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File: 49 KB, 500x696, jccouch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6216170 No.6216170[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Last night I met my sister for the first time. She is 25 years older than me. Are there any good books about siblings with large age gaps?

I'm also interested in movies about this subject, but when I posted this on /tv/ everybody just wanted to know if I had sex with my sister and the thread got deleted

>> No.6216181

Brothers Karamazov

>> No.6216184

did you fuck?

>> No.6216281

Already read that. Love it.

Nah. not yet

>> No.6216283

do you plan on fucking her

>> No.6216405

I'm not really planning on it, but if she's down I'm down, I guess.

>> No.6216680

You should fuck her.

>> No.6216704


Your sister is a whore. Just pay her if you want to fuck her.

>> No.6216716
File: 43 KB, 449x604, freudpalm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is wrong with you people, it's like you don't even know that the taboo on incest is foubdational to all human civilization.

>> No.6216722

Only fuck her if she reads Sade and tries to cure your cold with ancient Greek medicine and maybe steals a kiss during singing practice.

>> No.6216729
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That was before contraceptives, grandpa. Get with the times.

>> No.6216736

at least fingerbang her... She must be like 40 though.I bet shes loosened up a bit- but not too much. Just enough to give your dick that sloppy feeling that feels so good. I like to think that she has a slight vag pouch too and some stretch marks, which are actually pretty fucking sexy. I feel like they are characteristics of a true woman that's had real experiences- let downs and successes. I bet at this point in her life she doesn't maintain a perfectly shaved vagine either. What's the point? A little bit of a prickly pube garden to rub up against your pelvis and face as you are making love is actually kinda sexy

>> No.6216743

As if the reproductive problems were even the main issue here. No, the taboo exists to ensure people will cooperate with others outside of the bond of blood, making society possible in the first place.

>> No.6216744

this is your chance to cultivate a relationship strengthened by kinship and you want to cheapen it with sex. gay af

>> No.6216751

Ok, I will definitely copypaste this into a random /r9k/ thread, see if I can make some heads explode.

>> No.6216757

>implying we can't have a incest based society where the currency is daughters

>> No.6216783

If you trade daughters, how would it be incest? Unless it's all busimess within the larger family, rural mideast style.

>> No.6216784

So you're saying that if you could fuck your sister you would not feel the need to fuck someone else?

Are you monogamous or something?

>> No.6216807

nah brah sisterpussy is the best

>> No.6216810

Are you trying to save mankind via promiscuity? A laudable enterprise, but I'd say you can't have that without presupposing a certain level of civilization, which might get eroded along with the taboo.

>> No.6216811

"The Deeper In" by The Drive-By Truckers

>> No.6216815
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Who not kill others and take their bitches and rape them once in a while to ensure fresh blood?

>> No.6216818

How old are you? Why haven't you met your sister before?

>> No.6216829

Ok, now that definitely isn't how you do civilization.

>> No.6216840

That's how we've been doing civilisation until maybe 1945, breh.

>> No.6216861

That's bullshit, and you know it. And don't come with some metaphorical way in which you think it applies. No. Bull fucking shit.

>> No.6216863

How is it bullshit? The only thing that changed over time is that the intervals between raping and pillaging become longer and that the outbursts of raping and pillaging took on a larger scale and greater intensity.

>> No.6218547
File: 34 KB, 600x400, can'tbruisethecruise.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread

>> No.6218675


We have different mothers, and it is unkown if my father even knew she existed (father is dead and has never mentioned her; she has never met him).

>> No.6218690

why did you sabotage your own thread like that
you deserve this

>> No.6219072

I'm sorry

Sorry for myself ;_;

>> No.6219080

>and maybe steals a kiss during singing practice.
Did this happen? Did I miss this happening? Fuck, any screenshots?

>> No.6219137


quirky sister threads best threads

>> No.6219365

Holy fuck this thread

>> No.6219523

Koi Kaze

>> No.6219536

How did you find each other then?

>> No.6220249

Her mother told her about my father before her death. Around the same time as her mother died, my father passed on too. She was interested in learning more about her father, and onilne she read that my father had died, and at the time of his death was married and had a son (me).

My sister was able to contact me and my mother, and we have been talking since.

There are pictures and diary entries that prove our father and her mother dated, and since she looks a bit like my father (and me), it's quite believable she is in fact my sister.

My mother finds the whole situation weird and kind of uncomfortable, and although I have to admit everything is rather awkward, I get along so well with my sister that I quite like this new discovery.

>> No.6220360

This post has a very odd inherent sadness.

>> No.6220533

There are quite a few sad things about it.

>> No.6220551

Better make a whole thread about it. Then come here back for report.

>> No.6220892
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The Feet of Juan Bacnang.

>> No.6221080

Don't go to /tv/ for anything, all they do is jack over child actresses.

>> No.6221138

Not Egyptians.

Or Persians.

Or medieval European aristocracy.

Go figure.

>> No.6222132

>incest is patrician

>> No.6222223

And inbred rednecks

>> No.6222382

It contains dead parents, growing up without a father, and family struggles. It's quite sad.

>> No.6222409

does cousinpussy count too? I've had it and it was great.

>> No.6222447

>at least fingerbang her... She must be like 40 though.I bet shes loosened up a bit- but not too much. Just enough to give your dick that sloppy feeling that feels so good. I like to think that she has a slight vag pouch too and some stretch marks, which are actually pretty fucking sexy. I feel like they are characteristics of a true woman that's had real experiences- let downs and successes. I bet at this point in her life she doesn't maintain a perfectly shaved vagine either. What's the point? A little bit of a prickly pube garden to rub up against your pelvis and face as you are making love is actually kinda sexy
best post of the year

>> No.6222452

I can't think of any movie on that subject right now. The Imposter is the closest thing that comes to mind, but it's not really about it.

if you want to see it, it's better if you don't even know what the plot is about, don't read any reviews or anything before watching it. It's a great film

>> No.6222581

It's surprisingly sweet

>> No.6222617

No it's not. Only literal whores shave their pubes.

>> No.6222743

it's doubtful she ever would have shaven her pubes.

>> No.6222747


Of course she has. Everyone's shaved their pubes at least once.

>> No.6222758

Even 20-30 years ago?

>> No.6222770

I need help! i got some viruses and shit any hacker who can help me and go into my computer and fix this shit :-D

>> No.6222835


>> No.6223333


>> No.6223874

you fucking traitor, i remember your thread, the only reason im here is because someone linked /lit/ on /tv/

>> No.6223908

Les Enfant Terribles

>> No.6224129

My thread got deleted. /tv/ Mods don't like it when you talk about movies.

>> No.6224166
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>> No.6224173

I'm CIA.

>> No.6224671

Sweet digits

>> No.6224715

>For you.

>> No.6224745

pls don't do this

let's continue talking to OP about his sister. he's obviously here just to talk about his feelings, and not really looking for recommendations. He made a good call wanting to discuss this with /lit/ instead of /r9k/ or /soc/

>> No.6224787

/lit/ mods don't like it when you talk about books either.

>> No.6224815

Incest obviously and irrefutably disturbs existing familial relationships. If you don't care for those, that's fine, but your sister/brother certainly might, and you're hypersexuality can quite easily obliterate the sibling relationship.

(The same is true for homosexuality and platonic male friendships)

>> No.6224832
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Go fuck yourself

This is now a DFW/doubles thread

>> No.6224839
File: 342 KB, 1838x1209, DFWshitstorm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6224876

They should get the guy who made that to finish The Pale King.

What OP is saying is that hey have no pre-existing relationship. Considering the presence of genetic attraction and the lack of Westermarck effect, it's most likely that OP and his sister will be very attracted to each other.

>> No.6225036

is she hot

>> No.6225402

bix noods nao

>> No.6226080

tfw Sabine

>> No.6226969


>> No.6227603

Top kek

>> No.6227613
File: 9 KB, 250x244, 1423672179052s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read Sade with her. Reading Sade with your sister is a /lit/ thing to do.

>> No.6227617
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>> No.6227624

I almost had it once.
She was craaaazy, but goddamn, she wanted it so bad.

One of the biggest regrets of my life. Which I guess isn't too bad.

>> No.6227645

She probably still wants it.

>> No.6227666

I don't know, man. This was seven years ago. We were both still in high school, and now it looks like she's dipping into the cholo jar.

And by jar I mean penis.

>> No.6227833

wait for a moment of weakness, a rough breakup, and then go after it. Softly. Hug her. Embrace her. Place your hands on her hips. Let human nature do the rest.

>> No.6228373


>> No.6229474


Me and my sister grew up sharing a bed and have had sex hundreds of times, but it didn't fuck us up at all. In fact, I think it got us closer together.

>> No.6229691

>Me and my sister grew up sharing a bed and have had sex hundreds of times
please elaborate

>> No.6230070


>> No.6230170


>> No.6230187

I don't believe you

Tell me some intricately detailed stories so my penis can tell if you're lying

>> No.6230199
File: 119 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there any literature that portrays incest in a positive light? (Aside from smut, I mean)

>Captcha wants to know

>> No.6230212

Fuck it, alright

If it ever happens, I I'll deliver for you guys

>> No.6230215

I wonder how many crossposters there are on this site from /tv/

>> No.6230221
File: 39 KB, 720x539, 1424833622736.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your double is alright

>> No.6230236

anything by sade

>> No.6230292

The man without qualities, though it's hardly incest and more soul-mateness

>> No.6230296

Thanks mate

>> No.6230388



>> No.6230500

I've never manscaped and I'm 25

but I never get laid so it doesn't really matterI actually do but pretty much exclusively women roughly 33-40 years old and they don't mind

>> No.6231397

I missed the window with my cousin. She is now 30, far from me, and has a child....

>> No.6231402

Cannonball by Joseph McElroy but it's not a central theme and not worth reading just for that.

>> No.6231896

Back when me and my sister were born, my mother did not expect twins. We did not have a lot of money, nor did we have a lot of space. This caused me and my sister to share a room and a bed. At a very young age, (as babies even, perhaps) me and my sister both figured out it felt good to rub our crotches on things. When done properly, it would give us what we later knew was an orgasm. We basically dryhumped our bed for a while (much easier to do for someone with a penis, so she would sometimes used a stuffed animal or something), until we decided that rubbing our crotches together might work too. It did. Later, we discovered it was even more fun if we did it with our pyjama pants off. At that time, neither of us was aware of what sex was.

Around the age of 8 we had real sex for the first time. I had been able to get erections for as long as I could remember and she was already wet too (I think). I didn't produce sperm yet, and this was a few years before her first period, so babies were out of the question. We would have sex every night, but both instinctively knew not to tell anybody about it, ever. We first started frenchkissing around the same time, too. The sex had this odd effect on our relationship as siblings. Sometimes we wouldn't talk at school at all, or have a fight, but at night we always slept together. Our mom often offered us seperate beds, but we always declined, saying that we liked our bed, and liked having whispered conversatios at night. This was true, but the real reason was sex. Our mother never suspected anything, or perhaps she was in denial about the incest.

When we were 11, our nighttime activities had evolved into full blown sex the way an adult couple would have, involving oral and such. However, at a certain point I started to produce cum, and she began to have her period. Luckily, my cum came before her period, and we knew how babies were made, so I never knocked her up. It did put a hold on the sex for a little while, though.

I will post some more later.

>> No.6232160

Muh dick

>> No.6232224

Jesus christ anon

>> No.6232254

How old are you know? Does it still go on? Are you jealous of each other when either one is in a relationship?

>> No.6232262

How much do you look alike? Will you move away from home to pretend to be a normal married couple with the same last names and all?

>> No.6232317

I do not believe you

>> No.6232357

I dont want to beleive this happened but honestly its plausible :-/

>> No.6232483

I do believe you and implore you to post more.

>> No.6232606

I do believe you and am furiously jerking off

>> No.6232703

You forgot to say that infirm and saggy breasts and chubbiness are sexy.

>> No.6232753

This. Why is it lewd stories either written or spoken are vastly hotter than for example any kind of porn?

Same happened to me with Bergman's Persona. The /ss/ story got me harder than ever before.

>> No.6232912

Because porn can't into suspension of disbelieve at all.

>> No.6233008

you realize she is probably your mother right, and the people you think are your parents are your grandparents

>> No.6233077

Why would his mom dump him at 25 and then show up again?

If she was 14 I would understand but 25 is unlikely.

I don't care if this is fake. It makes my dick hard.

>> No.6233087

now that's a plot twist

>> No.6233104


>> No.6233117

Is she hot?

>> No.6233121

Once you leave your parents house and spend sometime in the real world you will understand.

>> No.6233123

I know why, I just hope for OP that it is not true, because it would be pretty sad

>> No.6233246

that makes it even hotter

>> No.6233273
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Oh, sorry for lashing out at you.

>> No.6233617

It's okay brah.

post more anon

>> No.6233931


>> No.6235623

Anon come back

>> No.6235977

If you don't come back I will hunt you down

>> No.6236206

My mom is only 4 years older than my supposed sister. I doubt she really is my grandma.

>> No.6236717

Hey OP, what do you think of >>6231896?

>> No.6236784

>I will post some more later.
You better be typing by now

>> No.6236802
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>> No.6237121
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I demand more

>> No.6237137
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Anon hasn't responded yet

>> No.6237403

This is the best smut ever posted on 4chan

>> No.6237605
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>> No.6237748
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>> No.6237752


>> No.6237865
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>> No.6238282



>> No.6238497

Poster of >>6231896 here.

Woah, I did not expect you guys to like that post so much.

I'll type out the rest. Gimme a moment.

>> No.6238507

>Woah, I did not expect you guys to like that post so much.


>> No.6238694


>a board that praises pedo porn book
>not like This


>> No.6238808

My sister and I dealt with our inability to have sex by manually getting each other off (she jerked me off, I fingered her). Getting it done for you is much nicer than doing it yourself, and doing it to someone else gives a lot of enjoyment too.

My sister stole a box of condoms from the room of a sister of one of her friends {her friend had, like the excited 12 year old girl she was, shown my sister that her older sister kept condoms in her room). We used those for a while, until my sister came up with a better plan.

She went to our mother to complain about menstrual cramps, and suggested the use of the pill to reduce the pain. After some reluctance, our mother agreed, and bought the pill for my sister, which she then began to use regurlarly.

My sister was now growing into a real woman, and I was growing into a man. The sex got better and better. More mature. Sometimes we just used each to "masturbate"; we were two large, warm sex toys lying next to each other, and indulging in bodily pleasures. But sometimes we really made love. Our relationship made me and my sister really close. We always talked while falling asleep. Since we were twins who both considered fucking the shit out of each other our favorite pasttime, keeping secrets from each other was something we didn't even think about. We talked about everything. Like I said before, sometimes we would be a little bit more distant during the day; in the house or at school. But at night we would be the closest two people could ever be. Closer than a couple, even. Sometimes I wonder if a lot of siblings are actually more similar than they think they are, and their differences and conflicts stem more from their inherent competition and ostensible sibling rivalry they project into the world. A barrier me and my sister broke down through incest. We became more open about everything. Me and my sister became more and more aware of our sexuality as our biological development progressed, and we started discussing our kinks and fetishes, something that resulted in a particularly noteable event a few years later when we were both 16, and my sister admitted that she liked the idea of men drinking their own semen, which led us to her jerking me off until I made a little bath of cum in her bellybutton, and me ultimately drinking the semen out of her navel, quickly followed by frenchkissing. Never have I done such a thing == be it on levels of perversion or deep rooted kinks or what else -- with a woman I was in a "real" relationship with. Consciously drinking a glass of milk has a poignant tinge to it for me since then. To be honest, the semen tasted better; I never liked dairy much.

It's already past 2 am here, and I keep dozing off, so I'm going to stop typing now. I will be back later, if you like.

>> No.6238847

Yes, please post more. PLEASE

>> No.6238853


this is very beautiful,
thanks for sharing

>> No.6238877


It's completely bogus, but god be damned, I want more. This guy should write incest lit erotica for a living.

>> No.6238924
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>> No.6238958

That really is beautiful. Share more about your relationship with her, not just the sex.

>> No.6238998

do you think you're 'ruined'/spoiled for other women now?