else gets it. which really makes Sam and any retard that likes this guy the quintessential hipsters

>> No.6267105

>I could go over to /pol/ copy down a thread about "chimping out" and read it aloud at a comedy club
I highly highly doubt that.

>> No.6267113


modern man detected.

>> No.6267117

>Nick not being able to keep his shit together during the scene when Charles walks up to Sam

kills me every time

>> No.6267130


>> No.6267144

what do you guys think about Dog bone?

a bit similar but they go for higher production value and a bit more "understandable" - still good.

They were with MDE in "moms"



>> No.6267148

wait fuck I meant "thanks computer"

dog bone is the video I was going to refer to.

first video linked

>> No.6267171

no seriously is there anything funny about this guy besides the fact that he caters to kids who feel they're special little snowflakes that "get" his humor. If you turn the camera off that's filming him is he still funny?

>> No.6267174

go get high and talk to "friends" on facebook.

>> No.6267177
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>> No.6267199
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It's almost three am and I'm watching these stupid ten minute long videos what am I doing with my life.

>> No.6267200

Same here.

>> No.6267204

it's almost 11pm and i am getting ready to dress up like a girl and fuck myself with an array of dildos to katy perry music and porn. the struggle is real

>> No.6267207

>the struggle is real

>> No.6267209

dont you think that maybe the sentence preceding that negates my normalfagotry?

>> No.6267226

not really, i've heard that's SOP for college undergrads these days
you get on cam?

>> No.6267232

do i get on cam? yes. will i link it on /lit/? fat chance

>> No.6267233

>listens to katy perry
>describes a nice evening as a struggle
>the struggle is real

>> No.6267249

hey pal, i'm not a queer or anything and i didn't ask for the link, i was just inquiring out of a genuine interest in the private life of one of my /lit/ co-posters

you do the dildo stuff without jerking off as a way to kill a couple hours, or do you just jerk off a ton of times with them in your ass

>> No.6267254

Hipsters are the best.

>> No.6267273

i orgasm from pure anal play once or twice every week now as a way of relief. ordinary jacking off doesnt even compare any more

>> No.6267282

Does he legit talk about cutting himself at 4:43 in tumbl this

>> No.6267448

Reddit tier

Soon as anything outside of lit is mentioned here it's the dregs

>> No.6267838

This guy is a cheap ripoff of a schtick Andy Kaufman perfected. Hyde does his jokes for a very specific audience that just likes to see him troll.

Kaufman, plays with the audience to the point where some portion can't tell if he's sincere or not. Not to mention that he sets up elaborate pranks that at first seem incredibly real but are usually revealed as part of the show by the end. It's this interplay that keeps Kaufman an actual comedian while muddles about with a limited internet audience of man children.

>> No.6267852
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>tfw Kaufman faked his own death
>mfw he died for real before he could come back and reveal the world's greatest troll

>> No.6267869

Yeah, it would be amazing especially since every show would have had him on to talk to him and he could have turned them all into a comedy routine.

>> No.6267887

sam hyde is a cool guy. hopefully he does well.

>> No.6267915

if this guy decided to relax a little and play along with society even a little he is smart enough to do really well. for some reason he wants to fight the universe, society, existence and so on instead because he's smart enough to sort of pull it off.

>> No.6267956

How many followers does he have on YouTube.

Oh wait... He has followers on YouTube. I guess he's just a talentless cunt like everyone else with "followers" that can't integrate into reality.

>> No.6268068

sam hyde is definitely in the 99th percentile for iq.

>> No.6268076

Look, man. Just calm down. No one cares how much you kiss this guy's ass.

>> No.6268213
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>> No.6268237

You know you can just open a new tab to do that, right? You don't have to go to the trouble of photoshop to get that result.

>> No.6268333

san hyde could barely get through the speech without laughing at his own fucking jokes
>pleb tier

>> No.6268350

i'm convinced you're both the same poster.

it's all a conspiracy, but you can't fool me.

>> No.6268359
File: 57 KB, 379x160, neither.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparently I'm neither.

>> No.6268427

>make thread shitting on Eliezer Yudkowsky
>other anons pile on
>get banned for a few days for "not literature"
>yet this shit is still up

mods confirmed for lesswrong posters

>> No.6268437
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