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6226722 No.6226722 [Reply] [Original]

What is some essential reading to understand the Irish Troubles?

>> No.6226732
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>> No.6226734



>> No.6226735
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>> No.6226736
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>> No.6226754


what a douche

>> No.6226755
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Well, as for the conflict as a whole or the Unionist perspective, I don't know much about. However, if you're interested in the post-war IRA I recommend Richard English's work, the Lost Revolution is a good pop history of the Official IRA, Politics of Illusion by Patterson, Fighting for Ireland? by Smith and Provisional Irish Republicans by White are also good.

>> No.6226768
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>> No.6226785

Voices from the Grave is a good read. Oral history from a provo and a UVF/PUP fella. They gave interviews to Boston University on the understanding that they'd only be published after they were dead. More gave interviews too, but seems the project is dead now. The Lost Revolution is currently the most complete story of the sticks, Official IRA and SFWP, now the Worker's Party. These two books give interesting account of the immediate origins of the conflict.

Also depends on what kind of understanding you want. You could go to Cedar Lounge Revolution and have a look at their archives. Read Irish Industrial Revolution from the WP, then read the Ripening of Time criticisms, the two-nations ideas of the BICO, etc. There's a lot of documents there produced from within the Troubles.

You could go further back and read Jonathan Bardon's Plantation of Ulster.

>> No.6226788
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>Taig detected

>> No.6226800
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Collins would have kicked his ass if their lives overlapped

>> No.6226802
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Are you drunk?

>> No.6226807

collins would have signed a sellout treaty with him just like the inheritors of his legacy did

>> No.6226816



>> No.6226830


Watch "Hunger"

>> No.6226850
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>> No.6226871


Loyalist Protestant trolls are the worst trolls

>> No.6226877

there is some great films on the troubles. hunger, shadow dancer, hidden agenda. loach's wind that shakes the barley is great if you want collins-era history.

>> No.6226880
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We do it for free.

>> No.6226886
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>> No.6226895
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>> No.6226982

You will never fully understand The Troubles if you're not from Ireland.

>> No.6226994
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Nope, Anglo-mind world wide.

>> No.6226997



>> No.6227049

That image is pretty disgusting.

Brit here.

>> No.6227057
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>Celt detected

>> No.6227070

English Brits are Celts in denial. You are an Anglo-saxon norman mutt

>> No.6227078


Now this is an Irish thread

>> No.6227088

Though I'm normally not a friend of Catholicism catholics went through a lot of shit in Ireland. It is hard not see the protestants as the "bad guys" given the centuries of oppression and North Ireland polices that help fuel the hate against them.

>> No.6227090

it's about nationality and identity. it's not really some argument over transubstantiation.

>> No.6227098


As the other anon said, it was an issue of nationality and Catholicism became representative of the Irish. It wasn't really a religious problem when you got down to it.

You could say the same about radical Islamic groups now. They talk more about politics than Allah in regards to terrorist acts.

>> No.6227103

No Surrender

>> No.6227122

>Catholicism became representative of the Irish
What was up with the Irish catholics vs Irish protestants then? In North Ireland it was mostly Irish oppressing Irish.

>> No.6227123


>viewing an essentially political conflict as an essentially religious one

>> No.6227127

>Irish oppressing Irish
Here we go.

>> No.6227185

at this point it's really more about what people "feel" they are, ie. its a broader identity issue, based on the particular community they are encultured into. most in the north who've been there for some generations are a bastard mix planter and gael. but there is one community with a narrative of displacement and recent oppression, and another community whose narrative is that of being under siege from a hostile people with an alien religion, being abandoned/sold out by the government they are loyal to, and a stubborn Israeli-settleresque "what we have we hold" mentality.

>> No.6227324

No, I'm just a Marxist.

>> No.6227868


Well said.

I remember walking home from school one day and seeing all the lamp posts down the street adorned with Israeli flags. I think this was around 2009, tensions seemed to be getting high again.

>> No.6227957
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No Brendan Behan in this thread?

This is a literature board y'know.

Ronan Bennett was either involved with the IRA or accused of it as well. I think he's a bloody good writer.

>> No.6227975

are you joking, most irish people don't have a clue

but you'll never understand moby dick if you've never served on board a 19th century whaler

>> No.6228062

behan's two autobiographies are up there with roald dahl's as the best i've read. also turned me onto the ragged-trousered philanthropists.

in the north there's the poet nick laird:
>land of the giant
>leylandii and four-bar bitumen fences.
>Of porn mags stashed in blackthorn hedges

and ciaran murphy too, who altho a singer has a crackin way with words.

>> No.6228073


The Quare Man (or whatever it's called, cba to look it up right now) is pretty explicitly about the troubles as well, it's a darn good play.

Is Borstal Boy autobiography or one of his fictions? Now I'm thinking about it, I haven't read Behan in fucking years. For all I know my memory's fucking with me and I'd think he was shit now.

I think I'll just go listen to something by the Pogues and bluff my way through it.

>> No.6228101

borstal boy and confessions of an irish rebel are his autobiographies. there's worse ways to pass the time than reading a page or two.

"last night as i slept, i dreamt i met with behan..."

>> No.6228108


Behan vs. MacGowan after an all-dayer.

Now that would have been a scrap.

>> No.6228110

The Quare Fellow

>> No.6228119
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If you want to look at one of the most prominent Unionist figures before the shitstorm that happened later in the 60's try this book.

>> No.6228122

well you will find few people happier to live up to their own stereotypes than the irish

>> No.6228125
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Anything by Tim Pat Coogan (especially his Michael Collins book), John Kelly, or even Bobby Sand's memoir about hiding things in his anal cavity.

>> No.6228132

"Is it not true that there has been a scandal at the Savoy hotel?"

>> No.6228159
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>England will never be independent
>we'll be stuck with the celts forever

>> No.6228167

m8 ur gonna be joinin the caliph8 any day now, i wouldn't worry

>> No.6228173
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>Scare the Scots out of voting for independence
>Dump ₤ into the Northern Ireland money pit so it's become a region of welfare leeches
>Not exterminating the Welsh
I have no sympathy.

>> No.6228214


Stop fucking clinging onto us like an insecure mother and stop indulging your munchausens-by-proxy on us then you fucking shites.

The fucking election was rigged anyway, I'm sure of it. It's like living in fucking Uganda

>> No.6228792


>> No.6228858
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>> No.6228954

Borstal Boy is very autobiographical

>> No.6228972

This, or something about Parnell.