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/lit/ - Literature

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6222037 No.6222037 [Reply] [Original]

You guys need to realise that acquiring knowledge for the sake of knowledge is no different from acquiring wealth for the sake of wealth or acquiring fame for the sake of fame.
What you do with knowledge is what counts, you need to strive for wisdom. Wisdom is what will help you.

>> No.6222046


try again, pleb

>> No.6222051

/lit/ - literature

>> No.6222060

i read for fun.

>> No.6222066

It's not for the sake of knowledge, it's for knowledge itself, which is self rewarding and enriching unlike money and fame

>> No.6222070

Knowledge itself is not enriching at all.

>> No.6222074

>acquire knowledge for wisdom
>acquire wisdom for validation
>acquire validation for the sake of validation

>> No.6222077

You guys are so detached from your own person it is almost pointless to make light of it.

There is no introspection by anyone, you are all just as stupid, backward and close-minded as you were before you took up reading.

>> No.6222079

*tips fedora*

>> No.6222081

>implying we read for self-improvement

>> No.6222083

Keep resorting to memes. You do not think, you cannot even acknowledge your limited capacity for learning.
You are no different from common cattle who absorb reality tv and go travelling around Europe.

>> No.6222085

That's not the point.

>> No.6222116

Wow you sure convinced me with those hot opinions

Say something substantial or say nothing at all

>> No.6222166
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>those lines, that colour


>> No.6222185

You are a fickle person