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6216681 No.6216681[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is this accurate, /lit/.

Are you Switzerland?

>> No.6216685

When moot abandoned ship the whole site was lost to the SJW plague.

>> No.6216689

...why is /n/ in the axis

>> No.6216695

They were invaded, just like everything in a shade of red.

>> No.6216698

how is /lit/ sjw. i thought you guys talk about real ethics and morals instead of playing that bizarre game of gaining social standing by shooting down anyone who doesn't follow the ever-shifting rules of inoffensiveness.

glad 2 see that /fa/ has no stake in this silliness, at least

>> No.6216705
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>i thought you guys talk about real ethics and morals

>> No.6216708

But they aren't shaded, they're full on red. I'm nitpicking, I know, but it kinda bugs me.

Also, as an Italian /lit/izen seeing my country marked as /v/ makes me kinda mad. Fucking ratfucks.

>> No.6216709

This was posted on /pol/. It's from their perspective.

>> No.6216710

/lit/ is home to quite a few homosexuals and atheists who can't stomach the idea of morality. Every Nietzsche thread was started by an SJW.

>> No.6216711

this is cancer

>> No.6216717

Well, they were integrated because of leibenstraum.

>> No.6216733

>/x/ and /sci/ in the pol axis
kek show sci this is autistic af. why is /k/ denmark?

>> No.6216737

I don't know, ask /pol/

>> No.6216750
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>implying /x/ isn't aware of the reptilian menace

>> No.6216755

even the most sensitive of god-hating homosexuals isn't parroting pomo gender theory and insisting that everything a person of color/woman/transsexual does deserves merit based on their status. nor have i seen anyone trying to shut down debate because it hurt their feelings.

>> No.6216772

It's happened before. If it isn't a homosexual atheist doing it, it's a female who's swallowed critical/gender theory whole and saw someone imply that men are on average physically stronger than women.
Transexuality is a mental illness.
someone's going to disagree

>> No.6216797

i fail to see how anyone could call a persistent delusion that one is or should be the opposite sex, culminating in the pursuit of surgery on healthy body parts and long-term hormone replacement anything but a disease. supporters argue that these radical treatments are the only way to cure dysphoria, but the numbers are inconclusive and we don't got cutting off the limbs of every dude who demands it, so why is it the accepted medical protocol? (because transsexual activism is based around advancing their gender identity above what's healthiest for everyone, there's good money in it, and our society likes the idea of a man wearing dresses and makeup because he's a woman on the inside more than a man wearing dresses and makeup because that's what he likes to do.)

>> No.6216812

/n/ is not part of /pol/
pol goes crazy frothing at the mouth and shaking uncontrollably at the very idea of public transportation
And n is all about public transit

>> No.6216813

You're begging the question.

>> No.6216821

That's quite an impressive strawman right there. Do you consider everyone who thinks /pol/lacks to be insufferable cancer to be li, e that? Also, do you even know anything about gender theory?

>> No.6216822

What question would that be? I'm giving several answers; which question am I begging?

>> No.6216824
File: 51 KB, 250x333, product_img_71_333x250.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>public TRANS-portation
>not kike-biking
>do you even

>> No.6216832

Ireland is /lit/

they never recognised WWII and instead called it The Emergency, which lasted from 1939 to 1976.

The illiterate idiots who wrote this fail to realise that Switzerland as a neutral country fucked all comers into it's airspace, shooting down allies and axis planes alike, and housing their POWs in ski chalets because there was something of an extended off season on ski holidays at the time. Switzerland is /soc/, complete with the potential of blowing its own shit up and never calling you again once it got the money now you claim not to love it any more.

Ireland told everyone they were committing war crimes, and that they thought everyone was idiots. They are /lit/ and certainly not allied with the UK.

>> No.6216833

i spent a long time on tumblr trying to untangle it. i insisted that "all trans women have always been women", i read monetizeyourcat's stuff at face value, the works. then i started analyzing gender as a social system that promotes the separation of work and subjugation of females in order to extract sexual, reproductive and domestic labor, and now i'm a gender abolitionist. most people into sjw stuff deserve compassion, not hatred. they're vulnerable people trying to make a stand in the only way they know how to. but that doesn't include endorsing their politics or the way they discuss them.

>> No.6216844
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There really doesn't seem to be anything particularly complicated about it tbh, pic related. Maybe talking to underage people on tumblr doesn't provide a useful frame of reference?
Now, I'm not saying that there are no bullies or retards (waaaah, ableism!) in sjw circles, but that doesn't excuse discrimination.

>> No.6216848

See, here's the problem. While /lit/ isn't as smart as it pretends to be, we at least know that PoMo doesn't mean "SJW philosophy", and we generally either ignore /pol/lacks or they go full defence / shitposting mode once someone links them to a text bigger than 3 pages

>> No.6216855

The other problem with /lit/ is that the SJWs who post here don't realize what they are and call everyone who disagrees with them about gender essentialism a /pol/tard.

>> No.6216856

Eireboo detected.

>> No.6216858
File: 65 KB, 446x639, Tristan-Tzara-06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everyone else fighting le great war
>we just stay inside, get fucked up and make dank poems 2deep4everyone ironically and smugly

seems about right

>> No.6216859
File: 103 KB, 960x640, 5961_e1b3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

atleast we have your brilliant insight, instead of those pesky professional researchers and practitioners with their education and experience dealing with and investigating gender.

>> No.6216862

Someone hasn't read the full little jug.

>> No.6216866

This is a common illusion. Everyone that disagrees with gender essentialism is infact a /pol/tard.

>> No.6216869

why bother grouping traits as "feminine" and "masculine"? what is the innate link between high heels, lipstick and ovaries, or flannel shirts, football and testes? why not decide stop treating people differently based on what kinds of genitals they have or want to have?

>> No.6216871

But friendo, SJWs disagree with gender essentialism, and the majority of /lit/seems to disagree with any sort of essentialism (see: le spooksman), it's not about /pol/ or not, it's another thing altogether.

Besides, as left-wing as /lit/ might seem, there seems to be nothing but contempt and a sort of pity for SJWs for being so misguided and hysterical.

U mite want 2 lurk moar :^)

>> No.6216872

It seems to me that there are good reasons to be skeptical of the claim that gender is 100% fluid. Social constructs serve social purposes, and society should be coherent.
SJW detected.

>> No.6216875

>essentialism is infact a /pol/tard
>he doesn't know we're all nihilists now
God's dead longer than Nietzsche, babby.

>> No.6216880

thanks for giving me a word for that, I've been slowly coming to terms with my own eirebooism

when you say "society should be coherent", what you actually mean is "society should be how I want and everyone else is wrong". If we magically dropped whatever idea seems to be the prevailing one when it comes to gender, I doubt society would change that much

>> No.6216881

its interesting how many of those researchers happen to be transsexual themselves, or have a monetary interest in advancing the cause. lets just ignore how john hopkins no longer performs sex reassignment surgery, despite being staffed by some of the best practitioners and researchers, or how most studies on transsexuals suffer from tiny sample sizes and loose interpretation, or how most dysphoric children grow into nondysphoric homosexual adults, or how it's notoriously difficult to conduct follow-up research on transsexuals post-surgery because they cut off ties with researches as they go "stealth"

>> No.6216882

im /lit/ homeboard leftist. sjw are usually not very far left at all, and serve bourgeois interests generally.

>> No.6216884

I looked it up, the song or the magazine?

>> No.6216886

I agree with you, but they claim to be left, and /pol/tards group them with the left as well.

See the part in my post where I say /lit/ mostly feels contempt / pity for SJWs

>> No.6216887

Nothing wrong with that, but you do realize that abolishing gender categories altogetger is much more demanding than just getting people to accept that there are numerous ways to relate to them, and each is legitimate, right? Also, such traits are also objects of sexual desire, so abolitionism seems anti-sexual, which is pretty horrible.

>> No.6216889

this as hell. identity politics is not leftism. you can't address the social roots of oppression without looking at the economic.

>> No.6216890

The column written by Myles of the Ponies.

>> No.6216891

Why is Switzerland /lit/?
Why is Ireland allied with the UK?

>> No.6216894

They get their history from /tv/ not /lit/

>> No.6216895

>what you actually mean is "society should be how I want and everyone else is wrong"
What I actually mean is "I'm Catholic and have ontological and theological problems with the claim that gender isn't real." I also don't think modern society could maintain its coherence if everyone could decide they wanted to change sexes every day of the week.
>inb4 God is dead
He isn't.

>> No.6216899

All of the /pol/sters who came in here weren't intelligent enough to interest anyone in a discussion, and just spent most of their time echo chambering and getting ignored. So Ireland is a good choice.

>> No.6216901

>everyone else fighting le great war
>we just stay inside, get fucked up and make dank poems 2deep4everyone ironically and smugly
seems about right

>> No.6216907
File: 54 KB, 470x343, maoblomov.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Identity politic folks are often liberal (right wing).

>> No.6216908

but if there's numerous ways to relate to them, what's the point? the end goal is for people to not pressure you to behave a certain way or a like certain things based on your sex (or desired sex). if gender won't be a system of social rules, what will it be?

>> No.6216911

Well, god as a figure essential in the very structure of society is most deinitely dead, sorry about that.

Doesn't mean "god doesn't exist" or "everyone must act as if there is absolutely no chance of god existing".

As for your ontological disputes, they are very much your own and you have no right in putting everyone else behind you, that's not very catholic. If you are right, you must either let them repent and follow whatever it is that you think is right or you let them burn, it's not like catholicism takes a literal reading of the scriptures, and it's a matter of time before the Pope declares queer people worthy of the kingdom of god, he's a bigger SJW than most people on /lit/

>> No.6216912

>It seems to me that there are good reasons to be skeptical of the claim that gender is 100% fluid
I don't think trannies argue that, seeing how their need to change the gender presentation to the other sex relies on the fact that their gender identity is not fluid

>> No.6216915

B-but i like Nietzche, i think he's intentionally ironic when discussing SJW perspective, how else could you have such an opinion. He was an avid anti-feminist. Do you think just because someone understands human sexuality they also must embrace the idiosyncrasy of modern pleb?

>Read pseudolosophy written by the Nietz every day
>Am an avid cultural fascist, economic communist

>> No.6216920

morality is literally nonsense though. pretending to think otherwise anno 2015 is just roleplaying.

>> No.6216921

on the topic, can you point me to some literature about women in catholicism? i'm a christian female who feels uncomfortable with the traditional social role of women and don't understand why god has sentenced me to live in such an unpleasant way, and i'd like to see what theologists have has to say about it.

>> No.6216924

>>implying /sci/ isn't aware of empirically deficient biological variations of human genetic deviations.

>> No.6216927



>> No.6216929

Pride goeth before destruction, giving you a book would just pile coals upon your head. Reconsider what you deserve.

>> No.6216932

A system of desired and desirable traits, maybe? Or are desiring and wanting to be desired bad reasons?

>> No.6216933

>Well, god as a figure essential in the very structure of society is most deinitely dead, sorry about that.
And God as the creator and maintainer of existence is not dead.
My SJW friends complain about how the evil Catholic Church is keeping them and their gender identities down on a daily basis, and I have always had the impression that the Church was firmly of the opinion that gender is something essential to every person's nature.
>and it's a matter of time before the Pope declares queer people worthy of the kingdom of god, he's a bigger SJW than most people on /lit/
I don't think that's actually true.
Every queer person I know IRL claims that gender is a totally fluid and artificial social construct.
Not really, sorry, I haven't really looked into the topic very much, but I probably should. You should look into liberation theology, though. And I'm pretty sure Dorothy Day wrote an autobiography.

>> No.6216938

Economic communism is not conducive to fascist culture. Economic socialism can be, but that should be qualified by what Rocco said, in that economic liberalism can be as well, the economic system is not the basis for the ideology, but rather the ideology adapts whichever economic system will support it in the context of its time and place.

You should also be careful not to conflate cultural fascism with cultural traditionalism. Fascism is pro-tradition, as in a consistent cultural that unites a people, but it is supportive of creating new traditions compatible with contemporary material conditions rather than trying to force traditions that are inextricably bound up with passe material conditions.

>> No.6216944

SJWs assimilate whatever philosophy they want into their ideology. They don't understand contradiction in logic, only in society, and even then, most of them can't grasp Marx.

>> No.6216946

I agree, /n/ is more jews than humans.
>Taking a bus or train instead of biking or conveniently carpooling

Btw, i own a motorcycle and have only driven it on one trip from California to Chicago [to discover if /pol/ is correct.}

/pol/ was right

>> No.6216957

why link these traits together under the umbrellas f "feminine" and "masculine" though? let people lust after muscles and beards while also desiring aggression or stoicism, or dig breasts and hips without dementing frailty or submission.

>> No.6216962

You're like someone who says "Why do you need to call that a 'forest' just because it's a few miles of land covered in trees and other forms of plant & animal life?"

>> No.6216966
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Long live the Reich! Long live /pol/!

>> No.6216973

i'm sorry, i don't find men attractive in a sexual way. i wish you luck in finding a girl that does, though.
from what i understand, women have to suffer their particular burdens because of eve's role in the fall? but i'm only more connected to her than a male is because we share reproductive equipment-- is there something inherently sinful in my ability to bear children? thank you for the biography rec, i'll look into it.

>> No.6216986

the point is that you can let a biome be a biome without forcing it to be a forest or taiga based on the amount of trees it has. let people develop or desire whatever traits they want without instituting social guidelines based on genitals or sex characteristics.

>> No.6216987

but you can fuck my boi pussy. I'll wear dresses for you.

>> No.6216989

>becoming a lezzer spinster because of spooks

don't do it girlfriend

>> No.6216994

I think it would be a better deal to lust after these thkngs whike stripping them of the trace of coercion that resides within them. Neither aggression nor stoicism nor frailty nor submission are bad things in themselves, they only become so through the violence that is done to people, which is real amd concrete and brute.

>> No.6217001

>women have to suffer their particular burdens because of eve's role in the fall?
According to Genesis, yeah, labor pains are punishment for all that jazz.
>but i'm only more connected to her than a male is because we share reproductive equipment--
Gender is more than skin deep in Catholicism, if I recall my days at Catholic school correctly.
> is there something inherently sinful in my ability to bear children?
No, there's something inherently sinful in all of us. Men suffer from original sin just as much as you do. Your social ills are products of human failures to do good, though.
>thank you for the biography rec, i'll look into it.
Yr welcum bb
But it is what it is. Part of science involves cataloging that biome's status. A forest is a forest.

>> No.6217007

but why does it /need/ to be catalogued?

>> No.6217011

>from what i understand, women have to suffer their particular burdens because of eve's role in the fall?
This is from an allegory in the OT. Very few sects outside the biblical literalists and fundamentalists hold much truck with that. You would be better off asking about something like the hair covering in the NT and the difference between traditionalist Catholics and post VII of Catholics than asking about something only Evangelicals really concern themselves with today.

>> No.6217021

wait, so if gender is about more than just sex, what else do i share in common with eve? i've never been very good at being "feminine", if that's what it means. i can understand that men also have their share of ills distinct from those of women's, they just seem to be less unpleasant personally.
i would be the opposite of into that.

>> No.6217028

that's what i'm saying! there's nothing wrong with those things inherently, just like there's nothing wrong with makeup or football or heels (although heels can screw up your foot and posture if worn to much.) the problem is people being forced to adopt them.

>> No.6217035

>economic communism
>economic socialism
bourgeois pls go

>> No.6217036

Because that's the way the mind works. It looks for patterns.
>what else do i share in common with eve?
The fact that you're a woman.
>i've never been very good at being "feminine"
And yet you've always been female.
>i can understand that men also have their share of ills distinct from those of women's, they just seem to be less unpleasant personally.
You understand what original sin is, right?
I'm sure that women have been oppressed to a greater degree than men have historically, but again, this is because humans-mostly men, if we're talking specifically about the oppression of women, but there have been females who collaborated with the patriarchy, of course-are prone to do the wrong thing, which is to oppress each other. This is not God's fault, save for the fact that He endowed us with the free will that allows us to choose to oppress.
Because gender essentialism is correct.

>> No.6217044

you assume that these patterns (other than the physical, obvs) would exist even after people were't pressured to conform to gender. and even now, what do you make of butch women, feminine men, and societies with third-genders?

>> No.6217046

What part of "I'm a Catholic and believe that God is responsible for our gender identities" don't you understand?
>what do you make of butch women, feminine men, and societies with third-genders?
Butch women are women, feminine men are men, and third-genders are the products of delusion.

>> No.6217051

so the implication is that women's social oppression isn't divine punishment, but a human creation? and yet, women are still designated by god to perform a certain role and behave a certain way by virtue of their sex? i can get that, its just that the things that god seems to want from me (be more submissive and modest than is expected from men, be more emotional, have sex with men and bear children) seem sort of gross.

>> No.6217054

wait, so god doesn't object to butch women or feminine men disregarding gender roles as long as they don't deny their sex

>> No.6217058

Not him, but as a Catholic, I'm surprised you're so illversed in the exegesis of gender as to claim third genders do not exist. Wtf are angels, man? Get back to RICA for a catechism review.

>> No.6217070

>so the implication is that women's social oppression isn't divine punishment, but a human creation?
Essentially, yes.
>and yet, women are still designated by god to perform a certain role and behave a certain way by virtue of their sex?
The Church isn't big on scriptural literalism and I'm not educated enough to explain why the Church advocates certain roles for women as opposed to others.
>i can get that, its just that the things that god seems to want from me (be more submissive and modest than is expected from men, be more emotional, have sex with men and bear children) seem sort of gross.
Gender roles are what they are. If you aren't attracted to men and don't like the idea of childbirth you could always just not marry and not have children.
My understanding is that homosexual acts and homosexual (or transsexual or whatever term applies in the situation) feelings are different. The act is the sin, not the temptation to act.
Angels aren't human so I'd think their gender (if that's the proper term) would be in a different category than ours. I'm trying to educate myself in the Catechism and I'm looking into St. Augustine and St. Aquinas, so if I seem like I don't really know what I'm talking about, it's probably because I don't.

>> No.6217075

mm, i need some time to mull this over. thank you for being patient with me.

>> No.6217081

No problem, I'd suggest talking to a priest or an actual member of the clergy if you have deeper questions, though. Like I said, I'm just a layman who went to a Catholic high school.

>> No.6217082

to clarify; a dude that wears lipstick and dresses and a woman who cuts her hair short, doesn't shave her legs and wears mens clothing aren't doing anything wrong as long as they don't deny their sex or try to change it?

>> No.6217086

That depends on God's understanding of where the temptation ends and the act begins.

>> No.6217092

Different anon here, if I understand the catholic correctly, the problem always starts with people having unauthorized fun.

>> No.6217097

>Angels aren't human so I'd think their gender (if that's the proper term) would be in a different category than ours. I'm trying to educate myself in the Catechism and I'm looking into St. Augustine and St. Aquinas, so if I seem like I don't really know what I'm talking about, it's probably because I don't.
Seriously, Rites of Initiation classes will give you catechism lessons for free. I'd invest in a copy of the catechism rather than in Augustine and Aquinas if you're starting out, so you can get a current feel for things and the conclusions of the disputes between the two.

For instance, Aquinas' proof that an infinite amount of angels could dance spiritually but not materially on a pinhead was seen as a bit too Greek philosophy for the church, so your idea that being spirit they have no gender edges close to the heresy Aquinas would have committed if he hadn't shelved that proof in favour of other projects.
Both angels and God have been referred to with varying genders, not limited to the binary of sex organs. If you look through even Psalms in Hebrew, the many appellations of God alone tend to be as much female as male.

>> No.6217099

I mean, fun and sin aren't identical, but this is basically right. When fun is sinful, that's when you have a problem.
Word, I've got a copy of the Catechism, I'll take a closer look at it before I go any further with the theologians.

>> No.6217106

Yeah ok, and sinful just means, unauthorized by god/clergy, right?

>> No.6217111

Yes, pretty much. It's failing to do what God wants us to do.

>> No.6217120

What's going on?

Are anons getting their panties in a twist over identity politics again? No matter how silly tumblr legbeards get, they're not exactly influential.

>> No.6217121

And he tells us via the bible and clergy, right? I actually find it sort of admirable that people will buy this to the point where they start judging others for failing to live up to it.

>> No.6217127

Scripture and tradition, yes, which are interpreted and transmitted by the clergy.
Unless you're a Protestant, in which case you just read the Bible and think you grasp it intuitively.

>> No.6217142

You seem culturally Protestant. Not all of church teaching is infallible or dogmatic; judgement is reserved for God alone; those who claim to know the state of grace of themselves or others would need to repent their pride or self excommunicate. Every Catholic is a bad Catholic, but denying the internalisation of the holy spirit in favour of church teaching can just as easily be a sin as witchcraft.

>> No.6217146

/lit/ should be neutral or have its own unique presumptuous category.
This board is contaminated by posts like yours that have a minutiae relevance to art and literature.
If this thread needed to be made it should have been posted on a greed, blue [excluding /lit/], or red board, where the children play.

>> No.6217154

Was raised protestant, but still think catholicism makes more sense. Not nearly enough sense to have me fall for it and judge trans people and gays, though.

I actually think I could accept god and all that stuff, if only tgere weren't these very aspects that are contrary to my own moral intuitions.

>> No.6217156

Look into other religions. Everyone has spiritual needs, if you feel like you could accept God but find Christianity objectionable there are other things you might be more suited to believing.
None of them are better than Christianity, but the good ones have a kernel of truth in them.

>> No.6217163

Catholicism would recommend not becoming Catholic and just living your life as a moral being. Look up infallible ignorance; it's the principle by which the Catholic aversion to proselytising comes about.

>> No.6217167

So /b/ engages in a massive land war with /pol/ and partitions it?

And who is the US in this tortured analogy?

>> No.6217168


>> No.6217170

The US is obviously Tumblr

>> No.6217177

So /jp/ is Japan obviously? Would make sense their part of the shitposting axis since they invented it.

>> No.6217178

same thing

>> No.6217179

Yeah I could do that, but that just seems llike a waste of time. I guess I'm quite demanding morally, and would just end up frusteating a lot of god-peddlers.
>catholic aversion to proselytizing
Wow that must be a relatively recent thing. Also, since my dad and his family are catholic, I guess I can't claim ignorance anyway.

>> No.6217186

What are your morals, exactly?

>> No.6217190

/lit/ is marxist or anarchist, identity politics are liberal.

/lit/ doesn't take sides in the war, although it does condemn /pol/ as being more reactionary than /sjw/

>> No.6217193

>Wow that must be a relatively recent thing.
Not really, and with Pope Francis it's seen a minor claw back so the more recent thing is ignoring that principle.
>Also, since my dad and his family are catholic, I guess I can't claim ignorance anyway.
So long as you're not baptised into the Church as an adult, and weren't confirmed as a child, you should be safe. The idea of innately moral humans has a very long history, I think it was Origen who said "Conscience is the chamber of justice".

>> No.6217201

Have you tried the Episcopal Church (or whatever Anglican Church is in your area)?

It's very Catholic in traditions, while being very cool with gays and transpersons.

>> No.6217215

Can someone brief me on what is happening in OP's pic? I'm kinda disconnected from this 4chan culture, though it interests me

>> No.6217218

GamerGate is being represented as if it were WWII

>> No.6217220

/pol/ is the Third Reich and they're invading every board. for instance, they've made /tv/ furious that there is a black guy in the new Star Wars

>> No.6217233

Oh wow I totally won't be able to answer a question like that. Let's just say that I can neither accepts the notion that the millions getting murdered in the last century were part of some higher plan, nor that they were caused by individual humans straying from an intuitively obvious path. I really don't see how I could fit god into that.
Oh well, I'm a baptized Lutheran, is apostasy from that acceptable to catholics?

>> No.6217242

You should read Hegel if you're a Lutheran, I'd suggest starting with his Philosophy of History.

>> No.6217244

You can receive communion in an Episcopalian Church so long as you're baptized, it can be any denomination. We're firm Catholic in traditions and structure of mass, but extremely liberal protestants in nearly every other regard.

>> No.6217250

>not starting with Phenomenology of the Spirit

Oh, I might add the the vicar of my congregation also preaches at a Lutheran church for weekday sermons, Episcopalians are very cool with most protestants.

>> No.6217254

He specifically said
>I can[not] accepts the notion that the millions getting murdered in the last century were part of some higher plan
and the PoH is a theodicy that defends exactly the idea he's rejecting. It's also easier to understand than the Phenomenology.

>> No.6217256

>Oh well, I'm a baptized Lutheran, is apostasy from that acceptable to catholics?

Catholicism only becomes a contractual obligation once you accept the Church, and then you leave yourself open to judgement for your adherence to Church law. They don't care what you are before, but once you're one of them, you can never leave, only lose contact and even that can be difficult.

>> No.6217267

It's easy to misunderstand History without it too, since Hegel's complex idea of God is laid out there.

>> No.6217270 [DELETED] 

Always seems like the weakest and least dedicated nomination tbh. All the prettiness with none of the obligation.

>> No.6217278

True, but again, I was suggesting it mostly in its context as a theodicy, not as an exposition of his philosophy as a whole.

>> No.6217279

Always seems like the weakest and least dedicated denomination tbh. All the prettiness with none of the obligation.

>> No.6217280

This guy here has it figured out:
I'm more on Adorno's page in that regard, with it all being part of a general process, just that the process isn't an ascension to higher meaning, bzt rather a systematic descent into madness.

>> No.6217282
File: 117 KB, 813x1052, WatteauPierrot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a disease until it's accepted as normal by society. fwiw I experience gender dysphoria - its not something I asked ffor, or want, it just makes life more difficult - but it's something I've learned to live with and keep under wraps. its a real fucking nuisance though - it pops in your dreams and just out of the blblue sometimes. all you can do is try to ignore it

>> No.6217287


>> No.6217288

You are my second favorite trip on 4chan

>> No.6217291

Well it's easy enough for a straight person to say it's an obligation to refrain from homosexuality, or a man to say it's an obligation for women to stay out of the clergy, but if you aren't part of the targeted demographics, these aren't really "obligations" at all. The Archbishop of Canterbury still thinks sex outside of marriage is immoral, and the Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church still considers abortion to be immoral (although she doesn't think it is the government't business).

>> No.6217294

That's the difference between a Jewish and a Christian historical theodicy, I guess.

>> No.6217301

this person writes about alternate ways of viewing gender dysphoria in order to cultivate mental health. keep your head up anon, you'll come thru ok

>> No.6217320

Not really, jews believe in the coming of the messiah, too, just that it will be the first coming.
>threadful of christians
>hey you, with the negative view of history, stop being anachronistic!
Yeah, no

>> No.6217344

Its nice that you've decided to avoid the issue of whether "demographics" are legitimate, and to uphold an identity centred theory of ethics as if the bourgeois liberal subject is in fact proven rather than a conjecture of violence as knowledge-power.

Read Foucault before you open your fucking mouth again.

>> No.6217370

>mfw Foucaultfags act like he's an authority on anything
I have no face at such times

>> No.6217375

How do Episcopalians sell the whole Henry the Oight thing to themselves/eachother?

I mean Luther has a pretty cool story but the H8 thing is just a bit embarrassing.

>> No.6217378

I have read Foucault, whose theories by the way are in fact considered bourgeois liberalism by many Marxists.

Whether or not demographics are legitimate is beside the point, the point is that you are not targeted in it. The targeters are imposing identity (which Foucault certainly dealt with), whether or not you personally subscribe to the identity doesn't protect you from being a victim of targeting.

>> No.6217396

The Episcopal Church does not recognize the authority of the monarch since the American Revolution. We recognize the Archbishop of Canterbury as the highest bishop (though in more of a symbolic way than an actual, he has authority but it's limited and he hardly ever uses it; but we generally follow suit with his policies). The communion of the Anglican Church works something like that of the Eastern Orthodox Church in function of authority.

>> No.6217407

>tfw browse /v/ the most
>tfw actually Italian

>> No.6217411

How does the Eastern Orthodox work? I've always been curious but haven't looked into it.

>> No.6217417

>he didn't start with the /s4s/

>> No.6217440

Each Church has their own patriarch, but they are in communion together. They recognize the Roman Pope as the highest, but they don't recognize the amount of authority he wields. We recognize the Archbishop of Canterbury as the highest, except our idea of what sort of authority he should have is enough for us to be in communion with the CoE, but there are several Anglican church that are not in communion, such as The Anglican Church in America and the Reformed Episcopal Church.

>> No.6217486

But don't people feel bad for being that little offshoot that exists mostly because one time a head of state had a fight with the pope?

>> No.6217511

No, why should we? It's a wonderful combination of liberalism and tradition, the community is intelligent, well off, and extremely civil. It's a very refined denomination.

>> No.6217585

Don't you worry God doesn't take kindly to people fucking off from the Holy Mother Church?

>> No.6217695

>/d/ not in a glorious union with /tg/
It's almost as though the person who made this has never been there, especially not during gamergate. I mean, there were a couple people who were upset about it on either board, but it was more or less like /lit/- it went about unmentioned.

>> No.6217777

The David Reimer study proves that gender traits are something that we are born with to some extent. I agree that removing certain gender barriers and societal norms would be beneficial, but men and women are different for a reason.

>> No.6217794

This is some SJW shit right here

>> No.6217801 [DELETED] 

How is the Roman Church the holy mother church? Christians existed long before there was a bishop of Rome. Does Rome translate as "rock" somehow?

>> No.6217808


How is the Roman Church the holy mother church? Christians existed long before there was a bishop of Rome. Does Rome translate as "rock" somehow?

>> No.6217811

Have you heard of Norah Vincent? She wrote a book called self made man about her experiment in which she disguised herself as a man for eighteen months. She was a lesbian. One of the major things she noticed was that even her behaviors that seemed "butch" when she was a woman were considered effeminate when she was a man.

>> No.6217813

That picture stirs deep revulsion in me

>> No.6217825

You write like a post on tumblr

>> No.6217899

>All information and opinions on this blog are for educational purposes only. This blog is no substitute for professional mental health advice. No therapeutic relationship exists between you and the author of this blog. Nothing contained in this site is or should be considered or used as a substitute for professional mental health advice, diagnosis, or treatment

>> No.6217928

well why does it personally affect you to see that image?

>> No.6217952

switch /sci/ and /fa/

>> No.6218982

by /pol/-standards, /lit/'s a sjw bastillon.

>> No.6218995
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Text of full article:

>> No.6218998

For /pol/, anyone that isn't a white supremacist free market nationalist is an SJW.

>> No.6219005

Come on now, anon, by /pol/ standards /lit/ is well read. I think we can safely say if there is an objective standard of /lit/, /pol/ is wrong for once.

>> No.6219062

/pol/ rarely right about anything. What do you mean they're wrong for once?

>> No.6219079

You seem to have misspelled the names of a lot of countries. It's "Norway," not "/r9k/". You may want to fix that.

>> No.6219089

>Map portraying Switzerland taking any side

Top fucking lel. I guess /d/ would be Switzerland and /lit/ would be UK

>> No.6219124

Nah, /lit/ is a spiritual SJW ally but we would try to stay out of conflict at all costs. I'm sure /pol/ is drawing up invasion plans as we speak.

>> No.6219127

Great, so not only are we brits, but Chamberlain tier brits.

>> No.6219131


/a/ should be USA since it was originally /a/ and /b/, would make the parallels between Russia and USA more interesting.

>> No.6219143

We're the swiss. /lgbt/ is the Brits.

America is reddit/tumblr. Things are looking dire and we may need a pearl harbor situation to get them involved.

>> No.6219168

>/lit/ is a spiritual SJW ally
>the antinatalist board which hates everyone including itself
I bet you bitch for ten posts claiming others don't read as much as your ignorant ass when someone tells you your work is shit and to go back to your hug box. Kill yourself, it's the only principled thing you can do.

>> No.6219181

it's a meme

>> No.6219191

I thought the map was from /pol/'s perspective. We appear sjw to them.

>> No.6219204

/pol/ posting retarded shit on our board doesn't make us sjw or swiss, and /pol/ thinks everyone is sjw any way so having different colours is retarded if it were so.

>> No.6219223

... and?

>> No.6219225
File: 65 KB, 828x644, extra extra.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


deus vult

>> No.6219236

have you read about the "treatment" dr. money imposed on dave reimer as a child? if i spent my childhood being sexually traumatized in order to feminise me, and then have to deal with the complications of being attracted to women as a woman, i'd also be like "fuq that, i'm a man now"

>> No.6219294
File: 29 KB, 269x808, boards.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If size of the board is related to relative size of the nation that's all wrong.

>> No.6219336

>relative board size's are fucked
>nations and ideology don't align in the fucking least for everything outside of /pol/

0/10 who made this shit

>> No.6219495
File: 985 KB, 280x365, 3a5dd4ed56a34973550f07a98d29d932.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can't you people have a single thread without bringing us up and spouting the same tired attacks and defences?

>> No.6219571

Belief in Marx implies on a general level that you agree that economic conditions shape the social. The postmodern is simply a generalization of this to its logical conclusion— social behavior is produced and acted, and does not exist except in relation to its opposite. Something is the One, and everything else is the Other.

Postmodernism is leftist in a way that people who complain about "SJWs" can never be, because it acknowledges the signifying economy that produces the signifiers.

Read "A Structural Study of Myth" by Claude Levi-Strauss to gain an understanding of the way that your social and historical conditions shape the way that you live your life. Keep in mind that postmodernism extends from Marxist critiques that indicate that material conditions are the ultimate cause of all of this. You cannot consider yourself the Left and still rail against "social justice warriors" as if acknowledging the inherent meaninglessness of biological and social concepts is unacceptable.

>> No.6219770

/v/ bigger than /b/
/vg/ that big

well fuck me

>> No.6219784

You forgot those.
But yes, I'm surprised that lgbt is larger than /s/

>> No.6219835

>thinking Nakhchivan is an independent country
Also, I don't get how you can say that /v/ has occupied /s4s/.