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File: 15 KB, 244x300, Foucault5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6204407 No.6204407 [Reply] [Original]

Are psychedelics /lit/? Has tripping contributed to your intellectual development?

Pic related- Foucault did LSD in a desert and called it one of the most important experiences of his life

>> No.6204419

I can't believe people still think tripping is a life changing experience.

All you are doing is taking a drug to make yourself act like a retard for however long it lasts.

The effects are similar to a dream but nowhere near as powerful.

Go back to the 60s you fucking hippie scum

>> No.6204424
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> Has tripping contributed to your intellectual development?

Foucault is also one of my favs, had no idea he did acid. That is pretty interesting, and it makes sense I guess (in terms of linguistics and the mind and all that la-la).

I am slightly turned off to psychedelics/drugs at the moment. The general 'counter' culture that is currently enticed by the psyches is not that great imo.

>> No.6204428

Foucault also liked other men putting their fists in him in San Francisco dungeons during the AIDS outbreak.

>> No.6204431
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hur hur hur! You got em gud boi, we lul'n up in ur. Ay? he yeyeye! We sure funnah, we in ourown group, silly kidders wanters them disc-usssion. We so trolololo (liken dat utube vids lol).

fukin hipsters go under uer rocks and snort more lines wastes. Get e jab!

>> No.6204434

Dude was baller as fuck. Sad he died, mutherfuker prlly bringing all types of medicine if wur round now.

>> No.6204435

Either you've never tripped or aren't smart enough to be tripping

Tripping made me "get" post-structuralism

>> No.6204440

What's your issue with the 'counter' culture?

>> No.6204441


These are common characteristics among people who desperately want to defend their 'deep' experience with a drug.

Face it, you took a drug, got fucked up for a few hours, and then it wore off and you carried on with your life.

I've tripped and it was fun, but I would never be so pretentious to say it changed my life, at all.

>> No.6204443

He is trolling you idiot.

I took shrooms once, and it forced me to deal with my social anxiety. It was by far the worst experience of my life though. But I don't think I would be nearly the same person today if i hadn't have taken that plunge.

I wonder what if any drugs Joyce enjoyed. I know he got drunk every night, and I am sure he drank absinthe, but I wonder if anything else melted his mind.

>> No.6204447


lick my balls amerikanker

>> No.6204451
File: 71 KB, 343x494, bush_yale_righthook.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ye we got em. Dem druggers wasten em times awya. Probably just sit n nacho all duer. Worthless keks. We are uber though, you me, we know these nerds waster them times on waster shits. Idiots, wasters.

Spend ur money on more mind numbers pretentous. Fuckin worthless.

>> No.6204452

There is no greater drug than religion. There is no greater trip than the gain or loss of faith.

>> No.6204454

It's just reactionary bullshit with little depth.
Counter culture artists and people with genuine merit are few and far between.

It is literally a "hop on the bandwagon' scenario.

>> No.6204462

Jesus christ, you do not belong here.

>> No.6204465

Do you think psychedelics be legalized for therapeutic use within 50 years in the United States?

>> No.6204467

I'm having a hard time understanding. If the drug did change their life who are YOU to tell them it didn't? Are you claiming people aren't allowed to have profound experiences when tripping? You express a desire to not be pretentious; yet, that is exactly what you are.

>> No.6204468

Bush smoked weed in his partying years and no doubt tried psychedelics at some point

>> No.6204472
File: 430 KB, 487x595, 4G8PhKB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its all commercialized. Yes yes, I understand that can be a buzz word around here, but to the great degree by which the 'counter' culture spurs from one issue to another without any real ideology other than what is being sold, I would consider it heavily commercialized.

It is less 'counter' and more 'placebo counter'. Rather like when you buy a mocha from Starbucks and they say half your money is going to save the rainforest.

>> No.6204474

No way in hell Bush would try a psychedelic

>> No.6204481

Because it didn't change their life 99% of the time, they still go about their life the exact fucking same.
They just think because colours went a little brighter and they noticed differences in comparison to their normal state of mind they have transcended something.

Profound experiences when tripping don't exist, it's what occurs post trip that matters.

>> No.6204486
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why not. cant contrapulate what you want to toll me? drugger, tipical

only for piplar opion you fucking drop outwhy not waste mure years? fuckin adict

>> No.6204488
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if you know french, you can check pic rel, the author was experimenting

>> No.6204493
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Get out.

>> No.6204497
File: 1.58 MB, 5184x3456, gwb_bd446229712f1ed816be9b9330e95f32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking ur rotten brian downt know basic facts of antamomy. fucking idiot. whtere where you educated? prison? fucking moron. life 99% wasted and go about fucking same moron after. Only diffierent is your color, and normals state thinkn O i am a godd or o I am soooooooo smart I nooooo magic or booook knowledge. Nope no experience when tripping dont exist. only occurs post trip. Fucking dummy. after trip you ddumber

>> No.6204501

I can imagine tripping with this goon.

>> No.6204509

This is postmodern poetry

>> No.6204526

Tripping was fun in high school but after a certain amount of tabs and caps you get too close to that point of no return.

I prefer opiates now. Codeine is nice, morphine whenever it's available. Won't touch heroine, though. I've had depression issues when I was younger and the last thing I need is heroine to make me suicidal.

>> No.6204569

>Tripping was fun in high school
You were using psychedelics in high-school? Man, sometimes I think using weed in high-school might have fucked me up.

>> No.6204573

Of course psychedelics are /lit/.

>> No.6204587

no this is

>> No.6204590

Yeah, probably a bad idea considering brain development and what not but luckily I turned out fine as far as I know.

From what I hear lsd is popular in high schools these days, at least around my area.

>> No.6204593
File: 86 KB, 640x640, ZUpPshv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you fuckin fuckedn urselfs wejhhn you doin druggers so youngi. you both know wyou messed up BIG TI EE. I was'lololoin when I was in high school, fun full of when I needed anything, BAM gottom. No drugs, no problems, good grades, great ligre.

Fuckin waste of times I wam so happer I was durn free. Fuckin idiots.

>> No.6204617

I have never done a drug in my life, but always been interested in taking an acid trip.

But no idea about anything concerning drugs and no real care to so fuck it.
If i ever become friends with someone who is not a retard and does acid maybe I will.

I have also wondered about those aboriginal vision quests and sweat lodge rituals.

If you have really never experienced anything besides alcohol all of drug culture appears like mysticism and black curtains. I'm sure its nothing but so many people talk about LSD that it seems to stand out among the others.

>> No.6204642

check out manuel delanda. great mind, and he routinely trips apparently

>> No.6204710

>you do not belong here
You're stupid in a way that I can't really describe right now. It's just off the charts.

>> No.6204713

>tfw no ayahuasca

>> No.6204720

>Foucault did LSD in a desert and called it one of the most important experiences of his life
He did that quite late in his life though. Would be interesting to see if he did it before or after his "care for self" turn.

>> No.6204724

I could see him eating shrooms and painting, to be honest.

Most effect I've had is on artistic ability rather than properly intellectual, to be honest.

>> No.6204746

Much love

>> No.6204759


don't be stupid

>> No.6204774
File: 12 KB, 162x227, Bergson-Nobel-photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Profound experiences when tripping don't exist, it's what occurs post trip that matters.
>complete separation between x and post-x
Do you even durée?

>> No.6204779
File: 1013 KB, 2327x2980, Caspar_David_Friedrich_-_Wanderer_above_the_sea_of_fog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I took LSD, mushrooms (Psilocybin), aMT, 2CB etc when I was 17-18.

It takes quite a few trips to see past where the body is biologically making you feel like your thoughts are profound and when a thought is genuinely profound. I only ever took LSD once but it was my favourite trip. I walked down to the end of the harbour arm with my best friend as the sun began to rise and began to appreciate how everything was simultaneously dying and being reborn.

Another thing of value in psychedelics is that they allow you to realize how easily your perception of reality is altered but both internal and external forces.

Having said this, I abstain from weed and haven't tripped in about a year I think. But tripping is fun when you're in the right place.

>> No.6204786


*by both

and one more thing, I was gazing at the crashing waves when my friend told me to stare at the sea. I witnessed many geometric patterns of indeterminable colours crossing over every which way. That was amazing.

>> No.6204787

Like all drugs, it's a vacation from sanity and that can be a very useful and fun experience.

>> No.6204820


>Like all drugs

>> No.6204827

All narcotics are just vacations from sanity. That's the point. That's why we like to do them. We get to leave behind the bullshit of behaving rationally.

>> No.6204833


>I'm wrong about everything: The post

>> No.6204841

not sure about you but i down adderall to help me focus on the world as opposed to escaping it

>> No.6204851

Read more. Post less.

>> No.6205234

Well, psychedelics are one of the few substances which can directly effect qualia, the phenomenal properties of experience. Examining yourself in sich a state is certainly helpful if you're interested in continental philosophers/critical theorists who are more concerned with the subjectivity of human perception than analytical empiricism

>> No.6205249
File: 37 KB, 1921x695, 1423108152246.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I beg to differ

>> No.6205287

yesh, *sniff*, yesh my gott and so on

>> No.6205295


Awful posts


Did not print and recite to my family at dinner time shit-posting recitals.

Awful awful bad.

>> No.6205316
File: 2.68 MB, 400x225, 1420634848869.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6205320

schaut aut to alles schnieffers aut der ja fill mich?
mehr schitpoßting plß

>> No.6205329

Is that actual German? I can't tell

>> No.6205349

Tripping helped me to internalise certain things that I "knew" or "sensed" but didn't yet "understand" or "feel", if you get what I mean. It also gave me some epiphanous experiences of oneness and synchronicity. Whether they were true or illusory I don't know, but it opened my mind a little bit regardless.

However, like an idiot I did way too much acid in the summer (~900ug in one trip) and had an awful time; I felt depersonalized for weeks afterwards and seem to have given myself permanent visual snow. Also, whenever I have smoked weed since then I have had what I assume are flashbacks.

>> No.6205356

Sanity is just another chain that keeps you from reality.

>> No.6205374

That's an interesting flow chart. My brain got stuck in a time loop when I had a baloon for the first time; the music we were listening to sounded like it was skipping and I was trapped listening to the same soundbite. Had some long thought train that I had screwed up my brain, causing it to loop in places that it shouldn't and that I would become one of those crazy people you sometimes see walking around on the streets.

>> No.6205379

>tfw you experience the unity of the totality of things and know your world will never reveal itself to you, as Casein, in the same way ever again

>> No.6205390

that time I opened being and time in acid ;_;

>> No.6205396

I tried to read the Tao Te Ching on acid but the words wiggled away from me.

>> No.6205428

I read half of the Book of Acts on acid and the whole thing played out before my mind's eye.
That was when I started believing in Jesus.

>> No.6205434


>> No.6205436

What dose did you take? I can't read when I trip, the visuals are too distracting.

>> No.6205448

It may not have been very pure L, me and my friends all felt like it was weak and not quite what we were expecting. I was on 1 tab, probably a low-mid level dose.

>> No.6205451

not him but the being and time guy, I actually need to take quite a lot to be able to read. it's not so much reading but rather the written word unfolding in real time. 500-700, below that I get to distracted by hallucinations

>> No.6205454

He did it before.

>> No.6205495
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>> No.6205568

>There is no greater drug than religion
There is no greater experience* than religion

>> No.6205632

I often wonder what must be the feeling of God existing as something with agency but I can never even begin to get close to it.

>> No.6205653

But Anon, Christ lives inside you, and Christ is God. There is a sense in which your agency is God's agency.