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6232928 No.6232928 [Reply] [Original]

If Hunter S Thompson liked psychedelics so much and wanted more people to use them, why did he misrepresent them so much in Fear and Loathing? An experienced LSD user like Thompson would definitely know that it doesn't make you hallucinate people as reptiles or act like an utter retard in general, so why would he describe it like that and further spread the fear and misunderstanding of the drugs he respected so much?

Also, what book has the most realistic depiction of drugs?

>> No.6232935

Because he wanted to sell copies of his story.

>> No.6232937

he didn't like psychaedlics, he was a coke fiend for most of his life. He probably didn't have a clear though in his head since he was about 16, and just went with it.

>> No.6232938


that's pretty soulless

>> No.6232941

Also, the best representation of drugs is either Fear and Loathing or Huxley's Doors of Perception. Or Descartes's second meditation, I guess.

>> No.6232942

He was 34 when the events he's writing about happened

OP, I suspect it's mostly a stylistic decision

>> No.6232948

Have you ever tried to represent psychedelics in words? It really isn't as easy as you think. Your thesis (his misrepresentation made people less likely to trip) is false anyway, most of the people I know who take psychedelics are familiar with his work and many of them attribute their initial interest in them to Thompson, myself included.

>> No.6232951

It was a comedy. Exaggeration is a common tool of comedy. It's also arguably part-satire of the protagonists.

>> No.6232952

>Also, what book has the most realistic depiction of drugs?

(Not trolling) I like the way drugs are used in Tao Lin's books - in 60s and 70s novels and movies, drugs are often gates into some kind of uberhuman existence, given by the Gods to make yourself better, or more in tune with nature, or expand your mind etc.

In Lin's books, while everybody does drugs in them, no-one hypes them - they are just there to remove social anxiety, take the edge of things etc., mere tools, no gifts from Gods

>> No.6232954

He also took a bunch more psychedelics than you. Part of the story is maximalist hyperbole, but keep in mind his drugs were stronger and he took a lot more of them than you. Just cuz you didn't hallucinate or anything when you took 3 hits of "lsd" doesn't mean you can't. He was taking huge amounts stacked on all kinds of other stuff. Coke also gives a very dark vibe to things.

>> No.6232959

>An experienced LSD user like Thompson would definitely know that it doesn't make you hallucinate people as reptiles or act like an utter retard in general, so why would he describe it like that and further spread the fear and misunderstanding of the drugs he respected so much?

How did he misrepresent LSD?

That sounds within the scope of things I've heard about the drug. except maybe the running around and acting like a retard part. But that might be to make the book a little more interesting.

>> No.6232960

Doors of Perception Aldous Huxley

>> No.6232964

you dont hallucinate on lsd, it just distorts things that are already there. Even when the visuals get intense it's easy to remember that you're on drugs and that it's not real and be chill.


I suspect any of these could be true, Hunter was definitely a very eccentric guy and I wouldnt be surprised if his reaction to psychedelics was a lot more intense and confusing than the average person.

>> No.6232969


meant to reply to


>> No.6232972

not everyone is affected by drugs (especially psychedelics) in the same way

>> No.6232986

Your experience is probably more atypical than his, don't assume that Hinter's was just because you've never had a bad trip.

>> No.6232997

you can definitely hallucinate on LSD, you might just not be prone to it.

Just like how some people are ridiculously suggestive when on LSD

>> No.6233054

Hard to quantify what book portrays drugs most 'realistically' because drugs yield completely different experiences for different users. There are successful people who occasionally do heroin and there are junkies that wind up in the gutter.
I personally like Trainspotting cuz it's a cool story, but it almost romanticizes the carefree lifestyle that comes with an opiate addiction

>> No.6233062

>In Lin's books, while everybody does drugs in them, no-one hypes them - they are just there to remove social anxiety, take the edge of things etc., mere tools, no gifts from Gods

how is this even remotely interesting though? I agree most people use drugs in this way but why do I need to read a mind blowingly tedious, unprovoking account of it?

>> No.6233076

Note he was also blasted on alcohol come and everything else, and that his acid was a lot stronger than yours.

>> No.6233080

It's his aesthetic dear.

>> No.6233100
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ITT: Kids who haven't read through Hunter's writings beyond Fear and Loath...
Also, young-yins who haven't gone deep with psychedelics.

Have you ever taken a 200u tab of real lsd25? There is a hell of a different between a small dose of Nbome and the real deal.

>> No.6233101

The drugs were added back in after he had most of the book written. What his druggie following like to forget is that he was a sports writer: he went to a state with incredibly strict drug laws at the time because it was worth being reasonably sober to actually cover the Mint 400. The Mint 400 wasn't going to get picked up by Sports Illustrated without full coverage, which he didn't manage, and would be of no interest to Rolling Stone fans if he didn't have drugs in it, because they only read his political shit because they hated politicians for insulting their drugs and music.
There's an article he wrote about trying to convince Ducati to give him their newest bike, but they give him the road bike version so they won't be responsible for the death of HST. It shows off why he could be so friendly to Hells Angels, even after seeing them rape people and Altamont etc., because he did love motors. That motorheads were speed freaks makes them firmer friends, but suburban youth who buy magazines without parts diagrams want different drugs and more morals to the story, so he wrote something with more mass appeal than the coverage he got sober to pay off his advance.
>tl;dr- hunter wrote about driving, you would only buy it if he added in drugs, so he did and bought himself a new motor

>> No.6233112
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Not true in the least bit. Pick up his Gonzo papers: the actual articles written for the mags, Rolling Stone, etc.

You are talking out of your ass.

>> No.6233115

Read Hunter S Thompson, he seems to be the person you might be eluding to.

>> No.6233125

Actually true, I have read most of his work, and he admitted to being sober on the Mint 400 run for those reasons, and adding the drugs in later to make the limited material he did have sellable. The dude wasn't dumb, stop trying to dumb him down to fit your hero ideal. He was an excellent sports writer, and it was one of his primary loves, cf. his suicide note.

>> No.6233133


I've only done acid once and I did about 150ug. However, the people I tripped with are long term acid users and they did about 400ug each and were totally composed and calm the entire time. I've also done 2.5 grams of some very potent mushrooms and had an extremely intense trip but even then I was never afraid or felt threatened by the visuals.

>> No.6233138

His sports writing was nearly always (except when he first started out) used as a metaphor.

>His suicide note
Um... Yeah I am going to get off 4chan now, if you cannot see what he is actually saying in that, then there is no hope for you. Sorry.

>> No.6233142

If you haven't been taken out of reality, you have not done enough.Or you are not taking the right stuff.

>> No.6233152

Chances are that what you took was not actual L S D. And 2.5gs of shrooms is nothing, despite how 'potent' you seem to think they are. I have a weak head for psys, but even I could function on 2.5gs of shrooms... come on man use common sense.

>> No.6233153


I plan on doing higher doses in the future, but you have to do quite a lot of acid to be taken completely out of reality

>> No.6233156
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You dense motherfucker.

>> No.6233162

Only about two hits (~400) of real lsd, friend. I wouldn't even try with 'acid' though. WAY too much bunk on the market.

>> No.6233172


I got the acid off the darknet from a well rated vendor. The guy I did the shrooms with has done a 7g trip before and said the shrooms I got were unusually intense. He ate an 1/8th of them and got floored for several hours.


you consider 400ug one hit?

>> No.6233178

That he was metaphorical doesn't mean he wasn't a good sports writer for it. That his drug writing is more metaphorical than realistic doesn't mean he wasn't good at that either. Most of his sports writing conveys a more genuine joy and love than his drug writing, and there's a reason he expressed experience in sports terms more than cocaine terms, though both would have conveyed metaphorically his opinion of the time he was opting out of, and that's because cars and sports had been his first love since he was dropping out to read Plato and become a writer. All his writing being loaded with metaphor doesn't mean he suspended it for drugs more than sports- he more often blames drugs for fucking up bikes than he blames bikes for making him sober on Mint 400. He'd go sober if there were advantages to it, and if you think your denial of shit he actually admitted to will make him retroactively high, maybe you should stay on 4chan because reality is not for you.

>> No.6233196

> two hits

One hit traditionally is around 120-200ug.

Not other anon but vendors usually have around 75 - 90ug on one hit from what I have got back from tests and have read. There was someone from Denmark who had real real legit though.

>> No.6233210

Ehhhhhhh? Are you have trouble reading what I am saying? You seem to be insinuating to a grandios degree. I have no problem with reality, but it seems you might. Relax, it is going to be OK.

>> No.6233211

What are you talking about?

>> No.6233217

...why would you want to talk about me instead of HST? Oh right, you're choosing between two things you know nothing about. Oh well, off to read about Muskie giving handshakes outside a factory, enjoy your cocaine chic or whatever.

>> No.6233245
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>> No.6233291

david shrigley is the man

>> No.6233299

Gentle reminder that the stuff specifically available back then is not the same stuff generally on the market now.

Please keep that in mind when you are puzzling over why you can't seem to grasp any similarity with Thompson's experience.

It isn't that it can't be done, or rather had. It's just that you can't be cavalier with such comparisons and expect to gain any insight.

Even Las Vegas of today is nothing like the town he stormed.

Different world, different place, other means, and oh so long ago ...

>> No.6233301

What the fuck is "cocaine terms"?

>> No.6233311


>> No.6233315

>WTF is this?


Period terminology, specifically.

>> No.6233322

Can you give some examples of cocaine terms?

>> No.6233347

Instead of expressing himself in sports analogies in his suicide note (i.e. "Football season is over"), he could have expressed himself in terms if cocaine (e.g. "No more blow") if he wanted his analogies for himself and the last chapter of his life to be more about drugs than sports. It's an idiom HST frequently uses, so I am unsure how much of what he wrote you understood in his more disjointed moments of allegory.

>> No.6233352

>in terms if cocaine
*in terms of cocaine

>> No.6233360



And so on. This isn't something you need another's help finding.

Unless you're asking for specific and localized sub cultures usage, which I ain't sayin' as I ain't hinting where I'm at.

(Hint: try the old 420 wagon ...)

>> No.6233363

What are you even trying to postulate? That He wasn't as into drugs as he was into sports? No fucking shit.

Work on your sentence structure for gods sake.

>> No.6233367

That's a fucking awful criticism and you should he ashamed.

>> No.6233375
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There are people on 4chan RIGHT NOW who are this mentally inept.

I expect this sort of shit from /mu/ but from you /lit/? Come on... you can do better.

>> No.6233380

Y'all seem mad. www.youtube.com/watch?v=tfGYSHy1jQs

>> No.6233393

Slang and terminology aren't the same.

>> No.6233419

NBOME is more visual than LSD

>> No.6233438

Psychedelics get a lot more ridiculous in heroic doses.

>> No.6233451

>you dont hallucinate on lsd, it just distorts things that are already there. Even when the visuals get intense it's easy to remember that you're on drugs and that it's not real and be chill.

1. You're wrong
2. The definition of a hallucination is not confined to just seeing purple-dragons. So even if you couldn't perceive strong hallucinations, which you're surely referring to, you'd still be wrong.

In general though, the common dose of 50-300ug won't create complex hallucinations in the typical user. That is indeed a misconception.

>> No.6233462

>>I couldn't remember. Lacerda? The name rang a bell, but I couldn't concentrate. Terrible things were happening all around us. Right next to me a huge reptile was gnawing on a woman's neck, the carpet was a blood-soaked sponge -- impossible to walk on it, no footing at all. "Order some golf shoes," I whispered. "Otherwise, we'll never get out of this place alive. You notice these lizards don't have any trouble moving around in this muck -- that's because they have claws on their feet."

he didn't see them literally as lizards. The movie is different from the book.

>> No.6233478


that excerpt makes it sound like he literally saw them as lizards, but I guess it could be open to interpretation.

>> No.6233484

>Gentle reminder that the stuff specifically available back then is not the same stuff generally on the market now.

We don't have the same experiences as the people in the 60s were having, not at all. It's not only Hunter, go take a look at any other account from that time, from Robert Crumb to Moebius, Alan Watts and Ken Kesey... LSD changed who they were and left a deep impression on all of them in one way or another. They speak of different worlds and long lasting sensations, new ways to live and look at life, physical sensations, spirtual sensations, or absolute despair in bad trips. It has nothing to do with the high and the bright colors that people experience today by taking some mix of poor quality whatever shit you get at your college party. The way LSD was described is much more similar to accounts of ahayuasca or peyote today.

>> No.6233485 [DELETED] 
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Is this any good?

I haven't read any science fiction since I was twelve or thirteen. I want to revisit the genre, and mainly look into the so-called big three: Isaac Asimov, Robert A. Heinlein, and Arthur C. Clarke.

This seems more interesting than any of the others' stuff, so I'd probably start here.

>> No.6233512
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>> No.6233517


where can you get good lsd nowadays? I thought darknet lsd was supposed to be pretty good.

>> No.6233520


This just isnt true. You can still get good acid, dude.

>> No.6233528

I hate how people think psychs are some kind of panacea that will make whoever takes them undergo a spiritual rebirth.

I love acid and it's helped me personally as a vehicle for self-improvement but the only other two people I know who've taken it are a petty criminal and a homewrecker, respectively.

Anyone who thinks a "psychedelic revolution" will change humanity for the better is delusional.

>> No.6233539

This is silly. LSD is still incredibly prevalent and available if you aren't a half-brain.

You are just comparing the most well-written accounts by some of the more thoughtful and experienced minds of the time and now sifting through the shit of our time and making a poor conclusion.

Further and less importantly, peyote is not a widely used drug at all. It's been driven to near extinction in the wild by burnouts and it takes nearly a decade for it to flower. By the time you get to that point of caring and tending for the plant, most people don't want to destroy it for a high.

>> No.6233542

I grew up in a small town in the midwest, but there was always stuff coming through. I figured that I had tried acid like 10 times, and a whole collage of other things. When I got to college and befriended some wack-o organic chemist who went to all these weird ass psytrance/ambient "festivals" which was never more than maybe 100 people. I went to one of those crazy festivals and spent 7 hours wondering around some national forest completely in a different universe after just one hit of their acid. It wasn't even remotely comparable to anything I had experienced before. I literally thought I was in two places at the same time, and could see some bend in space that I kept passing through. I have been sober (except alcohol) since, because that shit blew me to kingdom come.

I cannot even imagine what it would be like to have that level of experience more than once every five-ten years.

>> No.6233556

He took hero amounts of various drugs. He wasn't just on acid. He was on grass, coke, mescal, Wild Turkey, amyls and god knows what else was in that briefcase. Also, the book is a comedy so expect some over the top scenes

>> No.6233558

Hate to pile on, but seriously. Just because you haven't ever got good LSD doesn't mean it isn't available. I've had experiences with LSD that rival anything written about by anyone to whom you refer. The blissful, euphoric good, as well as the horribly, horribly bad.

>> No.6233566
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After the Pickard bust the only real lsd on the market is from somewhere around Denmark/Netherlands. (Also small amount coming from Canada).

Most people like to think their is a more prevalent supply being pumping out, but it isn't true. Unfortunately. If it ain't time for Burning Man, 99.5% of the stuff within the US is bunk/RCs.

>> No.6233572

Not to mention the lack of sleep. But yeah, the book is taken way to seriously.

>> No.6233585

yeah there was that guy who got arrested who supplied like 90% (no exaggeration) of the world's acid back then

>> No.6233593

There are a lot of festivals in the USA lol. Just find the old hippies with good weed and a dog named Cosmic Charlie. They'll often give you a hit and tell you to take a walk and come back in an hour if you're not high, and you'll be obviously high. This view that the USA has no acid despite being the birthplace of hippies is hysterical. Yeah your hipster college kid friend probably has RCs, that doesn't speak of some greater drought.

>> No.6233604


I think his point is more that the book retains a sense of metaphor about and consequent detachment from its psychedelic sequences, which is shattered by Gilliam's version choosing to represent all psychedelic sequences in highly literalistic cartoon terms. Gilliam wanted to do a effects sequence with giant fucked-up lizards because he's Gilliam, but that shouldn't affect how we interpret what Thompson wrote to begin with.

>> No.6233605

There's plenty of good acid in the US. It might be hard to find but it's definitely there. That said, a real hardcore trip can blow you away the way Hunter describes.

>> No.6233628

Do some googling, according to current research and literature there is next to no actual lsd within the US. There is this allusion that "Old hippies" have any idea what they are talking about, and I agree that college kids probably have RCs.

You can believe what you like, but it is simply 10x easier to produce a chemical somewhat similar to lsd than to actually go the whole way. The more festivals, the more chance to make money doing this.

>> No.6233643

Simply not true.


>> No.6233650

Canada labs dear anon Canada.

>> No.6233651


>> No.6233672

No, you clearly have zero idea as to what you're talking about. LSD synthesis isn't as impossible as it has been made out to be and even sourcing the precursors aren't that difficult to acquire.

In fact, the recent influx of LSD analogs proves that LSD manufacture is completely possible and viable. Labs have started putting out AL-LAD, LSZ, and more recently 1P-LSD because they can be sold on the clearnet for a niche market semi-legally. What makes you think that if some random lab hidden away in Europe is selling these like hotcakes, there couldn't exist an illicit lab producing LSD, which requires the same precursors and chemistry knowledge/technique?

99.5% is laughable. The use of reagant tests will show you that plenty of street acid is in fact a lysergamide and there's no reason why an illicit synth lab would opt to make an analog other than for shits and giggles. They would run the same risk making analogs (see the prosecution of Tim Scully).

>> No.6233684

I will add, that there is a difference in the acid of today and the 60s and 70s, and that's in dosage. The average dosage of an LSD tab today is somewhere between 50-100ug while back then it wasn't uncommon to have 200ug tabs.

This is likely what accounts for the old farts having "back in my day" syndrome.

>> No.6233686

>be me
>go to Vegas on a whim with a friend
>decide to buy some acid for the first time
>ask some guy in the 7-11
>says he can get us 12 tabs
>5 bucks each
>I'm in
>comes back with what looks like the tabs
>leave, put two on my tongue
>30 minutes go by, nothing
>Hours go by
That motherfucker ripped us off and just sold us paper.

>> No.6233695

>buying "acid" from a random guy in a 7/11

you deserved it

>> No.6233696


Jokes on you for thinking you can get a hit of acid for five bucks

>> No.6233705

Have you read the Erowid response? Of course LSD is being produced, and of course there is far more counterfeit drugs being sold as lsd now days, that is what I am stating. The reports from the police negates this fact, putting all substances in the same category as 'acid' and the newest source there is from the 90s?

Look up research done in New York, using the reagant test, nearly all acid purchased at music festivals within 2014 was bunk/RCs.

I did mentioned Cananda's lab.

>> No.6233711

i got a tab for 5 bucks once, though 10/15 is a much more common price around my parts. maybe it was just some research chemical, but i don't really care, i still got a great high from it.

>> No.6233725
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>Not carrying about the worms being implanted into your stomach.
Yeah, have fun being a surrogate for Chinese Wither Worms.

>> No.6233735

Don't buy your hallucinogens from randos at a festival full of burnouts then?

I'm not saying it doesn't happen -- I've seen it happen multiple times -- but the notion that it doesn't exist and that it's some magical unicorn is bullshit.

More times than not, the dealers I've met are carrying authentic product.

>> No.6233741
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Damn it, this thread is kicking up my drug enthusiasm again.

>> No.6233751

Have you tested your 'product'?

And furthermore I have not once said it does not exist. Have I not mentioned that there is the large lab in Europe, what about my mentioned of the one in Cananda? And what about the .5 percent of the 95.5 I mentioned?

The fact is it is not some magical unicorn bullshit, the fact is lsd is a drug like any other, but it is a drug that is nearly missing from the US market. Argue all you want, I have checked the research.

>> No.6233765
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I-I wish somebody would give me lsd... I wish I knew someplace to get it... I wish... I wish I just had a friend.

>> No.6233773

>taking psychedelics this seriously

I like the meditation too but holy fuck people, you're talking shit on the use of imagination in a /psy/ thread.

>> No.6233778

I was a stupid kid. And we had no connections in Vegas. I did get some xanax.

>> No.6233788

Please re-frame from shitposting. If you have something to add, please address the poster in question, or if you would like to make a general statement, please do read over the thread so that your contribution is an actual contribution, and not a random unrelated remark. Thank you.

>> No.6233794

We are your friends anon we love you :)

>> No.6233799

No. I have not other than the use of UV (which they passed). I have also had darknet LSD which has been tested by GC/MS and regeants by other users. Those sellers have a reputation to uphold and it's safe to say that it was indeed LSD. That LSD had the same profile as my trips in the past, and I can differentiate the times when I had an analog.

I've also had all of the various LSD analogs and although different, they share obvious similarities to LSD that nbomes and dox's do not.

It doesn't matter where the lab(s) are. The labs can make hundreds of thousands of doses in a single synth. It actually wouldn't make sense for there to be hundreds of labs making it. Once it's out, it gets circulated.

A lab began making lysergamide analogs in Europe within the past year. For a few months it had to be sourced from just two vendors. Now it's available from at least half a dozen, including a vendor within the United States despite the liklihood that they're all still being sourced out of the same lab. Drugs move around.

Stop telling people to do the research. You're trying to push a claim, the burden of proof is on you.

>> No.6233801
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I don't even know how to get weed.
>mfw my friend tells me to fuck off when I ask him to help me

>> No.6233807

tell us about the old days anon

>> No.6233816

I had pretty minor vague experiences with wannabe lsd. Last time I took a tab was two years ago and I fainted afterwards, saw my life flash through my eyes in ten seconds and then return to a full sober state that was just horrible. I know it hasn't got anything to do with LSD, but I wanted to try whatever could approach it. After that day, I just don't want to try things out anymore, I'd like to just take some pure shit one day.

>> No.6233818
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I don't have old days, I figuratively and literally a virgin. I'm just very curious.

>> No.6233842

You seem to misunderstand the general theme of discussion/debate. Try going back through the posts and see the points I make. If however you are just simply adding to the discussion, random opinions and points of view, then I thank you.

The proof is on me and I proved it. All you have done is to mention semi-related instances/things that agree with my perspective. Cool, you got some real lsd, cool you have taken advantage of the hook up in Europe via darknets. None of this matters when looking at the larger picture, as there is far more things being sold as lsd than actual lsd, as I have stated.

>> No.6233862

This, mostly

>> No.6233867



>> No.6233898

I know that feel bro.
It's really annoying with weed. People that can get it easily treat it like some edgy secretive drug and take this superior position in that only the 'right' kind of people get to be initiated with it. Why can't you just hook me up to your dealer directly? Why do you have to do a song and dance and act as this patronising timewasting middleman for my access to weed?

>captcha: rooor

>> No.6233900

>freshman year uni
>returning to dorm from typical drunk walk to Checkers, like 3am
>ostensibly homeless guy approaches from round behind a shady liquor store
>"wanna buy some acid?"
>roommate buys 2 tabs, I've never tripped at this point, first time not gonna be buying it in circumstances like this
>roommate immediately pops tabs in his mouth
>homeless guy looks shocked
>"do you know what the fuck you're doing?"
>"yeah man, I used to drop anywhere from 2 to 10 tabs 3 or 4 times a week"
>roommate trips balls, has full conversation with carrots, etc.

Learned a lot about the roomie that day. Became best friends, tripped together often, LSD, LSA, shrooms, salvia

>> No.6233955

What proof? What source backs your claims?

Perhaps I missed it. I did a quick search in the thread for .com, .org, .net, and didn't find anything.

>> No.6233958

I'm another anon who had responded to you previously, but this I can definitely agree with. This is why I only buy from sources I can trust. The one time I broke my rule, I honestly don't know what the fuck I got. Took a full two hours for me to come up, and it gave me virtually none of the visual effects, really just the effects on thinking processes. And I came down maybe 4-5 hours after the come up.

>> No.6233976

That's fucked up. Somehow I always have 2 or 3 connects for primo bud on the low low even though I move around a lot. It gives me great joy to hook others up. The only times I've refused is when I'm probation (like now, incidentally), because I'm not risking time in jail to get someone else high.

>> No.6233979

Apologist stahp!

>> No.6233980

>Thompson would definitely know that it doesn't make you hallucinate people as reptiles or act like an utter retard in general

You've either not done real LSD or took a baby dose. On my first acid trip (four hits) I saw the ceiling turn to glass and shatter, I saw a beam of light appear that was an alien signal, I saw blankets morph into faces, I saw a green cube puzzle that was infinitely complex and held the secrets to the universe.

What's funny in this thread is you posturing like you're an experienced drug user. Nothing more, nothing less.

>> No.6233986

Yeah, dude, you shouldn't comment on something you know absolutely nothing about

>> No.6233993

>you dont hallucinate on lsd, it just distorts things that are already there.

I've hero dosed on many psychedelics, and this is just fucking untrue. It will depend on the individual, true, but I nearly always recognize patterns in the noise as real things on a decent trip, such as trees becoming horses and my vision becoming film.

>> No.6234007

I've ripped my dick off on lsd and fried it into a corn beef sandwich.

>> No.6234073

How'd that shit taste dog?

>> No.6234083


>> No.6234084

corn dick sandwich

>> No.6234087

>it will depend on the individual

Fuckin right. I've had some very trip-like experiences with just really good bud (I refuse to believe it was loaded with something else because generally it's just fucking stupid to think that it would be). Once I was in the kitchen/common area of my dorm room with my bedroom door closed and I was convinced that something very like the modern Christian conception of hell was on the other side. Another time I even had an experience where my vision became film like you said, if by that you meant you felt like you were watching a film looking around you.

>> No.6234110

That latter experience I think I was just freaking out because I had been smoking straight shwag for a while and that was my first time with the good stuff, plus I was in a strange environment with a bunch of people I didn't know. The former was probably just because ofnmy schizophrenic tendencies, which (along with my depression and other mental health issues) also make tripping very difficult for me (limit myself to about twice per year.

>> No.6234118

Probably was depersonalization, if you wish to quantify it. That is what happens to me when I smoke.

>> No.6234158

No, you have repeatedly posited there is no LSD whatsoever in America because you are a stereotypically arogant european obsessed with our nation.

>> No.6234177


True, this is another issue I deal with even when not under the influence of anything. Shit used to be quite tolerable, until my first time tripping on something besides salvia. It was LSA and the first four or five hours were bliss, but then it crashed hard into a bad trip I never fully recovered from. Between that and hppd, a big part of me wishes I'd never done any of it. But I've gained too much from my experiences to really regret it.

>> No.6234182


Come on now... just because you cannot congratulate an actual response doesn't mean you have to try to win with humor. Just let it go.

>> No.6234189

How my auto correct changed "come up with" to congratulate is beyond me...

>> No.6234195

that doesn't mean new chemists can't manufacture it

>> No.6234211

I feel ya, It seems our experiences are at least somewhat similar. Salvia (specifically the shit sold at headshops) is what really plunged me into depersonalization, which brought on panic attacks and all that noise. I had to go three years sober with self-help books to fix my mind to a decent enough place.

Since then I have done shrooms and DMT and have had no problem with them, but anytime I try any sort of weed my mind automatically shoots back to the depersonalization and it takes a whole month to get back to base.

>> No.6234234

where do you live

>> No.6234252

>if by that you meant you felt like you were watching a film looking around you.
That's precisely what I meant

>> No.6234287
File: 28 KB, 442x308, h7A1VZl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wisconsin... .

>> No.6234288

I suppose taking a prolonged hiatus might not be a bad idea, but I crave the euphoria that tends to make up the majority of my trips, and I'm a beta pussy faggot that likes to escape from my issues (mental, financial, relationships, family, etc.) and being drunk all the time gets boring.

>> No.6234303

That's kind of a lie I suppose, my trips are generally more difficult than pleasurable but I always feel like I get a lot of benefit from them anyway, so that's really why I still drop acid or another RC once every six months or so.

>> No.6234741

the absolute worst
sometimes I wish I wasn't such a fucking asshole and a loser

>> No.6235038


In the book, they're taking a ridiculous amount of acid (or really any drug they use). Acid back then was A LOT stronger than it is now (one hit back then was at least 10x stronger than acid now) and it was also more pure. These days acid sold on the street is really just research chemicals that are close enough to LSD to be marketed as it, and even if it is real LSD, the dose is no where near the same.

So, in Fear and Loathing, not only are they taking LSD that is 10x stronger, but they're also taking 10x as much of it.

>> No.6235237

>a big part of me wishes I'd never done any of it. But I've gained too much from my experiences to really regret it.
expand on this

what have you gained and lost ? could you have gained with another method ?

>> No.6235244

>ctrl+f: Taipei
>no results
What the fuck, /lit/?

>> No.6235305

>what have you gained
The feeling of being hardcore, I guess.

Psychedelics fags are the worst faggots ever.

>> No.6235702

just go to silk road.
when i was in the uk and had no friends i'd just order it on SR, more expensive but i'd rather not deal with people anyway.

>> No.6235714

Silk Road is kill.

Evolution and Agora are the new places to go.

>> No.6235717

can't stand people who do acid and think themselves enlightened by it, you're not enlightened you're just a fucking lazy-ass druggie who wants to run away from reality by fueling it with temporal bullshit epiphanies.

i'll say that yea acid can help you see things that you didn't see before and occasional use is fun and somewhat useful, but i'm talking about people who do it repeatedly as if they are on some fucking journey to be fucking buddha.
also. the many idiots who have existing mental conditions who end up brainfucked for life.

>> No.6235720


The psychedelic experience is a doorway which leads to a hallway which leads to only what you want to find within yourself.

In other terms, a drug is nothing but a high-yield technique to reach what your reason and heart cannot achieve in your opinion. If anything, it is a total lack of confidence in your reason and in your abilities to philosophy.

>> No.6235725

I'm actually just about done with this and it's really excellent, though it's sometimes hard to tell if he's overstating things with flowery language to give an impression of the drugs or just because it's Huxley and he does that.

>> No.6235758

> If anything, it is a total lack of confidence in your reason and in your abilities to philosophy.

but how do you get there?
idk why but everytime i read philosophy i think yea this makes sense that makes sense then i feel this mindfuck and i start to doubt myself and my abilities immensely.

>> No.6235759



top pleb

>> No.6236359

FBI honeypot

>> No.6236421

If you take drugs, and you're aware of the fact that you have a preexisting mental health condition, you're fucking retarded. Just had to come in here for a moment and say that, although I could say a lot more about the use of psychedelics (and what a stupid waste of time they are).

>> No.6236647

LSD does make you act like a retard, though I've never encountered reptiles. And I think the point was to simulate the out-of-controlness of acid..
>experienced lsd user

>> No.6236655

>Also, what book has the most realistic depiction of drugs?

None of them.

Books about drugs are usually written by people who are way too enthusiastic about them. They always hype the fucking shit out of them.

Take it from a guy who has done almost every well-known street drug:

Drugs are overrated as hell.

Heroin is not 100 times an orgasm, ecstasy doesn't cause you to love humanity more, acid doesn't make you see anything particularly crazy, and DMT is nothing more than dreaming when you're awake. In over 10 years of fucking around with drugs the only one that I honestly comes close to living up to the advertising is coke (if you take it while drinking), but even then you have those awful comedowns to deal with.

Drugs are shit.

>> No.6236669

This, psychedelics reveal the noumenal world in all its terrible glory. I'm a Hegelian because of mushrooms.