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6215846 No.6215846 [Reply] [Original]

The last man (German: der letzte Mensch) is a term used by the philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche in Thus Spoke Zarathustra to describe the antithesis of the imagined superior being, the Übermensch, whose imminent appearance is heralded by Zarathustra. The last man is tired of life, takes no risks, and seeks only comfort and security.

So, /lit/, why are you living as the last man right now?

>> No.6215858

Because the Overman is never going to get here, Nietzsche was only giving suggestions, and being comfy is fucking awesome.

>> No.6215879

To struggle is to live, dead man. You and your philosophy are blights on my world

>> No.6215906

Freedom is a spook. The ego should do what it wants, being fettered to your material "freedom" to be comfortable invariably denies your impulse to be great.

Any ideology that isn't aesthetic and superior is philistinism

>> No.6216666

>Because the Overman is never going to get here
He's already here.

>> No.6216676

Besause, to us mere mortals, overcoming man means death.

>> No.6216679


>> No.6216683
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Super Saiytan is Ubermensch

>> No.6216688

All hail the Overman! Now tell us what to do.

>> No.6216693

ITT: norwegians

>> No.6216699

You really think so? You mean as a specific kind of person or some other kind of entity?

>> No.6216977

A person, of course. The Overman is merely the man at the very top of the leaderboard of humanity.

>> No.6216993

Who wrote the rules for this leaderboard? Sounds sketchy

>> No.6216997

i don't think you have read more than a couple pages of nietzsche
if you messure yourself on a leaderboard you can't be the ubermensch

>> No.6217006

Seriously guys, where does this idea that ubermensch means anything but an abstracted ideal come from? It's not what Nietzsche meant.

>> No.6217016

some authors referred that the character from american psycho is the ubermensch... he follows only his own desire (plot twist... in reality he does nothing, that would also be characteristic of the ubermensch)

>> No.6217030

You have to respect Nietzsche for still being an optimist despite living in poverty for much of his life, having chronic illness, being ostracized by all his friends, and getting cucked by his only romantic interest.

Even if you disagree with his thought you can't not be inspired by the guy.

>> No.6217032

also the silicon valley ideal.. egotistic edonist powerful men driven only by aesthetics and their own desire
i think we have enough nietzscheism in this world
we need more Hegel

>> No.6217039

I didn't know he was poor, I thought the university where he taught gave him some money.

>> No.6217045


I am not. But I can understand why would someone get tired of life, after a long, long run.

>> No.6217049

>implying /lit/ has read enough zapffe to understand your joke

>> No.6217172

The last man is the goal that Western civilization has apparently set for itself. After having unsuccessfully attempted to get the populace to accept the Übermensch as the goal of society, Zarathustra confronts them with a goal so disgusting that he assumes that it will revolt them.[1] The lives of the last men are pacifist and comfortable. There is no longer a distinction between ruler and ruled, strong over weak, supreme over the mediocre, let alone political exploitation. Social conflict and challenges are minimized. Every individual lives equally and in "superficial" harmony. There are no original or flourishing social trends and ideas. Individuality and creativity are suppressed.





>> No.6217234


>> No.6217259

Do you find physics equally sketchy? Because those are rules which no one seems to have written yet exist.

There is a natural order to everything, and with all order comes a hierarchy. That's where the leaderboard comes from. The Overman is at the top of the hierarchy of human beings.

>> No.6217265


The beauty of the Overman came unto me as a shadow. Ah, my brethren! Of what account now are the gods to me!

Thus spoke Zarathustra.

>> No.6217269

that is so far from nietzsche's writing i can even

the sole idea of a leaderboard and a fixed state of thing giving order to the world is the kind of reasoning from the church nietzsche fought all his life

>> No.6217275

stop being a teenager and read the whole thing for starters

>> No.6217277

even a cursory reading of the reviled Kaufmann would tell you how wrong this is

>> No.6217281
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>Implying the Overman wasn't already born

If you see a 7 foot tall Turkish man shit is about to go down

>> No.6217284


i haven't read any of it! i chose a quote at random ;^)

>> No.6217295

>Implying the Overman wasn't already born

>If you see a 7 foot tall Turkish man shit

>> No.6217300

lel, i thought so

>> No.6217303

Overman will only come to fruition when we are all living in space, light years away from each other, each in our own self-created pleasure domes. Its effectively blending both concepts together. Until then there can be no real achievement of either extreme.

>> No.6217306

>that is so far from nietzsche's writing i can even
It's not at all, and it's more easily noticeable in his later works. Nietzsche never said there wasn't a natural order to things; he only destroyed many people's weak little conceptions of what that natural order entailed.

>> No.6217310

have you read foundation by asimov? you will enjoy it

>> No.6217317
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You are such a shitty namefag why are you even here.

>> No.6217339
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The last men claim to have discovered happiness, but blink every time they say so.

Leftists: the summary.

>> No.6217349

I have read some of his books and did enjoy them. The story that comes closest to what I describe is the one where the people live miles away from each other on some desert planet, and they all have a revulsion to human contact, right? It was interesting but I think it would be great to take that to its furthest possible limit.

>> No.6217356
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But we have discovered happiness.

>> No.6217364

Every time someone mentions politics with Nietzsche I cringe.

Just fucking go to stormfront already. I'm sorry moot killed your /pol/

>> No.6217365

you need to blink in order to keep your eyes moist and healthy

>> No.6217367

>leftists claim to be happy
Have you ever even met any leftists? The more serious they are, the more they cultivate an air of misery around themselves, for that much-desired 'us/me against the world' experience.

>> No.6217386

And they always say they're happy and live a happy life. And that they know what makes people happy, and if they had all the power they could do it.

Mad because you're an SJW and can't recruit Nietzsche?


Happiness isn't even an intrinsic good for Nietzsche

>> No.6217392
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>> No.6217394

cleaver observation

>> No.6217401

yeah, i used to dream about that... me and my 20k robots on a land the size of Europe in a planet with 2k people or so

but a reunion with true friends, a nice talk and of course, romance and love, worth any shit you have to face on the way

>> No.6217402

>And they always say they're happy and live a happy life
I have literally never heard a leftist say 'I'm happy', at best you'd get 'I'm fime', but more often 'my life is fucking hell'. You have never met anyone who was passionate about leftist politics (and by that I don't mean minimum wage and sme-sex marriage, which everybody fromthe far left to the center-right is on board with), right?

>> No.6217408

Nietzsche, opposed to blinking as he was, was nearly blind for most of his life.

I guess blinking is for comfy faggots, real men practise self-harm to embody completely arbitrary spooks that make their lives miserable.

>> No.6217412

actually, Sloterdij, a auto proclaimed nietzschean contemporary philosophers, refers to the leftist as full of resentment. As Nietzsche would put it, it's rage than never got out, and it became resentment... i prefer leftist than right wingers, but come on, Sloterdij is right

>> No.6217416

>muh pursunul anecdotes


>> No.6217420

>The last man is tired of life, takes no risks, and seeks only comfort and security.
This isn't the whole thing, is it? Because that's Epicurus. Not to harp on about him

I am happy. Note the recent suicide troll thread.

>and if they had all the power they could do it.
You misunderstand, naive. If the power were turned over to *you*

>> No.6217421

>the reviled Kaufmann
What's wrong with him? I thought he was the best Nietzsche scholar.

>> No.6217424

I'm fairly leftist myself,, plis I can't stand that ugly motherfucker of a wannabe philosophizer, but yeah, he's right about that.

>> No.6217432

Nietzsche says the last man is western society's goal, which is the leftist's goal. Pure communism is pure comfort. Many leftists abuse comfort until comfort dulls and all sensation leaves.

At the very least, right wingers value hard work. The problem with right wingers is they almost incontrovertibly have a strong sense of slave morality

>> No.6217444

you put it correctly my friend

what are we then? this is the political perspective we need

>> No.6217449

Anectdotes actually can refutes absolute generalizations. You realize that, right?
>I am happy.
There's like 6 of you or something, with different political commitments. So, this doesn't mean anything unless I know what you believe in.

>> No.6217453

I am an egoist. Being "left" or "right" is to subject yourself to a spook.

>> No.6217466

>Anectdotes actually can refutes absolute generalizations. You realize that, right?

It's a good thing no one was doing that then, huh?

>> No.6217469

come on
you fucked it up now
an egoist? so fucking boring, that is the final form of the last man

>> No.6217472

>And they always say they're happy and live a happy life.

Are right-wingers deliberate liars, or do they have terrible short term memory?

>> No.6217481

They of course speak like they are, while blinking.

You've never seen a woman who's "unhappy" because of oppression? Implying "freedom" breeds "happiness"

>> No.6217485

You mean the name?
It's the real me, trip on, Anarchist, Epicurean, Stirner-ist from what I've heard.
Told the True Detective suicidal anon that I was well aware of the horrors of the world, but I can deal with them because I want to make them better... (bbl)

>> No.6217489

Have you read Stirner? Do you know what egoism actually is?

>> No.6217499

he survived, but he was never rich

>> No.6217512

The most inherently strong being, mentally and physcially would be the topman. They would need to be strong, wise, have laid as many women as possible, rich, handsome, and right now somebody is at #1 and it is quickly changing. The motivation, to number one, however is lost in myself it feels.

>> No.6217598

He was only optimistic in the few times when he didn't feel sick and was probably drugged out of his mind. He rest of the time he was writing clingy letters to people whining about killing himself and how much opium he takes and such.

>> No.6217606

pro-tip: don't apply comic book tier notions of social darwinism and alpha males to philosophical concepts

>> No.6217747

>Happiness isn't even an intrinsic good for Nietzsche
And here is an aspect of Nietzsche's philosophy that will forever be virtually inaccessible to leftist imbeciles.

>> No.6217770

So? Like when Stirner is ridiculed for not covering everything, Nietzsche isn't some messiah.

From what I understand he liked Epicurus. Why elaborate what's already been covered, I guess.

>> No.6217781

You wouldn't even want it if you could have it.

And Stirner agrees, if you read about eigenhelt

>> No.6217783

There are a lot of bad interpretations and applications of Nietzsche's concepts, but this whole "be an ubermensch and fuck lots of women!" is probably the most hilarious and ridiculous. C'mon, it's 100% resentment!

>> No.6217806

Sorry, what "it" are you referring to?

>> No.6217827


"Be alpha and fuck women" is less opposed to his philosophy than egalitarian morality. Actually, it's not even really opposed, you're just mocking what you don't like

>> No.6218080

>not taking power wherever you go


>> No.6218197

I wouldn't want happiness even if I could have it?
What lofty conception of happiness are you imagining here?

I have a usually calm contentedness that I lacked in my younger years. On occasions that I feel a need, I summon up a sort of walking inner giddiness. Ataraxia.
Other times I get these flashes of nostalgic memory-like things. A feel for the weather, a location, they aren't places I've been though. They seem kind of dream like. I just chalk them up as an overactive imagination.


>> No.6218227

Seconding this.

>> No.6218231

>What lofty conception of happiness are you imagining here?
The one you've already imagined. Happiness is a spook, dear, no different from "freedom", "God", or "morality". They're all spooks, and you're too dumb to see, you cannot always be happy, the idea is nonsense and contradictory.

Be happy when it's in line with your ego, and be unhappy when it's not. All others are spooks.

>> No.6218234

Ownness is usually how it's translated, yes.

>> No.6218345

Oblomov is a novel by Russian writer Ivan Goncharov, first published in 1859. Oblomov is the central character of the novel, portrayed as the ultimate incarnation of the superfluous man, a symbolic character in 19th-century Russian literature. Oblomov is a young, generous nobleman who seems incapable of making important decisions or undertaking any significant actions. Throughout the novel he rarely leaves his room or bed and just manages to move from his bed to a chair in the first 50 pages.

Well, /lit/? On a scale of 9-10, with 1 being not at all and 10 being completely, how well does Oblomov describe you?

>> No.6218356
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>and you're too dumb to see,
>you cannot always be happy,
I think I outlined above that I was not.
I turn it on like a fan, off again when the air dries the eyes out.
I think I mesh Epicurus and Stirner well enough
Still not getting what you meant by my not wanting happiness even if I could have it. Probably smarm. Always with the smarm from you guys.

>> No.6218362

>Still not getting what you meant by my not wanting happiness even if I could have it.

Clearly, you missed the section in Stirner on ownness. Not surprising, it's actually his hardest section.

>> No.6218373

>implying you can understand a fraction what Nietzsche meant

>> No.6218404

"This book belongs to the most rare of men. Perhaps not one of them is yet alive. It is
possible that they may be among those who understand my "Zarathustra": how could I
confound myself with those who are now sprouting ears?‐‐First the day after tomorrow
must come for me. Some men are born posthumously.

The conditions under which any one understands me, and necessarily understands me‐‐I know them only too well. Even to endure my seriousness, my passion, he must carry
intellectual integrity to the verge of hardness. He must be accustomed to living on
mountain tops‐‐and to looking upon the wretched gabble of politics and nationalism as
beneath him. He must have become indifferent; he must never ask of the truth whether it brings profit to him or a fatality to him... He must have an inclination, born of
strength, for questions that no one has the courage for; the courage for the forbidden;
predestination for the labyrinth. The experience of seven solitudes. New ears for new
music. New eyes for what is most distant. A new conscience for truths that have
hitherto remained unheard. And the will to economize in the grand manner‐‐to hold together his strength, his enthusiasm...Reverence for self; love of self; absolute."


>> No.6218414

Very well, then! of that sort only are my readers, my true readers, my readers foreordained: of what account are the rest?‐‐The rest are merely humanity.‐‐One must make one's self superior to humanity, in power, in loftiness of soul,‐‐in contempt.


>> No.6218420

Nietzsche is a meme philosopher.

>> No.6218430

okay. so what?

>> No.6218448

Nothing. That's all. Meme on, bro.

>> No.6218467

>posting this on a Mesopotamian image bazaar

good meming bro

>> No.6218571
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/lit/ talks about stupid shit.

>> No.6218580

Thinking in terms of philistinism is philistinism itself.

Because we are the last men. Western society has finished humankind, and took the last step a civilisation can take.

>> No.6218965

Well dub'd my friends, but check this 4

>> No.6219075

One should always judge philosophers by their lives as much as by their thought.

Even a casual glance at Nietzsche's life is enough to realise you should never believe his advice on the good life.

>> No.6219665


>> No.6219672


>> No.6219680

>living a barrel on the street, just taming the trouser snake all day errday

>implying that's not the best life

>> No.6219688

That's pretty good. Much better than Nietzsche's life at least.

>> No.6219711


One should always judge anons by their lives as much as by their shitposting

A casual glance at this anon's life is enough to realize the virginal pathetic waste of time in the worse board in 4chan. You should never take the advice from such faggot

>> No.6219730
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>Not overflowing with energy pregnant with the future

>> No.6219758

Stalin is to Hegel as Steve Jobs is to Nietszche. Tell me, which you would prefer?

>> No.6219813
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For you

>> No.6219899

>There are no original or flourishing social trends and ideas.

Neech failed to predict our dank memes.

>> No.6219923
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>> No.6219970

we're not the last men anyway
I mean read that description and look at our world for one second, it's clearly off even though we might be getting closer

>> No.6219980

>considering comfort despicable
>being a neet on disability benefits
>guzzling laudanum every time you have a headache

nietzsche, everyone

>> No.6219981


>> No.6219987

>I mean read that description and look at our world for one second, it's clearly off even though we might be getting closer


>>considering comfort despicable

comfort is descpicable

>> No.6220053

All of life is about the strongest, and therefore it is about man. Don't be mad that you're not the topman; maybe you were when you came out of the womb and didn't cry or something like that i wouldn't know.

>> No.6220118

What ressentiment.

>> No.6220218

If the Last Man wins out over the Übermensch, doesn't that make the Übermensch inferior? Obviously the Last Man is more successful at thriving in life.

>> No.6220237

Nietzsche says that rarer noble natures are actually far less likely to survive because of their difference to the herd and the conditions they maintain.

He wouldn't consider the traits of the Last Man to be "thriving". Merely a greater will to comfort and possibly will to survival.

>> No.6220375

What is it that makes the Übermensch preferable then? What's his reason to even want such a thing? It just doesn't sound very enticing.

Sounds like the Übermensch is like a majestic Condor who really just sucks at being a bird and the Last Man is more like a crow who isn't all that special but very successful at living.

>> No.6220402

>It just doesn't sound very enticing.
Way to be a plebe, faggot

One Napoleon is worth a planetload of you.

>> No.6220417

>What is it that makes the Übermensch preferable then?
Preferable to what?

>What's his reason to even want such a thing?
He considered the vast majority of humanity to be nothing special, or worse. The possibility of the overman growing from there would be a way of affirming their existence despite their failings.

>It just doesn't sound very enticing.
He says that it won't and shouldn't sound enticing to most people.

>a majestic Condor who really just sucks at being a bird
I don't get this metaphor.
>the Last Man is more like a crow who isn't all that special but very successful at living
This seems okay but I wouldn't give the Last Man even that. The Last Man wants to expire eventually, gently. Reminds me of the fact that our immune systems are becoming less diverse than they used to be.

>> No.6220462

Ubermensch? More like Uberbitch amirite?

>> No.6220520

Well it just goes to show how inept and weak leftist imbeciles are. They can't think beyond good and evil, and they don't want to because it's comfortable where they are, i.e. they aren't strong enough to anyway.

>> No.6220578

>As for the famous "struggle for existence," so far it seems to me to be asserted rather than proved. It occurs, but as an exception; the total appearance of life is not the extremity, not starvation, but rather riches, profusion, even absurd squandering — and where there is struggle, it is a struggle for power. One should not mistake Malthus for nature. Assuming, however, that there is such a struggle for existence — and, indeed, it occurs — its result is unfortunately the opposite of what Darwin's school desires, and of what one might perhaps desire with them — namely, in favor of the strong, the privileged, the fortunate exceptions. The species do not grow in perfection: the weak prevail over the strong again and again, for they are the great majority — and they are also more intelligent. Darwin forgot the spirit (that is English!) ; the weak have more spirit. One must need spirit to acquire spirit; one loses it when one no longer needs it. Whoever has strength dispenses with the spirit ("Let it go!" they think in Germany today; "the Reich must still remain to us"). It will be noted that by "spirit" I mean care, patience, cunning, simulation, great self-control, and everything that is mimicry (the latter includes a great deal of so-called virtue).
Nietzsche, Twilight of the Idols

>> No.6220749

>Preferable to what?
The Last Man, or just people as they are now/in his time.

>I don't get this metaphor.
Condors are these huge special majestic birds who can't deal with changing circumstances and are dying out because they are incompetent at living. So while they can be easily seen as someone's idea of a noble and glorious and superior bird, they really aren't all that good at birding.

>The Last Man wants to expire eventually, gently.
Where do you get that?

What do you think makes Napoleon so übermenschlich? His activities to forge a united liberal Europe?

>> No.6220760

>its result is unfortunately the opposite of what Darwin's school desires
I like Nietzsche but it's painful as fuck when he totally misinterprets things like Darwinism or Buddhism because he just didn't really read or know all that much about them.

>> No.6221003

He didn't misinterpret either of those though.

>> No.6221017

Underrated post...

>> No.6221043

The Overman is the guy that will start WW3 launching nukes through the world

Also Terminator is the overman of hollywood

>> No.6221068

Well put.

>> No.6221077

Have you actually read Stirner?

Striner's egoism is actually not at all like the last man. He literally says you have freedom if you have power, so if it's freedom you want then lie, cheat and steal to get your way there. He also says "freedom", and analytically "happiness", are spooks and struggling is good.

Egoism is very powerful if you're fighting for strong desires. The problem is, most people, without spooks, have no inner passion because they're already dead, they're the last men.

How many times will I have to repeat in this thread: read Stirner's section on ownness or selfness CAREFULLY, it's geared toward action

>> No.6221083

"Le misinterpret!" is 90% of the time a no Scotsman fallacy

>> No.6221094

>Where do you get that?

The last man seeks warmth. He's unable to produce heat within himself, he has no fire within, no life: he's the undead for Freud, coasting until he dies. Dying for sixty years.

>> No.6221119

>What do you think makes Napoleon so übermenschlich? His activities to forge a united liberal Europe?

He did what he did powerfully, with passion and beauty.

What you need to understand about the übermensch is the übermensch can do virtually anything and still be übermensch. If you were to trim trees with unbounded passion and skill, and you drew the attention and awe of tree trimmers everywhere, you would be a übermensch in your moments of glory.

This is why interpreters of Nietzsche in a strict sense get him wrong: there is no morality involved in what he does.

Napoleon was a übermensch because he damn well wrecked Europe, and did it with passion and fury. There's superiority in that, no matter how you feel about his actions themselves.

>> No.6221264

Yes he did. Just look at the quote in the post above.

>implying darwin meant survival of the literally strong
>implying he meant that fitness was /fit/ness

>> No.6221313
File: 89 KB, 1210x905, zarathustra re last man.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is the direct quote from TSZ dealing with the Last Man.

There's literally nothing wrong with this except not being edgy enough for the frail little professor who compensated his life with otherworldly power fantasies.

>> No.6221330

Nietzsche didn't mean "literally strong" either.

>> No.6221378

>There's literally nothing wrong with this
aside from it sounding deathly boring to anyone with even an ounce of fervor for anything at all.

>> No.6221404

So which adventurous things do you do in your life that make you different than the Last Man?

>> No.6221426

Reading challenging books, taking on jobs I don't feel totally qualified for, always looking to learn new things and go to new places, I love playing challenging games, trying to talk and make friends with people I feel are better than me, etc. I also like creating things and creation requires an antagonistic mindset for the act to even happen. Do you honestly not do anything like these things?

>> No.6221514

Your post literally says "I'm an average loser who has not once done something great.

Literally, it's right there in the words. You'd have to be blind not to see it.

>> No.6221532

I guess it depends on your perspective. All those things sound pretty Last Man to me. When's the last time you risked your life? When's the last time you duelled? Which wars did you fight in?

What people take for adventure nowadays is safer than getting out of bed in Nietzsche's time, let alone the times he admired like the Renaissance.

If we see things like "challenging games" and "trying to talk and make friends with people" as adventurous, doesn't that already display the Last Man mindstate? Aren't we already living safe and complacent lives but just dressing them up as something else because we don't want to feel like/admit to living safe and complacent lives? Isn't the only thing dividing most of us from the Last Man our lack of honesty and the narrative we choose to adapt?

I find nothing wrong with this easy life by the way, but I think it's strange that people react with adversity to the Last Man concept while they are probably a lot like Nietzsche's notion of it.

>> No.6221536

There's no way you have never dreamt of getting /fit/, or writing the greatest book ever, or conquering an army.

More likely, you excuse your weakness as "practicality", you nested up to prepare for your death, and you now have rustled jimmies because we're pissing on your grave (btl: your face) for the real reason you are you: weakness.

>> No.6221545

>When's the last time you risked your life?
I do so whenever I take on something that is a challenge for me. It doesn't matter if my challenges seem petty to you, it just means I am a small man. But I am NOT the last man; there is still a huge difference between the two.

>> No.6221546

I'm not talking about dreams, but actions. Anyone can spout heroic rhetoric, but most people who do live the same kind of lives as the people who don't.

You, for example, name going to the gym as an example of adventure that makes you different from the Last Man.

How Last Mannish do you have to be to consider going to the gym to be some brazen adventurous feat?

>> No.6221552

You're more last man than übermensch.

>> No.6221565

Is equivocation your favorite past time? "Going to the gym" and "lifting the most anyone has ever lifted" are different, clearly.

>> No.6221566

You don't know me even a tiny bit, so don't pretend you do.

>> No.6221573

>"Going to the gym" and "lifting the most anyone has ever lifted" are different, clearly.
And "getting /fit/" refers to the former a lot more than the latter. You should have said "lifting the most anyone has ever lifted" if that's what you meant.

>> No.6221574

Sure I do, last man.

>> No.6221582
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>> No.6221583

And you should post a warning before every post that you have severe autism.

Try being dialectical for once, and not analytical. Socrates was a fag and there's no good sense in arguing as he does.

>> No.6221594

So you equate risking your life with taking on anything you consider a challenge. See how this sounds like a Last Man in denial?

This is by no means a personal thing, most people do this, especially the type of people that read a lot of Nietzsche. It seems like they live their lives externally indistinguishably from any other person, they just attach this epic narrative to it.

Nietzsche himself for example was a retired professor who unsuccessfully published a few books and then self-published a few more. When you'd ask his own narrative of it he was the father of a new world order upon whose names oaths would be sworn in the future.

>> No.6221599

>expecting people to use terms at least somewhat conventionally related to the thing they're trying to communicate is autism now

>> No.6221616

>>expecting people to use terms at least somewhat conventionally related to the thing they're trying to communicate is autism now

You're so fucking retarded. Dialectics exist to dispute the meaning of terms, because it's fucking retarded to presume only your perspective matters. When you hear someone say something, try asking what they mean before going off on an analytical tangent.

>> No.6221629

You want to dispute whether "getting /fit/" means becoming the greatest weightlifter of all time? Kek.

>> No.6221636

>You want to dispute whether "getting /fit/" means becoming the greatest weightlifter of all time? Kek.

Yes, there is certainly no air of supremacy in /fit/ at all. It's just a bunch of kind, fair people talking about lifting in a comfortable environment.

>> No.6221638
File: 40 KB, 350x275, nietzsche-friedrich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to give you an unconventional but intuitive grasp of what the ubermesch/last man way of attuning to the world is about.

After a nut is busted and balls are empty and dick is soft for a few minutes, some men experience a phenomenon called post coital tristesse. It's characterized by a general feeling of hopelessness, malaise, melancholy and general feeling of purposelessness. In other words when one lacks power--when they're literally impotent--they attune to the world in such a way that can be characterized as nay-saying. When balls fill up and dick can get hard again, and especially if one has access to pussy, then that feeling is gone. The world is suddenly experienced as enchanted again. One becomes a "cup that wants to overflow." Cheerfulness returns.

In short, depending on whether one has power or not, the world appears as Camus or as Nietzsche saw it.

>> No.6221654

>It seems like they live their lives externally indistinguishably from any other person, they just attach this epic narrative to it.
That's because, surprise surprise, 99.999% of people aren't geniuses like Nietzsche. I am never going to accomplish what he accomplished because that's just not in me.

I do, however, always end up in the top 5% of whatever it is I participate in, and pressure myself in ways no one I know even could. I also hold a set of values that a so-called last man would never hold, for instance: that war is the father of all things, that pleasure requires pain and the greatest pleasures require the greatest pains, that a good tragedy makes the best stories, that "he who renounces war renounces the good life" (Nietzsche), that Icycalm is awesome, etc. I'm also never content with my life and I'll be damned if I ever am for longer than a couple hours at most, and I absolutely hate sleeping... even when I'm tired.

You don't quite understand what the "last man" is, I think. It has to do with a person's values above all else. I'm not a genius, and I do have anxiety problems, but my values prevent me from ever, ever desiring peace as the end-all goal. I'd rather DIE than live in peace, or be perfect. And if I actually wanted perfection I would already pursue it by offing myself or just taking up a Buddhist life style (i.e. the same thing). I don't though because that sounds boring as fuck.

What about you? What the fuck are you even here for, talking to me about this? What are you getting out of this? Are you just looking to try and belittle someone else to excuse your own laziness or something?

>> No.6221679

in a letter to his friend, Nietzsche tells him BGE and Zarathustra say the same thing, except differently, very differently. for my dissertation i've been trying to translate zarathustra in BGE terms.

When it comes to overman/last man distinction, this section from BGE should be helpful to those who care:

In an age of disintegration that mixes races indiscriminately,
human beings have in their bodies the heritage of multiple origins,
that is, opposite, and often not merely opposite, drives and value
standards that fight each other and rarely permit each other any
rest. Such human beings of late cultures and refracted lights will on
the average be weaker human beings: their most profound desire
is that the war they are should come to an end. Happiness appears
to them, in agreement with a tranquilizing (for example, Epicurean
or Christian) medicine and way of thought, pre-eminently as the
happiness of resting, of not being disturbed, of satiety, of finally
attained unity, as a "sabbath of sabbaths," to speak with the holy
rhetorician Augustine who was himself such a human being.
But when the opposition and war in such a nature have the effect
of one more charm and incentive of life-and if, moreover, in
addition to his powerful and irreconcilable drives, a real mastery
and subtlety in waging war against oneself, in other words, self control,
self-outwitting, has been inherited or cultivated, too-then
those magical, incomprehensible, and unfathomable ones arise,
those enigmatic men predestined for victory and seduction, whose
most beautiful expression is found in Alcibiades and Caesar (to
whose company I should like to add that first European after my
taste, the Hohenstaufen Frederick II),15 and among artists perhaps
Leonardo da Vinci. They appear in precisely the same ages when
that weaker type with its desire for rest comes to the fore: both
types belong together and owe their origin to the same causes.

>> No.6221691

Being in the top 5% means shit.

>> No.6221704

Actually it means I strive harder than 95% of other people regardless of what I'm doing. And despite this, I am rarely satisfied with my work.

>> No.6221792

>the ubermensch is a mediocre top 5%er

dude, you have some serious ego issues here. you're not special and no one gives a fuck

>> No.6221797

Last Man sees himself as below four
Overman sees himself as above ninety five

>> No.6221801

behold the last man, internalizing and projecting his own failures, thus playing the fox without his grapes, only now he seeks to cut the vine down that it may never bear fruit again.

>> No.6221814
File: 8 KB, 229x220, stop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lele i'm so poetic just like nietzsche

>> No.6221832

You provide no arguments, but resort to infantile ad hominem. You are worthless. End your life now, you pathetic drooling ape. I bet you think icycalm is unintelligent because he uses swear words too.

You are a coward, leave my planet and never return.

>> No.6221833
File: 117 KB, 640x747, EmperorSuleiman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm not a genius, and I do have anxiety problems, but my values prevent me from ever, ever desiring peace as the end-all goal. I'd rather DIE than live in peace, or be perfect.
>My acne is WHO i am MOM

>He needs to try to get top 5%
If you think work should be satisfying you probably aren't working had enough either

>> No.6221841

Overman rejects eternal percentile systems and replaces it with a system of their own devising, perhaps non-percentage based, grounded in their own values, that they then strive to top.

>> No.6221843


>> No.6222369

That's quite an inspiring passage. Thank you.

>> No.6223328

>What about you? What the fuck are you even here for, talking to me about this? What are you getting out of this?
I simply enjoy talking about these sort of things.

>Are you just looking to try and belittle someone else to excuse your own laziness or something?
It's not so much trying to belittle people as being amused by how seriously you guys take yourself. Seems like Nietzsche turns a lot of people into blowhards without a sense of humour.

Which is strange because Nietzsche praised lightness, effortlessness and joy.

>"All that is good is instinctive — and hence easy, necessary, uninhibited. Effort is a failing: the god is typically different from the hero. (In my language: light feet are the first attribute of divinity.) "
Twilight of the Idols

>"I cannot remember ever having exerted myself, I can point to no trace of struggle in my life; I am the reverse of a heroic nature. To "want” something, to "strive” after something to have an "aim” or a "wish” in my mind—I know none of this from experience. Even at this moment I look out upon my future—a distant future! as upon a calm sea: no sigh of longing makes a ripple on its surface. 1 have not the slightest wish that anything should be otherwise than it is: I do not want myself different than I am."
Ecce Homo

>> No.6223760

In a sense what I've been saying is not at total odds with the quotes you posted. Like Nietzsche, I love myself wherever I am; when I strive for something, when I feel unsatisfied with who I am, at the same time I am totally satisfied, and simply following my instincts.

However, Nietzsche was not the Overman... And neither am I, I never claimed to be. But I don't seek absolute peace at the end of the day, and I do take joy in the fact that there is also pain on the horizon. This basic habit of mine and the value system it has output makes me feel much less related to the last man and more on the Overman. I would sooner become a soldier to the Overman than someone who merely sought to find peace in his life. I love innovation and new things, both which require that the old things be discarded and lost.

Also, you *think* I am conducting myself 100% seriously, but this thread and this conversation has very little serious bearing on my life. This is only amusement to me, nothing more.

Before we go any further why don't you elaborate on what makes someone closer to the last man or the Overman to you.

>> No.6223802

i have an idea lets make nietzsche a demigod and his ideas into scripture

i'm sure thats a good idea, and something he would have wanted

>look at me im the most dogmatic nietzscheian

>> No.6224398

stop taking urself seriously, cuz no one else is going to

>> No.6224593

One post ago you said:

>I'm also never content with my life

Now I post a Nietzsche quote about how he's always satisfied and now you say "a-at the same time I-i'm actually always satisfied though."

If you're just trying to go along with whatever he says you're in for a bad time.

>> No.6225015

I consider myself a real Nietzsche fan. Just like him I say many truths that seem contradicting but aren't, depending on what the situation calls for. I also said you know nothing about me so don't take every post at face value.

>> No.6225125

please stop, this is embarassing

>> No.6225276

Quit being a tard.

>Overman does this and not that
Nah. The Overman does everything.

>> No.6225328

For a real fan you seem to have a very one sided grasp of him.

I bet you haven't even read all his published works.

>> No.6225359

>and seeks only comfort and security.
And I am supposed to believe that the first men didn't?

>> No.6225374

Everyone does except bored privileged kids.

>> No.6225376

i take it to be in the way like a mouse scurries away into the cracks at the first sight of danger rather than rambo killing all the bad guys threatening his family so he can live in peace

>> No.6225377

>Your world

I think you mean my world :^)

>> No.6225409

>being this mad

>> No.6225456


Thank you based nietzsche

>> No.6225466


>and I absolutely hate sleeping... even when I'm tired

confirmed for not being fit and skinny

>> No.6225486

I'm the last man and i don't give a fuck

if you have a problem you should fight me 1v1 irl faggot srs

>> No.6225488

I don't think you have a clue what you're talking about.

>> No.6225500

more like the last manchild lmao

>> No.6225506


>> No.6225554


i was going to defend my anon identity but those dubs speak the truth

>> No.6225577


top kek, i imagine arnold saying it

>> No.6225616

Imagine being Arnold

>> No.6225639

The Overman is the most advanced being in a given culture. You can imagine him as a young man in his prime.

The last man is the final generations of a given culture that no longer create beyond themselves. You can imagine them as old, tired men who stay at home whenever they can.

Every other definition ITT has been over-complicated nonsense more or less.

>> No.6225649


I'm a young man in his prime and i look as a last man shitposting in 4chan

this is truly the cancer

>> No.6225711

It's true though. Edgy philosophical posturing is a luxury.

>> No.6225912

>being this hysterical