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6242564 No.6242564 [Reply] [Original]

I love my gf but she is pleb tier intellectually. only reads books by feminists or about depressed girls. generally not curious about abstract concepts and ideas. is it a deal breaker long term? should I embrace the fact that shes committed and not manipulating me/conniving?

>> No.6242581

anon you are stupid <_<

>> No.6242600

It's useless. My bf is smart and studying to be an engineer, but he's a hopeless pleb, I had to restrain from yelling when he said he didn't think Homer was relevant in modern times. I've tried everything, the guy either dismisses literature and philosophy as pointless, or he just patronizes me and pretends to find it interesting to listen to. I've given up.

>> No.6242644

at least she reads.

most girls I know have only read twilight or some stupid shit like that.

>> No.6242656
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most people don't read at all
why should you care? /mu/ comic sums up my feelings on it

>> No.6242696

But its not a deal breaker for you?

>> No.6242707

selfishness <_< They both want a copies of themselves

>> No.6242708

>only reads books by feminists or about depressed girls.

sounds patrician to me

>> No.6242724
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>a copies
have no idea

>> No.6242725

>expecting a girl to have something in her head

>> No.6242736

This shit sucks when trying to find a potential mate
Only a minority of people are non-plebs and only a minority of those people are gay
Maybe I'm just too picky when it comes to this stuff ;_;

>> No.6242753

I know that feeling

>> No.6242779

You should break up.
She will soon pick up on the fact that you feel superior to her, she'll resent you for that and will either act exageratly stupid around you, which will make you despise her even more, or start cheating on you with your basic moron that never read a book in his life.
Your relationship is doomed because you're an elitist prick.

>> No.6242780

If it were I'd be forever alone.

>> No.6242784

I've broadened my qt horizons, I just want to find somebody who's passionate about something other than sex or pop culture. Maybe it's because I'm overcritical and would pick their tastes apart that I expect them to do the same to me.
>tfw no effay gf to berate my fashion choices and tell me I look like a walking garbage bin

>> No.6242786

>wanting a woman to be a man

What do you want, to rewrite female psychology or something?

When the fuck have women ever been curious about abstract concepts and ideas? They have done literally zero interesting philosophy in history, that wasn't derivative of Sartre. When they do rarely foray into other fields, they just find the most soap opera-y thing (microhistory, clinical psychotherapy for kids, novels about their feelings and people with feelings, political manifestos about how everyone should be nice to them).

She's sweet and nice and presumably pretty. That is what women are for. Give her a baby to raise an stop being mad at her that she doesn't have a soul. They're not meant for that shit.

>> No.6242795

what a feel that must be to feel.

>> No.6242805


>> No.6242809


>> No.6242812

You're all morons if you think a girlfriend is good for anything beyond sex and cuddling.

>> No.6242818

OP here, ive pretty much come to this conclusion, but am young and still struggling with the notion that there may be a unicorn out there for me.

>> No.6242832

Cooking, nurturing child (if want), home making, trophy (for social status/business), .... um.... yeah.

>> No.6242833

Don't worry, there are some girls worthy of being the grandmother of your grandsons. I've knew some of them...

>> No.6242839

>ive pretty much come to this conclusion, but am young

say no more

>> No.6242843

>is it a deal breaker long term?
personally I wouldn't want to be with someone that I can't respect for their intelligence/education/will to educate herself

but you really shouldn't listen to me, i'm a forever alone loser

>> No.6242850

>intelligence/education/will to self-educate

do you have these qualities?

>> No.6242858

You should be able to cook and clean for yourself.

And I'm not saying women aren't interesting people with interesting lives, I'm just saying the reason to date someone is because you're sexually attracted to them. That has shit all to do with what books they read. Your GF shouldn't be the person you discuss and do everything with, it's unhealthy and will set you up for a nasty fall.

>> No.6242878

i'd like to think so. being on this board kind of says otherwise, though.

>> No.6242886

even though im young and self centered I can recognize I have a lot to learn and am willing to. please enlighten me with your elderly wisdom.

>> No.6242889

sort of, I guess... like everyone else I think I'm above average intelligence, but that's about it
other than that I'm learning japanese and french as a hobby (mothertongue is german) and will soon start my masters degree in sociology

inb4 laughhingwhores.jpg

>> No.6242930

>She will soon pick up on the fact that you feel superior to her, she'll resent you for that
>implying women don't want a man who is superior to them
>see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypergamy

>> No.6242932
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well if you insist

>> No.6242938

alternatively she'll internalize your intellectual superiority and even when she ends up financially more successful in an upwardly mobile career she'll defer to your opinion not just about books and art but also people and work issues you have no actual knowledge of. Then you can cheat on her and treat her like shit and never worry about her trying to leave or replace you. of course mine was emotionally damaged by her parents before all this.

>> No.6242939

Imagine a life where you have never been great at anything, never felt the urge to be great at anything, never felt that magnetic admiration to someone who was great at something, wanted to imitate and ultimately defeat him. Just nothing. Literally all you do in life is exist. Occupy space. pass the time. You're a chick.

You're bored, as usual, tweeting about your fucking hair and not even feeling any kind of happiness from it, just soothing your constant need to be bitter and cunty and petty toward other women. Every single thing you've done in the past year was mundane, shallow, and boring. You spent the last six hours reading kinda-interesting Reddit stories about people who made interesting Halloween hats for their kids or some stupid bullshit that you think is interesting and you may say is interesting but you're not really sure if it's really interesting. You're just fucking sitting there, gestating, fermenting, with a moist hole between your legs that guarantees you'll at least never have to get up and move around and work to support yourself.

And then you see men, over in some corner, having fun. You've never seen this before. What are they even doing? Instead of their consciousnesses merely sitting in their thick skull and revolving around itself, they are imbuing their conscious energy and intentionality into external objects, crafts, goals, projects. All the bitterness and cuntiness you feel nonstop seems to be absent, as they congratulate each other for being victorious, and happily learn from someone who defeated them. These creatures are truly content to be alive. They have found purpose in a purposeless universe.

And your gaze turns back on itself, on your self, and you realise you've never had that. You can never have it. You're just a stupid cunt.

So you get up, you walk over there, and you fucking ruin everything. Just ruin the whole fucking thing. The five seconds of attention you get will be worth destroying it. Because you're a woman.

>> No.6242954

Just let her read what she wants.

Who are her favourite authors?

>> No.6242959

Engineers are retarded like that, but they're also so convinced they're "smart" that you'll never convince them out of it.

>> No.6242964

>staying with women because they're intellectually stimulating
>not focusing solely on their quality as a contributor to your genetic payload and their ability to support you in your own pursuits
Kill yourself. Who cares if she's not a great thinker? Who cares if she bores me? I don't need to like my wife's personality. I don't need to be nourished by her scintillating wit. I just need to know she's going to look after me and my offspring. If you think women have any value on their own merits, and that their worth shouldn't be measured solely by how well they provide support, you're a fucking retard.
As long as she transmits the right values and personality traits to the children she will raise, I don't care about her inner monologue. There's no way it could improve me intellectually.

>> No.6242967

>women never want to overcome anybody else
They do. Mainly other women.

>> No.6242968

>Your GF shouldn't be the person you discuss and do everything with, it's unhealthy and will set you up for a nasty fall.
Friends or /lit/ will discuss books with you. Trust me, you do not want to find a gf who is your intellectual equal or greater (not that you need to worry about that if you're a /lit/ nerd).
As a wise man once said, a woman is elevated to status of 'queen' when she is married to a great man. A man married to a greater woman is not the king, he's just the queen's husband, and she will eventually hate everything about you

>> No.6242975

>only reads books by feminists or about depressed girls

It could be a lot worse. You could be dating a girl that reads something like 50 Shades of Grey or Ayn Rand.

>> No.6242984

you sound bitter

>> No.6242985

you seriously think engineers aren't smart?

>> No.6243001

this. women who exclusively read YA|erotica then demand that you "respect their opinions" are worse than the population majority who haven't touched a book since they got out of highschool.

>> No.6243002

I'm a chemical engineering major. Calling people "smart" is really meaningless. They are "smart" in the way engineering demands. Ask them about history, politics, literature, or philosophy and you wouldn't think they're smart at all.

>> No.6243010

Most people confuse being intelligent and being knowledgeable.

>> No.6243019

I would have to even BRI g it up for discussion if it was that bad trust me.

She does read some great works, but just for the feels .no stimulating conversation comes from it.

>> No.6243020

They correlate strongly enough to be synonymous for all intents and purposes. Someone with a lot of knowledge and mediocre intellect will be effectively more intelligent in our material conditions than someone who has a considerable intellect but doesn't know shit about anything.

>> No.6243022

And some people think the delineation is cogent enough to matter.

>> No.6243039

>>not seeing different kinds of intelligence and evaluating those kinds with respect to each other objectively
>>denying objectivity in favor of subjectivity because you can't ground your opinion in anything outside your own conception of the world
>>seeing objectivity as a mechanism of society and "muh economies", and that slippery slope
>>the crass failure of someone with little artistic sensibilities, aka your typical STEM pleb
>>not seeing all STEM as pleb in comparison to art/literature/philosophy

leads to shitposting on a /lit/ board, fighting for the correct view as "scientific objectivity".
>>Being this insufferable

You make me sad

>> No.6243040

history politics literature and that are dumb as fuck. Any asshole can read a book. Innovating at the level technology is at these days requires much more dedication and you have to do it all on your tod.

>> No.6243053

The main difference being that one is measurable and has consequences outside of your own mind and self-esteem. I'm talking about people who think about intelligence in a binary way that doesn't make any sense. I try to talk to engineers and comp sci kids about politics and they just come at you with retarded half-baked meaningless arguments.

yes, this is exactly the STEM narcissism and retardation I'm talking about.

>> No.6243061

>I had to restrain from yelling when he said he didn't think Homer was relevant in modern times
He's right tho.

>> No.6243062

As a comp-sci kid myself I'm offended. I'll have you know my political beliefs are at least medium rare.

>> No.6243063

redirected to

>> No.6243067

You're a misogynist. you are viewing a relationship as a power struggle, which maybe it is, but there is nothing wrong with having a girl who comes out on top. It takes a lot of pressure off me having a gf that is Actually a genius. Not some above average intelligent girl but a true eidetic memory genius.

>> No.6243071

>should I embrace the fact that shes committed and not manipulating me/conniving?

They're ALL manipulative and conniving, OP. The fact you don't think she is just means she's really good at it. Or you're just blind.

>> No.6243075
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>> No.6243084


>I try to talk to engineers and comp sci kids about politics and they just come at you with retarded half-baked meaningless arguments.

I'm pretty sure those STEM fags BTFO your commie views in real life and here in /lit/

>> No.6243086
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You should try to date someone who you get along with, and has desirable traits that you don't. You can have fun together, and each partner helps the other in areas they can improve in. If the relationship is built upon sex solely, or if one of the partners isn't interested in the pursuits of the other then it can lead to strain, but you can always try to work through that instead of instantly concluding things won't work out.

All the cynical fucks on here have no idea how the real world works.

>> No.6243095

You do want a gf who is your intellectual peer/. Wanting possession is minor love, Hegelian recognition and the desire to be one being is major love.

>> No.6243099

I am young too (20), you must realise that there is no such thing as the perfect girl out there, no one is going to please everything you long for in a woman. You should make the best out of every relationship, accept and understand your differences. There is no such thing as soul mates.

There is some of them that do care about philosophy or hard literature, but that doesn't mean that you will be happy with her.

>> No.6243102

This kind of shit is why /lit/ will be alone their whole lives

>> No.6243103

I don't know about you but in my experience comp sci kids are the biggest bunch of insufferable narcissists. Especially if you're talking about anything even nominally having to do with technology

>Talking about net neutrality
>Say that the FCC passing de facto legislation and usurping Congress without any clear legal authority to regulate the internet sets an alarming precedent for the FCC and independent agencies
>hurr slippery slope
>that's a logical fallacy bro check out this wikipedia page

>> No.6243106

Let's be honest, there is literally nothing difficult in reading a history book or sociology if you are just copying and paste the same stuff in your mind

If you, as a humanity fag, can come with something that is a synthesis of a lot of things, and it's good, then i will believe that you are intelligent as you say

If you feel that your ass is intelligent just because you are in the academia... I'm sorry son

>> No.6243109


>> No.6243132
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tfw feel rejected by a forum for studying engineering and wanting to discuss literature with someone, even if it's anonymous.
tfw I'll probably never get to call something 'Ballardian' out-loud...
tfw madness is just around the river bend...

>> No.6243141

>but there is nothing wrong with having a girl who comes out on top
hahahaha. Inevitable failure of relationship right here. Inevitable. If you play by a girls rules she will despise you like the gum on the bottom of her shoe

>> No.6243144
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>> No.6243149
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nigga you gon make 300k starting why r u so sad?

>> No.6243157

Well if she doesn't manipulate you then she sounds like an ok gal. But if she becomes a feminazi theres no salvation for you unless you go full on beta and listen to everything she says. Good luck.

>> No.6243159

My gf is reading Tolstoy, listens to shoegaze, and is a foreigner :^)

>> No.6243162

>It takes a lot of pressure off me having a gf that is Actually a genius
If she is truly an intellectual you better have some goddam good comedic timing

>> No.6243165

I wouldn't touch Snowden-esque internet politics with a ten meter rod with anybody let alone somebody looking me right in the eyes. Government espionage is panned by pretty much everbody these days and anybody who isn't aware of the revelations probably doesn't care. The fact is that nobody who isn't a freedom freak will be willing to sacrifice their smart phone, operating system, and general trust of technology for a little piece of mind. Shoving how bad of a general thing "muh NSA" is down people's throats is just the speaker trying to show how much they know about the government being a malicious entity.
Besides, I have more important things to argue like why Python is trash and why we should begin teaching the new generation objective C as soon as humanly possible.

>> No.6243175

>having a gf that is Actually a genius
>You do want a gf who is your intellectual peer

Sorry chumps, backed up by science and spit into pop culture through the calloused feminist maw

>> No.6243176

I kinda of fetishize the kind of intellect that someone was on about earlier, booky smarts. I just want a bookish gf and I'm worried my interest in transistors and so on is putting off all the top drawer patrician minge...

>> No.6243182

Jezebel isn't exactly a trustworthy source. They usually lean towards feminism but I wouldn't be surprised if there's some broader political agenda behind it.

>> No.6243190


Gross. I'm so glad I'm incapable of getting a girlfriend.

>> No.6243191


but anon, Python is gave to students in the first place because they are too stupid to understand anything else in their first year

>> No.6243197

You do know that she will eventually think "Why am I with this inferior being? I want someone who is my equal or superior"

>> No.6243201

Oy Vey, I wonder who?

>> No.6243204

They cite scientific studies, you cuck. I searched for that specific study and jizzabel was the first thing that appeared.

>> No.6243212


That woman that you say will have nothing wrong with you will start asking the same OP questions in their mind

nothing good can come out of it, but you still get the pussy so no problems

>> No.6243223

>not being the actual genius in your relationship

>> No.6243229

Go back to your kpop thread, you pleb. We're talking about gfs with GOOD taste.

>> No.6243231

I can only hope that if we start teaching basic principles young enough it'd make the process easier throughout pubescence. I refuse to admit that some people are just born to be ditch diggers but time and time again I'm proven wrong.

>> No.6243246

A marriage built on minor love will of course be much better with disparity. But I'm not talking about pedestrian, minor love, I'm talking about Hegelian recognition love, these stem from very different impulses. The former stems from mater-slave relationship (which in Hegel doesn't mean someone doing work for another person necessarily), the latter stems from a desire to be one.

>> No.6243247

I don't know if that really counts as pleb tier... at least they're serious books and not Hunger Games and 50 Shades. Some books about depressed girls are deep intellectually... how about Emily Dickinson and Sylvia Plath? Are you sure you're not just dismissing her tastes as pleb because you disagree with her ideas and interests?

>> No.6243254

>only reads books by feminists
Simone de Beauvoir and Andrea Dworkin are pretty heavy, she is probably smarter than you.

>> No.6243260

I think the movie Annie Hall resolves this sort of debate quite sufficiently.

>> No.6243266

This is kind of like putting Hawking and Harris in the same post

>> No.6243276

>G O O D
If she's going to dip her toes into memecore you might as well shove her in by showing her vaporwave before she gets too engrossed in the culture.

>> No.6243281

Agreed. Bronte sisters included.

>> No.6243285

I haven't read others.

>> No.6243301

Shoegaze predates and far surpasses memecore, and she does enjoy vaporwave.

>> No.6243308

Juliet Mitchell, Judith Butler, and Shulamith Firestone are some academically interesting feminists.

>> No.6243312

I will take a look at them, thanks.

>> No.6243327

one has to wonder how labor division plays into this- even in marriages where the woman works harder/is more highly educated the woman still takes most of the responsibility for household tasks and childrearing. Having to deal with all this could lead to a less satisfied marriage

>> No.6243337
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I'm sure the girls you know are typical college bitches or something. Like the hegel-fag said, we're act as a single entity nigga. Lern2love
She's too insecure. I hate to say that but it's the truth.
eh? I wasn't gifted like that. I like to think I'm pretty smart though.

>> No.6243349

Underrated post

>> No.6243355

Not true at all. I grew up with work part tkme at home dad and a long hour working m.d. mother, and I've never seen her clean the house once. My dad cooked and cleaned every single day.
[spoilter] I attribute my brothers and I's drug addictions academic and romantic failures, and codependency/home sexuality to this gender role confusion

>> No.6243395

That was funny, but bullshit. You know what kind of women aren't like that? F E M I N I S T S

>> No.6243400

Your situation is not the majority.

Also I seriously doubt gender role reversal would be responsible for something like that

>> No.6243408


Comp Sci guy here as well, god I almost want to switch out of Comp Sci and take up Literature or Philosophy as more than a minor simply because Computer Scientists are so shallow and drooling retards at anything that doesn't involve opening Vim and typing for hours on end. Then I realize that the Lit majors still worship Salinger and JK Rowling and I just go back and study Lit and Phil on my own.

>> No.6243416

It's not fully responsible but definitely has played a part. I accept my failures as my own

>> No.6243417

Anecdotal evidence doesn't beat actual evidence found in studies. Gimme a minute and I'll post citation.

On another note, I group up in the exact same environment, stay at home dad (he works but makes less than her), educated mother. My brother is homo in denial, literally. We've both been drug addicts since the beginning of high school til now.

>> No.6243436

I'm gay and a drug addict and like many of my friends of similar interests I am from a traditional family

>> No.6243437

I saw the other guys citation. I suppose my perspective is biased as I've never met another guy my age with this upbringing.
My experience has led me to believe feminist women are cancer to healthy masculinity

>> No.6243441
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>this pic
every damn time

>> No.6243443

this may be true so we must ask ourselves if the societal concept of masculinity is truly benefiting us? see exaggerated examples of masculinity like frat bros

>> No.6243462

Frat bros are not what I would consider healthy masculinity.

>> No.6243484

Also, I believe societal concept masculinity does in fact benefit us, and it is foolish and reactionary to believe otherwise.
Nearly every civilization the produced anything worthwhile was based on a patriarchal structure. Could you name me one matriarchal society who had far reaching influence and ideas and still in use today?

>> No.6243522

I think healthy "masculinity" encompasses much of what is considered feminine. Frat bros are an example of exaggerated masculinity and like you said, it is not healthy. Yes men have accomplished much throughout history but that is because they occupied places that allowed them to pursue their interests, not necesarrily because they benefited from uber masculinity. I would say a culture such as Sparta would be much more masculine than Athens

>> No.6243585




>> No.6243613


>> No.6243624


>> No.6243695

My girlfriend doesn't give a shit about abstract pontification, and I've never met a girl who does. That does not make women worthless. My girlfriend keeps my eyes on the practical, and I expand my girlfriend's horizon of understanding. Women are a good complement to men.

>> No.6243697

no one here has ever had one

>> No.6243703

i'd rather have a gf with no interest in abstracts than a gf with /lit/'s shallow non-committal dilettante meme understanding of abstracts because of some phase of maturation

>> No.6243723

get a patrician gf

pleb gfs suck the life out of you but you can suck the life out of patrician gf, in a good way, if that makes sense

patrician means well-educated AND hot

>> No.6243732

Is Roissy right about women?

Is it foolish to ever expect to form a profound emotional/intellectual bond with your significant other?

Should we resign ourselves to settling for someone who is merely faithful and not a compete bitch?

>> No.6243733

also you have to be a patrician yourself otherwise it doesn't really matter

>> No.6243755

i experience identical feels

>> No.6243765

implying the new seasons of th simpsons are any good

>> No.6243781

Great post

If this isn't pasta, I applaud you

>> No.6243793

You sound like an autistic basement dweller. Don't tell me you've never met a cool smart girl in your life?

>> No.6243803

It's pasta

>> No.6243807

I think that's a silly view, I've met girls with passion before, and they really invigorate you if you've got passions in common. It's just hard to find them. I just want a qt english major gf to complement my STEM autism.

>> No.6243816


It's quite the opposite in my experience, I know a fair amount of intelligent and driven women, but they never identify as feminists. It's usually the really mediocre women who need feminism to give them meaning and explain away their failures. The former have a degree of autonomy that comes from within, feminists have no autonomy naturally, they just tend to the comfortable spot the mob makes for them, and their great act of rebellion is moving to a somewhat smaller mob and eating up their dogma( the feminist sisterhood). This is why they take something as harmless as modern gender roles as such a slight against them. If they were actually autonomous the fact that society tends to see women in a certain way and sometimes reacts negatively to women that don't act that way ( but never in a way that actually infringes on their ability to do anything, they have full legal equality) wouldn't phase them, they would just go off and do their own thing regardless of what others thought, because nothing is there to actually stop them. The modern feminist is a slave to the approval of others and a comfortable herd life, to the point that she will bitch, whine, and cry oppression until everyone gives her approval, even if it is through legislative and social force and is not at all genuine, because she is too insecure to live without the coddling she has received from birth. She spends all her effort justifying her lack of personal agency by differing the problem onto society.

>> No.6243833

Actually a good point. Good post.

>> No.6243835

Just find a babe that had a good relationship with her father, is willing to stay fit, can behave like a lady when required, and doesn't rely on xanax/prozac to avoid facing reality. Needle in a haystack, but at least they actually exist.

>> No.6243952

This is the most conjectural shit I've ever seen. Just because he says "hard" words like autonomy and agency doesn't make it a good, or even logical post.
Feminist have more agency in their pinkies. It at least requires a bit of self awareness to be feminist, while non-feminist women never think twice about anything.

>> No.6243964

Actually a shit point. Bad post.

>> No.6243968

It's no better than the kid who chooses to listen to "real music" like Iron Maiden or The Ramones and feels superior to their peers despite being only marginally better. I'm talking of the tumblr bandwagon crew, I'm friends with a bunch of feminists in the philosophy department but these people have actually read Butler and Spivak and etc and might as well be considered a separate group than the tumblr slackivist crowd.

>> No.6243980

His post at least included an attempt at argumentation ("conjecture" is not a bad thing): in a society with no hard, legal barriers to self-actualisation, the reflexively self-actualising woman will necessarily care less about ideologies which claim that female self-actualisation is still impossible because of subtle, psychic patriarchy and systemic cultural bias. There's nothing wrong with that argument and in fact it's perfectly compatible with what third generation feminists critiqued about second generation feminists, namely that they only cared about removing hard, legal barriers to their success and ensuring their own professional and academic opportunities, but didn't do anything about more subtle forms of oppression.

A wealthy white woman who encountered few impediments to her ambition is less likely to explicitly notice and thus champion the concerns of fat retarded black lesbians who claim that the system is stopping them from achieving their dreams by showing sexy big titty women in magazines, or calling them bossy as kids, or whatever the hell it is this week.

Your post is just saying "no!" and vaguely insulting non-feminist women. Include substance with your posts or get raped, whore .

>> No.6243990


How does it take self awareness to be a feminist? These are people who actually believe in the myth of the wage gap despite it being constantly shown to be false for longer than most of them have been alive for, that people demanding an innocent until proven guilty attitude for those accused of rape constitutes a "rape culture", they believe in "male privilege" when female gender roles involve just as much privilege as male ones do, just in different directions, and to top it all off they almost never have an actual understanding of woman's place in historical periods further back than 50 years and ignore all of the powerful and influential women who were involved in western culture since the Middle Ages, because admitting of the existence of strong women in the past who were still decisively patriarchal, when they are "liberated" but have nothing to show for it, ruins their narrative.

If feminists had actually gotten something right in the last 40 years I might be willing to call them self aware, but they have become the biggest embarrassment to every woman who isn't pleb tier now that equal legal rights are here.

>> No.6244004

I was wondering where most of you rolled in from and after this thread I'm pretty confident in saying that it's probably /r9k/.

The only board that can do absolutely nothing positive for themselves or the people surrounding them and still continue to have an unmatched sense of elitism and entitlement.

>> No.6244008

Best board on the internet.

>> No.6244017


Depends on the type of non-feminist.

What you are the thinking of are the uneducated oblivious non-feminists. Consider this the default view.

With a little education, they become feminists.

At the next stage, they abandon it and recognize feminism as silly. they don't care about distinguishing themselves from the first group anymore .


Religious > Anti-religion atheist > Hardcore atheists are silly

Loves popular music > fedora music hipster > hipsters that condemn all pop music are silly

>> No.6244037

To truly understand robot culture you have to do a thorough reading of Elliot Rodger's magnum opus, My Twisted World. Just shy of 150 pages, you can really get inside the head of any individual poster.
There's an entire chapter dedicated to how he fought the crusades of brainwashed whores by splashing them with various bottled soft drinks. From his personal experience with WoW to his climax with his echochamber internet pals (take a shot in the dark who), it's easy to realize how people born handsome and rich as the supreme gentleman himself can easily fall into this circular robot mindtrap
if nothing else it'll impress women if you use quotes as pick up lines

>> No.6244049

Hmmm, abstract concepts and ideas? The actualization of ones inherent intelligence comes from having no-thought, which is accompanied by peace. Please do not confuse yourself about this because it is the reason anyone suffers.

>> No.6244060

>The actualization of ones inherent intelligence comes from having no-thought, which is accompanied by peace.


>> No.6244088

Why do people give so much thought into outward, visible acts that other people perform? Do you really feel that much of a need to size yourself up?

It is not within the realm of impossibility that in becoming closer to you, she can try to imitate things that you like to do (like reading /lit/core, apparently). And honestly, if she loves you, she has probably started to mimic you in some other way. And if you love her, you mimic her or conform to things she likes, or to qualities she has.

This strife could well be assuaged by her own desire to mimic you.

>> No.6244410



>> No.6244476

I am in a similar situation, OP. I decided to break it off awhile ago but didn't have the heart. Now I've realized that girls capable of abstract thought are extremely rare, if they exist at all, and that I probably wouldn't be happy with a girl who is my intellectual equal anyway.

It may seem misogynistic, but in my (admittedly limited) experience, women simply do not seek to accumulate knowledge or search for artistic meaning. They are genuinely content basic one-dimensional objectives such as socializing or performing mechanical tasks, which is perhaps admirable in a way.

Also I have no real friends.

>> No.6244486
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>It may seem misogynistic, but in my (admittedly limited) experience, women simply do not seek to accumulate knowledge or search for artistic meaning. They are genuinely content basic one-dimensional objectives such as socializing or performing mechanical tasks, which is perhaps admirable in a way.

Not all of them

>> No.6244557

>Also I have no real friends
A common factor in the problems people are experiencing in this thread.

Maybe you guys should move out of suburbia, stop being insufferable human beings, and be a person that can have healthy relationships with good people -- it's not enough to just 'be yourself'

>> No.6244601

I don't get why everyone in this thread is so desperate for female attention. If you're not happy alone, getting a GF is not going to change that.

I have never in my life gotten any significant amount of female attention, yet you don't hear me bitch about it on a Roman tapestry website.

>> No.6244608

Good post

>> No.6244631

Yeah, it takes a mentally ill/fucked up woman to write a good book. Also see Sylvia Plath.

>> No.6244635

>socializing is a one dimensional objective
you poor fool

>> No.6244888

>It's usually the really mediocre women who need feminism to give them meaning and explain away their failures
all of this. Either mediocre looking or mediocre intellectually. Living life as the victim of a cruel oppressive world sounds seductive when you haven't made shit of your life

>> No.6244902

Same boat, i dunno, im just going with it for now. steady puss is good puss

>> No.6244904


>Best board on the internet.
100%. Wit, humor, charm, reason, powerful stories, platinum tier post-irony that gets lost on the spergy, powerful ideas. When people say this place is 'shit' I feel bad they don't get it

>> No.6244922

today, my girlfriend read One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich in one sitting in front of me while I was writing at my desk

if your partner doesn't read books, buy/loan them some until they either acquire taste of the sex dries up.

>> No.6245236

But we've read a lot about them.

>> No.6245257

The problem with most women writers isn't that they are not fucked up, it's the fact that they are limited by feminism, they only write about that. It's kind of a mental barrier that prevents many otherwise talented writers from producing art. It's like it was with the total domination of Catholicism in the middle ages, but the subject is instead superficial and falls apart when faced with argumentation.

>> No.6246356

Guys, I'm at the other side of the fence.
There's this really cute librarian that I want to have the confidence to talk to. She smiles at me every time I go where she works and buy some random books that I never finish reading because I find them really boring.
I'm afraid she might be too intelligent for me.

Will it work if I just go there and make her laugh and tease her? Will she try to ask me about politics or some shit?

>> No.6246415


This is a bad post. Read with caution.

>> No.6246425

>One day in the life of Ivan Denisovich
>one sitting

So she read 90 pages in one go? Pretty impressive.

>> No.6246464

librarians are all Marxists, just pick up a copy of Das Kapital and see what she says

>> No.6246465



>> No.6246506

This is probably what he confused it with.

>> No.6246518

most boys read even less

>> No.6246533

>implying gender theory doesn't use very mind-fucking abstract concepts, either by borrowing or inventing them
>implying pure abstract wankery that you probably have in mind is more valuable than something more explicitly political

>> No.6246541

More women read than men, but more hardcore readers are men.

>> No.6246553

Literature is just a hobby. It's no better than video games. This includes philosophy.
Religion is important. God is important. Old fairy tales, "moving" words, and the vain ideas of men are not important, they're frivolous and often detrimental.
People who look to literature for wisdom about "humanity" or whatever are deluded, and often stunningly pretentious like OP. Knowing how Hamlet predicts modern existentialist thought, or any other such trifles is not wisdom; it's the hobby of scholars, fact collectors, dreamy hypothesizers.

>> No.6246562

So dumping your girlfriend because she doesn't read would be as stupid as dumping your girlfriend because she doesn't play World of Warcraft.

>> No.6246563

Religion and conceptions of God are the vain ideas of men, and are explained with "moving" words and in old fairy tales.

>> No.6246573

Quite a few people want to share their life with someone who shares their opinions, views and interests, or at least some of them. If you only want to see your dick enter holes you can buy a realdoll or hire prostitutes.

Why would I want to thrust my dick in and out some dumb pleb's vagina, mouth or asshole if I can get a better girl and enjoy our time together even while we aren't fucking?

>> No.6246583

I can see why you'd say that, even though you are wrong.
Let me just say that the best men of my cult are the saints and the best men of your cult, the cult of letters, are men like Petrarch and Erasmus, who could write a fine line but were nothing remarkable besides.

>> No.6246589

Alright. Wish me luck.

>> No.6246590


Please say what a saint does, why a saint is a saint, and what qualities it has

>> No.6246592

Yeah, nearly every engineer I've met has been hopelessly philistine, and to some extent anti-intellectual. I won't argue that they aren't smart (though what they're doing is hardly mathematics), but they seem to be concerned with strictly practical knowledge. The laws of nature interest them, but they're completely indifferent towards the underlying ideas that govern people.

>> No.6246654

people like us have always been outsiders, just find one friend like yourself and live

>> No.6246666

i found the feminist

>> No.6246673

>I won't argue that they aren't smart
Hehe so what you're saying is they're stupid.
well, they are very anti intellectual from what I've experience but that's because they think what they're doing is the highest intellectual pursuit.

>> No.6246738

Basically all of Dostos books contain depressed girls.
Some other patrician books with depressed girls:
Tess of the D'Urbervilles
Madame Bovary
The portrait of a Lady
The picture of Dorian Grey
Anna Karenina
This Side of Paradise
The Great Gatsby
Brave New World
Great Expectations
Les Miserables
Looks pretty patrician to me.

>> No.6246865


Sounds like you need to take babysteps and find actual friends to do all your lame hobbies with before you go getting a girlfriend.

>> No.6246872

This is like saying

>> No.6247007

>modern times
Well so is prometheus but I don't see anyone talking about the idea behind the story. Hell none of you fuckers talk about anything but names and then you just go into this pointless debate over semantics about whats the meaning of this or that.


You guys don't even give concrete examples rather you just give ambigious poorly worded diatribes and then expect everyone to cater to your every whims.

Well buddy the same type of people who say tl;dr are the same type of people who think homer has no relevance to modern times. I don't see how you are any different than your boyfriend. You're just a bit more sassier and less horny than him, that's about it. It takes mediocrity to know mediocrity and I don't know you so what does that mean, EL O EL?

>> No.6247014

any thoughts about Lacan?

oh what do you guys like about homer the homo? Whats that you don't liek wut he haz 2 say b-cause of the way he worded his sentence? hmm i c. But wait are you saying exactly the same thing I'm saying but you just worded it differently yet you're disagreeing with me? Oh that can't possibly be arguing over semantics.

>> No.6247015
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>the world needs ditch diggers too yah know

>> No.6247053

I'm super horny, and actually if there is a single author talked about here in depth, he's Homer.

>> No.6247149

If you find another person that wants to make the best of your relationship then that it a soulmate trait

>> No.6247310

> it takes mediocrity to know mediocrity
el o el

>> No.6247388

My girlfriend rarely reads, and when she does its YA.

We're going to Dublin for a week in April and while searching for things to do there online she came across a James Joyce exhibition at the city library or museum.

>Let's do that anon, you'd like that.

She doesn't have to share my hobbies. She supports them and that is enough.

>> No.6247400

aww :)

>> No.6247615

well, considering I had only suggested it 30 minutes earlier

>> No.6249627

Read the woman in love chapter in The Second Sex.
This dude is right.

>> No.6249630

To be more direct, the people saying that the relationship will fail are right more times than not but that doesn't mean there is anything wrong in wanting that sort of relationship. It's harder but it's more fulfilling and just a better relationship all together.

>> No.6250847

I know that feel. One of the reasons I started dating gf was because she was trilingual and talked about Kant and Nietzsche.

Unfortunately, it turns out that she only knows anything about them because she took a class when she lived in Germany.

Now, after a few months, I found out her favorite author is Michael Connelly and she likes grocery store-tier whodunits. She only listens to pop country music, and can't follow even simple movies without me explaining the plot in detail as it goes along. She did not understand the plot twist in the Usual Suspects, and couldn't follow Children of Men.

We did a thing this year where every month we would read a book the other chose. So far we have each hated every book the other person selected. She hated Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy because else couldn't follow it, and then raved to me about how good the fucking DaVinci Code was. I know LeCarre isn't exactly high Literature, but I figured it a good choice for someone who likes mystery novels.

I don't think it's a deal breaker though, op. In my case I want to break up with her because we also have vast differences in belief, sense of humor, are not sexually compatible, and if we are honest with ourselves, we are not what we are looking for out of a relationship.

If everything else is going well, I think it might not be a big deal.

>> No.6250849

>grocery store-tier


>> No.6250871

Narcissistic fucks.

Stop being elitist faggots and accept someone who loves you and you love back without judging them every second they open their mouths or decide to read.

>> No.6250903

It isn't her fault that good literature written from the female perspective is so hard to come by. Don't blame her because she isn't interested in a male centered power fantasy.

>why can't grills into war movies or hemmingway?
because they're literally the most fucking gendered material in existence. It would be like if you were forced to read about characters you have no understanding of like, I don't know, women maybe.

>> No.6250904

I think it's important to share some interests with your partner. Maybe it's more important for some than others, but youre on an enthusiast board, so these people are more likely than most to want their partner to like what they like.

It sucks when you can't watch a movie you'll both enjoy. It sucks if one person wants to see a play, but the other hates theater. It sucks when you can't do things like go to concerts, see talks, or go on vacation without one of you feeling dragged along or not liking the experience.

Yeah, shared interests are surface level. But they can be important to some people, and if the person you are with has nothing in common with you at all, is it likely that you'll really connect with this person?

>> No.6250910

>Im unable to enjoy stories of people who are not like me

>> No.6250913

books about feminists and depressed girls are far more abstract and deeper than fucking communist and socialist propaganda.

>> No.6250922


And your English is doomed because you're a loudmouthed pleb.

>> No.6250930

I'm not. I'm just saying that I can't really blame people who don't. You need to have a point of reference to get something. Every man has played war due to culture while girls are supposed to play a more passive role. Most do not get interested in something they have no reference to because they feel it is irrelevant to their own lives.

Imagine reading a book about a mother daughter relationship. I bet it sounds really unappealing to you unless it were to explore a more general theme about parenthood perhaps and then only if you were actually a parent.

>> No.6250933
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>When the fuck have women ever been curious about abstract concepts and ideas? They have done literally zero interesting philosophy in history, that wasn't derivative of Sartre. When they do rarely foray into other fields, they just find the most soap opera-y thing (microhistory, clinical psychotherapy for kids, novels about their feelings and people with feelings, political manifestos about how everyone should be nice to them).

You know, I went into this post thinking "gee, here goes another misogynistic rant," but then realized that you're right.

>> No.6251300

Honestly i dont think your telling the truth, fag

>> No.6253116

>implying they aren't the same thing

>> No.6253222

then how do you decide who to love. remember, no judge anyone ever plz! :^)

>> No.6253273

>that she does'nt have a soul.


>> No.6253388


>> No.6253438

Whenever I read these threads I feel extremely annoyed because, I'm pretty patrician by /lit/ standards and I have never met a man who reads good books.
You guys don't exist to me either.

>> No.6253441

we're all busy shitposting on the internet, just like you

>> No.6253466


kill yourself, friend. you're a hopeless case

>> No.6253554


I dunno OP. My girlfriend isn't as interested in reading as I am but she always has a book on the go and it's usually something good (she's reading Blindness now after finishing Madame Bovary). I think you're being a little too critical. The ideal partner is someone who makes you feel as though you can act like yourself when they're around and that makes you feel like you're at home basically. I do think it's important that you have shared interests to an extent though. She's into the same kind of films I am so we spend a lot of time watching movies, and we also share taste in music so we listen to albums together or go to shows together. I'm not really sure how a relationship would function if people had completely dissimilar interests but I'm guessing some people can make it work.

Anyway, don't be a dick because she's not interested in the same stuff as you. Get off your high horse.

>> No.6254431

Actually enjoyable to read, although not massively accurate in today's western feminist world

>> No.6254694

I don't think too many guys understand how exhilarating it is to find a girl who is both attractive and genuinely intelligent, they're a little too caught up in the pretty arbitrary power struggle and end up aiming for something a little easier. I don't see how any of these future cucks can say that a woman who offers a genuine intellectual struggle isn't a huge turn on, and it's often a mutual feeling.

>> No.6254724

This. Only he who can live happily without a girl can live happily with one. You may quote me.

As a guy who has had a few girlfriends before, let me tell you guys that unless you really get along well, unless you have very compatible temperaments, they're not worth the amount of stress they cause. I'm always happiest living my mostly solitary literary lifestyle, talking to a few girls I don't care about casually but not committing to any of them.

>> No.6254735

What happened?!

>> No.6255103


>pls be in Vancouver

>> No.6255135

i have the same problem. but she at least watches zizek films with me and i force some philosophy among other things into her
also she reads some hesse and even has ulysses ambitions
so i havent given up yet
fucking law school makes everybody a zombie

>> No.6255140

wo machst du soziologie?
ist geil? ziemlich empirisch oder?

>> No.6255153

technology is stupid
its part of the problem, not the solution
blabla im good at math, so im intelligent
no, youre a fucking aspie

>> No.6255168

you're nice, what do you want to discuss?

>> No.6255294

>Whenever I read these threads I feel extremely annoyed because, I'm pretty patrician by /lit/ standards and I have never met a man who reads good books.
>You guys don't exist to me either.
We do, you just never thought of approaching the 330 lb 5'8 guy with the neckbeard sitting in the library near you huehuehue

But I agree though, I'm sure well read women (who probably don't hang out on 4chan, I suspect) would be able to make a very similar, probably slightly less abusive, thread

>> No.6255296

Any ideas on what i could rec my gf to get her back into reading?

she liked american psycho, 1984. shes STEM and enjoys pop punk culture. also liberal and likes animals n cooking.

>> No.6255350

At least you know up front. My gf stopped most intellectual pursuits after college. She was a double major in philosophy and French. She wrote some pretty decent essays on pre socialist materialists like Hume, Berkley, Diderot. Had a decent knowledge of the Greeks, could converse intelligently on basic Marxism, existentialism, etc.

Now two years out of college she just browses Reddit on her ipad after work. I try to get her back into intellectual pursuits and she even bought some Kierkegaard lately but she just says she's too tired from work to read it

>> No.6255374

Man strives in everything for a direct domination over things, either by comprehending or by subduing them. But woman is everywhere and always relegated to a merely indirect domination, which is achieved by means of man, who is consequently the only thing she has to dominate directly. Thus it lies in the nature of women to regard everything simply as a means of capturing a man, and their interest in anything else is only simulated, is no more than a detour, i.e. amounts to coquetry and mimicry.

In the girl nature has had in view what could in theatrical terms be called a stage-effect: it has provided her with superabundant beauty and charm for a few years at the expense of the whole remainder of her life, so that during these years she may so capture the imagination of a man that he is carried away into undertaking to support her honorably in some form or another for the rest of her life, a step he would seem hardly likely to take for purely rational considerations. Thus nature has equipped women, as it has all its creatures, with the tools and weapons she needs for securing her existence, and at just the time she needs them; in doing which nature has acted with its usual economy. For just as the female ant loses its wings after mating, since they are then superfluous, indeed harmful to the business of raising the family, so the woman usually loses her beauty after one or two childbeds, and probably for the same reason.

>> No.6255382

Embrace the Dinosyian drive of the human species (Woman), the feminine, poetic and self-indulgent.

You should start trying Greek Poetry with her.