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/lit/ - Literature

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6220569 No.6220569 [Reply] [Original]

Who will be the champion of the /lit/ Hunger Games?

Authors, memes, and talentless hacks handpicked from across the eras (however, primarily from the 19th to 20th centuries) will duke it out in a battle for survival invented by a YA science fiction writer.

Will your favorite author win? No

>> No.6220576

>no stirner

>> No.6220582

Betting on an epic final battle between Dante and Burroughs (Hell-walking motherfucker and a guy who did heroin for longer than any of us has been alive, and still lived to old age? They just can't die in the game), with a sad prelude between Dante and a dying Vergil.

>> No.6220590
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>David Foster Wallace

>> No.6220597

>Implying anyone will find Pynchon

>> No.6220603
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And so it begins...

>> No.6220618

My money's on Burroughs; he has killed before accidents totally count.

And in life he was /k/ as fuck.

Except for safety

>> No.6220620


>> No.6220626


Burroughs gonna smoke that rope mang

>> No.6220628

poor dante, imagine being stuck with joyce and proust, they'd be fucking insufferable together. after 5 minutes you wouldnt understand a single word they were saying

>> No.6220630

i'm pulling for proust but
>no cervantes
the man lost a hand in battle and lived years as a slave and then in prison. he was more a survivor than anyone else there.

>> No.6220637

On the plus side, they'd fellate the shit out of him

>> No.6220638

>Kerouac pretends to know shit about zen archery not realizing he a middle class catholic boy
>Ralph Ellison stabs him with the trident
>Camus just sits, looking at nothing and pondering suicide

>> No.6220639

Nah, he's gonna use it to recreate the erotic hanging from Naked Lunch.

Then score some junk, somehow.

>> No.6220640
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The First Day

>> No.6220650

Holy omnicide Batman

>> No.6220652

>William Burroughs collects fruit from a tree
>from a tree
you aint following no one will

>> No.6220656


He'll probably just cut it up.

>> No.6220661

>Mary Shelley attempts to clim a tree, but falls to her death

what expect from a woman?

>> No.6220662

Dostoevski's got this. Channelling his inner raskolnikov

>> No.6220664

*wheeze of amusement"

>> No.6220668

>>William Burroughs collects fruit from a tree

And then Mary Shelley mysteriously dies in a "tree-related incident"?

Old Bill Lee was picking him some apples, I reckon, and Mary was up for the famous William Tell Routine.

>> No.6220669

Two Shelleys down?


>> No.6220670
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Pour one out for your fallen niggas

>> No.6220675

I choose to support this narrative, as it amuses me.

>> No.6220678
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>Pynchon dead
We'll never forget you Tommy
>a kazoo player starts playing the Last Post

>> No.6220679

>orwell gathers food
>orwell constructs a shack
[Happening intensifies]

>> No.6220694

Stop him!

He's trying to create a dystopia in this dystopia!

>> No.6220695
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Night of the First Day

>> No.6220701


>Milton injures himself.

Maybe this is how he goes blind?

>> No.6220702

>Hughes refuses to kill Virgil
>now they're working together
>you will never be this close with anyone who has good taste in /lit/-related content

>> No.6220705


>burroughs is shacked up with DFW

I hope he eats him

I don't know anything at all about the Hunger Games.

>> No.6220712
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>Aldous Huxley and William Faulkner huddle for warmth.
i never knew i wanted this

>> No.6220715


Neither do we.

>> No.6220716

It's the western equivalent of Battle Royal, if you're more familiar than that.
Basically, an oppressive central government keeps it's territories the districts in line by forcing them to send two children - randomly selected - to die in gladiatorial games that air on national television. Only one survivor is allowed.

There's some stuff about how it became more of a sporting event, where the children could get sponsors who would give them things like medicine or armor during the game.

It's not a very good book, but it hit the right points for a successful YA publication.

>> No.6220718

Me neither buddy, me neither.

>> No.6220719
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The Second Day

>Homer discovers a cave
>Mfw I almost gave Homer's spot to Plato

>> No.6220726

>not withdrawl

>> No.6220729

>projecting your own intellectual shortcomings onto dante

>> No.6220730
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What kind of arbitrary bullshit is "dies of thirst"?

This is a fucking gyp m8. It's the hunger games, not the fucking thirsty games.

I demand to speak to your supervisor, this is an outrage.

>> No.6220732

>Burroughs dies of thirst
kek, thirst of what? :^)

>> No.6220734

>William "The Sound and The Fury" Faulkner scares away Orwell

>> No.6220735

>Russian strong
>black on black crime that must have been an interesting conversation
>DFW dies

All the world is in order.

>> No.6220740
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>> No.6220747
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>Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky working together

>> No.6220750


>> No.6220752


I smell an odd couple esque sitcom.

>Tolstoy spends all day talking about why farming and Christianity is great, Dosto just shoots down all of his opinions and expresses his existentialist views on religion.

>> No.6220753
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Night of the Second Day

>> No.6220755

dear god please let melville live

mfw put a lot of stock into this

>> No.6220776
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The Third Day

Your prayers are answered

>> No.6220782


Would be kind of ironic if Joyce spears Melville to death.

>> No.6220785

Dante's gonna explore himself right into hell again

>> No.6220787
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Mourn the fallen

>> No.6220790


>Milton and Tosltoy try to commit suicide
>This means they die

what the fuck is going on lads?

>> No.6220796

Calling it now, Kerouac and Camus are gonna bite it next.

>> No.6220797

Perhaps they were holding themselves hostage to try and disrupt the game.

. . . . or something.

>> No.6220800
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Night of the Third Day

>Aldous "Big Dick Butcher from The Brave New World" Huxley

>> No.6220804

Proust AND Camus!?

Bonne nuit, mon princes douces :(

>> No.6220805
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>you will never tell ghost stores in iambic pentameter at a campfire with patricians
All is pain.

>> No.6220813


>aiming a land mine
>black people.

>> No.6220820

Huxley alpha confirmed

>> No.6220823
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The Fourth Day

>> No.6220827

you mean to tell me that huxley outlived both joyce and melville

i'm disappointed in my real life body

>> No.6220835
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>Huxley responsible for fucking half of these deaths

>> No.6220847
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Night of the Fourth Day

>> No.6220851

>Huxley kills everyone I had a stake in
>Orwell cries himself to sleep

>> No.6220856

I'm rooting for Huxley now
>Huxley exploding everyone
>Orwell just crying himself to sleep
get rekt, Orwell cunt. Huxley is going to btfo you as hard as his novel did to your shitty distopia

>> No.6220860


I've got my money on Homer using his sweet archery skills on everyone.

>> No.6220867
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The Fifth Day

>Huxley seeks more blood

>> No.6220869

Just as well he's not Zeno, or his arrows would never reach anybody.

>> No.6220870

slightly troubled by how emotionally invested I am in Orwell's survival

>> No.6220881



>> No.6220883

Homer does an awful lot of "setting up camp for the night" -- my money's on Homer

>> No.6220888


>Orwell gathers as much food as he can

top kek

>> No.6220893
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Night of the Fifth Day

>Huxley's reign of terror comes to an end
An act of true heroism in these troubled times

>> No.6220897


>> No.6220900

If Kerouac wins everyone ITT has to read On the Road

>> No.6220901


Huxley got cocky after blowing everyone up, thought he was a big tough guy

>> No.6220902

About time that hack died

>> No.6220903


>> No.6220905

Langston "the lifesaver" Hughes does it again.

>> No.6220907


It's kind of fitting how psychopathic Huxley looks in his photograph and in this game he's an ax-wielding murderer, though it would be hilarious and ironic had Dostoyevsky been the one with the ax.

>> No.6220908
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The Sixth Day

Homer's betrayal cometh...

>> No.6220909

Betting on Homer, I raise you an Odissey

>> No.6220911


Tfw you're rooting for this whole thing to be a ruse and for Orwell to use dem mad skillz he got in the spanish civil war to btfo Huxley while he's off his head on mescalin.

>> No.6220914

fuck, dubs confirms

>> No.6220915


>> No.6220917


I've never heard of Hughes but I shall begin reading him for this very reason.

>> No.6220918

the Kerouac Shack now open for business

>> No.6220920

The man who wrote a utopian book is going on a fucking rampage when a war veteran who wrote a seminal dystopian book is running around like scared child.

Remind me why do we hate The Hunger Games again?

>> No.6220922

The First Book of the Negros if Hughes carries through.

>> No.6220924

The book is far less entertaining than the game.

>> No.6220925

>/lit/ is one person

>> No.6220926
File: 69 KB, 522x584, the lit games 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An arena event!

Orwell, after days of crying like a fucking bitch, finally makes his move

>> No.6220934

What do we read when Orwell wins?
Please not something well-known.

>> No.6220938

It's 1v1 now

>> No.6220939

Can I just hear the King Crimson song?

>> No.6220940

Proust would never be considered he was an invalid with asthma

>> No.6220941
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And then there were two...

Place your bets:

Orwell or Kerouac?

>> No.6220943

Orwell has this.

>> No.6220944


>> No.6220945

His collection of essays.

>> No.6220948

Orwell was just playing dumb, this is just the beginning of his rampage. They dont call him Eric Blair (Witch Project) for nothing

>> No.6220951


>> No.6220952

>only districts 9 and 11 left
In line with '/pol/ is always right', Orwell has this.

>> No.6220953

Orwell already fucked up based Homer and survived an attack by Huxley. He's obviously the strongest.

>> No.6220954


Orwell's got Onii-chan on his side.

>> No.6220959

Im praying for Orwell to survive. If he made it through the Spanish Civil War he can do the Hunger Games.

>> No.6220962

Orwell all day erry day

>> No.6220967

Kreouac because orwell is such a pussy

>> No.6220968

Let's go George, don't let the Catholic boy live.

>> No.6220973

Post faster OP

>> No.6220974

Here's hoping for another double suicide that fails.
Reading is for fags.

>> No.6220985

>Dante looks at the night sky

That one is very nice and true.

>fucking apocalypse raging on
>Homer calmly just prepares for bed

nigga is just so chill

>> No.6220988

Did OP lose the hunger games?
Will dead authors post the results now?

>> No.6220994
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>> No.6220998


holy shit, huxley ;-;

>> No.6221000

Get on with those essays fags.

>> No.6221004


>> No.6221005

TYB George

>> No.6221010


>> No.6221013

Well that was anticlimactic

>> No.6221015

someone should crop this for a reaction image of George Orwell crying.

>> No.6221022
File: 31 KB, 510x385, george orwell cries himself to sleep.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Way ahead of you, friend

>> No.6221029

What's the source for this game OP?

>> No.6221031

what site did you use for this?

>> No.6221033


>> No.6221044

Probably going to come down to Orwell and Kerouac

what a shame

>> No.6221048
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>> No.6221123

>website goes down

>> No.6221143


>> No.6221144

>Fyodor Dostoevsky bashes Vladimir Nabokov's head in with a mace

This is just perfect.

>> No.6221221

uploaded to imgur for the enjoyment of our descendants

>> No.6221579

To get everyone started, here's Politics and the English Language and Shooting an Elephant, but I would recommend Homage to Catalonia for any Stalinists out there



>> No.6221602

What site did you use for this?

>> No.6221675

I just did a google search to find pdfs. These were the first legitimate archives I could find. For short works it's not hard if you have one in mind

>> No.6221887

Burroughs, Blair and Eazy-E know how to shoot. Burroughs knows how to shoot well.

>> No.6221912
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>> No.6221924

>Jack Kerouac recieves medical supplies
>medical supplies

>> No.6221930


>Plato and Aristotle
>Witty and Russell
>Hume and Berkeley
>Kirkegaard and Nietzsche

>> No.6223034


>> No.6223040


You do it you lazy cunt.

>> No.6223043

give me the link and I'll get to it

>> No.6223048


It's in the thread you lazy cunt.

>> No.6223050

My bad
Alright I'll make a thread after I set everything up

>> No.6223124


>> No.6223134

>Marcel Proust, Eazy-E, George Orwell and John Milton tell each other ghost stories to lighten the mood.
That is the sickest thing I have ever heard.

>> No.6223156

>Huxley seeks more blood
Just lost it in the middle of class. Fuck.

>> No.6223161

This has been my favorite thread. I love you /lit/

>> No.6223168
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>Fyodor Dostoevsky bashes Vladimir Nabokov's head in with a mace

>> No.6223448
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this is legendary.

>> No.6223461


I can't be arsed to click that, I'm a right lazy cunt.