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6233854 No.6233854[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Are there any worthwhile texts on Anglican/Episcopal Church to convince an unbeliever?

>> No.6233857

No, but there are Catholic and Orthodox.

>> No.6233865

I'm not interested in those shit-tier religions. Catholicism was only interesting during the Renaissance, and Orthodox is only interesting in Dostoevsky.

>> No.6233884

Anglicans are (at least were) Catholic in doctrine almost completely. They are shit tier as much as Catholicism. So if the richest christian tradition is of no interest there is nothing for you to read.

>> No.6233891

>Anglicans are (at least were) Catholic in doctrine almost completely.
Hahaha, they're sola scriptura, m8.

>> No.6233901
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you'll find it in the left hand corner.

>> No.6233902


>Sola Scriptura
>Allows female priests

Pick one.

>> No.6233908
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CS Lewis and Charles Williams.

>> No.6233909

I'm here to shill for their religion, m80, I just asked for texts. I'm an atheist. To say Anglican and Catholic doctrine is the same is just stupid, though,

>> No.6233913

>not here
Fucking A

>> No.6233918

>By contrast, the Anglican Communion and the Methodist Church, though generally considered a form of Protestantism, uphold the doctrine of prima scriptura,[1][2] with Sacred Scripture being illumined by tradition, reason, and in Methodism, experience as well, thus completing the four sides of the Wesleyan Quadrilateral.[3][4]
They aren't sola scriptura.
I assume most of their writings that are worthwile were written before the moral and theological decay set in, such as Lewis or Elliot.

>> No.6233925

Anglican doctrine was for a long time very similar to Catholic. I didn't say they are te same.

>> No.6233926


>people actually find CS Lewis convincing

God, that's so sad

>> No.6233964
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>> No.6233975

>They aren't sola scriptura.
VI. Of the Sufficiency of the Holy Scriptures for Salvation.
Holy Scripture containeth all things necessary to salvation: so that whatsoever is not read therein, nor may be proved thereby, is not to be required of any man, that it should be believed as an article of the Faith, or be thought requisite or necessary to salvation. In the name of the Holy Scripture we do understand those canonical Books of the Old and New Testament, of whose authority was never any doubt in the Church.

>> No.6233985

By that logic Catholics are also sola scriptura.

>> No.6234047

Anglican tradition is, I wouldn't say doctrine is the same. Anglicans believe in faith alone, they don't believe in transubstantiation, they don't believe in exclusive communion, they don't believe in the primacy of the bishop of Rome, they don't believe in supplementary material to the Bible (thought they have much supplementary material, so do Lutherans with Luther, it's not the same as saying these things are additional doctrine on top of the Bible, they are interpretations), and of course they don't have an issue with the clergy getting married. These are big things.

>> No.6234057

No, they aren't. Catholics have doctrines that are not mere interpretations of the Bible, but various philosophical ideas on God that have very little to do with Biblical scripture. Peter as the bishop of Rome, for instance, has zero to do with scripture.

>> No.6234137

Joseph Butler arguments for miracles as historical.

>> No.6234146

Just Look At That Sweet Pussy . That'll Convert Ya Ass, Lmao .

>> No.6234403

i dont know about anglican or episcopal but tolstoy, the kindgom of god is within you, is very good for that

>> No.6234443

>various philosophical ideas on God that have very little to do with Biblical scripture

Like the Trinity then.

>> No.6234470

Rowan Williams dude

>> No.6234588
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>not Catholics or Orthodox

>> No.6234704

>wishy-washy watered down catholicism with better english hymns

Go with Catholicism, Anglicanism is dying. There's really no reason to be a protestant in 2015.

>> No.6234714

Eastern Catholic priests can be married, it's only latin-rite priests that must be celibate, and even then there are some exceptions such as if a married Anglican priest converts to Catholicism. Bishops must always be celibate.

>> No.6234728
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>not be a Mormon


>> No.6234730
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>> No.6234731

Anglicans have the ritual niceties of those older Chalcedonian cults but the intellectual honesty of the Protestants.

>> No.6234739

Reminder that Luther is directly responsible for Modernism and Postmodernism. Fucker should have just made up with the Pope.

>> No.6234748

Literally islam-tier only without the dank philosophers.

>> No.6234752

Way hotter women though.

And every Jehovahs Witness girl that knocks on my door is 10/10

>> No.6234756

Apostolic churches are the only intellectually honest christian positions

sorry heretics

especially you kierk

>> No.6234757

Do you or do you not want to divorce your barren, son producing failure of a wife? If yes then you're anglican

>> No.6234758

>Literally islam-tier
But Mormonism isn't the best.

>> No.6234765
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>tfw kierk would have made a great catholic theologian but he missed his calling

>> No.6234767

>Dank philosophers

>> No.6234771

>based Avicenna
>not one of the dankest philosophers

>> No.6234776

Anglicans made up branch theory because their theologians realized how bankrupt their church porition was if they didn't have a claim on catholic-level apostolic succession

Find the chesterton inside yourself OP

return to the bride of christ

>> No.6234779

>Peter as the bishop of Rome, for instance, has zero to do with scripture.

fucking protestants

>> No.6234782

>tfw not sure if there are actually Christians on 4chan

>> No.6234783

Literally who?

>> No.6234784
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>hasn't read ibn Arabi

>> No.6234793
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>has read ibn Arabi

>> No.6234800

we're all agnostics with boners for catholic theologians and tradition

>> No.6234815

>tfw no eastern orthodox/eastern catholic friends to discuss theology with

>> No.6234822
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>touchy-lil'-boipussy book club can't appreciate real philosophy/theology

>> No.6234825

Luther had both good points (popes behaving badly, abuse of indulgences) and terrible ones (muh feelings trump church tradition, reason is the whore of the devil)

>> No.6234832

>real philosophy
>real theology
>le ebin guy with mug reaction image
go back to reddit you fucking poser

>> No.6234839

>not appreciating both

>> No.6234842

>real theology

topkek, what an oxymoron

>> No.6234846

Suhrawardi, in his Philosophy of Illumination, developed a truly original light ontology. While light always remains in itself identical, its proximity or distance from the Light of Lights determines the ontic light reality of all beings. Light operates through the activities of dominion of the higher ‘triumphal’ or ‘victorial’ lights, as well as the desire of the lower lights for the higher ones, operating at all levels and hierarchies of reality (PI, 97.7–98.11). Reality proceeds from the Light of Lights and unfolds via the First Light and all the subsequent lights whose exponential interactions bring about the existence of all entities. As each new light interacts with other existing lights, more light and dark substances are generated. Light produces both immaterial and substantial lights, such as immaterial intellects (angels), human and animal souls. Light produces dusky substances, such as bodies. Light can generate both luminous accidents, such as those in immaterial lights, physical lights or rays, and dark accidents, whether it be in immaterial lights or in bodies (PI, 77.1–78.9).

>> No.6234859

You forgot his greatest contribution
>Shit demon

>> No.6234863

What a load of crap

>> No.6234873

>hur rebbit

I actually do, I'm just getting anon's goat for being a giant dummy.

>> No.6234884

>he doesn't love my irrelevant islamic philosophers
>he's a giant dummy
All salami I like 'em, brother.

>> No.6234885

I, at least, am a Catholic. I go to Mass every Sunday, every Holy Day of Obligation, and sometimes on the feast days of saints I like.

>> No.6234890

Give it a few years and it might make sense when you're more familiar with the big words.

>> No.6234892
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On the one hand, it's not fair to rag on Luther for his particular perversions and idiosyncrasies, because everyone has them.

On the other hand, if the fucker is going to spearhead an abdication of Church hierarchy and a creation of a "priesthood of all believers," it's entirely fair to judge him on those grounds.

I sometimes feel that if Luther had just been able to find a fucking laxative the Protestant Reformation wouldn't have happened.

>> No.6234894

>preferring some saints over others
Literally idolatry

>> No.6234898

Why so patronising?

Your philosopher is bad and you should feel bad

>> No.6234899

>implying all Catholics/Orthodox don't feel closer to certain saints than to others

That's the whole point of the Communion of Saints. We choose our preferred advocates based on how they connect with us.

>> No.6234901

>because everyone has them.

Very few people write books called On the Jews and their Lies.

>> No.6234905

I'm pretty sure if you were to record the entirety of /pol/ and publish it you could title it exactly that.

>> No.6234906

Each Church in the Anglican communion affirms its communion in the one, holy, catholic, and apostolic Church, worshipping the one true God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

>> No.6234908

>tfw kierk would have made a great catholic theologian
Are you fucking stoned? Kierkegaard is the most protestant fucking thinker next to Karl Marx.

>> No.6234921

>I sometimes feel that if Luther had just been able to find a fucking laxative the Protestant Reformation wouldn't have happened.
Same could be said for the Catholic Church.

>> No.6234926

That might be true, but the majority of people wouldn't take them seriously, unlike in Luther's time, when blaming Jews for everything was commonplace.

>> No.6234929
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Gonna hear the author talk in a couple weeks. Should be interesting

>> No.6234933

I've been waiting to go to mass for a while but am terrified of just walking in and not knowing what to do tbh

>> No.6234935

I just remember when someone posted this on /pol/ and they didn't know whether to hate blacks or love them. Point being that most likely you'll get the same type of people agreeing as in Luther's time, the lower classes.

>> No.6234945

It's easy to explain your own plight, or that of others with ressentiment, but I don't think it explains everything.

>> No.6234946

If you're not baptized Catholic then just cross your arms at communion. To follow the program, just read the flyer and see what hymns to sing, and follow everyone else's lead.

But geeze, I hate the Catholic Church. I'm being pressured as fuck to have kids and I can tell someone is rubbing their Jewey hands about me pumping out kids who will bring them more and more money. Lifelong Catholic and not sympathetic toward protestants because fo crap like Christian rock and creationism, but I do get very irritated with the Church sometimes.

>> No.6234949

That's a great (not-/pol/) movie.

>> No.6234961

What's the name of the movie it's from?

>> No.6234965


>> No.6234972

You do know that the Catholic Church spends as much money as possible from tithes on helping the poor? The money from its museums in the vatican and stuff also is used to help the poor also.

Thanks anon.

>> No.6234982

>You do know that the Catholic Church spends as much money as possible from tithes on helping the poor?
>The money from its museums in the vatican and stuff also is used to help the poor also.

>> No.6234985

>You do know that the Catholic Church spends as much money as possible from tithes on helping the poor? The money from its museums in the vatican and stuff also is used to help the poor also.
Don't get me wrong, I am a serious Catholic, I know all that. But they also contribute to poor people having gigantic families, and I don't mean just the prohibition against birthcontrol, but they pressure you to have kids when it's not economically viable because they see kids as investment who will pay back into the Church. And yes, the Church helps the poor quite a bit, I know because I'm a volunteer with my congregation doing that.

>> No.6234991


>> No.6234994

But you don't have to do it. You can, of course, contribute to the Church in other ways. You could have children of the intellect- that is, writings of literature and philosophy. The Church won't say no to those, either.