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/lit/ - Literature

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6223996 No.6223996 [Reply] [Original]

>professor links us an internship opportunity
>It's at a publishing house nearby
>realize I have a shot at it
>uploading my resume
>filling out a form
>have to fill out a mandatory three previous places of employment to submit your signup
>have to have three contacts who can recommend you for the job
WHY? Do I really need to have held three jobs to get something as menial as JOB TRAINING from you fucks?

How do you get into a publishing house, /lit/?

>> No.6224011

Volunteer somewhere for experience, friend.

>> No.6224015

>tfw you manage to fake three previous positions by listing neighbors you moved boxes and did gardening work for
>tfw the references section then asks for three people NOT listed above and who AREN'T family members

How am I supposed to succeed when the job market is run by normies?

>> No.6224287
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>yfw capitalism successfully implemented a system where you can exploit highly qualified workers for literally no pay

>> No.6224306


I don't know why you bitchlords are complaining

unless you're 15 you don't have any excuse for not having that THREE references: internships, extracurriculars, volunteer work

the market's competitive, people don't owe you squat, you gotta eat a bit of shit

inb4 b-b-but my neet life

>> No.6224319

yea . . .

No marxist, but even my two Uni roomates with Bio degrees are working for free to "get experience" ATM.

I know the economy is part of it. But holy fucking shit, its impossible to compete with people who are willing to work for free in the name of "experience".

I'm supporting myself at a shit job out of pride. But its almost likely better that I moved in with my parents again at 25 and worked at a job that would give me experience to get something better later.

How the fuck are you supposed to even do such a thing if you don't have parents who can support you forever?

>> No.6224325

muh 300k starting

>> No.6224338

>volunteer work
>counting towards work experience at any real position.


you have so little idea of how things work.


>> No.6224363

How do I prevent me from going on a boomer homicide rampage?

>> No.6224372


but it's not a real job, op is asking about an internship/job training retard

and yes, internships (and ec) will count towards babby's first post degree job

>> No.6224374

study STEM, preferably something with networking or highly qualified programming.

>> No.6224441

Mate, I see the joblessness rates for STEM graduates and the failure to place in field rates.

You should just kill boomers.

>> No.6224454

Just lie about it man, publishing houses wont check up references for a simpleton intern.

>> No.6224455


computer science: 4.5% unemployment
accounting: 6.8%
biology: 5.7%
chemistry: 4.2%

these rates are alright

>> No.6224461


english: 5.2‰

>> No.6224479

Just fuckin' lie. List real jobs (ie, PetCo) and provide their corporate number, and for references just list family/friends or make the numbers up.

I've had and quit over 20 jobs doing bullshit like this. They don't check.

>> No.6224486

"Unemployment" just means they aren't working. You can be a Chem grad working at McDonalds.

>> No.6224529


>working dead end jobs where they don't check your references

I could be wrong though

>> No.6224574

I've lied on resumes for legit jobs and gotten away with it. They simply dont check the sources on something like PetCo or even your Universities Newspaper. Plus you usually have plausible deniability since management and supervisors tend to turn over quickly at these jobs

>> No.6224606

ChemE here at top 6 college for my degree, it's hell here too. Already have a previous intership and job, still can't even get more three interviews that lead nowhere. It's not even like I'm an aspie, I do good enough interviews, read up on the company, ask relevant questions, etc. apparently because I'm not in a student organization, I don't check all their boxes or something. Oh, and only one coop offer had a decent pay with it. The job market is fucked.

>> No.6224623
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Welcome to 2015, where you have to suck dick for an unpaid job and say thank you after you swallow.

Fuck them, I'll just be NEET instead.

>> No.6226445

I'll be your contact if you're really serious anon. Post the publishing house and their contact info and I will call them on your behalf.

>> No.6226453

See, shit like this is why I'm an unemployed petty vandal.

I'm looking to move up in the world though.

Arson looks more attractive every day.

Just need to find somebody to hate.

>> No.6226456


which school?

inb4 it's terrible

>> No.6226493


We shall soon have a world of the most educated manual and menial laborers of all time. We are the proletariat of hypermodern times

>> No.6226720

>live in australia
>collect welfare
>they make you look for a job, but "free" jobs don't count
>live off the dole until work comes along

>> No.6226853

How to get internship for to get experience to applying for internship?

>> No.6227252

How hard is this shit. Just tell them you worked as an editor for some university lit paper, these magazines cycle staff like people change underwear.

Or you know just steal poetry from 4chan submit it to the worst kind of SJW lit zines. Boom, you have a political cause the forgives any literary short comings. It's really easy to get "experience" that is missing and that is why the literary scene is in such a dreadful state in the first place.