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6238855 No.6238855 [Reply] [Original]


>It might be more productive to turn the question upside down, and to suggest that Americans “reframe or ignore” the bad news about global warming or guns or cigarettes or fast food not because they’re terrified to face death but because they embrace it, in the ecstatic and fatalistic spirit that Nietzsche identified with Dionysus, the Greek god of wine and madness. We’ve all gotta go sometime, and if the planet is toast it strikes many people as more fun to face the end with a quart bottle of Jack, a bag of White Castle sliders and a jacked-up Silverado burning Exxon Premium, rather than nibbling edamame in a hemp-lined, plug-in hybrid on the streets of Berkeley.


>> No.6238890

>believing in human-made "climate change"


>> No.6238978

This writer has the style of an excited high-school kid whose teachers complement him far too much for his own good.

Aside though, fine article. Could have been about one paragraph long without losing anything.

>> No.6239874

Science doesn't require your "belief".

>> No.6239881


>> No.6240290


stopped reading right there

>> No.6240297


>> No.6240300

>rather than nibbling edamame in a hemp-lined, plug-in hybrid on the streets of Berkeley.
nice false dichotomy you hack faggot

ugh never link msm, it's like voluntarily clamping 120 volts to your dick

>> No.6240410

>He might be delighted or horrified in equal measure – one thing you can say for Nietzsche is that his attitudes are never predictable – to see how much we now live in a world he made, or at least made possible.
Author has really bad knowledge of both Nietzsche and history.

>> No.6240477

Postmodern wank

The denial is the result of a carefully crafted pr campaign carried out by the fossil fuel industry, its based upon the same tactics and employs many of the same people that tobacco used to deny delay and obfuscate the link between smoking and cancer

It has worked so well because of Americas limited education and tendency towards paranoia and extremism

>> No.6240515

So what you're saying is that this article is pure ideology and the writer is constructing this narrative to conceal the traumatic kernel of postmodern truth and reality, which is that Americans are being bamboozled by capital?

>> No.6240542

You're an idiot if you think this.

The truth is that the denial is he result of a carefully crafted pr campaign carried out by the fossil fuel industry, its based upon the same tactics and employs many of the same people that tobacco used to deny delay and obfuscate the link between smoking and cancer
that the pro-environmentalist movement is a carefully crafted out by the international socialists, in order to justify more power to international bureaucracies because "we need to save muh planet"

when the ACTUAL TRUTH is that the affirmers and denialists are on the same side, viz. the Devil's:

>Pleased to meet you
>Hope you guess my name
>But what's puzzling you
>Is the nature of my game
- The Rolling Stones, "Sympathy for the Devil"

>> No.6240543

putting it in such flowery convoluted terms commits the same mistake the article does

>> No.6240550
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>when the ACTUAL TRUTH is that the affirmers and denialists are on the same side,

>> No.6240554

>there are international socialists
>environmental movement is all a big conspiracy for international bureaucracies
>in fact its in league with the polluters
>all to control us
>here is a song lyric to prove it
Go back to prisonplanet

>> No.6240558

There are a lot of conspiracy theories about Hegel for just that reason

>> No.6240561
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>All this ideology

>> No.6240567

>there are international socialists

yeah, ever heard of a little organization called the UN or one called the EU?

>environmental movement is all a big conspiracy for international bureaucracies

No shit this is pretty obvious. Everything in the media is propaganda. You ever studied politics m8?

>in fact its in league with the polluters

Not on a material plane but on a spiritual plane, because while both sides of the dialectic are focusing on material cares like "the environmental issue", and "fossil fuels", and "national sovereignty vs. internationalism", etc., the truth about Christ recedes further and further into obscurity. It's all a massive vortex to keep people's minds focused on the material world.

>all to control us

Nope. It's all to distract us. Controlling us is just a side-effect.


wanna deb8 theology m8?

>here is a song lyric to prove it

who said anything about proof you bamboozled sophist? It's just a concise statement relevant to the discussion.

>> No.6240576

>Implying preventing climate change from getting out of hand isn't a moral imperative
>Implying Sola Fide

>> No.6240578
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>face the end with a quart bottle of Jack, a bag of White Castle sliders and a jacked-up Silverado burning Exxon Premium

as a burgerclap this speaks to my heart

>> No.6240581
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Everything makes sense.

>> No.6240592
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>mfw an american claps near me

>> No.6240596

>Implying preventing climate change from getting out of hand isn't a moral imperative

Nope. It's not a moral imperative to play God and build a second Tower of Babel bureaucracy to regulate everything in the world down to the weather.

>Implying Sola Fide

Nope, I'm a Catholic. btw social crusading Catholics are the most disgusting people on the planet. I read an article by a neo-Catholic priest who was one of these social crusading types talk about how he fed the poor or something and that this was "real Charity, it felt like God was really among us", implying that the materialist, socialist idea of "Charity" is more real than the ancient supernatural virtue of Charity. These people are diabolical. Mixing Catholicism and Marxism is mixing Christ amd Satan.

“It works like this – the manipulating body covertly creates a problem and then directs the media to incessantly focus on it without recourse. Remember, you only need to control the top of the pyramid – most media coverage is an exercise in regurgitating what the big newspapers and T.V. stations are reporting. The problem could be anything – a war, a financial collapse, a rash of child abductions, or a terrorist attack. The power of the media can create the false perception that a big problem exists, even if it doesn’t … Once you have created this problem you make sure that an individual, a group or an aspect of society is blamed. This then rallies the population behind the desperate lunge for a solution to the problem. ‘Something must be done!’ they cry in unison. The people that created the problem in the first place then come back in and offer the solution that the people demand. Remember – the people screaming for a solution do not know that the problem was artificially created in the first place. The solution to the problem is always a further curtailment of freedom and an advancement of one or more aspects of the New World Order agenda – whether that is geopolitical expansion, new laws or the implantation of new societal worldviews.”

>> No.6240605

You're the first Catholic I've found who doesn't think feeding the poor counts as charity.

>> No.6240607

>yeah, ever heard of a little organization called the UN or one called the EU?

Ever heard of paranoid schizophrenia?

>everything in the media is propaganda

Media that skewers reporting of climate change in favor of the polluters, gives ample time to deniers, gleefully presents the issue as in debate and in dissent, doesn't question deniers background or motivations and presents them as honest critical inquirers - this is the media that is pushing a pro environment conspiracy?

>not on a material plane but on a spiritual plane

Good grief

>it is to push Christ out of discussion

You could make that accusation against everything, which means it is an empty slogan without any meaning. A perfect pr weapon.
>all this discussion of NASCAR is to distract us, the truth of Christ recedes further into obscurity.

>"the environment issue" is to distract us
No, its not. We kinda need arable land and fresh water and predictable regular weather cycles, disruptions kinda fuck us over.

>> No.6240615

>Once you have created this problem you make sure that an individual, a group or an aspect of society is blamed
Like saying its all the fault of liberals/leftists/socialists/internationals

>> No.6240617

Feeding the poor is almsgiving. It's one of the main forms of penance. It's a virtue and it's good for your soul. The problem I have is with people who want to replace the Creator of Heaven & Earth and a supernatural virtue called Charity which the Holy Ghost engenders in the soul, with a feels-good kumbahyah Humanism that calls donating to a "Charity foundation" (this name is blasphemous in a very subtle way in that the only read Charity foundation is the Catholic Church) is enough for redemption.

>> No.6240632

Also, almsgiving is not necessarily charitable. Charity is a kind of love. You don't need to give alms out of love necessarily. It good be anything from just feeling sorry for the guy (which isn't Charity), to wanting to impress someone with your "empathy" (which isn't Charity), to feeling guilty about having more money than others (which isn't Charity either).
Charity is a supernatural gift that causes you love a person's soul and hope for its eternal salvation. You don't need to have that love in you necessarily to give alms.

>> No.6240645
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>implying "moral imperative" means that you have to use gov't at all
>implying it isn't your imperative to find other ways of preventing the destruction of the earth that man is steward of) because the hubris involved in gov't regulation is unchristian
>tfw you think feeding the poor is Marxism and not basic compassion.
>tfw you are just rationalizing your complacency like so many other shitty Christians

>> No.6240662

You realize the Church is an internationalist organization, right?

>> No.6240680

Yes, I'm not against internationalist organizations in themselves, I'm against heretical ones that want to replace Christ with Antichrist.

>> No.6240687

>implying it isn't your imperative to find other ways of preventing the destruction of the earth that man is steward of) because the hubris involved in gov't regulation is unchristian

Of course it is immoral to litter and waste resources. That isn't the issue at hand.

>tfw you think feeding the poor is Marxism and not basic compassion.

That isn't the issue at hand either. I don't have anything against feeding the poor. It's when feeding the poor is infected with ideology that I am annoyed.

You are "strawmanning".

>> No.6240693

My instinct as a Catholic tells me to trust the aforementioned priest who called it charity.
From what I've seen the Church isn't replacing God with anything. Have people stopped praying? Has the clergy stopped mentioning Him at mass? I'm sorry people don't love enough, but that's on them.
Love involves labor. If you want a soul to be saved, surely you should help it work toward salvation.

>> No.6240700

This seems pretty edgy and enlightened to the truth, but what is actually accomplished?
You sit on the sidelines accusing 'both sides' of being 'in on it' and congratulating yourself for being so smart

And so the status quo is maintained.

This sort of 'anti-politics' mindset is perfect the establishment because it means whole demographics are actively disengaged from political involvement
Or better yet, OPPOSED if the right codewords and evocative phrases, international for example, are used against whatever it is they don't like

By framing it in nutty religious terminology, this fellow has been twisted into opposing anything to do with the environment and ensuring polluters get to keep on reaping profits at his, yours, mine, and our future

>> No.6240707

I suppose we agree on most points, then. The UN is wasteful, ineffective, and obviously a secular and therefore unholy thing, like every government. I still think climate change, iff it's man-caused, is a moral issue, though.

>> No.6240716

>Global Warming Deniers
>It's Nietzsches fault

Now this is some top-tier cultural marxism right here.

>> No.6240719

Meh, America isn't all that bad. China and India are the worst polluters in the world, nobody gives them shit.

Oh by the way, what's the cure for global warming? Oh right yeah, there isn't one. Unless you want to shut down like....all industry and drastically change the way human society works. Yeah, since everyone is too fucking lazy like we are to do that, fuck you, let us enjoy our cheeseburgers and lifted trucks.

>> No.6240731


This fucking writer though.

>> No.6240743
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>tfw you were born in a country with strict gun regulation

>> No.6240745

China and India are not the worst polluters

If you measure it per capita its countries like America and Australia
If you measure it for longest running its the countries that started the industrial revolution: England, America, Germany.

India and China have only been doing it for ~20 years, and they're doing it because they're manufacturing our junk.
Think about that a second, you're bitching because they don't make your iPod cleanly.

And China is working in a big way towards cleaning up, they have a lot of nuclear power plants in the works, large scale solar, public transit, etc.
What are we doing?

>what's the cure? Oh right yeah, there isn't one.
Phase out coal.
>shut down like all industry
nuclear power, natural gas, public transit, etc
>and drastically change the way human society works.
What do you think the major shifts in weather patterns are going to do? What do you think the conflicts over dwindling resources will do? Syrias civil war began with a drought kick starting discontent,
>everyone is too fucking lazy
Said the man whining everything's too hard its no good we can't do anything

>> No.6240753

Wait. Why should we worry about the fate of humanity? We're all going to die eventually, and all of us will be bones and dust before there is any significant impact from climate change. I don't see any reason to stop polluting. In fact, we should pollute more.

>> No.6240757

Yes it does you fedora-tipping retarded. Belief and knowledge are not epistemologically distinct.

>> No.6240760

>Phase out coal.

You know how insanely stupid people are who say this? Even most futurists recognize we're going to be using coal as our main power source well into the next century.

When they say they want to increase green energies, they're talking bumping it up another 10% maybe in the next 50 years. Oh, and green energies also require fossil fuels to build and maintain them.

Not going to respond to the rest of your dumb bullshit because i'm hungover and you're a fag.

>> No.6240767

>look mom I'm edgy

>> No.6240769

Replace it with natural gas, nuclear, renewables
>10% in 50 years
Who wrote that plan, Exxon?

>> No.6240789

>natural gas

Natural gas still pollutes the same amount as coal does, and it's a fossil fuel.

Nuclear isn't clean, it creates NUCLEAR WASTE, did you forget about that shit? Kind of way worse than a little smog. Oh yeah, and nuclear plants have that weird little habit of blowing the fuck up and radiating every goddamn thing up around it.

Renewable great, but like i said they require fossil fuels to be set up and maintained. None of them can power the world's economy on their own, they're all only supplemental sources.

Unless somebody comes up with cold fusion or some shit, there's no easy answers.

>Who wrote that plan, Exxon?
How bout your fat fucking mom and just about every government on earth has published a report saying so?

>> No.6240798

Oh, you're American. No wonder you feel like you have some moral (lol) duty to care for our floating rock.

>> No.6240847

>Natural gas still pollutes
I bet you got so excited when you remembered that natural gas is a fossil fuel that you tipped your fedora right off your head

Natural gas is a cleaner less polluting fossil fuel than coal. It produces less co2 emissions for the same electrical generations output.
It is ideal for a transitional form of power, and it has the devilish side effect of splitting the fossil fuel industry as some of them will continue to profit (and thus stop funding denial)
>nuclear power produces nuclear wate
Which is not a greenhouse gas
And it can be reprocessed into more fuel
And whatever's left after that can be buried in a deep dark mine.
There are serious stakes at play here and we need to be adults
>nuclear power plants have tha weird habit of blowing the fuck up
1 did. As a result of a deliberately compromised design that took shortcuts to maximise output.
2 more have had leaks. The most recent because short cuts were taken in the construction of the sea wall protecting it resulting in the backup generators becoming flooded -the plant had successfully and safely shutdown following the earthquake, the backups generators job was to keep the pumps working until power was restored.

In contrast, Oil tankers spill all the time and yet they're still plowing the sea lanes.

>hysterical reaction
Oh you

>> No.6240851

>ill show him!

>> No.6240852

There is nothing Dionysian in Murrifat "civilization".

>> No.6240858

So why should I care about our planet? Is the fear of being considered edgy enough?

>> No.6240872

>Kind of way worse than a little smog.

not really. it's about disposal

>nuclear plants have that weird little habit of blowing the fuck up and radiating every goddamn thing up around it.

Not like that happens every week either. It's spectacular when it does, but the damage is less than the long term damage from fossil fuels.

France has more nuclear plants per capita than anyone, and none of them have ever gone tits up. Not that the frogs have ever admitted to anyway.

>> No.6240877

Another key factor for natural gas and nuclear is that they exist right now
We can begin today
The technology is in use, the skill base exists, the industries exist
There's no waiting for some magic cure which if it were to come around in a 100 years would be too late

>> No.6240894

He got it the wrong way around. It's actually Christianity that causes this nihilism.

It's not surprising to me that people don't care about this world, when they believe they'll party in Heaven for all eternity after death.

>> No.6240904

Being as densely populated as France is, it would be hard to hide it.
58 reactors provide 72% of their power, and a further 13% of Western Europe. Largest user of nuclear power, largest exporter of electricity.

They also have the worlds only close loop fuel reprocessing system. They can completely reprocess spent fuel rods back into new fuel at home without sending it abroad or requiring outside support.
The Americans and Russians send their old nuclear weapons to them to be converted into fuel.
They'll be opening the first generation III+ reactor soon, it'll will have capacity for 1500mw.
china is lined up for numerous orders.

>> No.6240909

Atheism also causes nihilism, as it shows life as ultimately futile. That's why I am a Norse Neo-Pagan.

>> No.6240912



how is Odin these days

>> No.6240918

Why is that something to laugh at? There are plenty of Neo-Pagans here in Norway.

>> No.6240931

>Atheism also causes nihilism

I don't think it does. I don't think atheism causes anything.

I think it depends on your value system. Most atheists are secular humanists, which clearly isn't a nihilistic philosophy.

>> No.6240932


There are plenty of Christians in America

you're all still retarded

>> No.6240936

>I am the edge

>> No.6240943

How many of them practice human sacrifice like the original Norse?
Cause if you don't then you aren't.

>> No.6240957

I only sacrifice animals because humans were only sacrificed when they committed a crime, were a pow or were the slave of a king.

>> No.6240959


humans are fucking weird

>> No.6240966

>humans are fucking weird

They are. But the guy you are talking to is fucking delusional, and I'm ashamed that me and him live in the same country.

>> No.6240971

So when your jarl does, do you fully intend to ritualistically rape and kill one of his mistresses and place her body on his funeral pyre?

>> No.6240981


>> No.6240983

I'm ashamed that you have foregone the gods of our ancestors and defile yourself with Christianism or Atheism, both disgusting tributes to being weak.

>> No.6240989


how greasy is the beard on your neck

>> No.6241000

I don't have one. I only have Odin now and I will die before him.

>> No.6241007

>Not having a jarl

>> No.6241009

*tips mitre/fedora*
Nice shaming tactic, nihilist.

>> No.6241017

Tell me of one who worships the old gods and lives in the north of Norway.

>> No.6241041

you are fucking crazy and that is okay