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File: 119 KB, 633x960, 1425051770985.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6201569 No.6201569[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What would the great philosophers say about it?

>> No.6201580

Color is in the mind and projected onto objects by the operation of the understanding

>> No.6201581

The being of the desein is such that it stands open for being by beings who's own mode of being is in question by standing it.

>> No.6201583

I don't get it, it's a shade of yellow and a shade of white/grey. Why is it a meme?

>> No.6201586

As it seems to change from blue to gold it's actually the Form of blue withdrawing and the Form of gold entering the dress.

>> No.6201590

>this already got 5 replies

>> No.6201601

Honestly it does raise a few interesting philosophical questions about the nature of perception, this is the only context within which I care about the dress.

>> No.6201606


>> No.6201613

Martin, did you take your pills this morning?

>> No.6201617
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that it is transient

>> No.6201620

This. People who think it's blue need to study color.

>> No.6201621
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Just another distraction from our bourgeois overlords.

>> No.6201622
File: 31 KB, 306x736, 2622E77200000578-2971409-True_colors_The_dress_made_by_the_company_Roman_Originals_is_in_-a-38_1425041779842.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The dress is blue though

>> No.6201625


>> No.6201632

Okay, so how's it work?

>> No.6201633

No but seriously, you have to be somewhat daft to think this is a white/gold dress
See the light around the dress, what colour is it? Yellow, bright yellow. You must literally be retarded to image blue light hitting a white dress. It only makes sense with a blue/black dress.

>> No.6201635
File: 26 KB, 600x566, 9N4KNLn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

optical illusion; the colours depend on what colour light you interpret

>> No.6201637

The blue & black fags are using these photos of similar dresses to prove it's the real color of the dress in discussion.

This is not a valid argument tho, the original dress is obviously white and gold.

>> No.6201639

/lit/ doesn't mention the easiest one.

It is a spook.

>> No.6201641
File: 58 KB, 729x420, Colored-Cube-Illusion.Gurney.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm more interested in the fact that this was an absolute hit and everyone in the whole fucking world is talking about it and on top of that a lot of people are talking about it exactly to question how come that thing grew to that extent.

The question that is asked is "what color is the dress?", but the real question underneath that one is "how come the answers vary?". Some people get trapped at the first question to try to prove themselves right, either by using color picker or by just showing other pictures, I think it was settled that the actual dress is blue, but none of that matters since the second question remains and those who got trapped at that point will stop at "people are not seeing it right" or something like that.

The answer to the second question is quite simple really, a bit of color theory, gestalt, the picture is dubious and allow for both interpretations, but it is indeed baffling to us that someone is seeing the dress in colors that are so different from the ones we perceive. The colors may be different, but the relationship between them is not so much as anyone who messed with painting before knows.

There are several other color illusions online dating back from chain mail curiosities in the 90s, but it's interesting how the dress thing has that accidental and amateur quality to it. It's a girl taking a picture from her phone asking for the color of the dress, so it's a real event, not an static and out-of-time op-art.

Another thing worth noticing is how people love to express themselves either way. People can see it both ways, but how do YOU see it? People will make sure that you understood how they saw it. Even though there is at least two points of views working there, the real awe is in the fact that when you see one, you can't see the other, so it's closer to an ideology than it is to an opinion, it is closer to a bias than it is to an interpretation. "I see it black and blue and therefore it is wrong to see it white and gold".

>> No.6201642

It's pretty obviously a blue dress being photographed under bright yellow light.

>> No.6201650

might be a huge psychological experiment on perception, to see just how far people will go to follow the majority.

we're going to war.

>> No.6201657

Surely it's to do with different computer monitors emphasising different shades of colour and stuff. Vsauce talks about it one of his videos.

>> No.6201658
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>implying one didn't already

>> No.6201666


The problem is that looking at this photo, the dress is clearly white and gold. And there are indicators that it is black and blue, but only if you white balance the image do you get a glimpse of what it really looks like. So what is the big deal? It's more a commentary on photography than perception.

>> No.6201672

They would say you're paying attention to the wrong thing, I guess.

>> No.6201680
File: 1.49 MB, 300x300, 1409288414603.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this fucking real? Are people actually saying it's white and gold? The gold I can sort of maybe understand, but only because there's some glare in the picture. How the fuck people said the other colour is white is beyond me.

Also who the fuck cares? Why is this apparently going global? Is the news so shit lately that this is a thing?

>> No.6201683

I have my monitor correctly calibrated. It's white and gold, shut the fuck up and stop making these threads about this retarded shit.

>> No.6201688


The dress is not white and gold or blue and black. It's a lighter blue and a darker gold. Depending on how it's illuminated your brain screws it up.

>> No.6201694

very mother of the bride

>> No.6201700
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Clearly this shows how the senses are dubious and deceitful. Therefore all knowledge should be derived a priori through reason. All knowledge of the external world should have a firm ground on logic and mathematics

>> No.6201770

How does it feel to be biologically predestined to be unable to appreciate art since your eyes aren't sensitive enough?

>> No.6201811

That feel when you first saw it as a white and gold dress.

Should I just kill myself? I'll always be a mentally inferior waste of human life apparently.

>> No.6201831

I can't even get my brain to see it as white and gold, I have no idea what you fuckers are talking about.

>> No.6201839
File: 315 KB, 550x413, 1425049461283.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you see it now (same dress)

>> No.6201845

>same dress
lol, what do you mean by same.
also the reality is, the dress is darker blue and grey, I learned this after I saw it as blue and grey

>> No.6201853

But, don't you see it as white and gold in that picture? Because its the same image photoshopped under the shade of a tree, so you see it as a white dress under bluish shade

>> No.6201858

Looks blue and gold to me

>> No.6201861

Machines confirmed that it's light blue and a shade of brown.

>> No.6201867

This. Still can't believe there are people who think it's blue and black, or even blue and gold. It's gold and white. It must be awful not having eyes sensitive enough to appreciate art.

>> No.6201880
File: 17 KB, 261x290, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6201890

Kill yourself regardless, for good measure.

>> No.6201892

No more than what philosophers would say about any optical illusion. Neat trick I guess?

>> No.6201899
File: 218 KB, 879x1319, 1425057074880.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

case of faulty eyes there m8?

>> No.6201907

That dress is inherently too dark of a blue to match with the picture

>> No.6201909
File: 125 KB, 992x880, 1411958281231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's what I see, MY eyes are belonging to ME, so whatever color I see is MY property, MY judgement says it's White and Gold, and that's what I will bring as truth because it's MY truth.

You will never be able to make your truth MINE, because it's my property

>> No.6201911


Are we talking about the colours of the dress in the photograph or the colours of the dress in real life?

The colours of the dress in the photograph are blue and gold. That we know.

We can't tell the colours of the dress in real life because the picture is overexposed.

>> No.6201923
File: 50 KB, 450x500, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6201928

purge all black and blue heretics, then wipe this shitty meme from the face of the earth

>> No.6201929


Holy shit, I was disregarding this whole topic until I saw this picture. I originally saw the dress as Black and Blue but after seeing this picture the dress in the OP is now white and gold. Wow, I thought you either saw one or the other.

>> No.6201931
File: 12 KB, 339x191, dedalus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its simply the ineluctable modality of the visible.

>> No.6201936

The speed at which everyone leaped to hop on this trend for their own publicity is like a scrum for a pound in the street. Like the opportunity cost of not hashtagging is too hard to miss. It really gets to the heart of the of the vapid selfish liberalism to which we are enslaved but also stresses maximised efficiency and competition therein.

Read our magazine #dressgate
But my doodah #dressgate

It's free advertising.

You still need to do be productive but productivity has been distilled into merely grabbing attention.

>> No.6201939
File: 128 KB, 569x780, Ineluctable modality of the visible.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related
famous Joyce scholar

>> No.6201942

*buy not but

>> No.6201950

How you perceive the dress depends on whether or not your eyes are currently adjusted to darkness or light.

>> No.6201951


"I am enraged and embittered because people care about themselves! Why can't everybody sacrifice their own ego's for *mine*!"

-t. Lonely Neckbeard

>> No.6201960

I see the thumbnail picture black and blue.

The large picture still looks gold and white.

>> No.6201962

i wasn't even critical. I was balanced
>maximised efficiency and competition
this is good for people

>> No.6201969

people should be spending less time hashtagging and more time on their skills (photography).

>> No.6201973

the meem is dumm an i hate it

>> No.6201974

This picture trips me the fuck out. First time I saw it it was whit/gold. Saw it again a few minutes later and it's blue/black and no matter what I do I can't see the white/gold again.

>> No.6201977


If efficiency and competition aren't good for me, then am I not a - person? You recognize only the "people" in the man, not the man, the ego, the unique one. "The people" is a spook standing beside the man.

>> No.6201991

Why are you so cruel ;_;

>> No.6202004


>> No.6202024

Happened to me, now back to white and gold

>> No.6202074

>If efficiency and competition aren't good for me, then am I not a - person?

this is a logical fallacy but I can't recall which.

>> No.6202085

All consciousness is consciousness of something. Every perception is intentional.

>> No.6202095

>approaching this question through philosophical ideological and not optical physics
spooky doopy doo

>> No.6202103

Delete this meme thread.

>> No.6202111
File: 46 KB, 525x540, scream.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>See this shit yesterday
>'White' and Gold, check hex values, very, very light blue and 50% yellow mixed with black
>This is the objective reality of the image
>Think black/blue fags must be mentally reduced
>It never changes for me

>Just woke up
>Jump on /lit/
>Not this shit again, someone ban this fucker
>Mfw I realize the dress is now black and blue

>> No.6202123


>never seen this thing until about an hour ago when I saw this thread
>I see it white and gold
>wife's watching TV in the next room
>this fucking bullshit is on BBC news for whatever reason
>see the dress on the TV
>it's black and blue
>don't know what's really going on here
>don't actually give a fuck.

>> No.6202138
File: 39 KB, 600x531, 1418584242842.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People look at this and see Blue and Black? Is this some kind of trick to see how easy it is to fuck with people and make them see things if someone tells them what to see? That shit is obviously gold (Or brownish) and white. It's not even a little bit dark. Where the hell are people getting Black from in that image?

>> No.6202150

A monk asked Ummon: `What is Buddha?' Ummon answered him: `Dried dung.'

>> No.6202160


There is in no way, nothing philosophical or scientific about this at all.

>> No.6202174


I hate BBC with every fiber of my being, they treat this one dress question on the same level as if something Plato would've said at the Lyceum but there's nothing scientific at all about this social experiment, if you can call it that. BBC has done much worse though like when they spent all morning reporting on a dress Kate Middleton was wearing or earlier this week when they acted like Madonna falling was large news.

>> No.6202193
File: 645 KB, 752x790, 1424339452421.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is a dress?

>> No.6202195

Are facebook memes literature now? Is this what the board has come to?

>> No.6202198

Thanks for fucking with my mind.

Honestly, it's just based on context and how you perceive the lace. It can be seen as under saturated black or gold in shadow.

Went from seeing black and blue and calling all other interpretations retarded, to arbitrary flipping between the two and no longer trusting my own sense of reality.

>> No.6202205
File: 18 KB, 380x247, 1325572206352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it does raise a few interesting philosophical questions about the nature of perception

No, it doesn't raise anything new. We have known for 200 years that people see different colors in their field of vision

>> No.6202206


Having not watched BBC news for years whilst at uni, then watching it again recently has really made me question their coverage.

I know news is meant to be bias free (as long as we trust OFCOM), but I swear BBC is just thinly veiled propaganda....

>> No.6202215


>> No.6202217

But to the majority of people, who probably still think colour is always the same, this must be mind-blowing.

I guess it comes from thinking our eyes are simply holes that we look out, rather than that reality is basically made up inside your brain. It's what annoys me when people spurt bullshit about how psychedelic drugs don't make you see anything, when everything you see is pretty much a hallucination anyway...

>> No.6202223

Okay, we get it Jaden.

>> No.6202228

The actual dress may be blue but that doesn't mean that it's blue in the picture.

>> No.6202232


Did any of you see this article?


>> No.6202233

It's grey and brown

I am a robot

>> No.6202239

>all this white and gold fags

This is actually a study on people's willingness to keep the joke alive, isn't it?

>> No.6202245

I can see how it's white and gold but there is too much yellow light for it to be shaded dark
It's black and blue

>> No.6202254
File: 120 KB, 626x960, d 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

false prophets would lead you to believe this is white/gold, and you would have to believe the entirety of this dress is being shadowed from the warm lighting, but that's clearly not the case. not at all! the blue (as it appears in the picture) should fade to white on the edges, and the blackened-gold (" ") color would become considerably brighter, more golden, as well. it's simply a blue/black dress, with horrible camera settings for the brightness of the room, under warm lighting.

>> No.6202260

hexadecimal code gives very very light blue and a shade of brown

White/Gold fags are objectively more correct.

>> No.6202269

The dress is blue/black in reality so that is objectively correct.

Alternating between >>6201839 and >>6202254
makes me see the dress as white/gold and blue/black.

It's a fun optical illusion where your mind takes context clues and fills in the blanks. People need to stop getting so pissy over it.

>> No.6202272

The closest i can do to black and blue is the white takes on a lavender tint if i squint at it

thats about it

>> No.6202276

>tfw you try to go to /lit/ to escape this pedantic bullshit and find it at the top of the page

lol illusions amirite! xD
Check out this trippy rabbit or old lady picture lmao I'm team rabbit. old lady team is plebs lol

>> No.6202280

>The dress is blue/black in reality so that is objectively correct.
No it isn't. The question isn't 'what color is the dress?' the question is 'what color is the dress in this image?'

>> No.6202285

what question?

>> No.6202288
File: 346 KB, 1366x768, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's fucking yellow, holy shit

>> No.6202291

Why isn't there anyone wearing this dress?

Yellow's just a matter of perception, sir.

>> No.6202295

The question of color that everyone be asking.

>> No.6202296

Sup hume?

>> No.6202298

They don't think it be like it is, but it blue.

>> No.6202305

>in this image
No one give a fuck. It was taken by a shitty phone in poor lighting. The actual RGB values are meaningless.

>> No.6202307


But personal perception of the dress' color isn't static. I've heard several reports from friends now that one moment they see black/blue, the next gold/white. Apparently being drunk helps.

>> No.6202313
File: 94 KB, 632x355, zizek bw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"As the modern society makes an irrelevant picture important, we discover that ideology is in all their minds, thus discussing what colour is this dress. I think that is similar to the Cavern Myth of Plato. I think, my friends, we can acknowledge that this is pure ideology and so on and so on."

>> No.6202316
File: 2.23 MB, 3264x2448, zizek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cavern Myth

>> No.6202327
File: 99 KB, 820x496, blacknblue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no you mongoloid

>> No.6202329

>yellow light on reflective fabric
It' ain't gold/yellow

>> No.6202337
File: 11 KB, 200x200, catfeel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no matter what i can't bring myself to see it as black and blue

>> No.6202346
File: 43 KB, 450x532, thank_you_comrade_tito.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zizek memes are class propaganda by the enemy with the intent of de-legitimizing a radical figure

>> No.6202347

Go to bed and look at it when you wake up. Seems to work for most people.

>> No.6202348

It's because the dress in the picture looks light blue and golden (or dark yellow, even brown). That picture has shit quality and the light is ruining it. There's another picture with good quality and it shows that the dress is black and blue.

>> No.6202350

Thank you Comrade Tito

>> No.6202353

I won't have closure until I see it for myself in real life. Which will probably be never.

>> No.6202356

Thank you Comrade Tito

>> No.6202357

Search on the internet. There's a good picture of the dress. Is fucking black and blue.
Yes, I don't see it black and blue in that shitty picture, and probably the people who say it's black and blue know about the shit quality of the photo, so they say it's black and blue or black and white since the white colour looks blue when there is light.

>> No.6202368

>leftists need others to de-legitimize them

>> No.6202369

they are just memes. Retards who think they are true, well, are retards.

>> No.6202371
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>> No.6202409
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>not happiness

>> No.6202494

fucking this Jesus Christ. fucking spergs just don't want to be wrong so they say hurr black and blue but the picture clearly shows a dress with white and gold colors

>> No.6202497

>Yellow's just a matter of perception, sir.
no yellow is a collection of specific frequencies of visible light. it is objective

>> No.6202505

I come home and there's a picture of a dress on every board. Why.

>> No.6202517
File: 22 KB, 348x286, Kuhn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What we're observing here is a paradigm shift.

>> No.6202547

So is blue

>> No.6202550

and the picture isn't blue

>> No.6202553


It has to do with perception of lighting. Some people see it as a black and blue dress lit by fluorescent yellow light and some see it as a gold and white dress lit by natural lighting. If you argue about this dress you are a literal retard, it's like arguing about which way the dancer spins in that stupid optical illusion.

>> No.6202556
File: 1.99 MB, 600x338, turtles can dance.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you Comrade Tito