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/lit/ - Literature

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6208579 No.6208579[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>cutting class to read tomes
>making /pol/-tier jokes in history class
>spending lunch in the library
>taking 'work experience' at getting out at 11:45 twice a week
>pretend to take notes when really writing stories/thoughts
>leaving gym class right after role was taken, every time
>sitting in the back, reading novels
>getting mostly Cs and some Bs
>only dated freshmen and sophomores
>spend art classes talking to the teacher about whatever
>chugging cough syrup hours before receiving diploma

what was your high school experience like, /lit/?

>> No.6208727


>> No.6208754

>hanging out with my friends all day
>constantly trying to flirt with all the girls in my classes
>taking art, woodshop, athletics, metal shop etc never learning shit
>playing football
>going to the park during lunch break and slamming keystone light with my bros
>playing halo 2 for hours after football practice

Best time of my life just thinking about it makes me want to kill myself because I can't go back

>> No.6208780
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i played a lot of video games and most of my friends were asian. I smoked weed maybe ~3 times and got drunk maybe ~10 times. when I got a license and bought a car I would drive to the bookstore after class or at lunch and buy random books that looked interesting. I loved the shit out of WoT. I remember feeling sexually frustrated but compared to my neet days I was practically swimming in it. I worked as a lifeguard and read books when no one was in the pool. I got good grades, I didn't often join a sports team other than swimming. I rarely got in trouble. I had a brief relationship that made me very miserable. I thought since I was good at school I would be rich as an adult. I went skiing every other weekend in the winter. I got in a couple fights. I thought smoking cigarettes was cool. I liked michael bay movies.

>> No.6208798

my life would have been better in every conceivable way if my formal education ended after elementary school. high school was the worst experience of my life.

>> No.6208804

Incredibly depressing and a good friend committed suicide.

But at least I can say I had life more figured out than most people did by the time they graduated, and after senior year I got off my ass and started talking to girls.

>> No.6208806

Damn it's amazing how she looked like she could take 20 dicks ever since she was a kid

>> No.6208807

You sound like a real character

>> No.6208812

Pre-AIDS Sasha is best Sasha.

>> No.6208824

one of my high school gfs looked just like her, but not as pretty

>> No.6208829

>straight A student until junior year
>gave up and dropped to C and D student, got lazy and stopped doing work
>also the year I began reading lit and writing poetry actively
>played baseball
>partied on weekends
>lots of sex
>pretty popular
>last half of senior year gave up on social life because I was an elitist conceited prick (hasn't changed much) and thought I was better and smarter than my compeers and most of my teachers
>suddenly no friends at all
>no more parties
basically became a recluse and rarely left my home. i saw three therapists because my mother was concerned about the vanishing of my social life and my lack of emotions toward anyone but myself. two of them suggested I was a sociopath and the third laughed at the idea.
typical edgy apathetic teen bullshit, really.

always had a girlfriend or booty calls, though. i don't see how some of you younger guys are virgins these days, I feel it's a million times easier to get laid now than it was back then.

>> No.6208835

thanks. stay tuned for the 'what was your college experience like' thread

>> No.6208841

>romanticizing your boring ass high school life
when is your book coming out anon

>> No.6208845

elite school, one of the most popular guys, one girl masturbated while moaning in my ear in class.


>> No.6208868

My only friend was an autistic kid who eventually got sick of my shit and got a job.

I mostly ate lunch alone, and tried to avoid talking to anybody.

I'd lie in the middle of the field with my coat over my head and my headphones in listening to The Stone Roses on sunny days.

Sometimes people would come up to me and ask if I was okay; I'd tell them that I was fine, even though I knew I wasn't.

Once in a while somebody would single me out for some abuse, but I beat a couple of kids pretty badly, almost got expelled; they left me alone after that.

In college I discovered recreational drug use, petty crime, and slags; the rest is history.

>> No.6208869
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>not being the most attractive and popular person at your school

home school was the best

>> No.6208870


>elite school

as in a private school? what was the point of that lol? Plus it couldn't have been that good if they let girls in.

>> No.6208873
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>one girl masturbated while moaning in my ear in class.
That never happened to me.

>> No.6208878

Smartest kid at my school. Straight As without trying. Did drugs all the time. Parties. Friends with druggies, burnouts, skaters, and rejects. Unpopular. Got in a couple of fights with jocks. Won both. More drugs. Was a member of a punk crew. Didn't get laid too often. Fucked a really hot goth chick. Additional drugs. Fucked my English teacher.

>> No.6208883

>Fucked my English teacher.

>> No.6208886

she was into me and I kept holding her off.

not sure how it's in America but it's where all the wealthy and good graded kids end up which happens to be mainly girls in my country. (note grade is not intelligence)

>> No.6208905
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>Fucked my English teacher

>> No.6208944

Basically a beta version of that, so no fights or sex or straight A's or smartest kid and shit.

>> No.6208964

How is this /lit/?

>> No.6208968

you're supposed to wait until after graduation to reminisce, kids

>> No.6208984

It's not, these wankers will just take any opportunity to talk about themselves

>> No.6209007

ITT: Lies posted by children still in school.

>> No.6209026

I literally rode the short bus.

For several years.

>> No.6209034
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haven't slept in about 40 hours so this is going to suck literary dicks
>Diagnosed ADHD when actually severely depressed for years because of divorce
>first kiss and love dies of cancer at 14the same summer, loved her for a third of my life.
>[mother mentally abused me and my brother was jealous of my birth, would beat me every now and then]
>Prescribed meth the summer before HS
>HS starts; friends notice im a bonelord instead of a chubster like last year
>they realize i have no personality, i tell them about the meth
>ostracized by "friends" and physically attacked by 3 upper class men on a frequent basis.
>Sophomore year; develop psychotic hallucinations of violent screaming of my name on a regular basis.
>have nightmares on a regular basis and basically avoid sleep at all costs, spend less than 30 hours per week sleeping, stunted my growth by approx 4 inches[still not a manlet though aaaaaaaaaaay]
>think im autistic because im def not schizophrenic, probably autistic[later discovered that depression basically triggered psychotic ASPD]
>have psychotic episode during school, vehemently push a peer down a flight of stairs with intention to kill[was never caught]
>have a long think and realize im going crazy, remove myself from HS
>spend a year taking in house classes, i teach myself and deliver completed assignments to a designated "teacher"
>decide to attend school once more, maybe senior year i'll transfer back to the original highschool
>teachers begin ostracizing me because i ask philosophical questions like why is slavery wrong, how can someone know what emotions they feel, even without knowledge of their own emotions.
>school is so easy that i have time to learn writing with my second hand
>made straight A's my entire life without studying
>teachers are afraid of me for some reason
>most of my humor is satirically ironic
>half wit teachers think im crazy because i write random words on blank spaces of paper, don't realize im practicing my left hand writing skills
>eventually get sent to principals office for writing the word abuse on the white board{was an assignment to write a word that you associate with summer, abuse = summer sun on skin, scraped knees from play.} she thinks saying the word abuse is some sort of joke
>principal is my friend, always has my back, so does counselor.
>he tells me that teachers have been sending pictures of my writing practice to him saying im crazy
>tells me that saying rest in peace during a dodgeball game has disturbed some teachers
>no teacher has ever talked to me about any of the shit he's telling me about
>tell them in done with this shit school and the children that teach there
>never go back
>read mein kampf, the koran, bible[old and new covenant], some psychology books and most importantly the mask of sanity before turning 17.
>18 now and don't have a high school diploma, could care less.

>tfw no HS diploma and am working as a mechanical engineer, 213 pages into a novel im writing

>> No.6209052

I'm psychically channeling my empathy waves to you anon, you should be getting them right about now.

>> No.6209082

i failed 8th grade twice because i only went to school for a few weeks. i had 2 girlfriends and some friends who i didn't really care for. i started reading literature seriously during my second year in 8th grade. both of my parents were alcoholics. i was pretty poor as well

>> No.6209102
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>never went to a single school dance

>> No.6209111

This reads like a half assed sequel to Infinite Jest

>> No.6209113

>wanting to go to dances

What is wrong with you?

>> No.6209128

>knick off
>play hookie
>don't do homework
>lots of detentions
>still did alright in my GCSEs because I found tests easy
Pretty much that for 5 years. Oh and turn up drunk to "citizenship" class on Friday afternoons because we were getting an early start on our countries proud binge drinking culture. Obviously we didn't have much respect for the subject or the teacher.

Now that I think about it, we MAY have been cunts to our teachers.

>> No.6209183
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>blush whenever I think someone is looking at me
>grow my hair out so no one can see my face
>wear headphones in the hall so no one can talk to me
>nervous as fuck whenever teachers call on me
>always get A's, a few B's in math courses, but always in honors
>head always buried in a book or I'll be writing in a notebook
You make fun of ONE kid who killed himself halfway through your high school career and suddenly EVERYONE's your enemy.

>> No.6209186

>You make fun of ONE kid who killed himself halfway through your high school career and suddenly EVERYONE's your enemy.


>> No.6209189

>in program that will give me a free ride through college
>in elite class, sent to a different school to attend
>doing great, reading all of the time, getting into classics
>family has to move
>no more free ride through college
>papers weren't transfered, in a retard tier class full of delinquents
>disheartened, being forced to repeat work I've done years ago
>start hanging out with kids who don't care about school
>keep getting moved around to different places
>give less of a shit over time
>stop reading completely at 14
>simply didn't give a shit
>get moved again from my only friends
>new school is poor as shit, bus takes an hour each way, people are stealing basically anything I bring because no one gives a shit
>start staying home or sleeping all day in class
>spend all night on 4chan
>only joy in life is escaping from a world that doesn't care to hang around those simply having fun
>neglect school and live more and more
>fast forward
>19 now
>have the educational equivalent of a 6th grader
>still do not care even though I am aware of the consequences from my neglect
>get into taoism because I agree with it
>slowly getting back into reading thanks to /lit/
>probably will end up homeless bohemian

>> No.6209200
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>Be friendless autist
>Be in first lesson of new science class
>Science is my favourite lesson, so I'm happy
>Girl behind starts swearing loudly at me
>no idea why
>teacher does nothing
>I turn around and say "do you kiss your mother with that mouth?
>she freezes up
>turns bright red
>throws herself over her desk and tries to punch me
>I laugh and just lean forwards so she can't reach
>The teacher tells her to leave
>I turn around and see everybody in the room staring at me
>The first pencil hits me in the eye
>then comes a storm of them, thick and fast like hail
>"Her mum's dead ya fookin' Cunt!"
>I literally have to run out of the classroom under a shower of stationary projectiles
>change classes immediately after
>No free spaces anywhere but "environmental science"
>Well fuck.

>> No.6209211

>Really into classes, found them fun, got all A's and one B every report card
>Handful of good friend. Really shy, but ended up commonly hanging with people they knew. Really an unknown or unnoticed kid to 98 percent of the school though
>Spent every possible moment with one best friend (who was not a lesbian and ended up not feeling the same). Mostly that.
>Played D&D, watched anime, played a lot of board games and video games with friends and by myself
>Drew a lot and listened to sadtown music
>Constantly traded books, comics, and tv shows with best friend

>> No.6209232

>>in program that will give me a free ride through college
>>stop reading completely at 14
You were in some elite program for 10 year olds to get into college? It sounds like you were an idiot in high school, too dumb for college, and are claiming some intellect from a bogus preteen version of yourself.

>> No.6209238

No it was a program that takes kids who go through it through an accelrated education that goes at least 2 years ahead of regural schooling, and if you make it through they give you a free college education. Haven't claimed anything about personal intellect, it'd be stupid to do it from my old self because they're dead now.

>> No.6209239

ITT: /lit/'s current daily routine

>> No.6209257

>You make fun of ONE kid who killed himself halfway through your high school career and suddenly EVERYONE's your enemy.
What better way to divert attention from yourself?

>> No.6209258
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>six different girls asked me out during high school
>they'd be interested in me for a matter of weeks. in two cases, for over a year
>always started with getting their phone number
>get so nervous just looking at the phone number that I never called them
>dodged them at school
>two of the girls turned up at my house in the night to see me
>four of the six bought me presents
>one of them point blank to my face told me she wanted to suck my dick. refused her (in the most dickish way like I wasn't interested, even though truthfully I was just scared)
>went to the movies twice with one of them, shut it down before it went anywhere further
>I either told them I wasn't interested or they just eventually gave up on me
>still a virgin now at 24
>not a day goes by I don't regret how I behaved
worst thing is I'm still doing the same things.

>> No.6209270 [DELETED] 
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>be me
>in year 7 all my friends had scholarships who could discuss science and history beyond me
>always felt like the stupidest people in the group
>next year move to a new town and a new school
>decide that I will not make the same mistake I made last time and be the stupidest person in the group
>proceed to act like a pretentious faggot for the next year, alienating everyone, earn a reputation as a pretentious faggot
>next year, finally realise how wrong I was
>spend the rest of high school fixing the damage
>graduated last year as a respected and reasonably popular member of the year
No matter how cringe worthy a phase you went through was, you can overcome it.

>> No.6209271

Nikola Tesla pls.

>> No.6209277
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>be me
>in year 7 all my friends had scholarships who could discuss science and history beyond me
>always felt like the stupidest person in the group
>next year move to a new town and a new school
>decide that I will not make the same mistake I made last time and be the stupidest person in the group
>proceed to act like a pretentious faggot for the next year to show how 'smart' I am, alienating everyone, earning a reputation as a pretentious faggot
>next year, finally realise how wrong I was
>spend the rest of high school fixing the damage
>graduated last year as a respected and reasonably popular member of the year
No matter how cringe worthy a phase you went through was, you can overcome it.

>> No.6209283

>last year

I always forget how old most of the people here are. I feel like a failure still posting here at 29.

>> No.6209289

>couldn't decide between hip-hop, metal or punk, end up a monstrous rotund amalgamation of all three

>> No.6209291

You shouldn't, no action is inherently more right than any other.

"Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law" - A.C.

>> No.6209304

Wow, this board is young

>> No.6209338
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>Only excelled in and cared about English class
>Strongly disliked most of my classmates and disingenuously made friendships just for the sake of social survival and felt really shitty about it
>Tried to avoid the inevitable post-schoolday release of all my depression and anxiety by going to sleep immediately after getting home
>Had no girlfriends because my already stunted social skills and inability to carry a fucking conversation were doubled when any sexual drive was added into the mix
>Went home as soon as possible after receiving my diploma, ruminated on the emotional emptiness and lack of fulfillment in the whole four year experience and fell asleep for nearly the entire rest of the day

>> No.6209345

I went to one. I didn't like it. I didn't go to another one. It was better that way.

>> No.6209348
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>Tried to avoid the inevitable post-schoolday release of all my depression and anxiety by going to sleep immediately after getting home

>> No.6209354

Hey, even crazy niggas got a point once in a while.

Plus, Moonchild is a fun read.

>> No.6209359

is that aphex twin

>> No.6209361

i know that feel, bro

sophomore year i would sleep at 4 PM and start my days at 3 in the morning

>> No.6209366

>tfw sleep is more pleasant than being awake
not good

>> No.6209369

>playing varsity football
>highest test scores in every AP class
>friends with nerds and jocks
>teachers love me
>people ask me about philosophy/music/literature
>complemented on eyes/appearance often

>still no gf

Wasn't that good.

>> No.6209376

>near straight-A student
>learned the wonders of literature, poetry and philosophy
>read Camus, Murakami, Hemingway, Paul Auster and Fitzgerald fervently
>many friends

>went through the whole experience as a frustrated virgin
>feeling existential horror for the first time
>feeling misogynistic feelings for the first time

So yeah, pretty good with some bad. I'd say that's as good as it gets.

>> No.6209378

I enjoyed reading your story

>> No.6209383

iktfb. Still doing it to some extent. Hanging out with my friends at uni after lectures is replaced by crushing loneliness when I leave them and go home.

>> No.6209384

>arranged marriage makes it less likely to get laid than now
You sure are unerudite for an elitist.

>> No.6209389

come on dude

>> No.6209392

what the fuck man

>> No.6209406

Was speaking more about promiscuity among women being more rife rather than arranged marriage. What with the whole feminist thing going on and "slut shaming" being discouraged.
How old are you, if you don't mind me asking? Or are you just a resentful virgin?

>> No.6209416

tell us more about how you fucked your english teacher. Was she old or young? How did it happen? I need references.

>> No.6209421


I went to one. I had a cane and a long matrix coat and I embarrassed myself and my whole family. I am so thankful I didn't also wear a fedora or I'd have to shoot myself.

>> No.6209447

I am glad that my suffering can bring joy to others.

For if not, what was it all for?

>> No.6209454

>long matrix coat
those existed for a long time before the matrix anon
they're called trench coats

>> No.6209470

Go troll /r9k/ all you want. How much of an idiot do you have to be to not see how much easier is to get sex when arranged marriages are a thing. Read some history instead of lashing out at your favorite strawman. Let me guess, you need statistics to think for you?

>> No.6209474


I slept through the whole thing.
I mean, I literally can't remember a single class I stayed awake for every time. Is anyone else with me on this?

>> No.6209475

>read some history
I don't have to, I lived it.
Resentful virgin it is.

>> No.6209485

incline hat

>> No.6209617

>lonely reading in the library
>clung desperately to hipster group that never accepted me; fell back on softcore nerd group that made me feel lonelier
>lots of drug experimentation and weed smoking
>one nerdy girlfriend who was gamergurl but really hot and loved me when I didn't love her. Told her I loved her so I could have sex
>pined for a fellow literature buff hipster chick who was far above my league but I think she loved me in a way different than I loved her. Very intense connection.
>expelled for second-strike marijuana possession
>finished diploma online

And now I'm a community college graduate famously doing nothing with his lit degree and working a decent but low-end job, I'm bisexual, and I've lost touch with literature. I'm reading ASOIAF for the second time however because I'm obsessed with war. Things are actually pretty good.

>> No.6209629

>Get bullied at school
>Get bullied at home

>> No.6209646

>roll a joint at night
>smoke weed before school
>sit in bus for 40 minutes, read
>waste my time at school, never participate anywhere, too shy
>hang around with metal-kids
>smoke more weed at school
>school ends
>play CS, watch anime
>read more


>> No.6209647

>get bullied online

>> No.6209648



>> No.6209670

You sound like a faggot

>> No.6209674

>moved into high school in 2004, was instantly made a target by basically every bully in the school
>my friends stop hanging around with me because i'm a trouble magnet
>goes on for 2 years, still getting bullied only its getting worse, mom and my stepdad start fighting and shouting at me a lot
>meet a friend who's a bad seed, but nice to me. we start skipping school to avoid everyone else
>the next three years me following him but never actually doing anything bad myself, just watching him and running away with him. skip school almost everyday
>finish my gcses and get an A, two B's and mostly C's

Its was shit. I hated highschool, especially since I went to a comprehensive that was only 49% white. It was like a zoo.

>> No.6209690


>> No.6209729

>parents divorce year before high school
>move and have no friends there
>become incredibly socially anxious
>not able to talk to people like a normal person
>get one friend who has /pol/ tier political views
>spend high school arguing about philossophy, politics and current events with this guy
>have some friends outside of school that I get drunk with sometimes
>do some drugs with them sometimes
>senior year lsd experience makes me realize how miserable I really am
>become pretty depressed
>stop making new connections with people
>only hang out at home playing xbox, watching tennis, browsing 4chan
>I was at my happiest when I was a social recluse
At the moment I'm in the military, becoming a medic and I'm fucking miserable

All I wanna do is be a neet in peace and maybe write a tennisblog

>> No.6209730

>>only hang out at home playing xbox, watching tennis, browsing 4chan
the next DFW

>> No.6209749


What would DFW's Gamer Tag be, I wonder?


>> No.6209753

my sides have gone to kekopolis

>> No.6209758

Few friends
Lots of books & vidya
I did all right in class but never tried very hard and never had to
Theater, band, and chorus were my only extracurriculars
I was single almost the whole time, got together with the girl I liked after graduation, spent the whole summer before college getting laid. Shit was cash. Yung luv is cash.

>> No.6209796


No, it was black and slim fitting. It was the coat of the suit and didn't go over my clothes. I just mentioned matrix for reference anyway

>> No.6209803


Is that an approximation or do they really make race stats in what I assume is bongland (GCSE etc)?
captcha: icume

>> No.6209853

>all boys school
>wasn't allowed extra curriculars
>english, art and languages were treated a joke
>lots of homework
>always got Bs with no effort
>got a detention for being told I had potential to get As by form tutor and I said that I didn't care about that
>lots of bickering in friend group
>didn't see each other outside of school much
>one friend made sure we never partied because he was basically /pol/ (and is now a Jehovah's Witness)
>felt lonely a lot
>didn't go to single school disco (these were the only events mixed with girls school)
>skipped PE as often as I could
>played a lot of vidya
>didn't read much
>occasionally went to local park to smoke with A-level english teacher

Didn't realise how miserable I was until a few years later and by that point it was too late because I'd carried a lot of my negative traits with me to university. I graduated but now I'm NEET and any time my brain thinks about what it would be like to be busy, I just think of how much I hated school and university and realise how lucky I am to be able to spend the day reading and pursuing other hobbies. I hate my life.

>> No.6209858

I was ugly as shit and probably a total sperg, now I'm less ugly and less spergy
only 1½ girl in the entire class(the second one left halfway through) so my inter-gender social skills are probably permanently stunted
halfassed my way through school
everyone in the class were total bros though so it was fun, though I barely ever did anything social outside school
sat in front of the computer all day
still sit in front of the computer all day
still have friends from that class

now I'm in uni and every social interaction is incredibly painful and awkward
I hope I die soon