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6246390 No.6246390 [Reply] [Original]

do I have to be familiar with Irish culture to read Joyce?

>> No.6246395
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>Irish culture

>> No.6246402

>Irish culture
just know about alcohol and you'll be fine

>> No.6246407

No, there is nothing you wouldn't be able to understand culture wise

>> No.6246461

My best friend is a Dub and I know quite a bit about British and Irish politics around the turn of the century. That helped me enjoy the collection a lot more I think, but I wouldn't imagine it would be necessary to know all that to recognise Joyce's brilliance.

>> No.6246493
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Literally all of the good prose and poetry to come out of the british isles in the 20th century was from Ireland

English culture is a fukin craic

>> No.6246513

>Literally all of the good prose and poetry to come out of the british isles in the 20th century was from Ireland
That's just an utterly idiotic thing to say though.

>> No.6246560

Don't use words you don't understand

>> No.6246608

No. Joyce knew nothing about Irish culture himself. (Protip: third-generation British invaders aren't Irish.)

>> No.6246648

You can get a lot out of it without it, but it helps to have a decent grasp of Catholicism. I also Recommend reading the Wikipedia page for Charles Parnell before reading Ivy Day in the Committee Room.

>> No.6246662

I thought Joyce was Catholic/proper Irish?

>> No.6246683

Don't be ridiculous

>> No.6246717
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Was just about to post this

>> No.6247150

No, OP, you don't need to know about leprechauns and how to not grow potatoes to appreciate Dubliners.

>> No.6247766

as long as you know when the politics of the day come to the surface, it mostly explains itself

maybe get one with footnotes

>> No.6247805

What's this about anyway? Is it actually fiction?

>> No.6247813

The only thing you have to understand to read Dubliners is how to stroke your dick, because you'll be doing it a lot.

>> No.6247850
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And how many nymphets are present within?
>There are zero anon, zero.

>> No.6247874


it's another example of the modern autist tendency to set all one's otherwise unrelated stories in the same fictional (or fictionalized) location so as to build up a kind of metatext with which one can lampshade otherwise awful writing. paradoxically, the more disparate the stories, the more coherent the illusion of talent; early 20th century critics were fooled into thinking works like dubliners, portrait, and ulysses accurately depicted the life of the people living in the dublin that was being parodied solely by virtue of the fact that they a) have never lived there and b) were easily impressed by the dissimulation of an imagination this technique presents. in fact critics today still haven't seen through the play acting of the moderns, as praise for joyce and his ilk continues to be piled on in heaps by contributors to and editors of pseudo-intellectual pop-lit publications the world over. i suppose that alone is a testament to the moderns' genius. see faulkner's yoknapatawpha county for another shining example of this charlatanism.

>> No.6247953

thank god you and your superior intellect are able to see through Joyce's century long sham that has everyone fooled but me and you. I tip my fedora to you, good sir.

>> No.6247964

truly, you and i my good man are the priveleged folk set to inherit the earth. if only m'ladies would see that at last. alas one cannot blame them for the faulty intellect of their sex. g'day my gentlemanne, and i tippeth mine hat to thee aswellwithly.

>> No.6248000

Your superiority-stance is a lie too buddy.

>> No.6248017

marry me bby

>> No.6248044

i won't marry you. but i will accept you as pupil. if you take my meaning.

checked. unfortunately these hot numbers were wasted on an incoherent post

>> No.6248080

>not jerking off to magnificent prose

>> No.6248087

In this moment I am euphoric

>> No.6248100

>incoherent post
cuz youre dumb

>> No.6248109

good double

>> No.6248113

nonsense also reference is highly requested because i'm sure I read something similar somewhere ...filthy anon <_<