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/lit/ - Literature

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624920 No.624920 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /lit/, if you were going to teach a 20th Century: Post Modern Fiction Class who would you teach?

Here's the list of authors the class will be studying:
John Barth, E.L. Doctorow, Shelley Jackson, Carol Maso, Thomas Pynchon, Kurt Vonnegut, David Foster Wallace, and Jeanette Winterson; and essays by Hannah Arendt, Jean Baudrillard, Joseph Conrad, Umberto Eco, bell hooks, and Fredric Jameson.

Debating if I should recommend John Cheever, John Updike or Raymond Carver to the list...

Pic not-related

>> No.624925

I'd consider Cheever, Updike is a pretty straight forward modernist writer though.

John Fowles mayhaps?

>> No.624933

Obviously you need to start at Borges and work yourself up from there. Bolano is an obvious choice and Barthes should definitely be included, and possibly Fish and Iser.

Might want to mention the whole post-postmodern business, too.

>> No.624934

Don DeLillo perhaps? At least, White Noise.

>> No.624938

OP Here

Not teaching the class, but interested to see which authors /lit/ would teach.

As for the post-post modernism, I perused that thread...that shit would confuse the fuck out of most undergrads.

Not to be fucked up, but I can't think of any Asian-American writers I would want to teach (poetry/plays yes...fiction not so much) -- this coming from an Asian. Prove me wrong /lit/?

>> No.624960


The obvious choice is Murakami..

>> No.624961


Asian-American pls.

Murakami is Japanese.

>> No.624977

Hiromi Goto
Larissa Lai - Salt Fish Girl

>> No.624984

OP here

Ah Canada -- me thinks I should move there.

>> No.625002

Vancouver has over 9000 delicious asian girls. I'm editing a literary magazine out at UBC. Am soon to be teaching a student-led seminar.

>> No.625010

Needs more Brit Lit

>> No.625023

Tao Lin lol

He is pretty PoMo, though.

>> No.625025

> Vancouver has over 9000 delicious asian girls.

man, I should have never left that place...

... I really dig asian sea-food, if you get what I mean

>> No.625030

Tao Lin browses /lit/ or his publicist.

>> No.625035


OP here again...hmmm I was a bit vague with my topic. Let's focus it.

You (as in you /lit/) will be teaching an undergraduate class in Post Modern Fiction class.

Some things to note -- the class if fifteen weeks and meets once a week for three hours. You can choose any number of texts you deem fit.

I was going to write an lesson plan but I know jack shit about Post-Modern Fiction (not enough to fill fifteen weeks of it [Post-Modern Poetry on the other hand]).

Just an exercise I think /lit/ would find interesting...sage if you hate.

>> No.625059

Well, I'd definitely include Storming the Reality Studio: A Casebook of Cyberpunk and Postmodern Fiction, and After Yesterday's Crash: The Avant-Pop Anthology both edited by Larry McCaffery. I'd probably touch on bizarro and transgressive stuff like Palahniuk and Ellis.

The usual suspects: Pynchon, Delillo, Vonnegut, Wallace, Bolano, Burroughs, etc. Some JG Ballard for sure... Also, Kathy Acker for some added fun.

>> No.625066

If I were teaching a class in post modern literature I would only use films...also I would lock the doors and set it on fire because there is no further need for college graduates.

>> No.625069

I'd always include Angela Carter. Maybe Volume 1 of Tristram Shandy as well, even though it did not grow out of the post-modern condition.

>> No.625087

John Fowles, almost certainly.

>> No.625092
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