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/lit/ - Literature

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6215145 No.6215145[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

ITT: your university, your major, what you're currently reading

>The Sound and the Fury - William Faulkner

>> No.6215152

>stony brook university
>the birth of tragedy

>> No.6215157

school of hard knocks, major in wage slavery, minor in smoking weed

The Confidence Man

>> No.6215180

Strathclyde University

The Mayor of Casterbridge by Bigguy Foryou

>> No.6215189

aegean university
statistics and financial-actuarial maths
world health statistics 2014

>> No.6215204

Queen Mary UOL,
English Lit,
Dharma Bums - Kerouac, Saturday - Ian McEwan

>mfw when reading 1 book at uni at once

>> No.6215208

stop these threads man come on
nothing comes of them, i've seen fucking hundreds of them
who gets the idea to start these things how fucking bored you must be

>> No.6215209

>all these schools I've never heard of
>all these schools that aren't top one hunnerd in the world

>> No.6215220


>> No.6215229

>University of Amsterdam
>Comparative lit
>Sublime Object of Ideology - Žižek, Invisible Cities - Calvino
And some other books.

>> No.6215234

Op's school, UCL, is often ranked higher than Oxford and Cambridge in the UK
>not heard of it, must be shit
>definitely in the top 100

>> No.6215247

University of Manitoba
Ernst Jünger's "Storm of Steel"

>> No.6215258

>Some unheard of, not-even-top-10-in-Canada university.
>Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
>We - Yevengy Zamyatin

I'm a pleb when it comes to literature. I'm not very well read at all and I'm a slow reader. Here to hopefully change that. Embracing the NEET life.

>> No.6215259


no, I've heard of ucl (I have friends who go there), I just haven't heard of any of the other schools. e(xcept stony Brook, but I don't know shit about it)

>> No.6215271

Thomas Hobbes' "Leviathan"

>> No.6215277

>Growth of the Soil, Knut Hamsum

>> No.6215279

I could swear that's a sample from a song, but which one?

>> No.6215307

that book has really made me think, melville is good

>> No.6215326

>implying you even know the top hunnerd

>> No.6215332

UMD College Park

Comp Sci / Literature

V, Collected Poetic Works of WB Yeats, Swann's Way

>> No.6215466

I'm currently seeing a girl who went there. Gonna pork her with my masterrace UCL schlong, you'll see

>> No.6215468

>doesn't post college

yeah, nah, nice try

>> No.6215469


Lol another kid at University of Jews College Park

God you people make me sick

>> No.6215475

>Robinson College, Cambridge
>BEE - Less Than Zero

It's exactly the same as everything else he's ever done. Are all his books just some bored-sounding narrator witnessing edgy things and then going off and being edgy somewhere?

>> No.6215479

>brown university
>the secret history - donna tartt

kind of wishing I had gone to williams instead while reading this

>> No.6215482
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UCL tew

Chemical Engineering

Night Film by Marrisa Pessl (sp?)

It's dog shit either way. Entertaining but mind bendingly poorly written

>> No.6215497


>> No.6215518

Umm you could narrow me down easily if I gave you my university so I'll skip that, but majoring in law and reading Steppenwold

>> No.6215589

OP here, give me the university bitch. It better not be KCL or LSE or I will shit in my hand and then eat it and then eat the eat

>> No.6215595 [DELETED] 

Lyon 2
Michel Leiris - L'Afrique-fantôme
Emil Cioran - Précis de décomposition

>> No.6215603

Guess major.
Reading brothers kara.

>> No.6215605

Middlesex University
Advertising and PR

butterfly in a typewriter

>> No.6215609


University of Maryland
History PhD student
Philosophy in Russa

>> No.6215612

>>Saturday - McEwan

>> No.6215616

Hey we're reading the same thing.
What are the odds.
Maybe you also started by calculating the proper Saturday on which the book actually takes place

>> No.6215620


What period?

>> No.6215621

california state university, northridge
knut hamsun - growth of the soil

>> No.6215623

Don't sweat it bro
In Canada we're all equally irrelevant
Important thing is hovering dat lit

>> No.6215626


Modern US labor, capitalism, and intellectual

>> No.6215629

how is calif state? I didn't apply on time, so I'm at Whittier

>> No.6215630

University of Copenhagen
Comparative Literature

>> No.6215638

it's like community college but more expensive

>> No.6215640

Tufts University
Philosophy and Econ or English and Econ
The Day of the Locust

>> No.6215643

nice. sounds like you're fond of it (:
sucks being poor

>> No.6215644

University of Pittsburgh
English Writing (kill me and my future)
Suttree- Cormac McCarthy

>> No.6215649


Favorite literary theoretician/school of theory?

>> No.6215650

there's a Danish girl on my masters and I have never wanted to put my peen inside someone this badly in my life

What gives, Denmark? I got otiose boners over here

>> No.6215652

University of Oxford
Modern History
The War Against Cliche, Martin Amis

>> No.6215654

Britbong here, what is community college exactly? Just like second rate universities or something?

>> No.6215655

Had to look that one up.

I don't know, why otiose? Out of your league?

In general, you need to talk a bit to danish girls to gain their interest.

>> No.6215657

college, fag?

>> No.6215659

>Danish dubs for Danish trubs

Nah, I was just fucking about. She has a boyfriend and we do totally different classes anyway. But a man can dream. My cousin's wife's Danish. Life in Denmark must be pretty sexy.

>> No.6215676

>She has a boyfriend
Soccer has goalies, right?

I guess it is. People from my faculty are very attractive, mostly women and constantly whoring around with each other. I have never been a part of all that, though, relationship security junky that I am.

>> No.6215700

basically, yeah. people tend to go there to complete the general education requirements before transferring to a better, more expensive school.

>> No.6215713

>The Power Broker (Robert Caro)

>> No.6215715

>Eastern Illinois University
>The Brothers Zaramazov

>> No.6215797

I'm from Europe anyway dude.

>> No.6215804

how is the school over there?
I've been thinking about going there for some time.

>> No.6215806

thm business school
ba - business law and business informatics
Beyond the Power of Your Subconscious Mind by James Jensen

>> No.6215808

>Crime and Punishment

>> No.6215950

You can't graduate from them either. It's basically to complete your 4 years for cheaper by going to a cheap 2 year college, or improving your record to get into a better uni.

>> No.6215959

>Wake Forest
>Stoner - John Williams

>> No.6215972

Purdue University
Nuclear engineering
all i'm reading right now is a bunch of papers for this project i'm working on

>> No.6216021

>University of Victoria (Canada, not Australia)
>Confessions of a Mask

>> No.6216038

>You can't graduate from them either
Yes you can. You get a two year degree called an associates degree.

>> No.6216052

>London School of Economics
>Lord of the Flies

It's shit

>> No.6216109

>stony brook here

>> No.6216186

> Edinburgh
> Linguistics
> A collection of plays by Euripides

>> No.6216512

>university of windsor
> a bunch of poems by David Jones and Four Quartets by T. S. Eliot

>> No.6216543

Uni of Wisconsin Madison
Comp Sci/Lit
Rereading Dune

>> No.6216552

Venice Cà Foscari University
Lyotard - The Postmodern Condition/Borges - The Aleph

>> No.6216555

At least you're reading the good maestros. How are you liking the book?

>> No.6216562

Notre Dame (graduated a few years ago)
East of Eden

>> No.6216566
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Oregon State University
The Blind Owl

Also, can somebody tell me whether or not I should kill myself for entering an English program at a state university known for it's STEM appeal? I'd rather not make the decision myself. Alternatively, somebody tell me to finish The Novel.

>> No.6216585

Haha what?

UMD here


The Conservative intellectual movement in America since 1945

>> No.6216659

It's good, took me about 180 pages to understand who most of the characters were and the plot starts so late in the book it was a tough first hundred pages. Great prose though

>> No.6216724

> Ball State University
> Journalism
> Cicero: Murder Trials

>> No.6216742

Arizona State
Business (Law)
A Peace to End all Peace - David Fromkin

>> No.6216759

Uni: WSU Fall
Degree: Physics PhD
Currently Reading: The Three Musketeers

>> No.6216773

UT Austin

Rhetoric and Writing (pre-law)

Bleeding Edge

>> No.6216888 [DELETED] 

Trinity College Dublin
The Old Man and the Sea, by Hemingway

I should be happier than I am

>> No.6216896

Abilene Christian University
Theology with Philosophy minor
What is Propery?-Pierre Joeseph Proudhon

>> No.6216918

>Not Catholic

SMH. Bethesda is pretty kikey .

>> No.6216928

Broward Fire Academy

The Divine Comedy

>> No.6216935

UNL, architecture, Ulysses

>> No.6217009

Philosophy and Lit

>> No.6217040

Some garbage noname Canadian university
Cladius the God

>> No.6217065

>Wesleyan University
>Genderqueer Studies and Oppressed Peoples Lit
>Guns, Germs, and Steel

>> No.6217079

>Emory University
>Double Major in International Relations and Spanish
>Currently Reading Mao: A Life, and Absalom, Absalom!

>> No.6217080

>Arizona State
>Computer Science
>Beyond Freedom and Dignity

>> No.6217098

>University of Ottawa
>English Literature
>Eugene Onegin for myself. Byron's Don Juan for class.

>> No.6217104


>being and Obama-obsessed sycophant

>> No.6217135

LaGuardia community college
Electrical engineering
The best american short stories 2014

>> No.6217180

>Bard College
>Love of Worker Bees

>> No.6217187

university of pennsylvania

english and computer science

pale fire

>> No.6217231

>City College of New York
>English - Literature
>Richard III

>> No.6217283

>University of Pittsburgh
>History and Philosophy
>The Crossing, McCarthy

>> No.6217286

UC Davis
The Unbearable Lightness of Being

Ayyy, what's up?

>> No.6217289

aye another pittbro. >>6217283 is me

>> No.6217296
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>all these people majoring in shit that won't get them employed

>> No.6217302

>42nd Parallel-Jon Dos Passos

>> No.6217319

Penn State University

>> No.6217327

It makes me uncomfortable to know I might be in classes with the same people I browse /lit/ with. A strange, incestuous, merging of worlds.

>> No.6217334

>not wanting to become NEET master race

>> No.6217345

I actually met someone from 4chan, he's pretty cool.

>> No.6217351

I met someone from reddit once. Back in college, we would just chill, smoke, and watch shitloads of movies.

Akira, Dazed and Confused, Waking Life...

>> No.6217358

Is this post a joke? Something is off about it.

>> No.6217369

i can't speak for the entire school but my experience in the humanities dept. has been fantastic. all the professors are very supportive and react well (as in, recommendation letter and research position well) to even glancing interest expressed at office hours in their research. socially, though, it's been a nightmare; im finding it really difficult to make friends with people i like here. i had lots of friends at my old school, and im social with my coworkers, so i don't think it's me necessarily. basically if you transfer in and commute, you're gonna have a rough time. all told though the academics, research, and publishing opportunities make up for it.


hello, stony bro. meet up when?

this probably makes me seem desperate

>> No.6217373

No, I'm being completely serious...

>> No.6217381

wait, the stony brook on long island? hey!

>> No.6217384
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lots of UMD here

I'd say we should meet up but I hate you guys

>> No.6217391


that's the one. who knew at least 3 /lit/izens go to sbu? let's start an avant-garde philoso-historic writing circle like Germania and take the east coast by storm

>> No.6217395

UVIC Professor here, any male UVIC students, meet me in the top floor men's washroom of the library NOW.

>> No.6217398

i don't actually go to sbu, i'm in high school. i used to take math and physics classes there on weekends as part of a russian-diaspora learning center, but i still live pretty close.

>> No.6217406

... the avant-garde philoso-historianism sounds pretty sweet, though.

>> No.6217452



What up? How is it going over there for you? I graduated not too long ago.

>> No.6217534

Dank Memes

>> No.6217543

>Pima Community College
>Computer Science (for transfer)
>The Question Concerning Technology and other Essays by Heidegger (except I'm really reading the essay The Age of the World Picture)

>> No.6217560

school of hard knocks, major in wage slavery, minor in smoking weed

infinite jest

>> No.6217587


yeah but the kikes bless us with Bethesda bagels

>> No.6217591
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Fellow Jumbo checking in.
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas and White Noise

>> No.6217594


yeah fuck you too

... I'm usually on the 7th floor of the library in one of those wooden booths, by the way. You'll know me when you see me because I'll be the only one there actually reading a fucking book.

>> No.6217607
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Oxford (Corpus Christi)
English language and literature
Salo: 120 days of sodom

>tfw bullshitting on /lit/ is the closest you'll ever get to pic related.

>> No.6217616

Anybody @uchicago? I have no literary friends here so I'm stuck arguing with strangers on the internet.

>> No.6217626

University of Alberta
Civil Engineering
Pumping Station Design: Revised 3rd Edition

>> No.6217627

Also, English major, creative writing minor, currently reading The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle

>dem horrible sex scenes

>> No.6217637
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Usually just a lurker, but I'm surprised by the number of good colleges on this list. Probably headed to Yale undergrad next year, unless I get a better offer in reg decision...should I have applied to oxbridge?

>> No.6217641

Was in the same spot as you a couple years ago, killed myself, now here I am. Back in black and better than ever.

>> No.6217649


Yeah, you fucked up.

>> No.6217654

>tumblr gif

you're better off somewhere else

>> No.6217658

>University of the State of Amazonas, in Brazil
>Monkey Law
>Orlando, by Virginia Woolf, translated into monkey language by Donkey Kong

>> No.6217661

Anyone here post on AutoAdmit?

That's the only other forum I can think of that has so many people from good schools.

>> No.6217662
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>> No.6217664

University of Saskatchewan
Almost done psychology, working through Kinesiology

>> No.6217699

Ever met Dan Dennett?

>> No.6217701

>Portland State University

/g/fag and new /lit/fag. Reading is a good break from staring at code and math all day.

>> No.6217709

shit man i did an interview there and it looked like an sjw haven; the girl even said at one point 'i'm glad you checked your privilege' unironically

>> No.6217716

>Fordham U
>Politics and Vision - Sheldon Wolin

>> No.6217752

How did you guys go around trying to pick a roommate? I'm going to uni out of state and have to use this shitty questionnaire and social media app to try to pick a person :(

>> No.6217763

Enjoy living in the ghetto.

>> No.6217767

Go back to /g/ you festering mound of expired faggot.
This is a literature board.

>> No.6217769

Got mine randomly assigned and think it was the best way to go. There are so many unknowns when it comes to what your lifestyle and friend groups will actually look like freshman year that it's best to just go with the flow.

>> No.6217773

go to bed jacob

>> No.6217798

UCL (currently doing third year (of four) abroad at NUS)


Infinite Jest (finally getting around to it and the ebonics parts are making me want to kill myself, I trust DFW to come through though).

>> No.6217847

It's never ranked higher than Cambridge.

>> No.6217852

>not in america
>the dice man

>> No.6217898

If you meet the big Danny D tell him behaviorism belongs in 60s psych departments

>> No.6218040
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>tfw you'll have to go to community college because you are poor as fuck and were depressed for the last two years of high school

>tfw finding intelligent friends will be rough

>> No.6218061

UBC (Vancouver)
>Richard the 2nd

>> No.6218072

If you're poor as fuck colleges are more likely to give you dat scholarship $$$

>> No.6218083

University of Florida
Don Quixote

>> No.6218170

i know those feels anon - 19 going on 20 about to start community college...tfw i will be the only one reading above a 2nd grade level

>> No.6218241

It's aight. I'm actually a Sophomore at Oxford right now but next semester I'm going to the actual campus and I'm pretty hype.

>> No.6218256

hello colleague

>> No.6218261
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>dropped out
>sorting my shit out
>Meditations of Marcus Aurelius

>> No.6218263

state university of rio de janeiro
1968 in europe

>> No.6218360

UC Merced
Jazz - Toni Morrison

>> No.6218376

university of chicago
bowie - aesthetics and subjectivity

god our philosophy department is so shit for everything i'm interested in, there's only been one good course offered all fucking year

>> No.6218437

Monash University
Stoner by John Williams

>> No.6218452
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>local community college
>no fucking clue
>The Sirens of Titan

>tfw 21, 18 hours of credit, and living at home

>> No.6218479

>College of the Canyons
>The Republic, Collection of TS Eliot, Confessions of a Mask

>mfw over 100 credits, colleges only will accept 60

>> No.6218500


> Nothing big name, it's in Canada eh.
> Philosophy
> Aristotle On Method and Metaphysics, a new Philosophy paper that my Prof wrote on the passage of time ( going through 1/2 a week for this class), Selections from Boethius, St.Anselm and Thomas Aquinas on Future Contingents and Free Will. I just finished up Liberty Or Equality by Kuehnelt-Leddihn and am starting on Aristotle's De Anima. I also have a pile of books on John Duns Scotus to go through since I'm going to attempt to submit a paper into some contest in May to try to make my CV look good. I'm going to mediate two points of view on Divine Simplicity, between Scotus who is for it, and Plantinga who is critical of it. I'll probably end up on Scotus' side because the guy was just too much of a genius for me not to agree with 90% of what he says. I also write right-wing reactionary political philosophy under a pseudonym and need to re read through some of my De Maistre and Carl Schmitt to write a short bit on sovereignty and legitimacy soon.

>> No.6218504

what do you want to study?

I had a similar predicament at my school