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File: 37 KB, 511x315, lutherML.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6243886 No.6243886 [Reply] [Original]

>Reason is a whore, the greatest enemy that faith has; it never comes to the aid of spiritual things, but more frequently than not struggles against the divine Word, treating with contempt all that emanates from God.

>> No.6243929

Filthy heretics belong on a cross

>> No.6244021

everyone does except god

>> No.6244026


Fucking ML man, the guy had issues.

>> No.6244027

Did you post this because someone posted On the Jews and Their Lies in the Kosher pill thread?

>> No.6244030
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>> No.6244038

I mean, at least without him there'd be no Heidegger, so that's something, right?

>> No.6244043

Heidegger was raised Catholic. You're thinking of Hegel.

>> No.6244050

For wits are treated just like common whores:
First they're enjoyed, and then kicked out of doors.

>> No.6244054


>I hate kikes because I finally delivered Scripture in exactly the way you're supposed to read it

This is why literalists are the root of all evil.

>> No.6244055


This would have been a good thing

>> No.6244062

Christianity holds the same mental grip that reason holds - they are basically the same thing and both should be abandoned in favor of a mind that does not think

>> No.6244067

Get your Eastern bullshit out of here.

>> No.6244077


I'm thinking of Heidegger you shitcunt. Luther was one of the largest influences on Heidegger's path of thinking. Read some Heidegger scholarship.

>> No.6245145

Faith? True but we want knowing so ...

>> No.6245158

A lot of people like to condemn Luther here, especially Catholic shitposters and atheists who get taken in by Catholic marketing, but what Luther said is 100% correct. Catholicism's notion that postulates of faith can be demonstrated through reason not only undermine faith, but actually undermine these things as postulates. Meaning you are left with either argument in bad faith ("My belief depends on faith, so even if I lose and my arguments are shown to be bullshit, I'm still right, it's a win-win"), or crypto-agnosticism ("I'm 'faithful' on the basis of reason's support, I have faith in God through reason"...meaning you hold reason above God, and only believe in him through reason's blessing).

Luther was the best thing to happen to Christianity. Catholicism is a mess and fucking joke that survives in great marketing and getting poor people to have too many children, even if it had great aesthetics during the Renaissance.

>> No.6245164
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>> No.6245165

Yeah, Martin Luther was an all-around shitty person.
As someone who was raised Lutheran, I can only say, fuck off.

>> No.6245178

>As someone who was raised Lutheran, I can only say, fuck off.
Naw, you fuck off. I don't give a shit what you were raised as, Catholicism is fucking idiotic, they have a Pope whose response to Islamic Terrorism wasn't condolences and condemnation of the attacks, but saying he sympathized with the attackers and we have to be more sensitive. Catholicism is cancer that is built upon a lot of adherents blatantly ignoring its doctrine, every serious white Catholic I've known uses birth control, and the serious Hispanic Catholic I knew was in a relationship with another woman.

>> No.6245181

Faith is believing God, not believing in God.

God doesn't actually care one whit if you believe in his existence or not, and believing in God's existence will not change His judgment of you.

>You believe that God is one; you do well. Even the demons believe—and shudder!

>> No.6245190

You sound more Orthodox than Catholic.

>> No.6245192

Catholic is shit, but more faithful to what Jesus said. So you have to choose between a stupid lie and a less stupid lie from another lie.

>> No.6245197

Coming from someone who thinks the Resurrection detracts from Christ's 'tragic' image, this opinion couldn't mean less.

>> No.6245201

How the hell is Catholicism more faithful to what Christ said? What does Peter supposedly having been to Rome and the doctrine of transubstantiation have to do with what Christ said?

>> No.6245203

Of course, but if you're Catholic, any opinion from a non-Catholic couldn't mean less.

>> No.6245204

Dude, it's not like I'm a catholic now or something. But yeah, I liked Benedict better than the current guy, too. Still, it seems like you're twisting his words.
Also, you're saying catholics are more hypocritical about their articles of faith, which I can confirm as true. Here's the catch, however: that's a good thing, plain and simple. I'll take hypocritical catholics over zealous Lutherans any day.

>> No.6245209

Why are you so hung up on the Pope?

>> No.6245210

Well, I agree with the Lutheran ITT.

>> No.6245213
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>mfw christfag and can't admit the truth

>> No.6245216

I'm not twisting his words at all.

"There are so many people who speak badly about religions or other religions, who make fun of them, who make a game out of the religions of others," Francis said. "They are provocateurs. And what happens to them is what would happen to Dr. Gasparri if he says a curse word against my mother. There is a limit. You cannot provoke. You cannot insult the faith of others. You cannot make fun of the faith of others"

Nice dichotomy there.

>> No.6245219

Because he is the highest spiritual authority and official spokesperson for Catholicism.

>> No.6245223

What's wrong with that statement?
So what?

>> No.6245227

> bad faith ("My belief depends on faith, so even if I lose and my arguments are shown to be bullshit, I'm still right, it's a win-win")
> crypto-agnosticism ("I'm 'faithful' on the basis of reason's support, I have faith in God through reason"...meaning you hold reason above God, and only believe in him through reason's blessing)

So, a good christian is the one who actually believes the world has 5000 years old?

>> No.6245231

>What's wrong with that statement?
He expresses more sympathy for the terrorists than the victims.

>So what?
So addressing the problems with him as serious issues with Catholicism is entirely reasonable, the very basis of Catholicism is the legitimacy of the Bishop of Rome as the highest authority.

>> No.6245241

Ok, that is one cunt of a pope. Still, I stand by my preference for catholic hypocrites.

>> No.6245243

No, that was never a central basis of faith in Christianity, and had been going out of style in theology since Philo. Christianity is about faith in Christ, nowhere in the Bible is faith that the world so many years old stressed.

>> No.6245249

Yeah, we really needed another obfuscating pseudo-intellectual in the 20th century, he was even the Nazi edition.

>> No.6245251

You can, but it speaks very poorly of Catholicism as a faith. Hey, I have plenty of serious Catholic friends, I like all of them, but that they're only fun people because they have as much regard for their doctrines as toilet paper means their actions say far worse things than any polemic I could type up on a Phrygian poppy-dream board.

>> No.6245263

Ya well, maybe that's because the catholic church respects its own boundaries and doesn't claim to mind-control people in every aspect kf their life. That's why we have a deeply humanizing institution like confession, which is like one big admission that people will never follow this to the letter, but you'll have to forgive them. Lutheranism, and protestantism in general, is all about permanently occupying your conscience via guilt trip, it is joyless and depressing.

>> No.6245270

They are very explicit about things you are absolutely not supposed to do, and there are people who are lifelong Catholics who always attend mass and practice the prayer stuff, but they have zero regard for the rules. They don't just fall into the temptation of masturbating or using birth control or having gay sex, they willfully live in sin, there is a huge difference.

>Lutheranism, and protestantism in general, is all about permanently occupying your conscience via guilt trip, it is joyless and depressing.
Nah, it's really not. The puritanism. ELCA is the least guilt-wracked church I've ever encountered.

>> No.6245272

>ELCA is the least guilt-wracked church I've ever encountered
The Episcopal Church and PCUSA are similarly included.

>> No.6245273

All Protestants do is take the nonsense rituals out of confession. You ask God for forgiveness directly instead of making a dance out of it.

>> No.6245274
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>doesn't claim to mind-control people in every aspect kf their life
>deeply humanizing institution like confession

>> No.6245276

ΟΥΤΙΣ being ΟΥΤΙΣistic

>> No.6245279
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>> No.6245280

I can't believe a lot of Catholics even confess a lot of their sins.

"I used a condom five times this week, and probably will again tonight...which reminds me, I have to buy more. See you next confession."

>> No.6245282

Truly the worst trip, even butterfly isn't as bad. At least she knows she is dumb.

>> No.6245283

Everybody lives in sin, willfully or not, protestants are just too silly to accept that as fact. Which, think about it, is pretty blasphemous.
Yeah modern, post-WWII lutheranism is just some fluffy feel-good shit, I bet they would hold OP's Luther quote about reason in oretty much the same regard as they hold his quotes on jews, like, yeah, that was embarrassing, can we talk about how cool god is again?

>> No.6245285

Catholics are perpetually. Their indictments of Luther and Protestantism and warhammer may mays are rampant, they even have retarded Lutherans defending them while they are blatantly attacking Lutheranism.

>> No.6245287
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>The Thread

>> No.6245289

>Everybody lives in sin, willfully or not, protestants are just too silly to accept that as fact. Which, think about it, is pretty blasphemous.
Ah, one moment you're saying Protestantism sucks because they're puritans, the next you say they have no regard for sin.

>Yeah modern, post-WWII lutheranism is just some fluffy feel-good shit, I bet they would hold OP's Luther quote about reason in oretty much the same regard as they hold his quotes on jews, like, yeah, that was embarrassing, can we talk about how cool god is again?
That's because they don't deify their theologians and pray to them.

>> No.6245291

>even butterfly isn't as bad

>> No.6245292

I really like this meme anon, thanks.

>> No.6245296

Let's be honest, ΟΥΤΙΣ(istic) makes good threads about greeks, and is not as autistic as the average christian

>> No.6245297

Religion does not belong on this board if it can't take criticism like the rest of philosophy, especially when this thread is about Catholicism criticism of non-Catholics.

>> No.6245303


>I have zero arguments and I'm not afraid to show it

>> No.6245304

Dude, I said the opposite. Protestants believe sinning is so horrible that we have to avoid it, and that that is a possible course of action. It's not about forgiveness, it's about instilling a correct way of life.

>That's because they don't deify their theologians and pray to them
Protestant theology hardly even exists m8. Also, don't you see the hypocrisy in that? So, everyone can figure out god all by themselves, and then we'll judge those who fail to do so correctly (that's protestantism, old edition for ya), or we'll maintain a relativistic attitude, as if that made any sense in regards to the most high (that's the new deal).

>> No.6245309

Exactly what christfags do with le fedora maymay.

>> No.6245351

It isn't simply an issue of terrorism. Although I support the right to free speech, those writers knew what they were doing when they printed a picture of Muhammad.

>> No.6245355
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>Dude, I said the opposite. Protestants believe sinning is so horrible that we have to avoid it, and that that is a possible course of action. It's not about forgiveness, it's about instilling a correct way of life.
This is a gross and inaccurate generalization. As Outis already said, that's puritianism.

>Protestant theology hardly even exists m8.
This is completely wrong, and also not entirely fair, since Protestantism has exist for a much shorter time than Catholicism, and actually doesn't disapprove of Catholicism from the beginning, but only from a certain point. If you want to compare Catholic theologians to protestant after the advent of Protestantism, you'd see Protestants have quite a few.

> So, everyone can figure out god all by themselves
Many protestant denominations have clergy, just because we recognize that no morta after the Bible is an infallible spokesman for God, doesn't mean we think expertise isn't highly important.

>> No.6245357

Are you saying they had it coming? Fuck you.

>> No.6245359

Not true. He never makes good threads. He always hijacks discussions and contributes non sequiturs that derail whatever thread he posts in.
It could just as easily be an atheist critique of Luther advocating irrationality. Do you know what OP's intention was?

>> No.6245363

I'm saying they knew what the consequences of their actions would be in the current political and religious climate.

>> No.6245406

>It could just as easily be an atheist critique of Luther advocating irrationality. Do you know what OP's intention was?
Not him, but I don't see why it really matters. Protestantism is used as a scapegoat for Christianity, it's not "fedora" to criticize us, but you're autistic if you criticize Catholicism. An awful lot of bullshit seeing as how millions of Protestants had to die to defend our freedom of religion from Catholics, and Luther was a stauch proponent of freedom of religion for Muslims, "lying Jews", and yes, Catholics. Protestantism was not some sort of autistic return to fanaticism, Protestantism was about freedom from the tyranny of the Papacy, and I find it repugnant that historical revisionists try to pain the Catholic Church as some sort of beacon of reason opposed to oppressive Protestantism. Protestantism is criticized all the time here because it's cool, how is that any less fedora than criticizing Catholicism? Are Protestants just supposed to take it without response to what Proestantanism's issues were with Catholicism? And why is it that it's okay for atheists to cocksuck the Church of Rome, but if Outis stands up for Protestantism, his opinion is suddenly worthless because he's an atheist?

>> No.6245410

Stop right there, while I loathe lutherans and calvinisrs almost equally, I have no issue whatsoever with anything that came out of the anglican heresy. You guys are alright in my book.

>> No.6245417

If you really do believe this, that you have to expect, in this day and age, in western europe no less, to be murdered for blasphemy, then that's probably more of an argument against the current climate, then against what they did.

>> No.6245420

We're very close with both Lutherans and Presbyterians, at least in my area. My Anglican vicar is also a priest at a Lutheran church.

>> No.6245422

>Protestantism was about freedom from the tyranny of the Papacy
No, protestantism was about freedom from the shackles of common sense, decency and Christian canon.

>> No.6245425

The Pope wasn't saying anything about the climate. He actually said he too would be violent if someone criticized his mother, he just used punching to illustrate it, as if the equivalency were remotely proper.

>> No.6245427

>Luther was a stauch proponent of freedom of religion for "lying Jews"
Dude. He said they should be killed and their synagogues burned to the ground. If that's freedom of religion - Lutheran edition, I think I'll look for other editions.

>> No.6245429

German Protestants had a hard on for common sense, dude. "Common sense" is about as Protestant as you can get, that's why Luther disliked transubstantiation so intensely.

>> No.6245433

Be that as it may, you'll have to admit that the Anglican take to reason and theology is quite different from the Lutheran 'Reason? Lol, faggot' attitude.

>> No.6245444

What everyone regardless of religious beliefs does with the fedora maymay. Also some posters are just that retarded that they don't deserve a worthwhile response, only a tips fedora.

>> No.6245448

And that was something he wrote later in life and totally at odds with the main body of his thinking and his earlier writing about Jews, dude.

>> No.6245450

I ask again: so what? Christianity isn't about being a bitch. The Crusades were necessary to defend Christendom.

>> No.6245453


>> No.6245455

It's really not, Anglicans are just very tolerant of varying viewpoints due to the unique origin of our Church. You will find those who stress reason to nearly agnostic degree, along with those who totally reject reason, along with Papists who want our Church to get back in communion with the Catholic Church.

>> No.6245459

If Christianity isn't about being a bitch, then why is he is defending heathens killing innocent people because we don't want to offend heathens?

>> No.6245472

>The Crusades were necessary to defend Christendom.

>> No.6245478

>German Protestants had a hard on for common sense
>op is literally the founder of german protestantism saying, fuck reason
Give you that, you handle that cognitive dissonance expertly.

>> No.6245487

Can we have the exact quote? I don't remember it as being cuckish. And I actually think this pope is trying to build a dialogue to save Christians because he can't really raise a crusade that easily anymore.

>> No.6245492

Anon Protestants may not be your favorite church, but give credit where it is due. You know, the whole Kant Hegel thing.

>> No.6245495
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>reason is synonymous with common sense
What fucking philosophers have you read?

You should actually try reading the quote in context, since Luther also said pic related

>> No.6245496

How does that refute his point of why the crusades were justified?

>> No.6245499


>> No.6245526

>the quote is quoted from the media
While it may be the exact quote, I'm sceptical since the media has made it into a habit of misquoting Francis.

>> No.6245533

Close enough

>> No.6245584

Oh ok, then it's perfectly fine. Gymnastics brah.

>> No.6245590

As Outis already said, we don't deify and pray to our theologians, there is absolutely no reason why I'd have to think it was perfectly fine.

>> No.6245605

Nobody deifies theologians, it's just when you follow a person's advice, especially on importqnt matters like, uh, reason, and among that person's advice there's also 'exterminate the jews', then MAYBE you should question that. But you already follow him on reason, so you probably won't question shit, because he told you not to.

>> No.6245611

Luther's statement on reason was purely in the context of baptism of children who are not capable of reason, since he objected to the idea of faith stemming from reason. He spoke favorably of reason virtually every other occasion.

You ought to read this

>d among that person's advice there's also 'exterminate the jews', then MAYBE you should question that.
He actually held the opposite opinion earlier and spoke out quite a bit against persecution of Jews, and obviously that is questioned since many Lutheran denominations have outright condemned it.

>> No.6245621

>But since the devil's bride, Reason, that pretty whore, comes in and thinks she's wise, and what she says, what she thinks, is from the Holy Spirit, who can help us, then? Not judges, not doctors, no king or emperor, because [reason] is the Devil's greatest whore.
Yeah he sure was a man of reason.
And while yes, contemporary Lutherans have condemned Luther's statements on jews, Lutherans have kften embraced them before 1945, especially in his country of origin.

>> No.6245622

He's defending religion, not psychopaths killing in the name of Islam.

>> No.6245634

I have a slow internet so I'll have to watch it when I reach my university in a few hours.

>> No.6245693
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>raised Presbyterian
>realise it's total shit tier
>brief bout of adolescent Atheism
>do some readin'
>especially pic related
>convert to Catholicism
>have become kind of disillusioned recently with Catholicism's desperation to reconcile faith with reason
Should I just convert to Orthodoxy? I'm pretty comfortable with Catholic theology apart from that one respect.

>> No.6245702

>switches church when the going gets tough

fucking winning team changer

>> No.6245706

What's wrong with reason?

>> No.6245725

>Should I just convert to
I hope you realize that your behavior on these matters is hipster-like in the sense that you swing back and forth to what's currently fashionable. You don't really care about truth, you care about appearance and what others might think of you.

>> No.6245745

tbh that kind of concern isn't something you can just write off that easily, if he's bothered by the Catholic stance on rationality then it's a valid concern. Considering his Presbyterian roots it makes sense that he'd have some misgivings. 'Hipster' isn't the right word, though one wonders why he would convert to Catholicism in the first place if he knew about this kind of thing beforehand.

>> No.6245748

Yet another #14534305 plastic christian who changes faith like he changes underwear

>> No.6245761

Catholicism has such a huge spiritual tradition that it has some who are into faith and reason while others divide it.

>> No.6245771

>autistic namefagging technocrat ruining another thread
Nobody cares that you've figured out Christianity is replete with paradoxes. Most people cling to it because of tradition, and it works fine for them. But I could see how a terminally autistic fascist would be bothered by that and seek to implement some kind of thought-correction process.

And if we're going to tolerate 5 Marxism threads per day here, then one or two Christianity threads shouldn't be a problem.

>> No.6245872

italian here.
"They are provocateurs. And what happens to them is what would happen to Dr. Gasparri if he says a curse word against my mother." this is not the right translation

>> No.6246842

He wasn't criticizing Christianity, just Catholicism.

>> No.6247340

This is such a stereotypical thing for a devout Christian to say (and an atheist to bitch about), but jeez man, reality does not bend to what you want to believe. This is a lesson we learn when we're like 5 years old. Someone who jumped off a building with the faith that he could fly will be killed. The only reason God gets an exception is because he's supposedly invisible and immaterial.

>> No.6247350

Faith in Christ was important while he material.

>> No.6247372
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>shit tier

u wot m8.

>> No.6247374

Fuck up God! And your whore: Jesus!

>> No.6247376

PCUSA allows female clergy, and they're the biggest.

>> No.6247380
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Come to PCA neighbor.

>> No.6247386

>We believe that the Scriptures, and hence Genesis 1-3, are the inerrant word of God. We affirm that Genesis 1-3 is a coherent account from the hand of Moses. We believe that history, not myth, is the proper category for describing these chapters; and furthermore that their history is true. In these chapters we find the record of God’s creation of the heavens and the earth ex nihilo; of the special creation of Adam and Eve as actual human beings, the parents of all humanity (hence they are not the products of evolution from lower forms of life).
No thanks

>> No.6247393
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>rejecting the Scriptures

>> No.6247398
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>I cannot forbid a person to marry several wives, for it does not contradict Scripture.

>> No.6247403

This guy gets it. The plebs read the quote and think "what a mad man", but Luther is actually aiming at the scholastic school of theology as founded by Aquinas and represented in Luther's era by Duns Scotus. Luther's beef with the scholastics is that they believe that can deduce God's will through observing the creation. For example most of the rules governing sex, birth control, and abortion in the Catholic church are generated from "natural law" instead of scripture. For Luther such a thing is called "speculation" and probably (I'm rusty on his catechism) idolatry as you're constructing God via reason instead of the source where god reveals his nature, namely scripture.

>> No.6247405
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Who cares what Luther does or does not forbid? Luther's whole point was to read the Bible.

>> No.6247416

Daily reminder that the books ascribed to Paul, but which have a lot of evidence to show they weren't by Paul, are Apocrypha. Only seven books are by Paul.

>> No.6247420

>What's wrong with that statement?
It is kind of laying a big steaming turd on a great many Saints. Those who honors St Stephen and his martyrdom could easily find the popes criticism offensive.

>> No.6247438

You don't know shit about Protestantism

>> No.6247477

Transsubstantiation is a great example of reason based speculation.

Luther takes this is my blood and body literally and opposes Zwingli's interpretation of it being symbolic. But TS depends on Aristotelian physics, which may or may not be correct and therefore is not to be forced on Christians.

>> No.6247482

Transubstantiation is literal. Luther isn't opposed to communion as symbolic at all, it's the transubstantiation part that he thinks is retarded.

>> No.6247515

>Luther isn't opposed to communion as symbolic at all
Yes he is you dumb cunt.
t. Lutheran

Read shit instead of spouting out of your asshole

Large catechism fucko

>If a hundred thousand devils, together with all fanatics, should rush forward, crying, How can bread and wine be the body and blood of Christ? etc., I know that all spirits and scholars together are not as wise as is the Divine Majesty in His little finger. 13] Now here stands the Word of Christ: Take, eat; this is My body; Drink ye all of it; this is the new testament in My blood, etc. Here we abide, and would like to see those who will constitute themselves His masters, and make it different from what He has spoken. It is true, indeed, that if you take away the Word or regard it without the words, you have nothing but mere bread and wine. 14] But if the words remain with them, as they shall and must, then, in virtue of the same, it is truly the body and blood of Christ. For as the lips of Christ say and speak, so it is, as He can never lie or deceive

>> No.6247560


You're wrong. heh, nothing personal, kid

>> No.6247563
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Lutherans take communion brah.


>> No.6247611
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THE ONE HOLY AND APOSTOLIC RCC > muntzer > luthershit

>> No.6247614
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>> No.6247618

None of which is symbolic, kid.
You really are a stupid fucker.

>> No.6247627

the rcc is objectively better than muntzer and muntzer is objectively better than luther

>> No.6247630
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Whatever helps you sleep at night.

>> No.6247633

>Catholicism's notion that postulates of faith can be demonstrated through reason

Credo quia absurdum :^)

You're a shitposter.

>> No.6247645

This is actually a decent post and everyone fucking shits all over it. Even if you don't agree with his main points, he at least put in some effort and gave us an informed opinion, which is more than can be said for the shitposting troll tripfags you guys tolerate and sometimes even support like that one moth "lesbian" thing.

>> No.6247653

This only makes me respect him more.

>> No.6247654

It's a post grounded on a strawman, ("Catholics think they can prove postulate of faith through reason", no they don't, they just think that faith can be compatible with reason to some extent, but the fundamental tenets of faith are irreductible to reason and cannot be demonstrated, nigga do you even read) it's only natural that people would shit on it. Though people probably shit on him mainly because he's a tripfag.

>> No.6247656

It's not purely symbolic, because Christ's spirit is within the sacraments. That's different from saying the wafer and wine literally transform into flesh and blood but we can't see it (because our eyes are playing a trick on us) and don't know when it happens.

>> No.6247663

So "God exists" isn't a postulate?

>> No.6247665

If you prove it it's not.

>> No.6247679
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nice try m8

>> No.6247682

A lot of Catholics attempt to do just that. Contrast this is Joseph Butler, who didn't try to prove the miracles or God as true, but merely defended that taking them as postulates was not *irrational*. He still says to actively believe them requires faith, but that this faith is not incompatible with reason; this is different from saying reason can demonstrate God's existence.

>> No.6247687
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>> No.6247692
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>unironically believing in reason

>> No.6247694


>> No.6247741

Catholics complain a lot about Luther being butthurt, but if there's anything I've learned from this board, it's that Catholics by far and away are the most buttblasted denomination, always spouting autistic "heresy" memes and Christ-chan. It's not like Luther wanted to outlaw Catholicism, Catholics were too autistic to allow any deviation from Papal authority.

>> No.6247754

I'm pretty sure the guy posting Christ-chan is some shitposter from /pol/

>> No.6247758

>faith alone

how can anyone take him seriously after that?

>> No.6247761
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>> No.6247770

that would make a sick-ass house

>> No.6247771

>Christianity isn't about being a bitch

What else is "turning the other cheek" then?

>> No.6247773 [SPOILER] 
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>you can earn salvation
>you can do good deeds "in return" for salvation
>Luther is wrong when he says doing good deeds in expectation of a reward from God is a sin

>> No.6247791

>You see that a man is justified by works and not by faith alone. -James 2:24
>implying justification implies expectation

>> No.6247797
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>> No.6247811
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>dat pic

I am triggered.

>> No.6247829

Romans 3:28

Deeds are a natural product of faith, they aren't a separate component used in conjunction with faith to achieve salvation.

>> No.6247844


>> No.6247847

>pope tries to appeal to every group and expresses himself as a borderline unitarian universalists
>look at those protestant heathens
Yeah m8 enjoy your black lesbian pope in the coming decades.

>> No.6247855
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sounds like a contradiction to me

>> No.6247865
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>> No.6247867

Christ would be ashamed to see a black person in the clergy.

>> No.6247882 [DELETED] 

We are all priests in Christ's church.

Timothy is Apocryphal, as it was not written by Paul.

>Four of the letters (Ephesians, 1 and 2 Timothy and Titus) are widely considered pseudepigraphical, while the authorship of the other two is subject to debate.[90]

>> No.6247898

>they have a Pope whose response to Islamic Terrorism wasn't condolences and condemnation of the attacks, but saying he sympathized with the attackers and we have to be more sensitive.

Oh so you haven't read the New Testament and yet believe you can insert your opinion on a matter. Good job.

>> No.6247904

We are all priests in Christ's church.

Timothy is Apocryphal, as it was not written by Paul.

>Seven of the 13 letters that bear Paul's name – Romans, 1st Corinthians, 2nd Corinthians, Galatians, Philippians, 1st Thessalonians and Philemon – are almost universally accepted as being entirely authentic (dictated by Paul himself).[8][90][91][92] They are considered the best source of information on Paul's life and especially his thought.[8]
>Four of the letters (Ephesians, 1 and 2 Timothy and Titus) are widely considered pseudepigraphical, while the authorship of the other two is subject to debate.[90]

>> No.6247912

Since the Pope's argument was not "turn the other cheek", but saying "I'd be violent as well!", you don't have a leg to stand on.

>> No.6247920
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>We are all priests in Christ's church.


>Timothy is Apocryphal, as it was not written by Paul.


>> No.6247932

Wasn't that just a friendly gesture by the Pope directed at one of his friends?

>> No.6247940

No, the Pope was using it to illustrate the violent reaction when you offend someone is "normal".

>> No.6247946


And then suddenly, I'm a spider.

>> No.6247963

Nope, 1 Peter 2 offers the update on that according to the new covenant. There's nothing wrong with priest as a clergical term for its convenience, but ultimately we are all priests in Christ's Church.

No. Paul was inspired by the Holy Spirit. People who impersonated him weren't anymore than Joseph Smith was.

>> No.6247971

That doesn't mean you try to justify their persecution and them reprimand the victims after their death.

>> No.6248035
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>1 Peter 2 offers the update on that according to the new covenant


>People who impersonated him


>> No.6248060

>It's not purely symbolic, because Christ's spirit is within the sacraments.
It's not symbolic at all because it says the sacrament is the flesh and blood of Christ.

>> No.6248195

Not him, but we really do know this. The person who wrote it attributed it to Paul for purposes of credibility.

The Bible's canon was not chosen by Paul.

>> No.6248199

And the Church is the body of Christ, that doesn't mean it is his physical body with pores and and hair follicles. Don't get it twisted.

>> No.6248344

In acts the apostles help an Ethiopean.

>> No.6248352

Ethiopians then were not the same people they are now, and helping someone is a far cry from ordaining them.

>> No.6250464

le epic psuedo-"radic00l"-catholic-traditionalist heretic may may :^)

>> No.6250485
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How hard is it to become a protestant pastor? What kind of education or whatever would one need?

>> No.6250577
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>> No.6250657
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>Abrahamic Monotheism
read the Diamond Sutra

>> No.6250661
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Is there anything more obnoxious than white hipsters preaching Hinduism?

>> No.6250667
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yes, people that are sincerely Muslim or Christian and have internet access

>> No.6250672
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>not being bread pilled

>> No.6250675

Depends on sect, a Congregationalist minister is gonna be a lot harder then Methodist or Lutheran

>> No.6250677
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Also, I googled your thing and buddhism isn't as annoying a Hinduism but it's still wrong.

>> No.6250681

damn, I haven't been on 4chan in a while, mainly Krautchan

now I see where this Christian resurgence is coming from, because atheism was so edgy it turned mainstream y'all are being ultraedgy in bcoming Abrahamics again

noice job

>> No.6250682

Ideology: the post. Did Martin Luther even read Zizek?

>> No.6250689
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Never doubt the Lord.

>> No.6250690

>Implying love for one group = hate for its opposite

>> No.6250700

>Deeds are a natural product of faith
So no one who has faith can ever do wrong?

>> No.6250702

not utilizing doubt to distinguish truth from illusion seems like a move the ultimate deceiver would pull

>> No.6250704
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Promise me you'll read the Bible again anon-kun.

>> No.6250707

This, folks, is what happens when you don't start with the Greeks.

>> No.6250718
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>> No.6251008

I have a question of theology:

Say I'm lying on the couch reading my Bible like a good boy. My dog is trying to lick my face and I'm eating a slice of pizza with one hand. Then I drop the pizza on the Bible and get it covered in gunk.

Am I going to hell? Keep in mind that it was entirely by accident, and it was Hawaiian style pizza.

>> No.6251028

that'ss haram nigga

>> No.6251472
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You're cool dude.