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/lit/ - Literature

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6259214 No.6259214 [Reply] [Original]

Just got finished reading Nietzsche's "David Strauss: the Confessor and the Writer" and god damn, he destroyed the shit out of this guy and the easily content, newspaper reading, strolling through zoos, philistine culture he represented.

Here is what Nietzsche said the pursuit of science. It seems even more relevant today, especially with Disney movie enthusiasts like pic related going around acting like assholes because MUH STARDUST.

>"We all know how our age is typified by its pursuit of science; we know it because it is part of our life: and that precisely is the reason almost no asks himself what the consequences of such an involvement with sciences could be for culture, even supposing that the will and the capacity to promote culture were everywhere to hand. For the nature of scientific man contains a real paradox: he behaves like the proudest idler of fortune, as though existence were not a dreadful and questionable thing but a firm possession guaranteed to last for ever. He seems to be permitted to squander his life on questions whose answer could at bottom be of consequence only to someone assured of an eternity. The heir of but a few hours, he is ringed around with frightful abysses, and every step he takes out to make him ask: Whither? Whence? To what end? But his soul is warmed with the task of counting the stamens of a flower or breaking up the stones of the pathway, and all the interest, joy, strength and desire he possesses is absorbed in this work."

So how would you answer Nietzsche's question? Do you think scientism is an obstacle to true culture? How can it be overcome? Is it a non-issue? Do you think it will ever be possible to go to the movie theater and see patrician movies?

"What is science for at all if it has no time for culture? At least reply to this question: what is the Whence, Whither, To what end of science if it is not to lead to culture? To lead to barbarism, perhaps?"

>> No.6259245

OP, watch this vid and have your mind blown


>> No.6259273
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>> No.6259304

More thought provoking than any religious book and also more truthful. We are made from star stuff and that is a beautiful thing.

>> No.6259314

Imagine the world we could live in if everyone shared this mentality. Neil deGrasse Tyson is both a scientist and a poet.

>> No.6259327

Because there is very little that needs to be said once you see this video. Truth is, if you stop for a moment, and think, this entire moment you exist in, was many billions of years in the making... Enjoy it, it's your time now.

Enjoy :)

>> No.6259355

This song keeps me from taking my life. I love space and time but I'm stuck in this mediocre life with no degrees or money and nothing to brag about other than family. I hope my kid can see the universe through the eyes of someone who have been dragged through hell. I don't care how vain you are, the universe will always be more beautiful than you, The universe and death are the only gods. Most people think their god is perfect and that's why I say your "God" doesn't exist, because the Universe isn't perfect and no one should be more powerful and awe inspiring than the universe.