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/lit/ - Literature

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6220323 No.6220323[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

PIC: Oh probably the fifth poem about rape in 15 minutes.

How do we fix poetry?


Poetry is better than prose because it has beauty because it unlocks the subconscious and plays our feelings in ways we can't completely understand.

Its not a soapbox, a whine fest, a weapon, a liberal wank job against made up threats, not a racist or sexist platform, its supposed to have nuance and shades of color.

THIS made the finals of a major LA poetry competition but it has no actual poetry.

How about Emily Dickinson for an example of some women's poetry?


Do we need a FOX News poetry slam to bring it back?

>> No.6220340

>How do we fix poetry?
Get REAL, homie.

>> No.6220397

Will New Sincerity bring an era of serious poetry or will shit like this just be more obtuse?

>> No.6220498

>How do we fix

Have you never learned that the more you hate something the stronger it becomes?

They can't sell what you aren't buying.

>> No.6220512
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Feminists have ruined everything, you don't need a hairy neck and a fedora to see that.

Once they finally completely ruin the military its curtains for true equality.

>> No.6220515

it will be good anon, I promise. now is only the buffer zone

>> No.6220522

I like that poem.

>> No.6220530

>completely ruin the military

Which one? Uou act like there can only be one.

Sir, are you a highlander?

>> No.6220532

>implying whining about rape isn't an example of new sincerity.

My perspective is the only one that matters! Everyone should have to listen to me talk about rape!

>> No.6220538

>Which one?
Western ones of course.

>> No.6220547

>slam poetry

I have never heard one I enjoyed.

>> No.6220550

Jesus fucking christ that was insufferable

>> No.6220555
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this isnt poetry, this is them just saying things

>> No.6220566


I'm aware, I was baiting you softly. Do you honestly care if western militaries are weakened? Don't tell me your afraid that the towel heads are going to take away muh freedoms.

>> No.6220577

but sometimes they were in synch

>> No.6220587

No, I don't believe in "peace in our time"

If you want peace be ready for war etc.

>> No.6220595

yeah how is this poetry it doesn't even rhyme

>> No.6220622
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*sigh* Histrionic cunts.

Honestly it doesn't bother me as much as it used to because I don't have to give them my attention, or my money, or muh dick.

I'm not procreating.
Humanity was a mistake.

>> No.6220632


stop jerking it to porn and start jerking it to Harry Potter fan fic and you'll treat women with more respect.

>> No.6220636

>not wanting a gf with mental health problems

>> No.6220645

>not wanting a gf with alcohol problems so you can get drunk together all the time
>not wanting a gf with kids so you can finally be the father you never had

>> No.6220677

Great title tbf

>> No.6220691

She has a point, but she also makes the mistake of thinking men care about the womans personality when all he wants to do is fuck (jerk off).

>> No.6220696

It's weird how every single one of these females is a flawless distaff of Sam Hyde.

Btw, Who is the most anti-individualistic(public opinion is straight truth, etc) that you can think of.

>> No.6220698

>How do we fix poetry?

You'll never get anywhere by attacking, mocking, or criticising the sacred, ritualistic catharsis meetings of morally vain hipsters. Doing this will make people defensive. They will bunker down. They will use their ""poetry"" even harder to shadowbox all the bigoted people that are ruining the world, who want to take away their right to express their views.

There are basically two options.

The first is to drown it in a sea of its own deformed siblings and duplications. Make so many things "like it" but "not it" that it is no longer notable, no longer relevant, no longer sacred, no longer new and progressive but instead is old and backward, etc. Every movement has a shelf life.

The second option is to just create or participate in an entirely different movement. Just ignore slam poetry. Grow something else the way you want and bring others with you on the journey. You don't have to care about, acknowledge, or even necessarily react to slam. Just follow your values and interests.

>> No.6220704

Why do nearly all of these 'slam poets' have to have some partner to say the same things? Power in numbers or something?

>> No.6220710
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>The first is to drown it in a sea of its own deformed siblings and duplications. Make so many things "like it" but "not it" that it is no longer notable, no longer relevant, no longer sacred, no longer new and progressive but instead is old and backward, etc. Every movement has a shelf life.


This is more fun.

Go to one of these things as a parody of SJW faggots and watch them scratch their heads as they wonder whether to cheer you or if they're being mocked.

>> No.6220738

that was pretty damn great. thanks, op

>> No.6220751

I've thought about writing a poem about atrocities/genocides throughout history and taking it to one of these places.

They'll all think I'm crying over black people but what I won't reveal is everything I mentioned occurred against European/Near-Eastern people.

I might reveal that at the end or not, haven't decided yet.

>> No.6220769

>I might reveal that at the end

You should. It will put things into perspective for them and in a way that won't make them defensive.

>> No.6220780


>things /lit/ would never dare do.

None of you have the bottle to get up on stage at a poetry slam. Half of you drop your fucking spaghetti when you post your doggerel here.

>> No.6220788

Except if I only reveal it at a later date I can wallow in their stupidity and ignorance for longer.

>> No.6220819

>The second option is to just create or participate in an entirely different movement. Just ignore slam poetry. Grow something else the way you want and bring others with you on the journey. You don't have to care about, acknowledge, or even necessarily react to slam. Just follow your values and interests.
Yes, learn formal poetry and write it, big long poems. I will read them. I love them.
Also not to be a faggot but I do not understand all the misogyny going on, yes slam poetry is cringe-inducing and awful and "the death of art" but I do not understand why it is being associated with the feminine. Men do it, too. It is pretty much just pop music without the dopamine rush/catchiness, which it sacrifices in favor of having a broader range than love/loss. It is not gendered at all.

>> No.6220837

This will only work if you make it strictly about Rhodesia. Thing is, I can 100% guarantee you don't have the balls.

>> No.6220854


Well if that's your intent and not actually helping then go for it. If the reveal is not part of the talk then you'll just be seen as a troll.

>> No.6220855
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Challenge accepted bru

>> No.6221170

Why are women so fucking obsessed with rape?

>> No.6221181

>prose isn't beatiful
Welcome pleb, reddit is that way.

>> No.6221185

Why are American women so fascinated with rape? Going as far as to fantasize, imagine and write about how it must feel for them.

And why do American men rape so much? Your women told me that you are all rapists, and not one of you have proved them wrong yet.

>> No.6221208

that was pretty good honestly. wish there voices wasn't so fucking annoying honestly. makes me wanna smack them

>> No.6221211

Its basic human insecurity. Its the same reason why men go insane over the dimensions of their penises.

>> No.6221227


America is the only country in the world where more men are raped than women because of the massive prison population and the absolutely incomprehensible speed with which american men go jail bent.

So yeah, they're pretty keen on the old in and out in the USA.

>> No.6221245

>implying rap isn't the new poetry


>> No.6221248 [DELETED] 


>women worrying about being physically assaulted is on the level of guys passively worrying about their genital size

This is MRA tier complete delusional disconnect with basic reality.

It's a fucked up world out there, m8. There guys who can and will go after them given the chance.

Slam poetry is still horrible though.

>> No.6221257


>women worrying about being sexually assaulted is on the level of guys passively worrying about their genital size

This is MRA tier complete delusional disconnect with basic reality.

It's a fucked up world out there, m8. There are guys who will rape them given the chance.

Slam poetry is still horrible though.

>> No.6221267


wow fuck sjws goddamn so goddamn obnoxious christ :\

>> No.6221268

Those guys aren't going to be cured by a couple of bull dykes shouting half rhymes or putting on dainty little parades half naked.

>> No.6221281

Bad poetry always existed. It was just filtered away by the magic of time.

While it's true that nobody writes good poetry these days, it doesn't mean you have to pay attention to the bad stuff. Just ignore it. There's more than enough solid poetry written for a lifetime of reading, anyway.

>> No.6221290

>There are guys who will rape them given the chance.

Yeah, and I'm sure shitty slam poetry will stop them!

>> No.6221293

>Bad poetry always existed. It was just filtered away by the magic of time.

The difference is in our times if the bad poetry is about SJW shit it gets called good poetry regardless of it being a pile of poo.

>> No.6221294
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>While it's true that nobody writes good poetry these days

>> No.6221295

He's right though, we just live in a world where men don't have such serious things to worry about.

>> No.6221297

MRAs and SJWs are both examples of new sincerity. They might have been created by postmodernism, but the current generation is always a reaction to the previous one.

>> No.6221301
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>western culture

and people say we don't need a revolution

>> No.6221302
File: 54 KB, 510x546, 1419147360756.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only power women have is over sex, if you take that away from them they lose all their power.

I'm not saying rape isn't horrible, but that is why feminist always go on about it.

call me MRA all you want, it's the truth

>> No.6221303

Me too.

Anything that calls feminists out on their trigger warnings is at least worth listening to.

>> No.6221312


Rather than poetry...


>> No.6221315


Who said anything about slam poetry curing predators? What?

They're just expressing their frustration over it through art. Poor art, but art all the same.

Just let the dykes dyke. It's a big enough world for all. If you hate slam poetry like I do then cool.jpg but don't try to pretend like the fear of sexual assault isn't a very real and constant worry for women, because we both know it is. Comparing it to guys worrying over genital size is some lame as fuck sperg shit, man.

>> No.6221316


>> No.6221336

Do you honestly not worry if some drunk roid-head isn't going to beat the shit out of you if you go for a night on the town?

I mean, I've nearly been glassed for no reason by a drunk woman
who then called her friends to come stab me up

>> No.6221347


>call me MRA all you want

You're almost the poster boy for it.

It isn't just about sex. Rape is a removal of personal sovereignty. That is the entire issue.

I bet you are one of these confused simple simon ass motherfuckers who completely discount personal sovereignty in matters like these then go off and spout libertarian ideology in political threads, aren't you? You have that special brand of idiot stink on you.

>> No.6221352

>no reason
How long did you watch her from the bushes, anon?

>> No.6221353

>It isn't just about sex. Rape is a removal of personal sovereignty. That is the entire issue.

They talk about rape like its an entirely female issue, fuck off.

And that only men can commit rape (if you think that then I want to fucking punch you in the head)

>> No.6221373


Read my post again. Actually read it this time.

I wasn't advocating preference for any specific gender in it. I said very clearly: Rape is a removal of personal sovereignty. That's it. It applies to both genders.

You are the one who is lost to confirmation bias here.

It would do you a world of good if you would take a deep breath and try from this day on to stop being such a sperg, because it's fucking with your head big time.

>> No.6221385

>Rape is a removal of personal sovereignty. That's it. It applies to both genders.

Yes, and I was clarifying why feminists are so obsessed with it, that guy said "women" but I clearly fucking said feminists or can't you read?

>> No.6221407


Some of them will have their agendas and some reactionaries like yourself will form your own agendas in response. In the end both extremes are lost to petty vagaries.

>> No.6221416

>and some reactionaries like yourself

Excuse me if I take offense at their generalizations about men.

Men where I come from get taught from the day they're fucking born to treat women with respect (and they do).

It's the 1% of rapists that you're NEVER going to cure so yes, stop fucking trying.

The only defense a woman has against rape is a .38 snub-nose, not changing fucking society.

>> No.6221446


>Excuse me if I take offense at their generalizations about men.

It's not that you take offense. You're allowing others with agendas on opposing sides to embitter you too much. It's going to poison your character in the end.

People will always have agendas. Many feminists have agendas. It's obvious that they do. It's obvious that people will always try to eke out power where they can on both sides of the gender fence. You need to learn to put that shit behind you because if you try to play polemics too much you're going to genuinely become a MRA tier faglet.

>> No.6221447

>The only defense a woman has against rape is a .38 snub-nose, not changing fucking society.

Why are american nutcases always so specific about the particular gun which will empower their fantasies? It's always muh glock or muh tec-9 or whatever. Rappers and Militia madmen, it's all the same.

Is it just your complete absorption with brand names and the vacuous reification of commodity, or are you just mentally cutpasting from things your retarded family and peers tell you down in the Bayou or whatever quasi-third-world hellhole you're currently waiting for a tornado in?

>> No.6221455

I want to personally thank you for keeping /lit/ rational.

>> No.6221466

1. I'm not American

2. .38 snub-nose is a generic as fuck term for a variety of short .38 pistols you ignorant cunt.

>> No.6221475

But what if a false rape allegation genuinely ruins your life?

>> No.6221480

>2. .38 snub-nose is a generic as fuck term for a variety of short .38 pistols you ignorant cunt.

Look at him now, getting angry over nothing again necause his little attempt at hard-boiled fiction fell flat.

You're a real piece of work, kid. What do you want to fight about next?

>> No.6221487

I normally get angry at people like you but you're so bad at this I feel nothing.

>> No.6221491

Thanking a person for their argument isn't personal, it's patently ideal.

>> No.6221493


Nice try son.

>> No.6221497

Your momma laps up my dick creme erry day

>> No.6221500

>that first link


>> No.6221554

The blond girl should really have considered pursuing another path than performance art with a voice that fucking annoying.

>> No.6221561

>you will never be this autistic

>> No.6221563

I liked it

>> No.6221595

What does Sam Hyde have to do with anything?

>> No.6221614

go away Hoidel we're trying to have a good time

>> No.6221670


>wanting a 3DPD whore

>> No.6221671

more rape
less poetry

>> No.6221696
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>> No.6221710
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Every time I see his name here or on other boards I cringe, he used to be my special snowflake, my niche comedian who I'd show off to my friends and who would think I'm weird for liking, now everyone knows him... Why go on living /lit/?

>> No.6221712

Expect a lot worse until it gets better. We are looking at a solid 20-30 years of utter shit. It needs to get to the point that the only way one can be edgy is by being talented, and then the trend will reverse to pursue this new-found edginess.

>> No.6221721

Only Sam Hyde can save us. We just have to pray his form of comedy becomes popular so we can laugh at liberal stupidity again and not have to be ashamed of it.