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/lit/ - Literature

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6230522 No.6230522 [Reply] [Original]

Prove you're a man of refined taste, list your top 10 books otherwise you're a pleb-ass faggot cheap 2-bit whore.

1. Divine Comedy illustrated by Gustave Dore
2. Paradise Lost illustrated by Gustave dore
3. Delta of Venus/Little Birds - Anais Nin
4. Justine - Marquis DeSade
5. the Dark Room - Junnosuke Yoshiyuki
6. Confessions of Zeno - Italo Svevo
7. Maldoror - Lautremont
8. the Child Buyer - John Hersey
9. Stomping the Goyim - Michael Disend
10. Flowers of Evil - Baudelaire
11. the Sailor Who Fell From Grace With the Sea - Mishima
12. the Painted Bird - Jerzy Kosinski

>> No.6230529

>Prove you're a man
Oh, anon.

>> No.6230558

A Tale of Two Cities
Karamazov, Brothers
Infinite Jest
East of Eden

Cleopatra- A Life
H Is For Hawk
A Supposedly Fun Thing I'll Never Do Again

>> No.6230573

I'm King Pleb. You'll never get my picks!

>> No.6230589

im the pleb ass cheap whore fag or whatever

>> No.6230598

>calls himself a patrician
>shitposts about top ten lists
I think this board would be a little more your speed.


>> No.6230605

>animal cruelty

don't cut yourself on that edge, son.

>> No.6230624

1. crime and punishment
2. the metamorphosis
3. doors of perception
4. dubliners
5. a passage to india
6. heart of darkness
7. the plague
8. faust
9. gargantua and pantagruel
10. oliver twist

>> No.6230643

1. Tai Pei
2. Tai Pei
3. Tai Pei
4. Tai Pei
5. Tai Pei
6.Tai Pei
7. Tai Pei
8. Tai Pei
9. Tai Pei
10. Tai Pei

>> No.6230649

1. To The Lighthouse
2. Adonais -- not a book but if poems of decent length aren't counted then fuck you
3. The Picture of Dorian Grey
4. Don Juan
5. The Rubayiat of Omar Khayyam
6. The Golden Bowl
7. The Faerie Queene
8. Germinal
9. Paradise Lost -- I usually have a fairly low tolerance threshold for Christianity in my fiction (no fedora), but Milton pretty much reached the pinnacle of the English language with this one
10. Wuthering Heights

>> No.6230668

First pleb-ass faggot cheap 2-bit whore report in.

>> No.6230707
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>Prove you're a man
Still using gender as a means for validation... And you call yourself a patrician? Please.

Your list is the top of the barrel 'e-vile'. Just keep reading OP, I am sure once you dig past the surface of literature you will find a few truly menacing books, of which you have just one on your list.

>> No.6230708
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>reading literature

>> No.6230732

I said "prove you're a man of refining" you autismal fuck head.

>> No.6230739


>> No.6230763

1. Divine Comedy illustrated by Gustave Dore
2. Paradise Lost illustrated by Gustave dore
3. Delta of Venus/Little Birds - Anais Nin
4. Justine - Marquis DeSade
5. the Dark Room - Junnosuke Yoshiyuki
6. Confessions of Zeno - Italo Svevo
7. Maldoror - Lautremont
8. the Child Buyer - John Hersey
9. Stomping the Goyim - Michael Disend
10. Flowers of Evil - Baudelaire
11. the Sailor Who Fell From Grace With the Sea - Mishima
12. the Painted Bird - Jerzy Kosinski

>> No.6230769
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>claims to be patrician
>his favorite book is self-insert fan fiction
>he also can't count

>> No.6230785

You're gonna strain something from trying so fucking hard

>> No.6230788


1. Complete Shakespeare - William Shakespeare
2. The Dream of the Red Chamber - Cao Xueqin
3. In Search of Lost Time - Marcel Proust
4. The Tale of Genji - Lady Murasaki
5. The Divine Comedy - Dante (Singleton, Durling, Binyon, Beckersteth translations)
6. The Alice books - Lewis Carroll
7. Lolita - Vladimir Nabokov
8. Journey to the West - Wu Cheng'en
9. Essays - Michel de Montaigne
10. The Bible - Richard Lattimore (New Testament), Robert Alter (parts of Old Testament), King James

>> No.6230799

Malone Dies
Absalom, Absalom!
Moby Dick
The Trial
The Sound and the Fury
The Heart is a Lonely Hunter
Wise Blood
The Crying of Lot 49
Catch 22

>> No.6230803

What a coincidence, those are my bottom 10

>> No.6230809


>You've cultivated a decent taste in literature? TRY-HARD!!!!1!!1 grrrrrr..... >:^(

>> No.6230868

sorry, but you are a try-hard if there's nothing surprising or individual in your top 10 list. it just says you're a boring person without any real merit or character who follows others

>> No.6230871

>sorry, but you are a try-hard if there's nothing surprising or individual in your top 10 list

do u know what tryhard means lol

>> No.6230874

>projecting this hard

okay faggot. it's time for some fresh air.

>> No.6230882

ha-ha, edge-lord. I bought all the books I mentioned at a book store for $20 and /lit/ doesn't even talk about them, fag-lord, get raped.

>> No.6230888

yes, it means trying really hard to be something you're not, which is a patrician. my point still stands. if these are seriously your top 10 books, then all i have to say is wow

>> No.6230894

Marcel Proust - a la recherche du temps perdu
Melville - Moby Dick
Cervantes - Don Quixote
Laurence Sterne - Tristram Shandy

I would be happy stopping at these four.

Montaigne - Essais
Stendhal - Rouge et noir (or Vie de Henry Brulard, tough call)
Duc de Saint-Simon - Memoires
Flaubert - Correspondance
Thucydides - Peloponnesian War
Dante - Commedia

Honorable mention to Lowry's Under the Volcano, Ernst Junger's Soixante-Dix s'efface, and Patrick Leigh Fermor's walk across Europe trilogy.

>> No.6230902

how's junnosuke yoshiyuki's dark room? i've read one of his short stories and i really liked it. i've thought about picking it up

>> No.6230904


Make's my cock hard af, tbh.

>> No.6230909


>my point still stands

no one cares, faggot. if you're that insecure about the books you've read just fabricate a list of books you think are "patrician" FAG.

>> No.6230911

Holy shit you are asslickingly gay. Would bang

>> No.6230917

>don't cut yourself on that edge, son.

go watch mlp then, cunt-lips.

>> No.6230918

i'm sorry sir you were right & i was wrong. would you accept my most sincerest of apologies?

>> No.6230924 [DELETED] 
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probably only started reading a year ago

>> No.6230927


why do you say that?
I've been reading for 20+ years

>> No.6230929

I can picture farting around, picking your nose coming up with this list, wasting your time like this. You insufferable ass hat.

>> No.6230935

>he has good taste, what an ass-hat!

thank u for contributing to this thread doctor faggot.

>> No.6230942 [DELETED] 

im laughing so hard right now

>> No.6230943

get a gf then let me fuck her in front of you and never fag up another patricina thread with your reddit-tier responses ever again.

>> No.6230946


where's your list?

every book I mentioned is an amazing work of literature, I'm not sure what your deal is, cowboy

>> No.6230948

Stop shitposting. Everyone starts somewhere.

>> No.6230952

don't pay him any attention. he's just an idiot. your list is fine.

>> No.6230953 [DELETED] 


>start somewhere

nice humble elitism, prick

>> No.6230954 [DELETED] 
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>every book I mentioned is an amazing work of literature

>> No.6230955
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kill yourself

>> No.6230956

oh yeah what a pleb he likes melville, beckett and kafka lmfao get over yourself.

>> No.6230965


>> No.6230966 [DELETED] 
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>mfw lit is so fucking easy to rile

>> No.6230971 [DELETED] 

can someone please explain to me what the point is in posing for photographs whilst reading at what is clearly a bookstore

>> No.6230973
File: 72 KB, 651x960, 11010981_1044000982294895_4947777479511792801_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cuck fag

>> No.6230976 [DELETED] 

is that william bennett

>> No.6230977

I suppose because it's a 'cute' and timid-looking girl reading Sade.

>> No.6230981

you're god damned right thats william mother fuckin' bennett, bitch.

>> No.6230994 [DELETED] 

i love that guy. he's actually really timid in interviews, surprisingly enough

>> No.6231004

dead souls and collected tales of nikolai gogol
don quixote by cervantes
gargantua and pantagruel by rabelais
the unnamable by beckett
the recognitions by gaddis
within a budding grove, the guermantes way by proust
hunger by knut hamsun
germinal by emile zola

>> No.6231006


I met William Bennett on a plane.

I asked him to "wriggle like a fucking eel" and he did. Then he pulled out a tape recorder, pressed record, and took a nap.

So if there's ever a sample of people on a plane in a Whitehouse song, I might be on it. Yay.

>> No.6231013

whitehouse is badass

>> No.6231020 [DELETED] 
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this is now a whitehouse thread

>> No.6231021
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Farabeuf by Salvador Elizondo
Brave New World
El Tunel - Sabato
Ficciones - Borges
The Fall
One Hundred Years of Solitude
Pancho Villa, una biografia narrativa by Paco Ignacio Taibo II (inb4 chairo)
Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man

>> No.6231033



>> No.6231037
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>the fall

hated that book so much, it's like listening to pic related run his fucking mouth all night

>> No.6231048

But anon I don't read.

>> No.6231049

Its a bunch of people being mad, i think it was pretty cool.

>> No.6231051

Hmm. I loved it. My favorite Camus book so far.

>> No.6231083
File: 30 KB, 457x455, 1506784_862449520463587_5115145158247469081_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I already know I'm a pleb but I'll list some of the books that I have appreciated (in no particular order)

1. A Naked Singularity - Sergio De La Pava
2. If on a Winter's Night a Traveler - Italo Calvino
3. Siddharta - Hermann Hesse
4. The Bhagavad Gita
5. The Prophet - Khalil Gibran
6. The Gospel in Brief - Tolstoy
7. Stoner - John Williams
8. The Alchemist - Paulo Coelho (I know it's hella pleb but it meant a lot to me at the time)
9. The Doors of Perception - Huxley
10. The Brothers Karamazov - Dostplebsky
11. The Master and Margarita - Bulgakov
12. Kafka on the Shore - Haruki Muraplebki

>> No.6231109

>babby's first steps toward spirituality

>> No.6231115

Can you enlighten me on what the next steps are?

>> No.6231132

I don't like you.

>> No.6231138

Lit, how do I get into reading besides the obvious read. I want to help myself in analyzing stories and poems and shit so I was wondering if regularly would help

>> No.6231169

Do you feel an inclination towards any outlook/tradition in particular?

Christian mysticism - St. Bonaventure's Mind's journey to God, St. John of the Cross' Dark Night of the Soul, St. Teresa's Interior Castle - might be a decent neutral starting point for someone who's grown up in western traditions. Even if you aren't from a religious background you'll probably feel better oriented than jumping into the Upanishads or other non-western stuff right away.

>> No.6231193


>East of Eden and The K Bros. in my top 10 too
>A Supposedly Fun Thing I'll Never Do Again
What's this?

>> No.6231198

I must be semi gay tooooo

>> No.6231215

thanks for the recommendations

>> No.6231223

1. Dune + sequals
2. Infinite Jest
3. Ender's Game + sequals
4. Great Gatsby
5. Haunted by Chuck P
6. Tale of Two Cities Chuck D
7. Mother Night by Kurt V
9. 1984
10. lotr

pleb as fuck I'm gonna start reading tomorrow i swear

>> No.6231633

No particular order

>prince of nothing series
>his dark materials
>abhorsen trilogy
>Jurassic park
>gormenghast 1 and 2 (wasn't big fan of Titus alone)
>great gatsby
>the road
>the prestige
>catcher in the rye

Other honourable mentions
>john carter series
>Hannibal trilogy
>lord of the flies
>lord of the rings

I might be forgetting some in my actual top lot but those are the ones I remember at the moment

>> No.6231663

1. The Brothers Karamazov
2. The Count of Monte Cristo
3. One Hundred Years of Solitude

The other 7 I can't rank so they're in no specific order:

A Confederacy of Dunces
Cannery Row
As I Lay Dying
Don Quixote
Crime and Punishment
A Hero of our Time

>> No.6231666

Kill yourself.

>> No.6231678



confirmed for shit taste



>milton and dante at 1-2

literally namedropping tier

>> No.6231689
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In no particular order:

1). The Castle - Franz Kafka
2). The Iliad - Homer
3). History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire - Edward Gibbon
4). Henry IV part 1 - William Shakespeare
5). Flowers for Algernon - Daniel Keyes
6). The Idiot - Fyodor Dostoevsky
7). Revolutionary Road - Richard Yates
8). Barchester Towers - Anthony Trollope
9). In Cold Blood - Truman Capote
10). Tale of Genji - Murasaki Shikibu

>> No.6232037

This is a pretty harsh burn. Have some compassion.

>> No.6232051

You guys are alright

Seriously, when did this board start getting so badly infested? Even the post-rate is fast for /lit/.

>> No.6232431

The Misanthropist - Moliere
Iphigenia - Racine
The Metamorphoses - Ovid
The Death of Ivan Ilyich - Tolstoy
Anna Karenina - Tolstoy
The Nose - Gogol
Horace - Corneille
Histories - Tacitus
Don Juan - Byron
Faust I - Goethe

Would add A Hero of our Time by Lermontov and the Destinies by Vigny as well

>> No.6232443
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>implying 'refined' and 'taste' aren't spooks

>> No.6232444

>Delta of Venus/Little Birds

I can't take seriously any list that includes "erotica."

>> No.6232447


>> No.6232555
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This board was already stuffed with faggots before I even got here. I'm probably #1 patrician, tbh.
you're just plain fuckin' dumb, just kill yourself.

>> No.6232581


Manliness =/= (Man of) refined taste


>> No.6232583

>refined taste
>OP's Top 10 starts with 2 picture books


>> No.6232588


>you are a try-hard if there's nothing surprising or individual in your top 10 list.

anon, it's actually the opposite, tryhard is the guy that NEEDS to put something surprising or individual so he can identify as an individual and a superior intellectual

>> No.6232686
File: 221 KB, 1035x668, Spike Spiegel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. The Man Who Was Thursday - G.K. Chesterton

2. Earthly Powers - Anthony Burgess

3. Ulysses - James Joyce

4. Lady Chatterley's Lover - D.H. Lawrence

5. The Way of All Flesh - Samuel Butler

6. The Karamazov Brothers - Fyodor Dostoefsky

7 L'étranger - by Albert Camus

8. The Power and The Glory - Graham Greene

9. Human All Too Human - Friedrich Nietzsche

10. Ender's Game - Orson Scott Card

>tfw you know some shithead's going to call you a teenager or pleb without any reason to back it up.

>> No.6232738

1.Gravity's Rainbow
2.Infinite Jest
3.Moby Dick
4. 2666
5. The Recognitions
6. Orbis Tertius
7.The Pale King
8. The Dog who cried in the nighttime
9. Fault in Our Stars
10. Tao Lin's dick flattened, sliced horizontally, and distributed among 600 pages.

>> No.6232754

>implying I've read anything beyond the hungry caterpillar

>> No.6232759
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Here's my 3x3 but if we're doing ten then my tenth one would be Brothers Karamazov.

>> No.6232781

In no order
V. Thomas Pynchon
Underworld Don Delillo
Europe Central William Vollmann
The Collected Tales of Gogol
Train Dreams Denis Johnson
Catch-22 Joseph Heller
Dune Frank Herbert
The trial Kafka
Diamond Age Neal Stephenson
Against The Day Thomas Pynchon
Notes From The Underground Dostoevsky
Valis Philip K. Dick
Non fiction has been excluded

>> No.6232829
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>Vanity Fair

Mah Dobbins

>> No.6232880

in no particular order:

evening edged in gold - arno schmidt
the recognitions - william gaddis
miss macintosh, my darling - marguerite young
finnegans wake - james joyce
walaschek's dream - giovanni orelli
the making of americans - gertrude stein
jr - william gaddis
take it or leave it - raymond federman
women and men - joseph mcelroy
divine days - leon forrest

honorable mentions:

the anatomy of melancholy by robert burton
amalgamemnon by christine brooke-rose
the major works - thomas browne

>> No.6232945


There's nothing "patrician" about "best of" lists, they're preschooler bs. Try actually posting something interesting or insightful about something you read, or just go back to tumblr.

>> No.6233082

1. Genealogy Of Morals.

2. Human All Too Human.

3. Beyond Good And Evil.

4. Thus Spoke Zarathustra.

5. Ecce Homo.

6. The AntiChrist.

7. The Gay Science.

8. Twillight Of The Idols.

9. The Birth Of Tragedy.

10. The complete works of Shakespeare.

>> No.6233161


better get off 4chan before you catch ptsd, fag-lords!

>genealogy of moral>zarathustra
kill urself

>> No.6233184

>Getting set straight by a preschooler with such stunning wit.

>> No.6233306
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bet you dont have an 1882 editon of Paradise lost illustrated by Gustave Dore, do u cunt?

>> No.6234138
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patrician coming through