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6227066 No.6227066 [Reply] [Original]

What are some good books on the history (or philosophy) of the CoE and other Anglican churches?

>> No.6227067

Start with the Greeks.

>> No.6227119

I'm thinking of converting.

>> No.6227133
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Faggots are not welcome in Christianity.

>> No.6227138

You can't convert to greek.

>> No.6227141

Erm, interesting thought, thanks for the input.

>> No.6227146
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You the guy who is a homosexual and wants to become an anglican?

>> No.6227148


>> No.6227154

I'm not homosexual, I'm a straight Catholic.

>> No.6227155

Why would you convert to an inferior knock off of catholicism?

>> No.6227158

>non greek
>practicing hellenismos


>> No.6227174
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>> No.6227179


>> No.6227187

nice tier rankings m8. kek'd heartily.

>> No.6227193


Good. I'd rather that over episcopalian faggot parades.

>> No.6227197

You'd rather defending heretics murdering people than defending gay people?

>> No.6227199

Yes. Gays are worse than heretics.

>> No.6227206

Welp, you need get your priorities straight if you think homosexuality is worse than murder. You also need to work on judging people less. Realizing and even reprimanding people for sin is one thing, acting like you are is something else.

>> No.6227222


This isn't /pol/, calm down. None of us are saying homosexuality is worse than murder, no. Not worse.

Not quite.

>> No.6227230

Well you just said that defending Islamic terrorism and murder as justifiable, and saying we shouldn't criticize Islam, is better than tolerating gay people.

>> No.6227260
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Gays and muslims should both be destroyed.

>> No.6227265


I did?

Well, fine, if if makes you feel better - I'm totally in favor of terrorizing Islam through justifiable murder as a form of criticism.

Really though, I think we're mixing separate issues here to the befuddlement of all and sundry.

>> No.6227292

We're not befuddling anything. You're asking why I would want to leave the Catholic Church, and I said it's because the Pope has defended Islamic terrorism and it's our responsibility be more sensitive to Islam.

>> No.6227294

Make sure to stone an adulteress while you're at it.

>> No.6227303

>and said it's

>> No.6227408

Not a single title?

>> No.6227576

wolfy hall

>> No.6228261


>> No.6228286
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C.S. Lewis and Charles Williams.

>> No.6228399


>> No.6228611
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>The history of the Catholic Church, begins with the teachings of Jesus Christ, who lived and preached in the 1st century AD in the province of Judea of the Roman Empire. The contemporary Catholic Church is the continuation of the early Christian community established by Jesus.[1] Its bishops are the successors to the Apostles of Jesus, and the Bishop of Rome, also known as the Pope, is the sole successor to Saint Peter,[2] who was appointed by Jesus Christ to be the head of the church in the New Testament who ministered in Rome.[3][4]