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6217778 No.6217778 [Reply] [Original]

>title doesn't make sense 'til you've finished the book

>> No.6217785
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>title only makes sense once you've finished the book

>> No.6217786

>book includes the title somewhere in the text

>> No.6217799

>title is never explained

>> No.6217810

>title from bible
>title from shakespeare

>> No.6217812

>title is the name of something important in the book
>the name doesn't make any sense for what it is
>the author's afterword is nothing but dick puns

>> No.6217820

>>the author's afterword is nothing but dick puns
Time to re-write my afterword.

>> No.6217823

>the author's afterword is nothing but dick puns
Moravagine is literally this

>> No.6218174
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>title is explained, but it still doesn't fit

>> No.6218211

>The Secret Sharer

>Oh, shit, I get it!

It's a matter of emphasis.

>> No.6218417

The Turner Diaries

>> No.6219702
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>title of the book is the title of the book in the book

>> No.6219712
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>title of book is repeated a million times in the book

>> No.6219729

>"Finally... After all these years, Atlas shrugged."

Seriously, Rand?

>> No.6219732
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>title of the book are the last words of the protagonist

>> No.6219738


>> No.6219744

>final chapter is the title

>> No.6219751

>Book has a title
Fucking pleb, enjoy your shitty lit

>> No.6219775

"Those were some of the best years of my life. I guess it's true what they say: time flies when you're having fun. Where has the time gone? It flew by so fast I've lost it. Ever since those years of youthful wonder I have looked backwards... in search of something... in search of those lost years... In Search of Lost Time."

Are you fucking kidding me, Proust?

>> No.6219779

There's a problem with your post: you imply you read books, or at least, don't find the concept worth criticizing, and yet you fail to acknowledge the value of immaterial literature.
Truly, you are the pleb, for you do not think through your convictions.

>> No.6219783

But lad, how do you know what you're reading?

>> No.6219785

>having convictions that require thought to believe in

>> No.6219788
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> title from Hamlet

>> No.6219789

It's funny that you argue for the value of animalistic instincts while you fall back to greentexting.

>> No.6219792
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>title is named after a fictional film in the novel which is named after Hamlet

>> No.6219796

>not being born greentexting
>not shitposting from the moment you exited your mother's womb

>> No.6219798

>She took her seat and waited for The Crying of Lot 49.

Seriously, Tom?

>> No.6219811

>the title is a very literal description of what the book is about

I'm looking at you, Confessions of An English Opium Eater

>> No.6219821

Wtf did you expect from a journalist?

>> No.6219830

uhhh maybe a little creativity?

>> No.6219833

The last time that happened the guy lost his job.

>> No.6219842
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my bad, myself.

>> No.6219853
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>only greentexting post-birth
>not shitposting from conception
I bet you didn't even costanza.jpg for the ultrasound kek

>> No.6219861

Yeah but even just a teansie bit is nice. I mean, Hunter S. Thompson at least titled his work Fear and Loathing in Lost Vegas instead of Excessive Drug Consumotion in a Desert Shithole

>> No.6219898

Curious George

>> No.6219914

Not in proper journalism.
You can't shatter the glass and not expect trouble.

>> No.6219934
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>title of the book is dangerous liaisons

can't stand that shit

>> No.6220164
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>title of the book misleadingly suggests it's about an Irish soul group and you don't realise it's not till the very end.

>> No.6220247

>it's a modern until the end where it attempts to become post-modern

>> No.6220267
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>> No.6220410


>> No.6221592
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>The title makes sense

>> No.6221596
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>tfw you're the only person beside the author who understands the book

>> No.6221619

>Still don't know what the word 'Iliad' means

>> No.6221631


It derives from Ilium, another name for Troy.

>> No.6221632
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>'i guess they truly were the notes from underground'

fucking seriously?

>> No.6221641

>tfw that's my name

>> No.6221683
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>title begins with a preposition

>> No.6221961

>titles without colons : minimising either or both panache and ease of use

>I have written two books. One with a twelve word title and one with a fourteen word title .

>> No.6222217

More like Ileum, eh?

>> No.6222243

>the title is also the last line of the book

>> No.6222253

This makes me so sad

>> No.6222308


>> No.6222329

"The tale of Illium"

>> No.6222380
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>"Finally, after all these years, I have completed my Odyssey"

Seriously, Homer?

>> No.6222530

it comes from greek world "γέλιο kώλο μου" later it was translated into proto latin in which it sounded "ayyy lemaoes". It means to make contact with beings not from earth.

>> No.6222537
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>The Title; or, Another Much Longer Title That No-One Uses

>> No.6222542


Ilium? Your parents must hate you.

>> No.6222560

>Importance of Being Earnest

>> No.6222582

>Though his father had told him that in the future he would look back on this hunting trip and recognise its importance in turning him into a man, he knew that right now he hated it. Taking an animal's life was not something he wanted to be proud of or remember, and he swore that never again would he set out To Kill A Mockingbird.

Seriously, Harper Lee?

>> No.6222684

gosh damn it