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6213128 No.6213128 [Reply] [Original]

Gonna play devil's advocate here not because I see credibility in the position but just because I want to hear some informed responses about the issue:

Out of all of the sick and obscene perversions that man has ever indulged in, now far more public and kind of accepted than ever because of the popularity of internet (and becoming increasingly shocking to push the envelope etc) why is an attraction to kids met with such shock and disbelief?

I'm not saying that pedophilia is in any way justified or the wrongness of it should be in anyway mitigated but when we consider all of the downright no good, foul and atrocious things people get off on how is it so hard to believe some people are genuinely attracted to children which, in comparison to these things, seems like quite an innocent thing to be attracted to (provided they don't act on urges).

Again, I want to state that i personally feel that child molestation is singularly the most digusting and offensive and harmful thing on the planet to me but am just trying to have some smart discussion and information.

also im 19 so am still a kid


>> No.6213141

>how is it so hard to believe some people are genuinely attracted to children

But we do believe this, and we call those people pedophiles

What is this thread even about?
Trolling? I don't even know.

>> No.6213155

We instinctively feel the need to protect children, that includes keeping them from kid fuckers.

>> No.6213175

sorry if my writing is not clear.
yeah sorry, obviously people believe that people are attracted to kids but dont UNDERSTAND why.

>> No.6213626

>"also im 19 so am still a kid"
no, you're a young adult

And well, age of consent varies from place to place and time to time. I don't have a problem with accepting that the line is blurred and that 18 isn't the definitive number of maturity, but I do believe there's a limit. If it were up to me, I'd create the rules as follows:

>1. All sex must be consented.
>2. All sex must be with individuals past the stage of puberty.
>3. Anyone who has sex with an adolescent should not be older than them by 5 years or more.

it's complicated. I have a tendency to believe most things can be attributed to genetics. If homosexuality is an epigenetic phenomenon, I don't see how certain other attractions aren't like this as well. We must find the cause of this attraction and eliminate it from our gene pool or find some way to deal with it. 15+ is fine by me, but there is a line to be drawn at 13 and 14, and we must not go below that ever. We must protect our children. But we must also not make sex a dirty, shameful thing.

>> No.6213646


>> No.6213649
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But sex is dirty and shameful, anon. It reminds one of death as much as life.

>> No.6213650

Read Lolita.

Also: read the Greeks. They had a culture that puts our contemporary morality into question.

>> No.6213656

>They had a culture that puts our contemporary morality into question.


"Whatever one man does, it is as if all men did it. For that reason it is not unfair that one disobedience in a garden should contaminate all humanity; for that reason it is not unjust that the crucifixion of a single Jew should be sufficient to save it." -- Borges

>> No.6213667

Because messing with a kid messes up their entire future life. They're also 'innocent' and no consent to anything 'cause they don't know. Also destroys the parents especially a mother. Its the most anti humanity / society thing to do bad to a child.

>> No.6213729

I've been masturbating since I was about 9 or 10, I think. This was before I even discovered the internet, and had to rely on my imagination and some movies with semi-nude or sexual scenes. There is a natural inclination in some people to over sexualize early on. I don't know why this is. And I don't know how I would've reacted if I had the option to have my sexual urges satisfied. By the time I was around 12 and 13, the sexual urge was rather unbearable. Luckily, I found some magazines, and soon afterwards, the internet. My point is: we shouldn't place such a strong taboo on sex. We shouldn't exploit anyone, but there has to be a middle ground between "forbidding any mention of sex" and "shoving sex in their face." They should have sex with each other and, maybe with someone slightly older, but not anyone too old who might manipulate a naive mind.

And again, they must consent. Most won't. They'll be too afraid or too unprepared for sex. A small percentage (which would include me, as a child), would feel ready to engage in some sexual acts. But however we may change the law, we must do so with caution, keeping the best interests of our youths in mind.

>> No.6213866

no one is disputing that

>> No.6213902

lol, is 9 or 10 supposed to be early? i masturbated at 5 years old in kindergarten in the naptime. not even joking. ofc i didn't know what I was doing, just felt good. And I sure as fuck didn't oversexualiize stuff early, My school mates were much more perverted (11-15 yrs).

I don't think there is anything wrong with sex, It's just making u and a m8 feel good, hopefully even connecting on other levels. Doesn't matter if gay, tranny, straight, even paedo if both paties would enjoy it (ussually the kid doesn't), it is all okay and nothing to worry about.

>> No.6213919

So what do you think about two 9 year olds having sex? (It happens)

>> No.6213940


I'm not sure what your confusion is about why people find pedophilia shocking.

But it is unfortunate that we simply treat people with pedophiliac tendencies as animals instead of rational human beings who are entirely capable of reform. The attraction to children is something that can be cured. If the perversion is not fed with indulgence (in child pornography), and self discipline is practiced, then pedophiles can be reformed.

It is quite a shame, the direction the prison system has taken in our country. When prison building took off in America in the 19th century, people were progressive minded and actually still saw it as a place where a person would be rehabilitated. Now its just a rape dungeon where you lock someone away and forget about them.

You would think that with all the interest our society has in psychology that there would be some concern with this. Shouldn't pedophiles be able to seek help, so that they can get better and not harm children?

>> No.6213974

replace pedophilia with homosexuality and children with men. You'll see how ignorant your post is.

I do agree with you on the prisons though, it is also the same with mental institutions.

>> No.6213984

>I want to state that i personally feel that child molestation is singularly the most digusting and offensive and harmful thing on the planet

Worst than genocide, nuclear war and climate change?
There's no need to spray the above out, people don't assume you're a pedophile if you bring up pedophilia in context.

>> No.6214023


It's true that a growing scientific consensus says that sexual orientation is immutable. But no such consensus has emerged with regards to the age of the person attracted to (unless there is some research stating otherwise you can point us to).

>> No.6214057

All I can find is an LATimes article about pedophilia that states there were some studies made that show that:
"Like many forms of sexual deviance, pedophilia once was thought to stem from psychological influences early in life. Now, many experts view it as a sexual orientation as immutable as heterosexuality or homosexuality. It is a deep-rooted predisposition — limited almost entirely to men — that becomes clear during puberty and does not change."

There are however no listed sources for the statements they asserted.

>> No.6214137

Well this scientific community didn't grow up saturated with pornography the way we have, because I have no doubt that a person can change their sexual orientation between heterosexual and homosexual long after puberty.

>> No.6214264

>It's true that a growing scientific consensus says that sexual orientation is immutable.
No, it's certainly _not_ true. Any time you hear the two words "scientific consensus", rest assured that you're being lied to by political lobbying groups. "Consensus" is completely antithetical to the very core ideas of science.

>> No.6214281


Fapping to traps because you're bored of 24-hour pornography that can't get you off anymore isn't the same thing as changing your sexual identity.

>> No.6214292

How the fuck is it not 'changing your sexual identity'? What kind of ridiculous mental hoops do you have to jump through to justify your batshit-crazy idea that being aroused by homosex isn't actually gay?

>> No.6214299


Because you're not really attracted to it - you'd run a mile from a real-life trap with a big dick and an arse that smells like shit.

It's a symptom of internet addiction, not some change in your baseline state.

Take six months off porn and you'll see the difference. People who sit watching anal prolapse movies aren't actually into anal prolapses, they haven't changed any orientation, they're just jaded.

I know you can't take six months off porn. You've probably got porn open in another window right now.

>> No.6215267

I think it's perfectly natural. It should neither be encouraged nor shamed. If it's with each other, there's no harm done. But they must be educated about what it is.

>> No.6216328

agree with this wholeheartedly. the very nature of porn addiction is, due to the substantial amount of content around, you are forever trying to find a hotter girl, a better video, a better production. This can only go on for so long before you get bored of vanilla porn and try to push the envelope of sexual wierdness.

>> No.6216351
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>also im 19

>> No.6216399

> provided they don't act on urges.
oh so because they never did it, they never will? That's putting a lot of faith in mankind there.

So assuming you're not one of those guys looking for a justification, i will answer your question: we are supposed to care about kids, cause they're not adults yet. Caring does not mean wanting to have sexual intercourse or pleasure with them. Even if some kids are curious about sex, they have no clue what would be the consequences of an act with an adult.

>> No.6216406
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>some people are genuinely attracted to children which, in comparison to these things, seems like quite an innocent thing to be attracted to

>> No.6216414

Did pedophiles seek help? Would they?

>> No.6216502

I agree. I think its a flawed meme in the modern male psyche, that he's supposed to want to fuck anything and everything. And the moment he's given permission, he's a fag for not going ahead.

I say it is right and proper to be the mature adult and say 'no' to someone who has no idea what they're getting into.