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6253297 No.6253297 [Reply] [Original]

My friend said there is no free will and I was opposed to him.

He simply rejected whatever I said, and when I used terminology and citated some writers, he said that I always use words of others to make a point.

The thing is he doesn't care who had written and done whatever, so basically the argument goes like we are the only ones who think about these. Do you come by these kind of situations? What do you do?

>> No.6253300

This is the most pointless debate in the history of philosophy so I tend to walk away from that kind of conversation.
John Calvin was scum.

>> No.6253301

have you considered suicide

>> No.6253305

Dude... don't say that to people.... WTF is WRONG with you???????????

>> No.6253390

kill yourself

>> No.6253397

Never argue about free will.

>> No.6253402


Have you considered suicide?

>> No.6253407

Free Will is a chimeric concept. It is not even possible to conceive it, so how can you expect it to exist?
The only real debate is between determinism and indeterminism. But none of them allow for something as "Free Will" to exist.
If Determinism holds then our actions are unambiguously determined by our genes, our previous experiences and more generally the current condition of our bodies.
If Indeterminism holds then our actions are subject to a certain degree of randomness (i.e. they are not completely determined by our current condition, our experiences, our perceptions and so on).
In both cases there is no room for any "free will". You choose to do something either because it appears to be the best possible option available to you, and so your brain decides to implement that choice, or you just do randomly without any real cause.
There is no third way. You can try to cook it however you want, but ultimately every tentative definition of Free Will turns out to be a thinly veiled Determinism (very few people go down the absolute randomness route).

>> No.6253439

>freewillfag is a free spirit who doesn't quote people to make a point and is generally a cool guy that is very chill
>detereministfag seeks the foundations of all his arguments and is a pain in the ass to everyone around and can't accept different opinions so he seeks to be rescued by /lit/

sounds bout rite m8

>> No.6253455

Cut this debate through. No difference between you and the external world, both lines of thinking are missing that same spot. Even Christians and Buddhists figured this out, why is so hard for people to understand it? Is just an apparent paradox when it isn't. "God gave you free will", the determined events put you where you are right now, and now you have a choice, that's what choice is all about. It's not free because it's not caged, it's not determined because you are still here right now making that choice.

>> No.6253469


you got the characters exactly backwards. did you actually read the op, or do you have the reading comprehension of a six year-old?

>> No.6253475

Never argue about free will and semiotics.

>> No.6253477

who give s a shit about this? this is literaly a non problem

>> No.6253487

kill yourself tumblr

>> No.6253493

Just out of curiosity what does anyone here think of the Sam Harris view on free will?

>> No.6253498



























>> No.6253539
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>Ham Sarris

>> No.6253669

"When a true genius appears in the world, you may know him by this sign, that the dunces are all in confederacy against him."

>> No.6253679

die faggot

>> No.6253918

>Do you come by these kind of situations? What do you do?
I drop it. btdubs, free will is silly.

>> No.6253966

i hope you finally gather the courage to use the pistol you bought to kill urself faggot