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/lit/ - Literature

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6203785 No.6203785 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.6203791

Theogony | Works and Days by Hesiod
Elements by Euclid
The Last Days of Socrates by Plato

>> No.6203797




>> No.6203813

Revelation Space
Infinite Meme / Mistborn (I like cheese with my ham(also I'm not sure the endnotes work properly on the kindle))
Ulysses (not sure, might try Mishima, any suggestions?)

>> No.6203819

>metamorphoses and confessions of a mask (over the past week)
> V by pinecone
> Molloy and Big Sur

>> No.6203856

>The House of the Spirits
>Palace Walk
>idk yet, maybe Eva Luna because I loved House of Spirits

>> No.6203885

Cronopios and famas by Cortazar
The battles in the desert by Jose Emilio Pacheco

>> No.6203906



Faust or 100 years of solitude

>> No.6203907

>The Children of Hurin

>The Romance of the Three Kingdoms (Part II)

Either No Surrender, The Jungle or Invisible Armies, but I'll figure that out when I get to it.

>> No.6203917

Both Flesh and Not
Freedom & The Broom of the System & The Silmarillion
The Pale King & The Crying of Lot 49

>> No.6203929

>The Silmarillion

I finished that for the third time before I went on to The Children of Hurin, and I've gotta say I prefer it over the ring trilogy, The Hobbit is still my favorite though.

>> No.6203977

Mistakes Were Made (but not by me); didn't finish it, because I had to read it for a class and needed to allocate time to different assignments; planning on finishing it later because it was interesting

The Sirens of Titan; pretty cool so far

Not sure. Maybe more Vonnegut. TBD.

>> No.6203988

Just finished Breakfast of Champs
About halfway through Men who Stare at Goats
Next up is Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.6204035

Have you ever read Adolfo Bioy Casares? He's like a dry Borges.
Better yet, Felisberto Hernandez. His collection, Nadie encendía las lámparas is brilliant.

>> No.6204049

Joan Didion, Political Fictions

Dwight MacDonald, Masscult and Midcult

Susan Sontag, Against Interpretation

>> No.6204153

>Just finished re-reading Ender's Game
>About to start Ender's Shadow
>Gonna marathon all related material
After watching the film, I had to go back and re-read the original for comparison. Only thing the movie did well was casting Harrison Ford as Graff.

>> No.6204157

The Trial
The economic and social history of medieval Euorpe
The 30 year war

>> No.6204174

>Forge of God by Greg Bear
>History on Alexander's Conquest

>> No.6204214

> The Sun Also Cums
> One Hundred Years of Cum
> Old Man's Cum

>> No.6204253

>california, edan lepucki
>moby dick, ishmael
>the animals, christain kiefer

>> No.6204298

>holy bible king james version
>anathem (re-reading)
>one Hundred years of solitude

pretty excited

>> No.6204308

The Magic Mountain
Remainder by Tom McCarthy
I have Anna Karenina in my bookshelf I guess

>> No.6204328

Finished: Momo - Michael Ende
Reading: The Secret Agent - Joseph Conrad
Next: The Beast Must Die - Nicholas Blake (Cecil Day-Lewis)

>> No.6204370

>Hamlet by Shakespeare
>Suttree by McCarthy
>As I Lay Dying or Grapes of Wrath

>> No.6204380

Mother night
The Plague
The sun also rises
>tfw autocorrect reccomends "motherless" when I typed mother night

I'm pathetic.

>> No.6204383
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Last Penguin Freud Reader

Now The Castle by Kafka

Next I read a bunch of books at a time so I'll finish next either Nietzsche by Kaufman or the Portable Jung (trying to get an overview of psychology).

>> No.6204404

last book the fugitive by proust
current book germinal by emile zola and time regained by proust
next book something else by emile zola

>> No.6204415
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Trigger Warning


A Brief History of Time

>> No.6204480

just finished the old man adn the sea, reading the landlady right now and will probably read nakedf lunch after.

I read a few doorstoppers in a row and it burned me out a bit so I'm going through my ereader and just sorting by filesize and reading the shorter books. After I read af ew more short ones I'll try another long ass book, something from tolstoy maybe idk.

>> No.6204498
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>>moby dick, ishmael
Was this intentional?

>> No.6204599

>Wuthering Heights
>Moby Dick
>King Solomon's Mines

>> No.6204744

I'm 81% done with the confidence man, how are you liking it?

>> No.6204963

>The Count of Monte Cristo
> Crime and Punishment
>Julius Ceaser (Shakespeare)

>> No.6204974

>The Good Spy - Kai Bird
>Putin's Kleptocracy: Who Owns Russia? - Karen Dawisha
>Film As Film: Understanding And Judging Movies - V.F. Perkins

>> No.6204990

julius caesar
antony and cleopatra
probably 2 henry iv unless i decide to stop reading shakespeare

>> No.6205003


Last Book.
>Mason and Dixon.
Current Book.
>A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man.
Next Book.
>War with the Newts or The Pendragon Legend.

>> No.6205371

>The Book of Disquiet

>> No.6205444

Hobbes - Leviathan
Freud - Civilization and its Discontents
Herodotus - The Histories
Smith - Wealth of Nations
Coming up:
Plato - The Republic
Ricardo - Principles of Economy and Taxation

>> No.6206202

The Day of the Triffids

>> No.6206210

One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest by Ken Kesey.
The Idiot by Dostoyevsky.
The Trial by Kafka or Some Shakespeare or Something by Anton Chekhov.

>> No.6206214


Portrait of the Artist

Short stories by Chekov

Memoirs of Hadrian, and maybe poetry by Crane and Carson

>> No.6206235

Sirens of Titan is fantastic. What else of his have you already?

>> No.6206255

I've had the secret agent on my bookshelf for awhile now, are you enjoying it so far?

>> No.6206267

Confissão de Lúcio by Mário de Sá Carneiro
Gog by Papini
Confessions of an English Opium-Eater by Thomas De Quincey

>> No.6206289


Don Quixote

Maybe Ressurection by Tolstoy

>> No.6206320

Farewell to arms



>> No.6206330

>The Plague
>The Process
>On the Genealogy of Morals

>> No.6206334

>atlas shrugged
Big piece of shit. Couldn't take it seriously
>Das capital
Got a big notebook just for this
>Conquest of bread

>> No.6206345

Neverwhere - Neil Gaiman

Dune - Frank Herbert
and Ensaio sobre a Cegueira - Saramago

Good Omens - Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman

>> No.6206370

If pop-sci counts, The Good Psychopath's Guide to Success and The Wisdom of Psychopaths, both by Kevin Dutton.
Platform by Michel Houellebecq and Flipnosis, also by Dutton.
The Master and Margarita by Mikhail Bulgakov

Psychopathy is a minor obsession of mine, so after reading everything I could find online, Without Conscience by Robert Hare and The Sociopath Next Door by Martha Strout, I got desperate and read Snakes in Suits: When Psychopaths Go to Work by Hare and Babiak, and then tried the Android Market free samples of Dutton's books. The subjects were interesting and the prose was surprisingly good so I bought and read them. In Flipnosis, the prose is a bit disjointed, but that was his first book. I'm not sure whether he actually writes the prose himself but either way there's definitely an improvement in his later books.

Houellebecq is my favourite contemporary author, but the English translation of Platform I have is pretty bad. I think the translations of Atomised and Whatever were OK, but won't find out for sure unless I learn French.

Technically I already started The Master and Margarita. I've really enjoyed it so far but I decided to finish the other two before carrying on with it.

>> No.6206375

Book I just finished: Iliad
Book I'm reading now: Odyssey (this second half is such a slog compared to the epic first half)
Book I plan on reading next: Ulysses (original 1922 version)

>> No.6206378

>Black Box by Amos Oz
Pretty good, but the letters felt over-written and unrealistic. Nice handling of both personal and political themes.
>Delirium by Laura Restrepo
Halfway in, it was confusing in the beginning but now I'm hooked.
Don't know what I'll read next, maybe Zorba the Greek.

>> No.6206379
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>Yes, Chef
>The Hawk and the Dove

feel free to hate

>> No.6206387
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Fear and Trembling
Sickness Unto Death

>> No.6206421

Just Cat's Cradle IIRC. What would you recommend?

>> No.6206472

Slaughterhouse-5 is always given as a good intro to him. I would recommend that, and especially Welcome to the Monkey House, a collection of short stories. I also particularly enjoyed Galápagos, Happy Birthday Wanda June (a play based on The Odyssey), and God Bless You Dr. Kevorkian (narrator is routinely euthanized and brought back to life by Kevorkian and tells of who he meets and what they talk about. he meets people like hitler, Shakespeare, newton, eugene debs, and random people from all walks of life.)

>> No.6206491

he says "call me ishmael" the first sentence.

>> No.6206541

Last: Brave New World
Currently: The Wind-up Bird Chronicle by Haruki Murakami
Next: Unsure. I want something that lingers in my head for months after reading it

>> No.6206574

just finished
>the savage detectives, Bolaño

now beginning
>near to the wild heart, Lispector

reading next
>the waves, Woolf

>> No.6206597

Last: Hurston, "Their Eyes Were Watching God"
Currently: Plath, "The Bell Jar"
Next: Augustine, "The Confessions"

>> No.6206608

>To The Lighthouse
>Death on the Installment Plan
>El Aleph

>> No.6206660

enjoy fear and trembling :)

>> No.6206670

The Bible

>> No.6206672

The Pearl
Cannery Row
Foundation's Edge

>> No.6206686

>Last book you finished
"On Writing" by Stephen King.
>Book you are currently reading
"The Fate of the Dwarves" by Markus Heitz
>Next book you plan on reading
"The Brothers Karamazov" by Fyodor Dostoyevsky

>> No.6206931

I didn't have much time to read this weekend so I've only read the first chapter, which is all characterization. Very nice setup anyway, I can't wait to see where it goes.

>> No.6206947

Something I've Been Meaning to Tell You
Eugene Onegin

>> No.6206959

paradise lost
paradise regained
romance of the three kingdoms

>> No.6207025

Dante's Inferno
The Red Badge of Courage
The Book of The City of Ladies

>> No.6207033

The Stranger
Plato's Republic
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

>> No.6207056

Galapagos is my favourite, Mother Night is good also.

>> No.6207063

Harry Potter and Philosopher's Stone
Harry Potter and Chamber of Secrets
Harry Potter and Prisoner of Azkaban

>> No.6207151

.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... you are pathetic

>> No.6207164

Last Book: 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea
Currently: Time Mahine/ Invisible Man
Future: No County for Old Men

Pleb tier taste, but it's my own.

>> No.6207168

history of yoga and tantra by a guy called samuel (i think)

yoga body: history of modern postural yoga - by Sum Yung Man

gordon smith (ed) - either yoga in practice or tantra in practice

>> No.6207169

Fuck them faggots, Invisible Man is great

>> No.6207252

How Jesus Became God: The Exaltation of a Jewish Preacher from Gallilee, by Bart D. Ehrman

Diary, by Witold Gombrowicz

Cosmos, by Witold Gombrowicz

>> No.6207256

What did you think of the Ende.

>> No.6208192

Probably one of the best children's book I've ever read and I deeply regret not having read it at a more appropriate age. I highly reccomend it to anybody who wants to give a 12 year old something to read.
I also recently read The Neverending Story, which is very good as well, but I think Momo is better. The whole concept of time, and the meaning of "wasting" it was pretty good and quite complex and subtle for a children's book.

>> No.6208209

never let me go (ishiguro)
just started housekeeping

it's a feely month brehs

>> No.6208224

last read 'count zero' william gibson

reading 'the war of the roses',alison weir 'mona lisa overdrive' william gibson

will read next 'eating animals' jonathan safron foer

>> No.6208225

Swarm Intelligence james kennedy

Principia discordia

That's for the future me to figure out.

>> No.6208239

the waves is one of my favorite books, i hope you like it

>> No.6208248

blood meridian

a confederacy of dunces

either catch 22 or dispatches

>> No.6208253

Crying of Lot 49
American Pastoral / Lord Jim
Midnight's Children

>> No.6208267

Brain on Fire
Meditations, What I talk About When I Talk About Running
The Brothers Karamazov or IJ I hope.

>> No.6208293

Iliad Book I in Greek
Herodotus Book I in Greek
idk lmao

>> No.6208405
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>> No.6208412

God and the State


I actually don't know yet.

>> No.6208415

>Memories of Ice

>House of Chains

>Midnight Tides

>> No.6208428

Julius Caesar
King Lear
The Picture of Dorian Grey

>> No.6209452
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Just finished Teatro Grottesco
What a let down.

>> No.6209458

The communist manifesto
On Guerilla Warfare
The life of Pi

>> No.6209467

Just to judge a book by its cover anything horror related that includes a doll on the cover is almost certainly going to be shit.

>> No.6209479

decay of the angel

pedagogy of the oppressed

bark - lorrie moore

>> No.6209483

Just finished star fire by ingo swann
Currently reading good omens by terry Pratchett and Neil gaiman. Pretty damn funny.
Also got about 4 short story compilations on the go. Best of new SF kinda stuff

>> No.6209531

1. Dune by Frank Herbert
2. Sherlock Holmes: The Novels and Stories by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
3.Journey to the West by Wu Cheng'en, translated by William John Francis Jenner

>> No.6209568
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I was fooled by the "this is like Lovecraft".
pic kinda related, it gave me the same feeling.

>> No.6209608

I remember really liking his story about the harlequins until that fucking Stephen King-like shit ending. He really managed to build some unsettling atmosphere in that one. Too bad he blew it in the last bit.

>> No.6209844

120 days of Sodom by the Marquis de Sade (shitty book by the way, would not recommend)
A Scanner Darkly by Philip K Dick
The Island of Dr. Moreau by H.G. Wells

>> No.6209847
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>> No.6209872

Norwegian Wood (Haruki Murakami)
Shinjuku Shark (Arimasa Osawa)
Either Poison Ape by Arimasa Osawa, 11.22.63 by Stephen King or The Strain by Guillermo del Toro.

>> No.6209877

Arthur Miller's The Crucible
Sylvia Plath's The Bell Jar
Charles Mingus' Beneath The Underdog or James Joyce's Dubliners.

>> No.6209884

>A Handbook of Traditional Living
>It Cannot Be Stormed
>the Glass Bead Game

>> No.6209893

Even if it's Thomas Ligotti? Oh man, I was kinda looking forward to reading Teatro Grottesco.

>> No.6209935

I just bought Gog in Italian, I hope I didn't make a mistake since I paid quite a bit for a copy in terrible condition... how is it?

>> No.6210144

Claudius the God
Fatal Purity: Robespierre and the French Revolution
a Farewell to Arms (Even though i dont like Hemingway)

>> No.6210161

Brave New World by Huxley
The Gulag Archipelago by Solzhenitsyn
Confessions by Saint Augustine

>> No.6210172

Routledge philosophers: kant

Critique of pure reason

Metaphysics of morals

>> No.6210243

Kino's Journey Book One

Kino's Journey Book Two (might shift to something else)

The Little Prince, probably

>> No.6210269

Frankenstein by Shelly (ReRead)

Meditations by Marcus Aurelius

Homer's Iliad (ReRead)

>> No.6210505

>Naked Lunch
>The Windup Girl

>> No.6210510

>(read death of a salesman in between, but that doesn't really count)
The Brothers Karamazov
To Kill a Mockingbird

>> No.6210517

Inherent Vice
Confederacy of Dunces

>> No.6210521

I forgot next book.
East of Eden

>> No.6210533

Point Omega


The Crying of Lot 49

>> No.6210548

Manen Gannen no Futtoburo
Se una notte d'inverno un viaggiatore
a collection of Sarah Ruhl plays

>> No.6210581
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Book of New Sun and If On a Winters Night Traveller. I'm not sure I will finish the Calvino one not usually a fan of too experimental books.
Maybe Neuromancer or Do Androids Dream Electric Sheep is next.

>> No.6210659

>The Republic
>I am Malala
>Kafka on the Shore

Fuck this book. My gf wanted me to read it. Holy shit, I expected a Kite Runner ripoff, and instead I somehow got something worse. One or two sentences of character interactions or something happening to Malala and her family, followed by 10 pages that read like a wikipedia article on Pakistan.

>> No.6210672
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Jurassic Park


>> No.6210719

nice. read ubik and neuromancer last fall.
neuromancer is like inception + matrix.
fucking great

last read: On Belief by Zizek
now: Soumission by Houllebecq
next: Less Than Nothing: Hegel and the Shadow of Dialectical Materialism

>> No.6210921

Blood Meridian
Outer Dark
The Orchard Keeper, The Sunset Limited

>> No.6210936

>Last Book I finished:
My Struggle, Book One by Karl Ove Knausgaard
>Book I'm currently reading
Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy
K: A Biography of Kafka
>Book I'm planning on Reading
Probably Lolita

>> No.6210942

How is it, thus far? Never read any Houllebecq, would you consider it a good place to start?

>> No.6210943

Infinite Jest

Re-reading Pnin for study

Invisible Man, Good, Morning Midnight for study but intending on tackling Gravity Rainbow after study (Which will be in forever)

>> No.6210950

>the mask of sanity
>koran, mein kampf, the birth of tragedy, dubliners

To catch a plebbing bird

>> No.6210962

the autobiography of alice b. toklas by gertrude stein
kangaroo by dh lawrence
lettres philosophiques by voltaire?
the sun also rises by hemingway?
more gertrude stein?

>> No.6210998

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
The Catcher in the Rye
Brave New World

>> No.6211062

>The Crying of Lot 49
>Martin Fierro
>Canto General

>> No.6211164




>> No.6211209

Naked Lunch
The Crying of Lot 49

>> No.6211575
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Stoner and Animal Farm today
Ulysses and The Prince

>> No.6211650

nigga why wouold you even read that shit?

>> No.6211677
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The Kiss to the Leper (F. Mauriac)
Ulysse, De Caelo & Duino Elegies
Aeneid (not sure, any suggestions based on what I am reading now ?)

>> No.6211704

Catcher in the Rye
The Odessa File
An Evil Cradling

I don't read much

>> No.6211750

>Wolf in White Van
>Infinite Jest
>thinking of picking up some Eastern Philo

>> No.6211763

To Kill a Mockingbird
Old Man and the Sea, Catcher in the Rye
Catch 22

>> No.6211765

Tropic of Cancer
One Hundred Years of Solitude

>> No.6211767

Northanger Abbey
The Merchant of Venice
Moby Dick

>> No.6211772

You're in for a treat!

>> No.6211800

balance point

>> No.6211810

>Crying Of Lot 49
>Franz Kafka: Complete Stories

>> No.6211837

Last: A Beautiful Mind
Current: The Three Musketeers
Next: Divine Comedy or Anna Karenina

>> No.6211868

Last: Cryptonomicon
Current: H.P. Lovecraft - The complete fiction
Next: Tigers in the mud

>> No.6212195

>Divine Comedy
>Treatise on Language - Herder
>Mason & Dixon

>> No.6212217


>> No.6212255

white noise - don delillo

physics and beyond - werner heisenburg

thus spoke zarathustra - nietsche

>> No.6212259

>Angela Carter's "Passion of New Eve"
>Walter Pater's "Marius the Epicurean"
>"The Last Temptation of Christ"

>> No.6212261

big fan of those stories, description of a struggle was one of the first kafka I really loved, that jokester :P

>> No.6212288

The Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels
The Betrayed Revolution by Leon Trotsky

>> No.6212309
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The Black Company
Shadows Linger when at home, and Siddartha at work
White Rose to finish the trilogy, also probably gonna get deeper into the Necronomicon.

>> No.6212325

Across the Universe
I was thinking trying to tackle The Divine Comedy, specifically Inferno but idk yet

>> No.6212327

The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch
The Dark Tower
The Holographic Universe

>> No.6212333

>Last book you finished
A Clockwork Orange, l put it down literally five minutes ago.

>Book you are currently reading
None, l'll read Animal Farm on the bus to uni tomorrow.

>> No.6212340

Into The War
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas

>> No.6212354

>Christopher Marlowe's "Dr. Faustus"
>Albert Camus' "The Stranger" (for the third time)
>either "A Tale of Two Cities" or Camus' "The Fall"
By the way, "The Fall" is in my opinion Camus' best work.

>> No.6212386

"A guide to the good life"
>very interesting reinterpretation of stoicism for the modern world

"59 seconds"
>improving yourself with techniques from scientific studies

What ever book out of my backlog I get my hands on first.

>> No.6212409

Civilization and its Discontents, Freud

Notes, Dostoevsky
The Trial, Kafka

Not sure yet.

>> No.6212434

>dubliners / a portrait of the artist as a young man / chamber music
>beyond good and evil (pt-br translation)
>dunno, maybe the sailor who fell from grace with the sea, maybe the concept of anxiety (also in pt-br)

>> No.6212439

Whatever, Houellebecq
Player Piano
Totempole, Sanford Friedman

>> No.6212447

>Foundation and Empire
>Second Foundation

>> No.6212454

Last: Meditations
Current: Brothers Karamazov
Next: Suggestions

>> No.6212528

Master and Margarita

Flannery O'Connor story collection

idk, maybe I'll read one of the Greeks since I didn't start with them.

>> No.6213894

>Even if it's Thomas Ligotti? Oh man, I was kinda looking forward to reading Teatro Grottesco.
I just can't recommend it. I really wanted the stories to connect and for it to build into something but instead I got some short stories that never draw you in.

>> No.6213925

>Brood of the Witch Queen


>The Devil Rides Out

>> No.6213935

Volkswagen Blues

Book of Negroes

Gravity's Rainbow or For Whom the Bell Tolls

>> No.6214719

Taras Bulba
A hero of our time
Justine or the missfortunes of virtue

>> No.6214720


Justine is amazing
prepare your loins

>> No.6215230

Last: The Sun Also Rises - Hemingway

Current: god is not Great - Hitchens

Next: Hitch-22 - Hitchens

>> No.6215919

last – Six Characters in Search of an Author and other plays, Pirandello

current – Walden
– Cartographies of Time

next – Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats

>> No.6215930


ficciones - borges
prolegomena - kant
m-my struggle v.1 - knausguard (should I lit?)

>> No.6215940


I've been reading through Mishima. I like him a lot. It's especially interesting if you read a bit about the author himself. Interesting guy.

Can definitely see a lot of his influence on modern Japanese authors like Ishiguro.

>> No.6215952
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>Raylan by Elmore Leonard
>High Fidelity by Nick Hornby
>Perfume by Patrick Susskind

>> No.6215953
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Man, the State and War: A Theoretical Analysis

Foucault's Pendulum

Senate and General: Individual Decisions and Roman Foreign Relations, 264 - 194 BC

>> No.6215966

>m-my struggle v.1 - knausguard (should I lit?)
i haven't read it yet but i've decided that i'm gonna buy and read it this year

you should as well, we'll make threads about it and feel comforted by the fact that at least one other person on /lit/ is reading it

>> No.6215979

I've actually finished the first volume

It's.. hard to say. It gave me massive nostalgia and massive feels in parts, since I grew up in similar circumstances in a tiny town in the middle of nowhere - pining for that girl who all of a sudden kisses that one asshole, hiding your bags with beer bottles in the bushes, realizing that the complete and utter love of your life loves someone else (of course, you're 15, but what do you know?).... It's bretty gud

>> No.6216028



The Long Ships

>> No.6216149

Last: Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov
Current: Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck
Next: The Road by Cormac McCarthey

I'm still starting my literature hobby. I'm only 60 books in. Finished the starter kit except One Flew Over... and Invisible Man.

Debating whether I should read those two?

>> No.6216165


>That feel when you realize you will never again read Catch 22 for the first time

>> No.6216177

Eh, no

>> No.6216185

I've read the whole thing. It was worth it, and an easy, though long, read. The second and sixth were my favourite.

>> No.6216231

>Almost Transparent Blue
>Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep and the Collected Stories of Raymond Carver
Maybe more PKD next. I don't know.

>> No.6216305

>The Rebel
>The Sound and the Fury
> __?

>> No.6216623

>Girl in a Band
Memoir by Kim Gordon of Sonic Youth. Wouldn't recommend it. Feels like she spends more time talking about her childhood/college years than about anything SY related.
>Notes from Underground
Saw Leviathan, liked it, and figured I should finally try to read something Russian
>To the Lighthouse
My roommate is always pestering me to read Woolf, and he recommends this as the place to start.

>> No.6216638

>The Unbearable Lightness of Being
>East of Eden
>??TBD?? Probably something shorter that I can read in ~2 days or so.

>> No.6216645

Book of Nefi 1

Book of Nefi 2

Book of Jacob

>> No.6216647
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Runaway horses

>> No.6216674

>Post Greek mask
>Doesn't ask for plays

>> No.6217026

Falling Man, Don DeLillo

Graceland, Chris Abani

Almanac of the Dead, Leslie M. Silko

I highly recommend Abani and Silko. I'm not a big DeLillo fan. I think all of his characters have the same voice. It's a weird, DeLillo-specific detachment. But goddamn he can craft some very good sentences.

>> No.6217729


>> No.6217887

The Girl - Le Sueur
The Castle - Franz Kafka.

The Girl was brutally depressing oh my god.

Next book is going to be some McCarthy. Mary McCarthy. The Company She Keeps

>> No.6217900


I'm about 5% done with it, so I couldn't tell you

>> No.6217910

Paddle Your Own Canoe - Nick Offerman (meh)
The Third Plate - Dan Barber (fuck yeah)
Outliers - Malcom Gladwell

>> No.6217946


Trout Fishing in America

Arno Schmidt's Novellas

>> No.6217979

EE EEE EE (kinda garbage)
Savage Detectives (clearly I get my reading suggestions from this board)
Our Ecstatic Days

>> No.6218006

Nice waste of time on all three. Commendable.

Might as well have binge-watched Knight Rider.

>> No.6218048

Winesburg, Ohio
The Long Ships
Harlot's Ghost

>> No.6218052

That was one of my least favorite DeLillo books. Underworld or Omega Point or Body Artist are all far superior.

>> No.6218067

No Country for Old Men

All The Pretty Horses

The Crying of Lot 49 (or Catch 22, dunno lol)

>> No.6218112

>Basic writings of Nietzsche
>The Cyberiad

>> No.6218573

I, Claudius
Master and Commander
Blood Meridian

>> No.6218691

>Last read
Inherent Vice

The Name of the Rose
The Great Gatsby

>Will read
Master and Margarita

>> No.6218768

The Waves

The Idiot

Probably One Hundred Years of Solitude and then Ulysses

>> No.6218797

"The Turn of the screw" Henry James
"Naked Lunch" Burroughs
"The Market and Globalization" Sampedro.

>> No.6219642

Confessions of the Last Lowly Warrior
and Anthem

>> No.6219652

>Complete Works of O. Henry
>Gravity's Rainbow
>Catcher in the Rye

>> No.6219660

Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson
Kidnapped by Robert Louis Stevenson
Either the next audiobook that catches my fancy at the library or I finally finish King Solomon's Mines.

>> No.6219975

>A Dance with Dragons
>Confessions by Rousseau
>An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding

>> No.6220085
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Generation P
I, Robot
Economics in One Lesson

>> No.6220111

The last Witcher novel.

Infinite Jest.

A Confederacy of Dunces.

>> No.6220194

I'm reading The Idiot also.. what do you think so far??

>> No.6220204

>The Wars - Timothy Findley
>Catch 22 - Joseph Heller
>Pale Fire - Vladimir Nabokov

>> No.6220243

I loved God Bless You Mr Rosewater and Bluebeard was okay depending on your interest in art

>> No.6220259

Last: Plath, Ariel
Current: Shakespeare, Antony and Cleopatra
Next: Maybe A Moveable Feast maybe Cat's Cradle

>> No.6220263
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War of the Worlds by Wells

Mccarthy's Blood Meridian

Dunno, probably a book for school.

>> No.6220289

Opinion on player piano so far?