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6236086 No.6236086 [Reply] [Original]

Someone posted the absolutely worst sentence in Harry Potter a while back, does anyone remember/have it? i kek'd pretty hard.

>> No.6236127
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>read translations
>the translator made it less shit
>you'll never experience harry potter in it's original hilarious shitiness

>> No.6236130

iktf fellow pepeposter
that's why Im lurking this thread with a major hard-on

>> No.6236141

I remember there being some kind of major fuck up in one of the books due to a riddle (I think it was) being fundamentally untranslatable. I think it was in the book with that labyrinth thing where Harry had to find a trophy or something.

It's a long, long time since I read those books. Does anyone remember? It was pretty funny. The translator did his/her best but it just didn't work, it was some kind of play on english words or something.

>> No.6236145

Which language did you readit in ?

French here and I can't recall why everyone says it's awful, when I was a kid I didn't saw a big difference with the classics I read at the same time.

>> No.6236166

in polish, I can now tell why it's pretty casual and bland compared to proper, non-YA literature, but indeed, when I was a child I couldn't tell the difference between HP and the forementioned

though I couldn't quite tell the difference between anything, ever

>> No.6236202
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>though I couldn't quite tell the difference between anything, ever

>> No.6236218

Not the worst sentence in the series, but in ch. 36 of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, the following lines are both on the same page:

'The reverse spell effect?' said Sirius sharply

'Diggory came back to life?' said Sirius sharply

All that money and she couldn't afford a second adverb

>> No.6236223
File: 41 KB, 235x236, dont.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being this autistic about a word being used twice on the same page

>> No.6236225

Sirius is a sharp man anon. It's called character building.

>> No.6236229


>complaining about autists on lit

>> No.6236230

>"You're a sharp guy", Harry said sharply.
>"For you", replied Sirius sharply.

>> No.6236232

>>being this autistic about a word being used twice on the same page
That isn't autism, anon, that's fucking editing.
Hell, even qualifying said with an adverb is poor fucking style.

>> No.6236234

>"Careful with that sharp thing boy" said an anonymous poster

>> No.6236236

The whole series goes

"~~" Harry said
"~~" Ron said
"~~" said Slut sharply

>> No.6236237


>> No.6236241

>not being autistic about a specific expression being used twice on the same page

>> No.6236244

>"At least you can talk", replied the first abruptly

>> No.6236245

First think of the person who lives in disguise,
Who deals in secrets and tells naught but lies.
Next, tell me what’s always the last thing to mend,
The middle of middle and end of the end?
And finally give me the sound often heard
During the search for a hard-to-find word.
Now string them together, and answer me this,
Which creature would you be unwilling to kiss?’

>> No.6236247
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Mild kek

>> No.6236523


It was something like that. "shouted gladly", "complained sadly", "whispered incredulously" and such were listed by some poster here and he posted the worst one separately, it was great.

>> No.6236562
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>tfw reading the third Abarat book and noticing every piece of dialogue was worded this way
I'm just letting it slide because Clive was really sick and had a near-death experience when he was writing it but I hope this never happens again.

>> No.6236861

>First think of the person who lives in disguise,
>Who deals in secrets and tells naught but lies.
A Spy
>Next, tell me what’s always the last thing to mend,
>The middle of middle and end of the end?
The Letter D
>And finally give me the sound often heard
>During the search for a hard-to-find word.
>Now string them together, and answer me this,
>Which creature would you be unwilling to kiss?’
A Spider.

>> No.6236884
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>> No.6236950


>> No.6237002

That's wrong

>> No.6237235

I'll never forget "Ron ejaculated loudly"

>> No.6237298

In one of the books (chamber of secrets maybe?) it is revealed that Voldemort's full name is Tom Marvolo Riddle, which is an anagram for "I am Lord Voldemort". Now, that's retarded enough in and of itself, but I read it in French and they had to change it to Tom Elvis Jedusor (Je suis Voldemort) to make it work.

>> No.6237312

only vaguely related but it still makes me smirk.

>> No.6237337


>> No.6237389

In dutch it's Marten Asmodo Vilein (mijn naam is Voldemort).
No, Asmodo is not a normal dutch name.(or anywhere near it)

>> No.6237407

>mijn naam is Voldemort
looks like a 5 year old trying to write english

>> No.6237431
File: 87 KB, 500x375, _3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I read it in Dutch
>mfw I thought Vilein was supposed to be a Dutch version of ''Villain''

>> No.6237452

to be fair, voldemort is not a normal english name either

>> No.6237499

In Swedish it's Tom Gus Mervolo Dolder = Ego sum Lord Voldemort.

I guess they made it Latin because it wouldn't make sense to have a British character use the letter ä in an anagram. ("I am Lord Voldemort" in Swedish would be "Jag är Lord Voldemort.")

>> No.6237503

Came in this thread to post this sentence

>> No.6237532

That actually works a lot better than the regular version. Fits the pretentious, edgy, teenaged Voldemort quite well I think.

>> No.6237534
File: 19 KB, 368x226, how do you spell %22spider%22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

marvolo isn't a normal english name

>> No.6237535

>not getting the Doyle reference

I guess? In the Sherlock Holmes stories, Watson does nothing but ejaculate

>> No.6237539

>Came in this thread

>> No.6237602

>are you Sirius? :DD

>> No.6237644
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>"~~" Harry said
>"~~" Ron said
>"~~" said Slut sharply

>> No.6237674

Why are all the characters in HP so fucking empty and shallow? Besides Hermione being an annoying moralfag, they are all pretty much one-dimensional

>> No.6237957

Maybe you should read the good version of HP instead.


>> No.6238031

Because it's a young adult's novel series and the author is not particularly talented.

Might as well be asking the same thing about Twilight or The Hunger Games.

>> No.6238076

Hpmor is completely fucking insane, and I love it.

>> No.6238081
