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/lit/ - Literature

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6204229 No.6204229[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>You're in the club
>This guy walks up to you
>Oh, hey anon, The Ego and Its Own changed your life? Same here. I'm gonna go buy your girl a drink.

What do you do?

>> No.6204237

You need to put your shirt back on and finish mopping up the floors Tyrone.

>> No.6204238

Why would I be in a club anyway?

>> No.6204241

I wouldn't take my girl to a club. That's where you go to hit up bitches, not take one you already have.

>> No.6204242

call him a spook

>> No.6204243

Belongs in the Stirner threads.

My girl has a drink now. We say our thanks and walk out together when we feel like it.

>> No.6204245

Punch him in the face and laugh at him for photoshopping his muscles so poorly

Also, I wouldn't be one of those club rat faggots and I would definitely have no qualms about murdering him

>> No.6204247

I beat his ass, obviously. I have licensed hands; odds are he doesn't.

>> No.6204248
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>mfw I concealed carry
>mfw dead nigger

>> No.6204347

mace his ass

>> No.6204369

I would tell him my hunny-bun is partial to Black Russians, so he should feel free to buy her one, but I would also warn him not to get his hopes up as she is not a fan of Black Prussians.

>> No.6204374

The Ego and Its Own, despite being the choice book of trendy nihilists on /lit/, is in fact an ethic, even a humanism.

>> No.6204379

>>You're in the club
>>This guy walks up to you
>>Oh, hey anon, Oooga Booga bix nood muh money? get dat der zeebo zeebo WHERE DA WHITE WIMMENZ AT

>"I'm sorry, I don't speak Urban Youth"

>"Nah check it pop dud DIDN DO NUFFIN! BIX HOOD?"

and so on and so on

>> No.6204390

Wow! What a biting satire of the Black American Vernacular! You sure gave me a couple of yuks at the darky's expense. You're a rare comic mind and a great wit, friend.

>> No.6204395

did u think this was clever lol

>> No.6204396


Get a load of these literature-related, sino-etching forum tough guys.

>> No.6204399

back to reddit dude

>> No.6204400

It's stupid but it's the cleverest thing in this shitpost thread.

>> No.6204403

I kick that pussies twink ass
515 bench
605 squat

>> No.6204409

Best case scenario your girl gets a free drink and ignores the nigger because she's in a relationship.

Worst case scenario she's a coal-burner slut and you dodged a bullet.

>> No.6204411

We're discussing philosophy in practice.

>> No.6204413

Double dubs in response to double dubs. Nice.

>> No.6204417

muh estats

>> No.6204423

"Cool, it'll get her bothered and frisky for when I fuck her later tonight, have at it mate"

>> No.6204429

Kill yourself, you will never fit in here.

>> No.6204432
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>> No.6204471
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dis is so surreal

>> No.6204473

Wonder who he is talking about because I don't have a girl.

>> No.6204607

I proceed to allow him to breed with my girl, who is a cute, petite white woman with liberal values. She understands the necessity of letting black men have their way with her, and so do I. It's the least we could do to make up for years of continuing bigotry at the hands of the white race.

I enjoy watching her take a big black cock in every hole while a group of rowdy negros beat my face and neck.

>> No.6204620

Pray for his soul in my christian-themed anime cave.
(I have a Mary Magdalen dakimakura. I want to protect her ;_;)

>> No.6204632

have you never seen one of these threads?

literally the entire point is to make these types of comments.

>> No.6204636

Its your worse nightmare then, because all of that happens but they all have small cocks

>> No.6204683
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>> No.6204705

Race is a spook

>> No.6204738

Turns out the girl's Nadja, and she's insane

>> No.6204758


Because they're human, and you are of that species.

>> No.6204775

"Thanks for the drink bro! Gunna take my girl home and fuck her now, you have a good night."

>> No.6204796


who the fuck would want to

>> No.6204799
File: 12 KB, 450x338, 504600-bigthumbnail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Realistically this is what would happen

Me: "No you're fucking not."
Him: "What? I'm just going to buy her a drink. She's fucking hot."
Me: "That's why I'm dating her, fuck off."

He'll make a face, go over to talk to her. I'll go over, try to fuck with him, lose face. Minute he turns face, I demand we leave, generally ruin the evening if she's at all responsive. That's a pretty big if, because with the women I date I've never had this issue.

Seriously, this has never come up. But, moving on, once i'm reasonably ashamed with the encounter and he's made a pass and I've made an intrusion and generally appear socially unacceptable, I'll issue an ultimatum of either leaving with or without her. If we leave, I'll apologize and we'll go get ice cream, go home, open a bottle of wine watch a movie or something. If she stays, I go back to our place and throw her stuff on the curb. You know, the polite thing. Sounds spergy, but I'd rather sperg than be the bitch.

And yeah, on a dark night when I'm typing something on /li/, I'll remember her. I'll remember how she may or may not have drunkenly fucked a stranger. But I'll also remember how she texted me, wanted me back and how I shot the bitch down and moved on with my life, because how life works.People fail, I fail and if you don't move on, don't or at minimum lie to yourself about it, you'll die. If not physically, in all the ways that matter.

>inb4 said a million times, said a million times better

I refuse to be the Severin to his Lion Greek.

thought i'd kick my two cents in.

>> No.6204807


>> No.6204817


I wouldn't have something clever to say. There would be no dialogue or literary allusion. It would be knee-jerk, explative laced and spergy.

utter reaction to that which I don't agree with, comprehension of my life not being what I want it to be, or with solution from my position.

>> No.6204821

Seek help, friend.

>> No.6204826

Friend you are being rused by that guy.

I'm probably being rused.

>> No.6204828


I'm not rusing, and i'm not trying to ruse. I also don't see issue with a realistic reaction. What help do you think I need?

>> No.6204860

Well spooked, my property!

>> No.6204864

Kill him

>> No.6204914

If she is "my girl" she will politely decline his advances.

Because tonight isn't cuckold night

>> No.6204962


"Bring me one while you're at it, boy"

>> No.6204970

I don't mean to sound racist but when I was walking back home drunk tonight I happened upon a pizza place with a broken window, two cop cruisers outside, about 30-40 black dudes, and some blatant sexist courting.

>> No.6205016

"Cool, free drink."

>> No.6205018

What if The Ego and Its Own changed her life, too?

>> No.6205184

i'd tell him to forget the girl and buy me a drink instead

>> No.6205187


Good luck m8, she's a shocking racist. She's the only person I know who thinks it's valid to call a black person a nigger if you're having an argument with them because that's just being angry, not racist.

>> No.6205216

Me: "Why am I here?"
Black Person: "We all wonder why we're here..."

>> No.6205219

Kek, it's like 2007 all over again

>> No.6205361

>that's just being angry

That's just being trash.

>> No.6205373

>if you actually read stirner you wouldn't refer to her as "my" girl.
>now, be gone spook!

>> No.6205388
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>mfw all the girls there are mine

>> No.6205422

My gf is a racist Eastern European so she probably says something rude and I have to apologise.

>> No.6205435


I know. She's garbage, but she's a lot younger than me and she's got amazing legs and really perky tits that you don't get on birds my age, so what am I going to do?

I'm not really with her for the in-depth conversation and social insights, if I'm honest.

>> No.6205445

Racist gf brofist. Although I don't consider my gf to be garbage, she's probably better educated than literally everyone on /lit/.

>> No.6205449

Point out that if he thinks her being 'my girl' (as opposed to him accepting that such a social relation is merely a spook), he doesn't really understand Stirner.

>> No.6205460

I had an ego death on Spice once, and it was shit. Ever since then I see things as an urgent need to be done, since I saw my death and know my time is limited. And the worse thing that could ever happen is to become like one of the losers in the Still Life (betamale) video by oneohtrix point never.

Do I still need to do this?

>> No.6205485


I didn't say she was uneducated, I said she was garbage.

We were laying in bed the other day and she said "Have you ever been with a black woman? Do they act different? I bet they smell funny naked".

Honestly, I just want to belt her some days, and I only see her a couple of times a week.

My wife on the other hand, would probably accept the drink, then spend the night telling Jamal what a cunt I was until he got bored of her shit and fucked off.

>> No.6205537

>"Have you ever been with a black woman?

Lol, I've been asked the same thing by two of my ex-gf's. Both of them made a face when I said that I had. It's funnier when white women compare themselves to Asian women, though; they get super insecure for some reason. I don't have a particular preference for Asian women but I've been with a few, and whenever it has come up in conversation with a white woman she acts as if I'm some kind of pervert because of that. I guess it's the same thing some white guys (/pol/) feel when compared to black guys. Stupid.

>> No.6205751

i lift so i don't have this problem

>> No.6205762


Maintaining both a wife and a lover is unethical.

>> No.6205814


>> No.6206017

her dad is a KKK member, nigga be burning

>> No.6206038

Well, I bench over 400lbs. and have spent the last three years studying Jeet Kune Do. I don't think I'd have a problem with him.

>> No.6206051


Sp00ky post, friend.

>> No.6206073


According to who? Like as not some philosophy cunt who was doing the exact same thing.

Spare me your bullshit m8. It works for me.

>> No.6206106

>invite him back to our apartment
>watch hm fuck my gf
>finish him of with a blowjob after he is done decimating my gf's pussy and asshole
>thank him and tell we'd be happy to make it a regular thing