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/lit/ - Literature

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6239163 No.6239163 [Reply] [Original]

How did you get your start in writing?

>> No.6239167

With the Greeks

>> No.6239296

Do you mean like someone who's had something published or are you asking just how you first started writing?

>> No.6239367

I sat down and wrote the first sentence. Then the second.

>> No.6239413

Both. I wanted to hear people's stories of first beginning to write (outside of school) and hopefully leading into input on being published

>> No.6239616

I was like 15 and I woke up at like 2 in the morning, got a notebook and a pen and just went at it. I woke up into the next day and realized I had written and shit and knew where I wanted to go with it.

I then completely abandoned it several rewrites and thousands of pages later becasue 15 year olds write shit

>> No.6239643

I quit my job because i realized it was making me suicidal. So then i drank for about 5 years.

So one night, i had an idea. I always wrote, but i never wrote anything good. So i said to myself, why don't you write a fucking book?

Then i thought, well i don't have any ideas. So i said "well think up a fucking idea, idiot!", so i did. It was surprisingly easy, it only took about 10 minutes and i had a basic idea for my first book. Then i wrote it.

I'm working on the sequel to it now, i got enough good ideas for 3 or 4 more books. Trying to get my first book published, we'll see how that goes. The book has it's flaws, but i've seen much worse shit get published, and i don't really see anyone doing what i'm doing in the market right now.

If not, then there's always the next book.

>> No.6241018

Ever think you "wasted" good ideas back then by being a bad writer or the bad was just really bad?

>> No.6241040

I was 12 and life stories of two older, edgy and homosexual friends of my sister inspired me a lot

>> No.6241510
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Here is a photo I took while hiking Coyote Gulch.

I always liked to write, but I tend to have a very short attention span for it. I went on a very long trek (4 months /out/doors) with a couple of friends through the deserts and canyonlands of southern UT & northern AZ, where I started to keep a journal of everything we did.
At first it was just something for personal entertainment and to help me remember our trip, but eventually as I began to look back on the pages, I began to realize how my thinking had changed over the course of our journey, and it soon became something very reflective, introspective, and spiritual to me.
I've finally finished typing up the 1,000 or so handwritten pages, and plan on publishing it along with the photographs I took while out in the wilderness. It's about how a group of 5 people change while isolated from the rest of society, and how I can apply the things I learned out there to my life back in the real world. It also grapples with the idea of wonderment at the natural world. I wrote 30 pages about this arch we passed under, what it evokes, and what that implies about myself and the other people I was with.

I've always been fond of writing by people like Muir,Thorau, Jacob Hamblin, and Robert Frost, but I'm not trying to emulate them or copy their writing. I want this to be my own thing.

>> No.6242070

the best tip I can give you for now is to not immediately start with some vague idea, you'll soon lose focus on where you want to go, what to write, then get frustrated and give up

write down your ideas for the characters, the setting, the rough plot
the more you write down, the more ideas and necessary additions will follow.... when you finally start to write always keep rough notes of what you've written so far and what you still want to write