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/lit/ - Literature

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6225100 No.6225100[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What is the literary equivalent of this album?

>> No.6225104


short stories of kafka

>> No.6225105

Probably something monotonous, edgy, and American. Try Peter Sotos.

>> No.6225107

Gira wrote a book and it's probably just as fucking bad as his band is.

>> No.6225112

Michael Gira has at least one collection of short stories out, very similar to Swans

>> No.6225115


LMAO children of god was literally their only good album along with Cop and maybe just MAYBE filth if you consider its historical context. STFTB is literal trash

>> No.6225116


>> No.6225118
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>> No.6225123

>posts an album of music to /lit/ - Literature
>gets defensive

just read some fucking books you plen, you don't need Swans in your life at all and it's a stupid fad anyway

>> No.6225129

Music doesn't translate to words.

>> No.6225130
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this is why people on /lit/ should keep away from music talk, they know nothing.

> dfw except me obviously

>> No.6225133

But I love them, one of the most interesting bands I know.

>> No.6225134

That poster isn't me (OP) you fucking faggot

>> No.6225145
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are your other favorites perhaps Death Grips, Radiohead, Deerhoof, MC Doom, My Bloody Valentine, and Neutral Milk Hotel by any chance?

>> No.6225155

Only Radiohead, MBV and NMH.

>> No.6225165
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holy shiiiit ah haahaha

there's an age requirement for this board you know

>> No.6225169

Lel lyrics

>> No.6225174

they're interesting in the sense that they aren't most other projects, but nothing Swans try to present as shocking or macabre really comes across as anything besides "superfluous white male attempts to shock other white people with virtually every living breath"

>/lit/ - Literature
nah, you're still the fagbot

>> No.6225186

>muh mu-core is bad because entry
It may be entry level but that doesn't take away from their greatness you ass

>> No.6225187


Do you mean mf DOOM? If so I'm indifferent (same with most of the other bands you posted (death grips (who I don't like) and NMH (who I'm fond of) being the exceptions))

>> No.6225193
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>> No.6225197

I enjoy the atmosphere and the animalistic sound they have, I can drown myself in the repetition of their songs. There is a lot of great impressionism in their lyrics. White Noise From the Mouth of Infinity, The Great Anihalator, Children of God and Filth would be my favourite Swans albums.

>> No.6225198

yeah it does, it means that you're only into them because of a singularity of thought present on a board such as /mu/ and that you are willfully limiting yourself to popular choices from your peers

if you weren't limiting yourself, you wouldn't have asked us for such a stupid comparison as a noise rock album to 'literature'

>> No.6225206

>I can drown myself in the repetition of their songs

Please do.

>> No.6225212

Once again, not me you faggot.

>> No.6225215

check out stars of the lid or a winged victory for the sullen, industrial music is just pointless. it's about the artistic equivalent of writing 'this is not art' on the wall

>> No.6225218

Swans do have talent which is worthy of respect, but the most devout fans in my experience have been rape/abuse victims. Good on them that the music touches that awful trauma, but it may explain why it all sounds like some gypsy orchestra weaving cacophony about..something profound and solemn to guys like me.

>> No.6225222

No faggot.

the top 10 greatest bands of all time are:
Throbbing Gristle
Boyd Rice and Friends
Nihilist Spasm Band
Current 93
Hum of the Druid
Controlled Bleeding
Nick Drake
Leonard Cohen
and Ez-E

fucking cunt.

is your favourite book Infinite Jest??? FAG

>> No.6225229


explain their greatness.

Swans had two or three amazing albums at the beginning of their career, Cop being their magnum opus even though everyone ignores it today. Cop is literally the father to the 90s.

Radiohead had one average electronic album which was Amnesiac. They were disgustingly banal before that, and have been riding on the fame of Kid A and OK Computer (other than Amnesiac) until today.

MF Doom is admittedly good. But liking him is still a meme.

Deerhoof is trash.

My Bloody Valentine made a 6-pedal porn album and everyone has copied it since. Influential, sure. Good? ahahaha

NMH is literally a meme. Nothing more.

Death Grips' only talent is Zach hill and only because of hella. Exmilitary was alright.

>> No.6225230

>demanding to be saluted personally on an anonymous imageboard

what does the good doctor believe the diagnosis is, anon?

I'm guessing chronic bad taste

>> No.6225247

Anais Nin's Delta of Venus.
I'm just saying that because of the part when the Baron shoves his cock down his son's throat.

>> No.6225249
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> Swans

okay what era though? If not Cop era then buzzzz wrong answer

> Throbbing Gristle

acceptable answer

> Boyd Rice and Friends


> Nihilist Spasm Band

AHAHAHA well meme'd

> Current 93


> Hum of the Druid

you threw an obscure one in to sound smart. You're not.

> Controlled Bleeding

Not terrible but why top 10

> Nick Drake

Why not Bert Jansch? More influential and talented. Drake is still good ofc

> Cohen


> Ez-E

so you mean I've been seriously replying to a shitpost? fuck you

>> No.6225265


Hum of the Druid os the Gustave Dore of Industrial music, fag-lord.

>> No.6225266
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You referred to the OP as if the other anon posted it, suggesting you thought the anon was none other than OP, good backpedaling though. My shitpost is a lot more successful than I thought it would be. Maybe I'll post a Pynchon thread in /mu/

>> No.6225273

lol these retarded band names

>> No.6225275

I will not engage with this level of superfluity

you don't need to exist

>> No.6225289
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who /wire/ here?

>> No.6225296
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Im not on /mu/, but I'll post it anyway

God damn, I love trolling
Fast trolls, long trolls, always keeps me lol'ing
Gonna come on /mu/ after a long day of class
Looking for anons to cause pain in their ass

Baiting rules and /mu/ drools
thinking i'm serious they must be delirious
My rap is done and i Had my fun
I trolled you all now go eat you mom's honey bun

>> No.6225332

>industrial music is just pointless. it's about the artistic equivalent of writing 'this is not art' on the wall

Ok, retard.

You're obviously the type of faggot you listens to music for entertainment. Industrial music is probably the most interesting form of expression ever. What's so fascinating about writing "this is not art" on the wall? fucking stupid pleb. DIE, FUCKING DIE!!!!!!!!

>> No.6225345

This man doesn't know anything at all about music.

>> No.6225346

comment sont vos Jimmies, monsieur Anon?

>> No.6225353
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because you can't refute some very basic facts, and because you haven't heard more than maybe 100 albums in your life?

keep listening to that fagtano all you want

"this sounds are made with an electric instrument, which reminds me of this swans album! light 7."

>> No.6225354


I don't speak French, faggot.

>> No.6225371

I've heard at least 400. And I don't really post on mu or watch Fantano.
You basic facts were random unargumented opinions there is nothing for me to refute. It's the equivalent of saying Dostoevsky made one average existential book, he didn't make anything else worthwhile.

>> No.6225379

post your top 10 albums, cunt-lips.

>> No.6225381
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>I've heard at least 400

that's not much better mate

that's basically nothing

I'm guessing that's probably like 200 artists and 2 albums each on average? Again, literally nothing. Nothing you say has any weight.

>> No.6225387

that's strange -- someone who listens to swans doesn't have any culture in them?

>> No.6225391

>that's basically nothing
You've got to be shitting me mate.

>> No.6225401

>stupid fad
>popular in the music underground for 29 years
>"mainstream" popular since 2012
that's not a fucking fad, boy

>> No.6225403

I'm Native American. Why would I want to learn the language of a bunch of smelly neanderthals? KEK

>> No.6225404

Wait what exactly are you trying to prove? Sure, I'm no music expert, but what exactly are the arguments that Swans or Radiohead aren't good bands? I for one wish to hear why they aren't, but you haven't made a case beyond
>it's a meme

>> No.6225405
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Come back once that number is about 4 times larger. And at least a third of them are jazz albums. And you have extensive knowledge of music theory and composition. And you've studied a wide repertoire of art music.

Right now you're just some retarded /mu/kid ("b-but I don't go to /mu/ I swear!") who uses music as a totebag to look cool.

>> No.6225408

They aren't even mainstream popular. They have 8000 views on YT on To Be Kind

>> No.6225411

idk, because it was the lingua franca between Latin and English and therefore some corresponding amount of the world's culture is written in French?

but that kind of reasoning probably wouldn't do anything for you without some edgy aesthetic to sell it over. maybe start with Sartre or Camus and act like this conversation never happened, it's a shitty way to live but it's better than listening to fucking Swans.

>> No.6225415

Firstly more anons are discussing your autism. Secondly you haven't even made a point past my imaginary penis is larger than yours.

>> No.6225418


> swans

> not mainstream popular

look at their facebook page

> almost 200,000 likes
> not fucking popular

>> No.6225421


I saw Swans perform twice already with no ear-plugs. Fucking loser, are you implying edgy=bad? Hopefully you get raped by a pack of dogs tomorrow.

>> No.6225426
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because it is larger

>> No.6225431

4chan doesn't own swans, you are aware. there are tens of thousands of real-life autists just as dedicated to the same shitty art as you are.

>> No.6225432


firstly is a disgusting word
pls don't use

>> No.6225436


>> No.6225439

Sorry mate.

>> No.6225447

I'm not very dedicated to music. It's just something I enjoy immensely. I don't play any instruments or know about music theory. I was trying to understand what is wrong with said bands.

>> No.6225448


2/10 sarcasm, sorry bud. you've been making yourself look like a retarded fag too much, time to fuck your mums ass with a small gardening shovel. :^)

>> No.6225450

art is about the idea, not the frame. 'harsh noise' and 'adult contemporary' basically genre fiction

>> No.6225453

you're enabling shitty art on a literature board

are you now avowed to do otherwise?

>> No.6225457

But they are just experimental new wave/post rock. Not any harsher than any number of less interesting bands.

>> No.6225459
File: 85 KB, 244x290, 1424897819907.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


nice job throwing labels you don't understand around to make yourself sound like you know something

>> No.6225462

Fuck off you /lit mu/ meme drone with a large imaginary penis

>> No.6225464


this is why people with autism don't deserve computers.

>> No.6225468
File: 282 KB, 540x391, 1424907405300.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> throwing genre labels around to describe a band

> I'M the autistic one


>> No.6225473

Well fuck me, didn't know To be Kind was that big of a success. I often lisen to their albums on yt and they have 6000 views on average.

>> No.6225481

Bro I wanted to read that book is it truly bad

>> No.6225482

>saying that Dostoevsky was a realist with strong Christian ideals is autism because you describe him with genre words

>> No.6225485


Only an autist would save that many pictures of some guys face? What else have you used those pictures for? fucking loser.

>> No.6225491

here you you, this is Michael Gira reading from his book.


>> No.6225509

>AHAHAHA well meme'd
yo what

>> No.6225514

god, i hate lydia so much

>> No.6225521



>> No.6225527

she's a cunt, and her music is not that good

>> No.6225552

and her music is not good* sorry